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Kingdom Culture Conversations

Author: Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative from Northwest Christian School

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What would happen if we all came together to truly pray "Thy Kingdom come"? What would the world look like? How different would the culture be from the culture of the world today? Northwest Christian School in Phoenix, Arizona is pleased to present "Kingdom Culture Conversations" as part of Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative launched by the school. Northwest Christian uses God's word to address the issues that are confounding the culture in which our students are living: gender, race, the sanctity of life, sexuality, and more. Within each episode, recognized experts on these issues discuss the ramifications of holding to a Christian worldview during a time of cultural upheaval and work to equip students to understand and address the issues. Subscribe now! Upcoming episodes will feature crucial conversations with religious liberty attorney Erik Stanley, Cathi Herrod of the Center for Arizona Policy, Arizona gubernatorial candidate and current state treasurer Kimberly Yee, Matt Beienburg of The Goldwater Institute, and many others...
342 Episodes
From posts in schools like Phoenix Seminary and Arizona Christian University, author and professor Dr. John DelHousaye has championed extensive research and academic study in what most would consider to be critical areas of understanding for Christ followers: Jesus Christ, the gospels, the patristics, mysticism, rhetoric, and spiritual formation. In today's episode of Kingdom Culture Conversation, the second of two parts, DelHousaye begins de-mystifying these critical subjects, un...
From posts in schools like Phoenix Seminary and Arizona Christian University, author and professor Dr. John DelHousaye has championed extensive research and academic study in what most would consider to be critical areas of understanding for Christ followers: Jesus Christ, the gospels, the patristics, mysticism, rhetoric, and spiritual formation. In today's episode of Kingdom Culture Conversation, the first of two parts, DelHousaye begins de-mystifying these critical subjects, unc...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, the conversation, centered on the Psalms, pulls i...
Avatar broke all the box office records. And, this Christmas, we will launch into the first of five scheduled sequels: Avatar 2: The Way of Water.But, as we'll learn today, secular media have dubbed James Cameron (Titanic, Terminator, Avatar), the director and producer, as "Pastor Cameron" and Avatar has been described as a big budget "sermon".If that is the case, what is it that James Cameron is preaching? What sermon is being delivered through the Avatar movies?In to...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, we enjoy a conversation, regarding their favorite Psalm...
Uh oh. We have finally done it. We kicked the hornet's nest.The Harry Potter books and movies may very well be the biggest cross-genre franchise in the history of publishing. And, the titular character, a budding adolescent wizard, has become beloved by both Christians and non-Christians alike.But, is he safe? Should Christians be watching or reading Harry Potter movies and books?In today's Kingdom Culture Conversation, we are joined by Marcia Montenegro, a former New ...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, we enjoy a conversation, regarding their favorite Psalm...
It's one of the first things that we learn when we study worldview...everyone, whether they know it or not, has a worldview. And, as a result, we all carry an intrinsic bias, a predisposition, into our lives. Each decision we make. Each piece of communication we produce. Each question we answer. Our worldview is reflected in them all.So, to ask the question, "Does Disney have an agenda?" is somewhat ingenuine. We know they do. But, what is it?Perhaps ...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, we enjoy a conversation, regarding their favorite Psalm...
Ellie Cunningham, the Women's Ministry Director at CalvaryPHX, returns to Kingdom Culture Conversations to engage a simple, but difficult, question that nags at us all at one point or another: Why?Why does God allow hard things to unfold in the lives of His children? Why is the Christian walk so difficult? Why must the road be so narrow?Ellie's answers may surprise you!To participate in the teaching, "How to Find Hope in the Hard Questions", that is referenced in today's epi...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, we enjoy a conversation, regarding their favorite Psalm...
It's a question that is increasingly being asked within the field of education and beyond. Have we reached a point within our culture in which it is now time to do away with grades and academic marks of any sort?As related in a recent article from the Los Angeles Times which relates that two of California's largest school districts--Los Angeles Unified and San Diego Unified--have radically restructured student feedback mechanisms and are, believe it or not, moving towards the eliminatio...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, we enjoy a conversation, regarding their favorite Psalm...
Hybridized education. Online education. Blended education. On-the-ground education.There is a growing menu of learning options that are available to families. What do each of these options mean? How do I know which is best?In today's far-reaching Kingdom Culture Conversation, Samantha Maszton and Jessica Gake, both of Northwest Christian, dissect the options and plainly lay out what each of these looks like and how to determine the best option for you and your fa...
It's a love/hate relationship.On the one hand, there are some that love online education. On the other, there are those that despise, insisting that on-the-ground education is the clearly superior option.Perhaps, however, the truth is that we have reached a point within contemporary culture in which the two are now inseparable.Today's Kingdom Culture Conversation brings together two of the primary drivers behind Northwest Christian School's growing online program. As part of that ...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, we enjoy a conversation, regarding their favorite Psalm...
No matter how passionate you may be about pro-life causes, the numbers do not lie.For years, abortion providers have been targeted on a spectrum of aggressiveness. The National Abortion Federation reports more than 176,000 instances of picketing at clinics (and nearly 34,000 arrests) since 1977. It has documented more than 16,000 reported cases of hate mail or harassing phone calls, over 1,500 acts of vandalism and 400 death threats. ( pro-life protests and demonstrations, often tak...
Disaster tourism. Creating dependency. Robbing dignity. Exacerbating racial divides. The detractor's list of criticisms for short term missions trips is long. Is there any virtue to be found in short term missions trips?As today's podcast hits, there is a team of teachers and students from Northwest Christian that is on the ground at the City of Joy in Rwanda. And, serving alongside them is Jon Coughlin, the director of City of Joy. In advance of that...
As part of a Frameworks tradition, Throwback Thursdays represent our occasional forays into the past. In this iteration of Throwback Thursdays, we're going back several years to a summer reading series--spent in the Psalms--in which various staff and faculty of Northwest Christian enjoyed Kingdom Culture Conversations with the pastors from their own churches--sharing and talking about their own respective favorite Psalms.This week, we enjoy a conversation, regarding their favorite Psalm...
To say that Ellie Cunningham "grew up in the church" is neither an exaggeration or a figure of speech. Quite literally, under the constant gaze--and, sometimes, scrutiny--of parishioners within one of the largest churches in the city, she experienced life in a fishbowl: her high's and low's were visible to all.But, even when the limelight shone on some of the hardest, most painful moments in her young life, the Holy Spirit was ceaselessly navigating her towards a very ...