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The Holistic Psychiatrist

Author: Alice W. Lee, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM

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The Holistic Psychiatrist podcast is the place for insights, information, and inspiration on holistic mental health. Discover critical information on safe, effective psychiatric medication withdrawal. Learn to apply easy energy medicine techniques that can help heal effortlessly from traumas, toxins, and infections. Understand which nutritional supplements and detoxification products are useful and why. Explore new ideas that enlighten and expand the mind from cutting-edge authors and experts. Hear from former patients as they share their miraculous healing journeys. Holistic medicine doesn’t need to remain a mystery. 

Your host, Alice W. Lee, MD, combines 10 years of medical training, 35 years in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry, and 22 years in holistic and integrative psychiatry to distill and simplify the nutritional, orthomolecular, functional, and energy medicine information you need to help you build your well-being from the thought up. The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.

102 Episodes
How to Achieve Abundant Finances and Fulfilling RelationshipsCreating abundance may be easier than you think when we use energy healing techniques to help us bring abundance into our lives. This recording was created for my patients and now it's freely available to you as well. I think we all need a little more abundance in our lives, don't you?The root of scarcity comes from feeling that we are “not enough.” Healing this belief is at the root of transforming patterns in our lives that l...
In this EET Healing Series, I share an EET template to help with hypersensitivity reactions to nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. I also include other innate, natural molecules that sometimes end up with hypersensitivity reactions. When the immune system becomes hypersensitized to nutrients, we can experience intense, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress that can be disabling and resistent to conventional treatment. What causes hypersensitivity to nutrients?What positive ...
Today's recording walks you through the Empower Energy Technique (EET) to help you address the habit of bossing yourself around to get tasks done. It was an EET template used during one of my sessions with a patient that I think many people would benefit from healing within themselves.Many struggle with attention, focus, and organization long before being diagnosed with a mental health problem. That's because these functions are often the most sensitive to stress and show up long before depre...
Hello and welcome to the Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast!Our podcast today is about Tomi Mitchell, MD's upcoming book: The Soul-Sucking, Energy-Draining Life of a Physician: How to Live a Life of Service Without Losing Yourself. We discuss aspects of work that cause burnout among so many physicians and other professionals in stressful careers. Over the years, Dr. Mitchell has learned how to identify and address these work-related hazards to shield people from their negative effects and to help ...
Today's podcast provides a meditation directed toward healing problems with dysfunctional biorhythms and periodicity.What is periodicity? It means the quality, state, or fact of being regularly recurrent or having periods. It is an innate aspect of energy which carries a rhythmic quality that we detect in all vibrations.We can find periodicity and rhythm in almost every aspect of biological function: respiration, heart rate, heart rate variability, circadian rhythm, menstrual cycle, blood sug...
Episode 3 of The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series: Healing from Dependency on Psychiatric MedicationsI am excited to start The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series which share the EETs that I've done over the years with my patients that have been particularly useful for my patients and can be universally helpful for others.To start this series, I've created three different YouTube videos and podcasts. The first is a brief introduction to EET and will walk you through an ...
Episode 2 of The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series: Healing from Emotionally Immature ParentsI am excited to start The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series which share the EETs that I've done over the years with my patients that have been particularly useful for my patients and can be universally helpful for others.To start this series, I've created three different YouTube videos and podcasts. The first is a brief introduction to EET and will walk you through an EET ...
Introduction to The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series: Healing from Negative Self-Judgment and Back PainI am excited to start The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series which share the EETs that I've done over the years with my patients that have been particularly useful for my patients and can be universally helpful for others.To start this series, I've created three different YouTube videos and podcasts. The first is a brief introduction to EET and will walk you through a...
For too long mental illness has been confined to brain health and neurotransmitter management. Today's conversation shifts the focus on the important impact of nutrition on mental health. Dr. Cori Stern shares her personal healing journey. In addition, I ask Dr. Stern some tough questions about how to handle all the many challenges that interfere with improving our diets.Her enlightened and compassionate approach provides practical ways that nutritional counseling can help an individual imple...
Michael Gurevich, MD, a holistic psychiatrist with decades of holistic experience practicing in Glen Cove, New York, shares his unique and valuable expertise on Trauma Resolution Therapy, an effective method for helping people resolve traumas rapidly and effectively. Learn what caused Dr. Gurevich to turn to alternative techniques to help his psychiatric patients and how Trauma Resolution Therapy became a powerful tool for recovery in his practice. In this podcast, he shares an amazing v...
Through my energy medicine training, I have learned to use energy testing techniques to assess patients' function. From my testing results, I have come to believe that many of my patients have difficulty with detoxification beyond the typical issues with methylation due to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).They also struggle with inadequate metabolic pathways involving glutathione and/or metallothionein. Glutathione helps with the detoxification of chemicals such as medications and metal...
Building well-being from the thought up may be a novel idea, but as a holistic clinician, I've found the approach very versatile and helpful--not just in terms of psychotherapeutic benefits but as a way to support the physical healing process.This podcast provides a tool to help those whose endocannabinoid system (ECS) had been undermined by repeated exposure to marijuana or CBD/THC compounds. None of these products provide bioidentical cannabinoids and may undermine the body's production of ...
Energy medicine can be applied to a wide variety of problems. However, instead of using a pill or machine, energy medicine uses focus, thoughts, intentions, words, and imagery to resolve difficult problems. Its healing potential is supported by true beliefs, receptivity, and gratitude.In this podcast, I share a short recording of an energy-healing session aimed at resolving cigarette addiction. You may focus on other addictive substances you wish to resolve as the recording progresses. D...
Being a parent is often a challenge. However, being a parent to someone with recurrent mental illness is like being Ethan Hunt in a Mission Impossible movie. How do parents meet the needs of a beloved family member for safety, nurturing, and growth over their lifetime? Mary, a highly accomplished and loving mother, shares her accumulated wisdom from over twenty years of supporting her son through his recurring mental health issues. Today’s podcast provides practical advice on different w...
Interview with Author Russell Kramer on his podcast, Visitors at the Temple.Russell Kramer, the new author of Hocus Focus: Coming of Age With ADD and Its Medicines, interviews me on his podcast, Visitors at the Temple, about my experiences with using Zoloft and withdrawal from it. I had the honor of writing the forward for his insightful and courageous book. In this podcast, we share intimate details about how the use of psychiatric medication influenced and changed us. Also, we reflect on li...
Since my presentation of Empower Energy Technique (EET) on June 4, 2023 during the ACEP conference, I've been curious about how well EET has been working out for them.I've heard from several skilled energy medicine practitioners who began applying EET in their practices. One of them who emailed me about his use of EET is Mark Bottinick, LCSW, who has been using energy medicine techniques since the 1990s and was the first person who taught me Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).He's been using E...
Why it’s important: The endocrine system and the nervous system are two of the most important messenger systems in our bodies. They have tremendous influence over our emotions, energy levels, and cognition. Supporting and healing these systems may be difficult without a good understanding of energy medicine. Dr. Mary Sanders, a chiropractor and medical intuitive, shares wisdom she gained on her own healing journey and insights on the underlying causes of endocrine dysfunction. She will discus...
If supplements are good for you and provide natural support for your healing process, why do they sometimes create adverse side effects? Dr. Alice Lee explores eight common reasons for this mysterious and difficult-to-understand phenomenon. Sometimes, negative side effects may have nothing to do with the supplements but more to do with the person's condition. Listen to this important podcast before you throw away that expensive bottle of vitamins!Click here to listen to all of The Holistic Ps...
Sometimes psychiatrists reach for psychiatric medications to treat people who are socially different and struggling with their place in the world. When in kindergarten, Kiki tested at the college level. However, she was pressured to socialize and not skip any grades. She also struggled with Autism spectrum disorder and identified as being queer. Growing up in a conservative Christian community made it even more difficult for her to fit in.Between 1996 to 2009, Kiki was diagnosed with bipolar ...
Why It’s Important: ADD/ADHD is a common diagnosis that routinely leads to the use of stimulants to reduce symptoms. How well does this treatment work? Dr. Lee talks with Russell who used a holistic approach to resolve his symptoms.He shares his perspective and experiences as a child who took stimulants for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD) and how he found a way to thrive without being medicated. He also discusses his book, which chronicles his experiences with ADHD, and his evolving rel...