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The Action Hour
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The Action Hour

Author: Jesse Simpson

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Welcome to the Action Hour! My name is Jesse Simpson and I believe there's never been a better time in the history of the world to be alive, but we must work together if we want humanity to survive. Our task right now is to come together, learn from each other and set our differences aside. In order to succeed, we must unite. My mission with this show is to bring you the insights, ideas and inspiration you need to radically level up your life. Overcome adversity, serve your community and change the course of history before we run out of time. Stories touch deep into the human experience and provide the action steps we need to take back our lives. Guests on this show are a mix of engaging experts and inspiring people from around the world who aim to bring out the best in you. These are ordinary people who have overcome extraordinary adversity and they want to help you do the same. If you've got the itch to act, now is the time. Allow the inspiring stories within this show to serve as your guide. This is the Action Hour! Join us in the fight for our lives.
56 Episodes
Sam grew up believing he was a burden to his family and used drugs, alcohol and partying to cover up his insecurities and fear. During an 8 year bender he ended up in jail more than 15 times and at rehab 6. He ostracized all his family and friends and eventually sank to a low point which led to a suicide attempt. After a fresh start in a new city, he started to acknowledge the toxic behaviors and limiting programs he had running his life. He decided to pursue his passion for personal training...
Becoming a Man

Becoming a Man


I'm taking ownership of my personal power, my purpose and really focusing on being present. I feel like I am stepping authentically into my definition of what it means to be a man. All of this on the backside of breakthrough conversation with my Dad. Every boy needs love and attention from a masculine figure.Without it little boys grow up stunted.The demasculinization of men in the modern world and prevalence of single moms is, I believe, a destabilizing force in our society.&n...
Rachel helps people uncover who they really are. A woman of many talents - entrepreneur, Kambo Practitioner, animal reiki healer, medicine woman, intuitive movement guide and more - she helps people build a relationship with their physical body. After struggling with anxiety and depression for years a divine intervention directed her to an ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica. Her focus on integrating her transformative psychedelic journey opened up a number of energetic gifts and revealed her emp...
Own Nothing. Be Happy.

Own Nothing. Be Happy.


Own nothing. Be happy. That's the promise for the year 2030 and it's a clear and present danger to the foundation of our democracy. The Agenda is clear, so is the means of getting us there. Tear down the world we're living in so it can be rebuilt by a billionaire class that wants total power and control of every area of your life. We've got a bumpy road ahead folks. Every single one of us will be affected.It is an imperative for you to start to trust those intuitive hits that have been poking...
Sebastian Hernandez is a U.S. Navy Veteran turned Self-Mastery Coach now on the path Shamanism. We get into his inspiring journey through it all starting off with Ayahuasca, Kambo and whats it like to work with Shamans. He drops the 3 most fundamental questions you must answer to live your best life, plus offers the 6 step process to help you live your highest purpose. This episode is so packed full of adventure and actionable advice and it is live. Buckle up and enjoy the ride! Connect with ...
I am calling forward the Collective to lay the Groundwork for Humans in Harmony.A network for the people by the people so we no longer rely on outdated systems and perceptions put in place to hold us back. The vision is to build a community, separate from and sustainable without the systems currently set in place. A template for the world where humans learn to live in harmony with themself, each other and the world around us. This is already happening with more and more sustain...
Jessica Gongora- the Conscious Zipporah - leads Sex Magic Workshops and Conscious Cannabis ceremonies to help people activate their sexual energy and connect with their Higher Self. After a handful of toxic relationships and abuse she was pushed to go on a journey to Colombia where she faced her anxieties, paranoia and panic attacks which led to a breakthrough on her path of inner healing.She has since traveled internationally facilitating ceremonies within Spiritual communities and at Retrea...
The future of the free world is built on community, crypto and consciousness. This is the new world we are moving into now. ⁣What's most important during this transition is that we find and build relationships with likeminded people.We contribute in meaningful ways to a community of others who want the same.⁣We’ll need each other in the new world more than ever. It’s time to invest in cryptocurrencies that will replace the failing financial system. ⁣These are not fads. They are...
Ryan Magic is a peak performance coach for heart-led entrepreneurs. After breaking free of severe anxiety as a teenager, Ryan learned how to embrace courage and develop confidence to make his first 6 figures in business by 19 years old, his first 7 figures by 22 years old and first 8 figures by 26 years old. He now adventures the world aligning, unlocking and unleashing beautiful human’s to their wildest dreams.We go through the ABC's of moving from your head to your heart, dive into courage,...
Hold the Line

Hold the Line


As an illegitimate world government continues to use fear to disconnect, divide and deceive us we are all being called to decide where we draw the line. We must decide if we will continue to let the lies perpetuated by paid off politicians and mainstream media push us into a state of confusion and panic, where we are easier to control..Or if we will come together as One Human Family born to be Free and Feel Fully Alive. I know where I Stand. My ask is that all Freedom Fighters - regardless of...
Ashley is an Integration Guide, Community Leader, and Author utilizing the most effective tools available to curb the mental health crisis today. She places a strong focus on the integration of indigenous medicines for healing and recovery. She's the founder of Elemental Growth - an integration collective at the forefront of the field, designed by nature and supported by her expertise in nutrition, coaching, hormone health, and energy work. We get into Ashley's journey of overcomin...
Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters


This is a message to all the Freedom Fighters. We're either working together or falling apart. We're either fighting for freedom or running from fear. We are either standing together, committed, and strong, by the love that unites us all...Or we are continuing to perpetuate a problem of fear and control put on us by the people who want us to fall. I believe the key to success for all the Freedom Fighters out there is for all of our forward action to come from a place of Love. From a plac...
Dr Shelly is a Sexual Trauma Facilitator, who leads people through her Shakti Synchronization and cannabis ceremonies to heal traumas, reset their nervous system, & reclaim Divinity. She facilitates womb and prostate healing and the Heart Warriors Sisterhood. She owned 4 chiropractic practices in 3 different countries, but gave it all up to facilitate plant medicine ceremonies.She drops so much value and wisdom in this episode. We get into all things sexuality, creativity and how to...
Come Alive

Come Alive


No one is coming to save us.We are it! As we move into this new year and the world continues to shift, I believe we are being called upon to own our gifts, to claim our power, to wake up to who we really are and what we are capable of. In order to do that, we must take complete and total responsibility for our life and results. Our results are a result of our behavior and our behavior is a result of our state of being. So, instead of looking for things outside of yourself ...
Ruby Fremon is a Transformational Coach, Leadership Mentor and Speaker who has helped thousands gain the confidence they need to lead their movements with integrity. She's an author (check out her new book Potent Leadership ) and the host of top-rated podcast “Potent Truth." Her work bridges the gap between practicality and spirituality, offering leaders an opportunity to create true inner-expansion. Ruby sees herself as an advocate for humanity, and uses her online presence to encourage her ...
The Awakening

The Awakening


If there’s anything we’ve learned from the last year it’s that life is too damn short. Life is too damn short to sit around and play small. Our freedoms can be taken away in the blink of an eye.So why wait to create what you want?Why not decide that this is the summer you finally stood up for yourself?We’ve been restricted and shut down for far too long, I think it’s time we take back our life. It doesn’t matter where you come from or how bad it’s been.It is never too late to ...
Justin Brien is a mental health advocate, inspirational speaker and a certified executive coach. Before taking back his life he had a 16 year long battle with addiction, 6 year long battle with suicidal ideation and a lifetime of depression. He credits finding his WHY and reaching out for help when all seemed lost to his recovery. He now speaks on mental health and addiction, created his own personal development program and coaches people through the The Stronger You Project.If you know someo...
The Way Forward

The Way Forward


Terror attacks sent us to 20 years of war abroad. Mass media, corporations and politicians used this as an opportunity to make money and manipulate the masses. They spread fear so they can control us. Now we are at war within ourselves and have turned against each other. The terrorists win if we keep harming ourselves here at home. The only way to take our power back is to spend the next 20 years healing ourselves and each other here at home.This is the opportunity of our generation. Everythi...
Christian de la Huerta is an award-winning Author, Personal Transformation Coach, and TEDx speaker.He's a retreat facilitator, relationships expert, spiritual coach, and leadership consultant that has dedicated his life to facilitating profound personal transformation.Christian's latest book, Awakening the Soul of Power, is a call for all of us to wake up to our full potential so we can create a world beyond our wildest dreams. Connect with Christian at on Facebook...
Had a recent bout of anger come out and I decided to dive in to see where it came from. Like most problems in our life, this one stemmed from an overall feeling of not being good enough. Instead of addressing it, I projected these negative feelings and insecurities onto someone I love. Freedom comes when we own these weaker parts of ourself craving attention and care. Through self compassion, forgiveness and care I can stop putting so much pressure on myself and start payi...