Life After Hurt Podcast

Life After Hurt Podcast
Author: Nicole N. Sweeney
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© 2025 Life After Hurt Podcast
This podcast serves to equip women with the self-investment tools needed to weather adversity and empower them to evolve and emerge victoriously.
Topics include:
*Traumatic Relationship Break-ups
*Narcissistic Relationships
*Healthy Boundaries
130 Episodes
Taking a risk is never easy when you are experiencing self-doubt. Here are three phrases you should NEVER LET GO of when you are doubting:1. Push past the DOUBT.2. Everything will work for your BENEFIT.3. Keep walking and moving FORWARD to obtain your BLESSING. Take the RISK!#lifeafterhurt #selfdoubt #overcomeselfdoubt #risk
When life begins to life, God will always do these two things:1. Send you a support system2. Restore you with so MUCH GOOD!Tune into today's episode to hear how God blessed Journee with a support system and restoration.
In a world where things are uncertain, unpredictable, and unsteady, I want to encourage you to:Hang in there. Trust. Believe. Have Faith. Things are going to work out for you.
Have you ever had the wind knocked out of your FAITH? Me too! Here are 5 simple things to do when LIFE knocks the WIND out of YOU.#Lifeafterhurt #hope #faith
Do you ever wonder if you are walking by FAITH? Do you know how to determine if you trust God for your heart's desires?Tune in to learn the three ways to know you are walking by faith. If you feel like you aren't, don't worry! You can always increase your faith. #lifeafterhurt #faith #walkbyfaith #lifeafterhurt #faith #walkbyfaith
There will be seasons in your life when God wants to take you to another level. Here's 3 ways to know when God is elevating your life. #Lifeafterhurt #elevation
Journee begins to see that there is more to her story than trauma. Tune in to learn the 3 ways to know that God has more in store after experiencing a traumatic event. #Lifeafterhurt #trauma #Godhasmore
Journee went out with Izzie and Justice. They all returned home. Journee laid down to rest, but found herself in her thoughts thinking about Khase and Gracie. Her thoughts were consuming and overwhelming. Her mind wasn't at ease. Tune in to find out 3 productive things to do to ease your mind when your thoughts are overwhelming. #Lifeafterhurt #podcastwednesday
Journee attended a party with her girls. She met a guy at the party and they had an instant connection. Should Journee jump into a relationship right after her break-up with Khase? How long do you think a person should wait after a break-up before getting into another relationship?Tune in to hear the three benefits of WAITING after a break-up before getting into another relationship. #Lifeafterhurt #podcast #Wednesdaypodcast #relationshipbreakup
Journee had to learn that happiness and positivity was her responsibility and not anyone else. If you are struggling with being happy and sustaining your own "positive vibes," tune in to learn how to make your own self happy. #LifeAfterHurt #Podcast #Wednesday
Journee had plenty of reasons to remain bitter. She could have held onto a broken heart and bitterness, but she decided to let bitterness go and enjoy her life. If you ever had your broken or shattered heart, it is easy to become bitter. But, you are so much better than the broken pieces caused by someone else. If you are struggling with a bitter heart, tune in to learn the 3 benefits of letting go of bitterness."#LifeAfterHurt #podcast #podcastWednesday #letgo #bitterness
Having someone turn their back on you is one thing. But having a loved one turn their back on you is a different kind of hurt. When some of my loved ones turned their backs on me, I did these three things to heal and move forward. If you've ever experienced a loved one turn their back on you, tune in to today's podcast episode and implement these three strategies. Remember, don't let anything stop you from your healing and freedom.
Journee's faith was being tested in her relationships, finances, and career. Life was making her question if anything would ever get better for her. In life, your faith will be TESTED. If you don't know how to keep your faith in tact, tune in to learn 3 simple ways to keep your faith. Remember, all it takes is one act of obedience and yes. #LifeAfterHurt #podcastWednesday #faith #tested #obedience #faith
Journee has been going through HELL. But, somehow, she's able to keep your peace. When life hands up unexpected twists and turns, one of the most important things you will need to hold on to is PEACE. Tune into today's episode to tune in about the three ways I held onto my peace when life got shaky. #LifeAfterHurt #podcast #Wednesday #peace
Journee had to fight her way out of depression after things ended between her and Khase. She was in a dark space and didn't have the answers on how to get out of her mental and emotional slump. If you've gone through a recent break-up or your heart is broken, tune in to hear about the 3 ways to identify if you're depressed and how to heal. If you are having these feelings, please see a medical professional for further assessment.
I've discovered relationship endings are extremely difficult to deal with let alone an ex trying to smear your name. Have you ever had an EX try to tarnish your name, character, and reputation AFTER y'all broke up? Or did they ever create SUBS (subliminal posts) to get a reaction out of you?I went through that during a season in my life. It took every ounce of my strength not to feed into it. Tune in to hear the three things I did to ignore subliminal messages made by my EX. #...
Have you ever been in a space where you just didn't know what was going on with you emotionally and mentally or you just couldn't pinpoint the feelings you were having?Tune in to learn the three ways to help you identify your mental and emotional state in order to heal.#Lifeafterhurt #mentalspace #emotionalspace #podcast #Wendnesdaypodcast
When Journee returned from her girls trip, she found out some disappointing news from Izzie. Of course the news involved Khase. Tune in to learn the 3 ways you can show up better for yourself. #LifeAfterHurt #Podcast #podcastWednesday #showupforyourself
Journee had a chance to get away and spend some time with her friends. She was surrounded by a healthy group of friends and was encouraged by her sisterhood. It was great for Journee to have a set of friends that encouraged and uplifted her. Tune in to learn the 3 ways to know if you have a healthy SUPPORT SYSTEM. #lifeafterhurt #healthy #supportsystem
Journee was getting discouraged. She kept getting NO's. Do you feel like you've been getting NO's. Tune into today's episode to learn the 3 reasons why you may keep getting "NO."
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