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周日:level 4短文 一篇


840 Episodes
21.Will you please be here early?请问你能早些来吗?I'll try.我尽量。22.Where do you think you are going?你这是要去哪里?I'm leaving.我要离开了。23.Did I make it in time?我完成得及时吗?You've done it!你做到了!24.Is there anything more I can do for you?你还需要别的服务吗?You're the best.你是最好的。25.Would you like some wine?你想喝点儿红酒吗?I never drink.我从不喝酒。26.Thank you for the help.谢谢你的帮助。It's no bother.不客气。27.What are we doing with the bill?我们怎么付账?Let's split it.咱们一人一半吧。28.I made it!我做到了!We're so proud of you.我们为你感到骄傲。29.Do you think I could come and visit this weekend?这周末我能过来拜访吗?It's about time.可以的。30.What should I do with your coffee?你的咖啡怎么办?Bring it to me.请给我端过来。
听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 67661.Diagramn.图表,图解;几何图形v.用图表示Let me explain it with a diagram.让我用一张图表来解释一下。Would you like me draw you a diagram of the system?你想让我给你画一张系统图吗?662.Diamondn.钻石;菱形;(纸牌的)方块He bought her a diamond ring.他给她买了一枚钻石戒指。663.Diaryn.日记Keeping a diary is a good habit.记日记是个好习惯。She has kept a diary for 3 years.她写日记已有3年了。It's fun to read my old diary.读我的旧日记很有趣。664.Dictionaryn.字典,词典;双语词典This dictionary has about 40,000 entries.这本词典有大约40,000个条目。I keep a dictionary beside me when I'm doing crosswords.我在做填字游戏的时候会在身边放一本字典。665.Diev.死亡;消失,灭亡Are they going to die?他们会死吗?He will certainly die if you don't call a doctor.如果你不打电话给医生,他肯定会死的。666.Dien.规定饮食;日常饮食v.节食adj.低脂的,低糖的You need to vary the diet.你需要改变饮食。She went on an extreme diet.她过着极端的饮食习惯。You have to go on a strict diet to lose weight.你必须严格饮食才能减肥。667.Differencen.差异,不同之处;差额;分歧I don't see any significant difference.我看不出有什么显著的区别。Do you think it'll make a difference?你认为这会有所作为吗?Can you tell the difference between these two pictures?你能分辨出这两张照片的区别吗?668.Differentadj.不同的;分别的;与众不同的I tried many different methods.我尝试了许多不同的方法。My opinion is entirely different from yours.我的看法与你的看法完全不同。This factory produces over 20 different kinds of product.这家工厂生产20多种不同种类的产品。669.Differentlyadv.不同地I now view life differently than l used to.我现在对生活的看法与以前不同。670.Difficultadj.困难的,费力的;不友好的,难对付的It turned out to be awfully difficult.事实证明这非常困难。It was much more difficult than l initially thought.这比我最初想象的要困难得多。Initially I found it difficult to deal with my new environment.起初我发现很难适应我的新环境。
00:00 2005年英语专业四级 短文101:27 2005年英语专业四级 短文202:58 2005年英语专业四级 短文32005年英语专业四级 短文1Attention all passengers, platform change, this is a platform change.各位乘客注意,火车停靠站台改变,火车停靠站台改变。The train, now standing at platform 9, is the 10:48 train, calling at all stations to Nanjing.现在停在九号站台的这列火车,是10:48分出发的火车,它会在通往南京的所有站做停留。Please note, the train on platform 9 is not the 10:52 train to Jinan.请注意,停在九号站台的火车并不是10:52分开往济南的火车。It's the 10:48 train calling at all stations to Nanjing.这是10:48分出发,在通往南京所有站做停留的火车。The 10:52 to Jinan will now leave from platform 7.10:52开往济南的火车即将从七站台出发。Train announcement.列车到发通告。The 11:20 train to Zhengzhou from platform 8 will be subject to a 15-minute delay.11:20从八号站台开往郑州的列车晚点15分钟。I repeat, there will be a 15- minute delay for the Zhengzhou train on platform 8 .It will now leave at 11:35, not 11:20.再次重复,八号站台开往郑州的列车晚点15分钟。11:35列车开动,不是11:20。The 11:28 train to Hangzhou has been cancelled.11:28开往杭州的火车已经取消。We apologize to customers, but due to a signal problem, the 11:28 train to Hangzhou from platform 15 has been cancelled.我们向您道歉,由于信号问题,11:28从十五号站台开往杭州的列车已经取消。The 11:32 train to Tianjin is now standing at platform 13.11:32开往天津的火车现在停靠在十三号站台。Please note, there will be no restaurant car on this train. I repeat, there will be no restaurant car on the 11:32 to Tianjin now standing at platform 13.请注意,这列火车上没有餐车。再次重复,现在停靠在13号站台,11:32开往天津的火车上没有餐车。2005年英语专业四级 短文2The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988国际红十字会和红新月博物馆于1988年在日内瓦开幕。It tells the story of men and women who, in the course of the major events of the last 150 years, have given assistance to victims of war and natural disasters.它讲述了在过去150年的重大事件中,为战争和自然灾害受害者提供援助的男男女女的故事。The organization was established in 1863 and was based on an idea by a Swiss businessman called Henri Durant.该组织成立于1863年,由瑞士商人亨利·杜南创建。He had witnessed the heavy casualties at the battle of Sulferino in Italy 4 years earlier, in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing.四年前,他看到了意大利索尔费里诺战役的惨重伤亡,那场战役造成4万人死亡、受伤或失踪。He had seen the lack of medical services and the great suffering of many of the wounded who simply died from lack of care.他看到了医疗服务的缺乏以及因为缺乏医疗而死亡的大量伤员的巨大痛苦。The International Red Cross or Red Crescent exists to help the victims of conflicts and disasters regardless of their nationalities.国际红十字会或红新月博物馆的存在是为了帮助冲突和灾难的受害者,不论他们的国籍是什么。The symbol of the organization was originally just the red cross.该组织的象征最初只是红十字会。It has no religious significance.没有宗教意义。The founders of the movement adopted it as a tribute to Switzerland.该组织的创始人将它作为对瑞士的致敬。However,during the Russo-Turkish War, the Turks felt that the cross could be seen as offensive to Muslim soldiers.然而,在俄土战争期间,土耳其人认为十字架是对穆斯林士兵的冒犯。And a second symbol, the red crescent, was adopted for use by national organizations in the Islamic world. Both are now official symbols.第二个标志红新月,为伊斯兰世界的国家组织所采用。现在两者都是官方标志。2005年英语专业四级 短文3At major college or high school sports events, cheerleaders, both male and female,jump and dance in front of the crowd, and shout the name of their team, running around and yelling "Go, team, Go"在主要的大学或高中体育赛事中,啦啦队队长,无论男女,都要在人群前蹦蹦跳跳,喊出自己球队的名字,到处跑,喊着“加油,球队,加油”。The first cheerleader ever was a man.第一个啦啦队队长是一个男人。In 1898, John Campbell jumped in front of the crowd at the University of Minnesota and shouted for his team.1898年,约翰·坎贝尔在明尼苏达大学的人群前跳下,为他的球队呐喊。He shouted "Hoorah, Minnesota". This was the first organized shout, oryell.他喊道“万岁,明尼苏达大学”。这是第一次有组织的喊叫或呐喊。For the next 32 years cheerleaders were men only.在接下来的32年里,啦啦队员只有男性。Cheerleading is not just about cheering. They practice special shouts, dances, and athletic shows.啦啦队不仅仅是为了欢呼。他们练习特殊的喊叫声、舞蹈和体育表演。The men throw the women high in the air and catch them.男人把女人抛向空中,然后抓住她们。The team members climb on each other's shoulders to make a human pyramid.队员们爬上彼此的肩膀,形成一个金字塔。They yell and dance, too. It is like human fireworks.他们喊啊,叫啊,舞啊,那激情如烟花般四射。Of course, they may often suffer serious knee and wrist injuries, and bloody noses.当然,他们可能经常遭受严重的膝盖和手腕受伤,流鼻血。Cheerleaders have their own contests every year at local, state and national levels.拉拉队长每年在地方、州和国家都有自己的比赛。And the crowd shouts for them.群众为他们呼喊。It is not fair to think cheerleading is just being cheerful and lively and having aloud voice.把啦啦队看作娱乐,维持现场气氛活跃,保持声音响亮的手段是不公平的。Cheerleading is a sport in itself.啦啦队本身就是一项运动。
Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 10: The EndThe pirates thought about the treasure and they were happy.They ate their breakfast quickly and we all started to walk along the beach.'We must go this way, and look for a tall tree,'said Silver.There were a lot of tall trees on the island and the pirates ran to look at all of them.Then one of the pirates said, 'Here!'Near a tree was a dead man.'He was a sailor,' said one of the pirates. 'Look at his jacket! But what's he doing here? When did he die?''Flint killed him years ago,' said Silver. 'He's showing us the way to the treasure. Follow his arm.Come on! This way.'The pirates followed quietly. They were afraid. We climbed a hill, then we sat down.Suddenly we heard singing.'It's Flint!' said one man, his face very white.'No,' said Silver.'Not Flint. Flint's dead. Remember the treasure, my boys, and don't be afraid!'But all the pirates had white faces.Silver listened carefully to the singing.'That's not Flint!' he said. 'It's ... it's Ben Gunn! We're not afraid of Ben Gunn!'The singing stopped and we moved on.After twenty minutes,we saw a very big tree on top of a hill.The pirates started to run.But they did not find any treasure.Under the tree they found an old box.There was nothing init.Flint's treasure was not there.For a long time, the six pirates sat and said nothing.Then Silver turned to me.'Be very careful,Jim,' he said quietly. 'These men are dangerous.'He gave me a gun.The pirates looked at us and we looked back at them.Suddenly, from the trees, guns started to shoot.Two of the pirates dropped to the ground and the other three ran away.The doctor and Ben Gunn ran out of the trees and started to run after the pirates.'They can't getaway,' said Silver. 'And you, Ben Gunn, what are you doing here?''Ben found the treasure a long time ago,' said the doctor. 'He moved it to his home on the island. So I gave the pirates Flint's map and we left the house and went to stay with Ben.'We took one of the pirate's boats, and broke the other.'The pirates haven't got a boat now,' said the doctor. 'They can't follow us.'Then we went round the island to find the Hispaniola.At last, we found our ship and met Mr. Trelawney and Captain Smollett.'What are you doing here, John Silver?' asked the captain.'I'm here to help you,' said Silver.'Ah,' said the captain.I had a good dinner that night with all my friends.We were all happy.Silver ate and drank and smiled and laughed too.The next morning, we started to carry the treasure to the ship.We did not see the three pirates on the island.Three days later, we finished our work.We heard the pirates singing loudly, but we did not see them.We left some boxes of food for the pirates, and started across the sea to the nearest town.We were happy when we arrived there.And there Silver left us.We were in the town and he got away.He took some of the treasure with him, too.And so, after some weeks at sea, we arrived home with our treasure.I never wanted to go back to that island again.
11.Aren't I allowed to do that?我这样做不可以吗?That's against the contract.这样做违反合同规定。12.Are you ready for the presentation?你准备好做演示了吗?My heart is pounding.我的心怦怦跳。13.Do we all agree to it?大家都同意吗?I see no objection whatever.没有什么可反对的。14.Did you check my email?你收到我的邮件了吗?I'll check it out.我查一下。15.I have to finish this soon.我要尽快完成它。You don't have to hurry.你没必要着急。16.Will you sing for us?你能给我们唱支歌吗?Noway!不能!17.May I contact you again to follow up?我可以联系你了解后续吗?Keep in Touch.保持联系哦。18.Are we making too much noise?我们是不是太吵了?Cut it out!请安静!19.Have you heard of it?你听说过吗?That rings a bell.很耳熟。20.Do you like the choice I made for us?你赞成我为我们做的选择吗?I'm thrilled.我觉得很好。
听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 66651.Destructionn.破坏,摧毁The destruction of the ozone layer affects the environment.臭氧层的破坏会影响环境。We are trying to save the building from destruction.我们正在努力拯救这座建筑物免遭破坏。652.Detailn.细节;详情v.详细说明,详述I'm not concerned with the details.我不关心细节。I'll explain it in detail next week.下周我会详细解释的。We need to clarify a few details.我们需要澄清一些细节。653.Determinationn.决心,坚定;决定,裁定The key to success is determination.成功的关键是决心。Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.如果我的成功决心足够强烈,失败将永远不会超越我A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It take sweat, determination and hard work.梦想不会通过魔法变成现实。这需要汗水、决心和辛勤工作。654.Determinev.决定,控制;查明;下定决心We're still trying to determine what happened.我们还在努力确定发生了什么。The doctors couldn't determine the cause of death.医生无法确定死因。655.Determinedadj.下定决心的,坚定的v.决定;确定I am determined to give up smoking.我决心戒烟。The path to success is to take massive, determined action.成功之路是采取大规模、坚定的行动。The government is determined to tackle inflation.政府决心解决通货膨胀问题。656.Developv.成长,发育,发展;开发;出现We need to develop a new kind of energy.我们需要开发一种新的能源。He is planning to develop his business.他正计划发展自己的业务。657.Developmentn.成长;发展;开发,研制He contributed to the development to the city.他为这座城市的发展做出了贡献。Use your free time for self-development.利用你的空闲时间进行自我发展。658.Devicen.装置,设备;手段,方法Computer is an electronic device.计算机是一种电子设备。This is a very sophisticated device.这是一款非常复杂的设备。The device will be in production by the end of the year.该设备将于今年年底投入生产。659.Devotev.献身,致力;用于I want to devote more time to my family.我想花更多的时间陪伴我的家人。660.Devotedadj.挚爱的;热衷的v.献身,致力She's devoted to her family.她很爱她的家庭。He is a devoted husband.他是一位虔诚的丈夫。He devoted his whole life to science.他毕生致力于科学。
00:00 2005年英语专业四级 对话101:37 2005年英语专业四级 对话203:12 2005年英语专业四级 对话22005年英语专业四级 对话1Good morning, sit down please Mr. Johnson.早上好,请坐,约翰逊先生。Thank you, ma'am.谢谢你,女士。I have read your letter here. You seem to have done very well at school. Can you tell me something about your school work?我在这里读过你的信。你似乎在学校表现得很好。你能跟我讲讲你学校的工作吗?As you can see, my strongest subjects were art subjects. My best subject was history and my second best was geography. However, my favorite subject was math and the results I got in the math paper were quite reasonable.正如你所看到的,我最擅长的科目是艺术。我最好的科目是历史,其次是地理。然而,我最喜欢的科目是数学,我的数学论文相当不错。That's true. Now can you tell me why you think these subjects will help you in this job?这是真的。现在你能告诉我为什么你认为这些科目会对你的工作有帮助呢?Well,ma'am, I understand that you manufacture computers, prepare software and advise clients on how to use them. Is that right?嗯,女士,我知道你们生产电脑,准备软件,并向客户建议如何使用。是这样吗?That's right.是的。And I've been told that working with computers needs the logical mind rather than great skills in mathematics. That's especially true, I believe, when it comes to writing programs. So I think my results show that I have some ability in logic and in mathematics as well.有人说,与计算机打交道需要的是逻辑思维,而不是高超的数学技能。我相信,当涉及到编写程序时,这一点尤其正确。所以我认为我的科目成绩表明我在逻辑和数学方面也有一些能力。So you would like to write material for computers, would you?所以你想为电脑编写程序,是吗?Yes,ma'am, that's what interests me most about computers: writing programs. But I think the computer industry itself is still expanding enormously. I am sure that career prospects in the industry will be very good no matter what sort of job I went into.是的,女士,这就是我对计算机最感兴趣的地方:编写程序。但是我认为计算机产业本身仍在极大的扩张。我相信,无论我从事什么样的工作,这个行业的职业前景都会很好。I see. Well, thank you. I've enjoyed our talk, we'll be writing to you.我明白了。好,谢谢你。我很喜欢我们的谈话,我们会写信给你。Thank you ma'am. Good morning.谢谢你女士。早上好。2005年英语专业四级 对话2Excuse me, could I ask you some questions?打扰一下,我能问你几个问题吗?Of course.当然。I work for an advertising agency and I'm doing some research. It's for a new magazine, for people like you.我在一家广告公司工作,正在做一些研究。是为一本新杂志,正是为了像你一样的人。People like me? What do you mean?像我一样的人?是指什么意思?People between 25 and 35 years old.25到35岁的人。OK.这样啊。Right.Um, what do you do at the weekend?是的。嗯,你周末都做什么呢?Well,on Fridays my wife always goes to her exercises class, then she visits friends.嗯,星期五我妻子总是去健身班,然后再去拜访朋友。Don't you go out?你不出去吗?Not on Fridays. I never go out on Fridays. I stay at home and watch television.不是在星期五。我从来不在星期五出去。我呆在家里看电视。And on Saturdays?星期六呢?On Saturdays my wife and I always go sailing together.星期六我和妻子总是一起去航海。Really?真的吗?Mmm,We love it. We never miss it. And then in the evening we go out.嗯,我们喜欢航海。我们从来没有错过。晚上我们出去。Whereto?去哪里呢?Different places. We sometimes go and see friends, we sometimes go to the cinema or a restaurant, but we always go out on Saturday evenings.不同的地方。我们有时去看朋友,有时去电影院或餐馆,但我们总是在星期六晚上出去。I see. And now, Sunday? What happens on Sundays?我知道了。那么现在,星期日呢?星期日会发生什么事情吗?Nothing special. We often go for a walk and I always cook a big Sunday lunch.没什么特别的。我们经常出去散步,我总是在星期天做一顿丰盛的午餐。Oh, how often do you do the cooking?哦,你多久做一次饭?Um, twice a week, three times a week.嗯,一周两次或者三次。Thank you very much. All I need now are your personal details, your name, job,and soon. What's your surname?非常感谢。我现在需要你的个人资料,名字、工作等等。你的姓是什么?Robinson.罗宾逊。2005年英语专业四级 对话3Parcel Express, good morning. How can I help you?包裹快递,早上好。我能帮你什么忙吗?Good morning. I'm thinking of sending a parcel to New York next week. Can you tell me what the procedure is, please?早上好。我打算下星期寄一个包裹到纽约。你能告诉我手续吗?Certainly.When you ring us, we need the following information: the invoice address,that's probably your address, isn't it? And then, the pickup address if that's different. And a contact phone number.当然可以。环时,我们需要以下信息:收票人的地址,这可能是你的地址,不是吗?如果跟你的地址不同,还需要提货地址,还有一个联系电话。Just a moment, I'm taking notes. Phone number, right.请等一下,我在做笔记。电话号码,好的。Then we need the full name, address and phone number of the person you're sending the parcel to.然后我们需要收件人的全名、地址和电话号码。Ok,anything else?好的,还有别的吗?Yes,the weight and dimensions of the parcel. That's height, width and length. And the value of the goods and a full description.是的,包裹的重量和尺寸。还有高度、宽度和长度。以及商品的价值和详细的描述。Value,description.价值,描述。Yes, but don't seal the parcel. You need to leave it open so that the driver can check the contents when he collects it. After the recent bombing, the airlines said that we'd have to check.是的,但是不要封包裹。你需要把它打开,以便司机取件时检查包裹。最近的轰炸之后,航空公司说我们必须检查所有包裹。他们告诉我们必须这么做。Fine,now last question. How long will the parcel take to get to New York?好的,现在最后一个问题。这个包裹到纽约要多长时间?One to two working days. There are daily flights at midday. And if we collect the parcel from you at 10:15, then your parcel catches that flight and it'll arrive within 24 hours.一到两个工作日。中午有每日航班。如果我们10点15分收到你的包裹,你的包裹可以赶上那趟航班,24小时内就会到达。Right,thank you very much. You've been very helpful.好的,非常感谢。你真是帮了大忙。Not at all. Good-bye.不客气。拜拜。Good-bye. 拜拜。
Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 9: Silver Helped JimIt was now evening.'I must go back to the house now,' I thought. 'They're going to be angry with me, but I've got the ship.'So I left the ship and went happily back through the trees.I saw the house, and a big fire next to it.I moved on quietly through the trees and went into the house.It was dark and very quiet.'Everyone is sleeping,'I thought.Then somebody spoke.'Who's there?' he said.It was Long John Silver.Somebody brought alight.There were six pirates in the room.The other pirates were all dead.'So here's Jim,' said Long John Silver. 'Here to visit us. That's very nice ...'I said nothing.'So now you want to be a pirate, Jim,' Silver said. 'The captain and the doctor are angry with you,I know.''What's happening?' I asked.'Well, Jim,' said Silver. 'The ship's far away. Your friends left the house yesterday, and we're here now. And you, Jim, are you going to stay with us?''Let's kill him,' said one of the other pirates.'No,' said Silver.'I'm the captain. And I like this boy.'The other men were angry with Silver.They went away to talk about it together.'I want to help you,Jim,' said Silver quietly tome. 'But you must help me, too.'At last, the other pirates came back.They gave Silver some paper.It was black.'You aren't our captain now, John Silver,' one of the pirates said. 'We don't want you. And we don't want that boy.''Well,' said Silver. 'I have something you want. Look! And he showed them Mr.Trelawney's treasure map.''The doctor gave me this!' he said.The pirates were very excited and they all looked at the map.'Good old Silver!' they said. 'Good old Captain Silver!'The next morning the doctor came to the house.'Good morning, doctor,' said Long John. 'Look who's here!''Jim!' said the doctor. 'I want to talk to you. But first I must look at these men.''Now I want to talk to Jim, 'said the doctor after a few minutes.'No, you can't,'said one pirate.But Silver said, 'Yes,he can. You can speak to the boy, doctor.'The doctor turned tome.'Why are you with the pirates, Jim?' he asked sadly.'It was a mistake,' I said. 'They caught me here last night. But doctor, I've got the ship. It's in the North Inlet.''The ship! 'said the doctor.'Good boy!' he said.Then he turned to Silver.'Silver! Look after this boy. Perhaps I can help you later. Goodbye, Jim.'And the doctor left us.'And now, Jim,' said Silver, 'we're going to look for the treasure.'
1.Can you hand me the papers?能递给我纸吗?Here you go.给你。2.The airport is crowded.机场人好多。Keep an eye on this suitcase.看好这个行李箱。3.Would you like to join our athletics club?你想加入我们的运动俱乐部吗?I'm for it.我想。4.Where do you want to go?你想去哪里?It'sup to you.你说了算。5.I'm sorry for the inconvenience.很抱歉给你添了麻烦。It doesn't matter.没关系的。6.I just got hired!我被录用了!I'm glad to hear it.我为你感到高兴。7.Is the radio disturbing you?收音机吵到你了吗?Turn it off.请关掉它。8.Are you also glad I got the bonus?我中奖了,你为我感到高兴吗?I envy you.我简直嫉妒你呢。9.We have to work harder to win.我们要更努力地拼搏,争取胜利。That's the bottom line.必须如此。10.Is it going to rain?要下雨了吗?Yes,I'm afraid so.是的,恐怕是。
听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 65641.Desertn.沙漠,荒漠;荒凉的地方v.背弃,放弃The Sahara is a vast desert.撒哈拉沙漠是一片广阔的沙漠。Crossing that desert is dangerous.穿越那片沙漠很危险。They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.他们在沙漠中迷路了,死于口渴。642.Desertedadj.空旷的;被抛弃的;废弃的 v.离弃The school is quite deserted.学校已经空无一人了。I like walking alone on the deserted beach.我喜欢独自在荒凉的海滩上散步。643.Deservev.值得,应受I think I deserve a raise.我想我应该加薪。You deserve a higher salary.你应该得到更高的薪水。We want to help you because you deserve it.我们想帮你,因为你值得。644.Designn.设计,布局;设计艺术v.设计,制图She is studying interior design.她正在学习室内设计。I'mat college, studying graphic design.我在上大学,学习平面设计。645.Desiren.愿望,欲望,渴望v.渴望,想望I have no desire to stay here.我不想待在这里。My desire is to help you with this problem.我的愿望是帮助你解决这个问题。646.Deskn.书桌,办公桌,写字台We need to dust the desk.我们需要把桌子除尘。She found her purse under the desk.她在桌子底下找到了自己的钱包。This desk is designed for children.这张桌子是为儿童设计的。647.Desperateadj.拼命的;极需要的,渴望的;绝望的,无望的She'sin desperate need of money.她迫切需要钱。I know the situation is desperate.我知道情况非常严峻。We're desperate to find a solution.我们迫切希望找到解决方案。648.Desperatelyadv.绝望地,拼命地,不顾一切地;非常He tried desperately to get her attention.他拼命试图引起她的注意。We desperately need more money to help fund our project.我们迫切需要更多的资金来资助我们的项目。649.Despiteprep.尽管,即使;不由自主地,忍不住地I like him despite all his faults.尽管他有种种缺点,但我还是喜欢他。He refused to quit despite many obstacles.尽管遇到了许多障碍,他还是拒绝辞职。650Destroyv.破坏,毁灭;杀死,彻底打败,击溃We intend to destroy it.我们打算摧毁它。Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.不要让别人的行为破坏你内心的平静。
词汇提示1.heretics 异端2.savaged 激烈批评3.mugged 公开打劫4.tormentor 折磨者5.scapegoat 替罪羊6.marchers 抗议游行者7.Enlightenment 启蒙教育8.blasphemy 亵渎原文Salman Rushdie: 'Life Under Threat' (2)Out there where you are, in the rich and powerful and lucky west, has it really been so long since religions persecuted people, burning them as heretics,drowning them as witches, that you can't recognize religious persecution when you see it?The original metaphor has reasserted itself.I'm back in the balloon, asking for the right to live.What is my single life worth" Despair whispers in my ear: 'Not a lot.'But I refuse to give in to despair.I refuse to give in to despair because I've been shown love as well as hatred.I know that many people do care, and are appalled by the crazy, upside-down logic of the post-fatwa world, in which a single novelist can be accused of having savaged or 'mugged' a whole community, becoming its tormentor (instead of it starred and feathered victim) and the scapegoat for all its discontents.Many people do ask, for example: When a white pop-star-turned-Islamic-fanatic speaks approvingly about killing an Indian immigrant, how does the Indian immigrant end up being called the racist?Or,again: What minority is smaller and weaker than a minority of one?I refuse to give in to despair even though, for a thousand days and more, I've been put through a degree course in worthlessness, my own personal and specific worthlessness.My first teachers were the mobs marching down distant boulevards, baying for my blood, and finding, soon enough, their echoes on the English streets.I could not understand the force that makes parents hang murderous slogans around their children's necks.I have learned to understand it.It burns books and effigies and thinks itself holy.But at first, as I watched the marchers, I felt them trampling on my heart.Once again, however, I have been saved by instances of fair-mindedness, of goodness.Every time I learn that a reader somewhere has been touched by The Satanic Verses, moved and entertained and stimulated by it, it arouses deep feelings in me.And there are more and more such readers nowadays, my postbag tells me, readers(including Muslims) who are willing to give my burned, spurned child a fair hearing at long last.Sometimes I think that, one day, Muslims will be ashamed of what Muslims did in these times, will find the 'Rushdie affair' as improbable as the west now finds martyr-burning.One day they may agree that - as the European Enlightenment demonstrated- freedom of thought is precisely freedom from religious control, freedom from accusations of blasphemy.Maybe they'll agree, too, that the row over The Satanic Verses was at bottom an argument about who should have power over the grand narrative, the Story of Islam, and that power must belong equally to everyone.That even if my novel were incompetent, its attempt to retell the story would still be important.That if I've failed, others must succeed, because those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives, power to retell it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change,truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts.翻译萨尔曼·拉什迪:《生命受到威胁》(2)在你们所处的地方,在富裕、强大、幸运的西方,宗教迫害人们真的已经很久了吗,把他们当作异教徒烧死,把他们当作女巫淹死,以至于当你看到宗教迫害时,你都认不出来了?原来的比喻再次出现了。我又回到了气球里,要求生存的权利。我的单身生活值多少钱?”绝望在我耳边低语:“不值多少钱。”但我拒绝向绝望屈服。我拒绝向绝望屈服,因为我既被爱也被恨。我知道,很多人确实关心这个问题,并对法特瓦后世界的疯狂、颠倒的逻辑感到震惊,在这个世界上,一个小说家就可能被指控蹂躏或“抢劫”了整个社会,成为它的折磨者(而不是被涂上焦油和羽毛的受害者),成为所有不满的替罪羊。例如,很多人确实会问:当一个白人流行歌星出身的伊斯兰狂热分子赞许地说要杀死一名印度移民时,为什么印度移民最终会被称为种族主义者?又或者:哪个少数群体比一个人的少数群体更小更弱?我拒绝向绝望屈服,即使在过去的一千多天里,我已经完成了一个关于毫无价值的学位课程,我个人的和特定的毫无价值。我的启蒙老师是那些在远处林荫大道上游行的暴徒,他们叫嚷着要我的血,很快,他们就在英国的街道上找到了回声。我无法理解是什么力量让父母把杀人的标语挂在孩子的脖子上。我已经学会了理解它。它焚烧书籍和雕像,认为自己是神圣的。但起初,当我看着游行队伍时,我感到他们在践踏我的心。然而,我又一次被公正和善良的事例所拯救。每当我得知某个地方的读者被《撒旦诗篇》所感动,被它所感动,被它所娱乐,被它所刺激,我的内心就会产生深深的感情。现在有越来越多这样的读者,我的邮袋告诉我,读者(包括穆斯林)终于愿意给我那个被烧伤、被抛弃的孩子一个公平的机会。有时我想,总有一天,穆斯林会为自己在这段时间里所做的事感到羞愧,会发现“拉什迪事件”就像西方现在认为焚烧烈士一样不可能。有一天,他们可能会同意——正如欧洲启蒙运动所证明的那样——思想自由正是不受宗教控制的自由,不受亵渎指控的自由。也许他们也会同意,关于《撒旦诗篇》的争论本质上是关于谁应该拥有对宏大叙事——伊斯兰故事——的权力的争论,这种权力必须平等地属于每个人。即使我的小说不称职,它试图重述这个故事的努力仍然很重要。如果我失败了,其他人一定会成功,因为那些没有能力掌控自己生活中的故事的人,没有能力复述、反思、解构、拿它开玩笑,也没有能力随着时代的变化而改变它的人,真的是无能为力的,因为他们无法想出新的想法。
Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 8: Got The ShipThe pirates had a big fire on the beach, and there was a small light on the Hispaniola.Very quietly, I put Ben Gunn's boat into the sea.The boat moved slowly and quietly across the water.Soon I was near the ship.Nobody saw me.'I can cut the ship's rope with my knife,' I thought. 'And then the wind can push the ship away from the beach.'I listened.There were two men on the ship.The other pirates were all on the beach.The men on the ship were talking loudly and angrily.'They're going to have a fight,' I thought.One of the men was Israel Hands.I waited, then I cut the rope.Slowly the ship turned round and began to move away from the beach.The two men on the ship started to fight.The pirates on the beach sat round their fire and sang.They did not see the ship moving away.I sat down in Ben Gunn's boat and fell asleep.In the morning, I sat up and looked around.The little boat was not far from the island and I saw that I was quite near the Hispaniola.I looked for Israel Hands and the other pirate, but I did not see them.I moved slowly nearer and nearer to the Hispaniola.Then I climbed on to the ship.The two pirates were there, on the ship.They did not move.One of them was dead.Israel Hand's leg was badly hurt, but he was not dead.I looked round the ship.All the cupboards were open, and everything was dirty.There were a lot of bottles on the floor.I found some drink and gave it to Hands.Then I took down the pirates' flag.'The ship is ours, now,'I thought.Israel Hands spoke.'You can't sail the ship, Jim Hawkins,' he said. 'Give me some food. I can help you.''I don't want to go back to the beach,' I said. 'Help me to sail it to the North Inlet.''Right,' he said.So we sailed to the north of the island.The ship moved quietly through the water; I was happy.The old pirate watched me carefully.Then he smiled.'Jim, go and get me ... er ... get me something to drink,' he said. 'I'm thirsty.'I did not like his smile.  I went away, but I came back very quietly and watched him.He moved slowly and took a knife from behind some rope.Then he put the knife under his jacket and he went back to his old place.'Ah,' I thought. 'He can move and he's got a knife. He wants to kill me. I must be careful.'I went back to him and gave him the bottle.We sailed on and came to the North Inlet.Hands told me what to do and I brought the ship near the beach.I watched the sails and the sea, but I did not watch Hands.Suddenly I turned and saw him behind me with his knife in his hand.I jumped away and took out my gun.I tried to shoot at Hands but nothing happened.The gun was wet with sea water.I moved away quickly, but Hands followed me.I climbed up among the sails and tried to shoot again.Hands looked up,then he threw his knife at me.It went into my arm.Then I shot him and he dropped into the sea.The pirate's knife was in my arm.I pulled it out and climbed down on to the ship.
听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 111A:The washing machine doesn't work.洗衣机坏了。B:Really? When did you find out?是吗?你什么时候发现的?A:When I tried to wash your denim jeans last night.昨晚我想洗你的牛仔裤时就发现了。B:Then I will call the electrician now to come and repair it.那我马上叫电工来修理。Conversation 112A:Are you ready to order?您凖备好点菜了吗?B:Yes, I am. I will have coffee with milk, two pancakes, and scrambled eggs,please.是的,我凖备好了。请给我来一份加牛奶的咖啡、雨个煎饼和一份炒鸡蛋。A:Would you like the order to go?您要打包带走吗?B: I would like to order to go, thank you!我想打包带走,谢谢!Conversation 113A:l'd really like to have you meet my family.我真的很想让你见见我的家人。B: Me too, I've heard so much about them from you.我也是,我听你说了很多关于他们的事。A:When is it convenient for you?你什么时候方便?B:Sunday afternoon is fine.周日下午可以。Conversation 114A:You are not looking well at all.你看起来不太舒服。B: My throat is so sore I can hardly swallow.我的喉昽很痛,几乎无法吞咽。A:Have you seen the doctor?你去看医生了吗?B:Not yet.还没有。
听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 64631.Denyv.否认;拒绝承认;拒绝给予Hedenied knowing anything about it.他否认知道此事。Wecan't deny the fact that he's honest.我们不能否认他诚实的事实。Weshouldn't deny the existence of these problems.我们不应该否认这些问题的存在。632.Departmentn.部门,司,系,处Whomanages this department?谁管理这个部门?Iwould like to speak to the head of the department.我想和部门负责人谈谈。Thereis a bookstore in front of the department store.百货商店前面有一家书店。633.Departuren.背离;离开,启程Whatis the departure time?出发时间是几点?Thetime of departure is still uncertain.出发时间仍不确定。Pleasefasten your seat belts and prepare for departure.请系好安全带,为出发做好准备。634.Dependv.取决于;依赖,依靠;相信,指望Don'tdepend too much on others.不要过分依赖他人。Shestill depends on her parents.她仍然依靠她的父母。Oureconomy depends on agriculture.我们的经济依赖于农业。Thefuture depends on what we do in the present.未来取决于我们现在所做的。635.Depositv.放置;储蓄;寄存n.订金;押金;存款Shemade a deposit of 1000dollars last month.她上个月存了1000美元。I hadto deposit 10% of the price of the house.我不得不存入房价的10%。Theshop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.如果我交了押金,商店答应为我保留货物。636.Depressv.使抑郁,使沮丧;降低;使萧条;压下Failuredidn't depress him.失败并没有让他感到沮丧。637.Depressedadj.抑郁的,沮丧的;萧条的 v.使抑郁,使沮丧Shewas so depressed.她太沮丧了。Ifeel depressed whenever I think about that problem.每当我想到这个问题时,我都会感到沮丧。Themore she thought about it, the more depressed she became.她想得越多,她就越沮丧。638.Depthn.深度;深刻;深厚,深切;深处Hewas surprised by the depth of the lake.他对湖的深度感到惊讶。Weare measuring the depth of the river.我们正在测量河的深度。Nevertest the depth of water with both feet.切勿用双脚测试水深。639.Describev.描述,形容;形成......形状Canyou describe it?你能描述一下吗?Describeyour ideal breakfast.描述一下你理想的早餐。Hedescribed exactly what happened.他准确地描述了所发生的事情。640.Descriptionn.描述,形容,说明;类型Canyou give me a brief description of the thief?你能给我一个关于小偷的简短描述吗?Weneed a detailed description of what happened.我们需要详细描述发生了什么。Hisdescription was too general.他的描述太笼统了。
词汇提示1.balloon 热气球2.chasm 深坑3.qualms 顾虑4.merits 优点5.demerits 缺点6.hostages 人质7.pitched 扔8.abyss 严厉的9.metaphor 隐喻原文Salman Rushdie: 'Life Under Threat' (1)A hot-air balloon drifts slowly over a bottomless chasm, carrying several passengers.A leak develops; the balloon starts losing height.Good grief! The wounded balloon can bear just one passenger to safety; the many must be sacrificed to save the one!But who should live, who should die? And who could make such a choice?In point of fact, debating societies everywhere regularly make such choices without qualms, for of course what I've described is the given situation of that evergreen favorite, the Balloon Debate, in which, as the speakers argue over the relative merits and demerits of the well-known figures they have placed in disaster's mouth, the assembled company blithely accepts the faintly unpleasant idea that a human being's right to life is increased or diminished by his or her virtues or vices -that we may be born equal but thereafter our lives weigh differently in the scales.It's only make-believe, after all.And while it may not be very nice, it does reflect how people actually think.I have now spent over a thousand days in just such a balloon; but, alas, this isn't a game.For most of these thousand days, my fellow-travelers included the Western hostages in Lebanon, and the British businessmen imprisoned in Iran and Iraq, Roger Cooper and lan Richter.And I had to accept, and did accept, that for most of my countrymen and countrywomen,my plight counted for less than the others'.In any choice between us, I'd have been the first to be pitched out of the basket and into the abyss.'Our lives teach us who we are,' I wrote at the end of my essay 'In Food Faith'.Some of the lessons have been harsh, and difficult to learn.Trapped inside a metaphor, I've often felt the need to redescribe it, to change the terms.This isn't so much a balloon, I've wanted to say, as a bubble, within which I'm simultaneously exposed and sealed off.The bubble floats above and through the world, depriving me of reality, reducing me to an abstraction.For many people, I've ceased to be a human being.I've become an issue, a bother, an 'affair'.Bullet-proofed bubbles, like this one, are reality-proof, too.Those who travel in them, like those who wear Tolkien's rings of invisibility, become wraith-like if they're not careful.They get lost.In this phantom space a man may become the bubble that encases him, and the none day - pop! - he's gone forever.It's ridiculous - isn't it? - to have to say, but I am a human being, unjustly accused, unjustly embubbled.Or is it I who am being ridiculous, as I call out from my bubble, I'm still trapped inhere, folks; somebody, please, get me out?翻译萨尔曼·拉什迪:《生命受到威胁》(1)一个热气球载着几名乘客在一个无底的深渊上缓缓漂流。泄漏发生了;气球开始失去高度。好悲伤!受伤的气球只能载一名乘客到安全地带;为了救一个人,必须牺牲很多人!但谁该活,谁该死?谁能做出这样的选择呢?事实上,世界各地的辩论协会经常毫无疑问地做出这样的选择,因为我所描述的当然是常青树最受欢迎的气球辩论的特定情况,在这种情况下,演讲者争论他们放在灾难口中的知名人物的相对优点和缺点,聚集在一起的人们愉快地接受了一个有点令人不快的观点,即一个人的生存权是由他或她的美德或恶习而增加或减少的——我们可能生来平等,但此后我们的生活在天平上的分量就不同了。毕竟,这只是幻想。虽然这可能不太好,但它确实反映了人们的真实想法。我在这样一个气球里已经度过了一千多天了;但是,唉,这不是一场游戏。在这一千天的大部分时间里,我的同伴包括黎巴嫩的西方人质,以及被关押在伊朗和伊拉克的英国商人罗杰·库珀和伊恩·里希特。我不得不承认,而且确实承认,对于我的大多数同胞来说,我的困境比其他人的要小。在我们之间的任何一个选择中,我都会是第一个被扔出篮筐扔进深渊的人。“我们的生活教会我们我们是谁,”我在我的文章《食物信仰》(In Food Faith)的结尾写道。有些教训是残酷的,而且很难学到。困在一个比喻里,我经常觉得有必要重新描述它,改变术语。我想说,与其说这是一个气球,不如说是一个泡泡,我在里面既暴露又被封闭。泡沫漂浮在世界的上空,使我脱离了现实,使我成为一个抽象的人。对很多人来说,我已经不再是一个人了。我成了一个问题,一个麻烦,一个“外遇”。防弹泡沫,就像这个一样,也是不受现实影响的。那些穿着它们旅行的人,就像那些戴着托尔金的隐形戒指的人一样,如果不小心,就会变成幽灵。他们迷路了。在这个虚幻的空间里,一个人可能会变成包裹着他的泡沫,然后一天也不会破裂!-他永远消失了。这很荒谬,不是吗?——不得不说,但我是一个人,受到不公正的指责,受到不公正的指责。或者是我太可笑了,当我从我的泡泡里喊出来的时候,我仍然被困在这里,伙计们;谁来救我出去?
Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 7: Jim's Story II'Your friends are in the house now,' said Ben Gunn.'I must go to them,'I said. 'Are you coming with me?'No,' said Ben. 'But you know where to find me. Come tomorrow afternoon.'I looked at the Hispaniola, out on the sea, and saw the pirates' flag.'They have the ship now,' I thought.The pirates on the beach made a big fire.They started to drink and to talk loudly.I waited for a time,then went to the house.I told Dr Livesey about my meeting with Ben Gunn up on the hill.'Tell me about this man,' said the doctor. 'Is he going to help us?''Yes, I think he is,' I said.'There are fifteen pirates now,' said the doctor. 'And there are six of us. Seven, with Ben Gunn.'I was very tired and I slept well that night.The next morning one of our men said: 'Look! Someone's coming! A man with a white flag.''Don't shoot!' said the man. 'It's me. John Silver.''What do you want?' asked Captain Smollett.'Captain Silver wants to talk to you,' said Long John.'Captain Silver now?Come on, then,' said Captain Smollett.Long John came slowly up the hill to the house.We all watched him.'Yes?' asked the captain.'One of our men is dead,' said Silver. 'You killed him in the night.'The captain said nothing.'We didn't kill that man,' I thought. 'Ben Gunn killed him. Now there are only fourteen pirates.''We want that treasure,' Silver said. 'And you've got a map, right?''Perhaps,' said the captain.'I know you've got it,' said Silver. 'Give us the map. Then you can leave the island with us, or,if you like, you can stay here.''Is that all?' asked Captain Smollett. 'Now, listen to me, Silver. You can't find the treasure and you can't sail the ship. We aren't going to help you find the treasure, so you can go now. I have nothing more to say to you.''Then we're going to fight you,' said Silver angrily, and he went away, walking slowly down the hill.It was a hot day.We waited for a longtime and then the pirates started shooting again.Suddenly some of the pirates ran out of the trees up to the house.'Get them!' said the captain.We all fought hard.We killed three of the pirates and the others ran away.But when we got back inside the house, we found that Joyce was dead.Hunter and the captain were hurt, too.'Five pirates are dead,'said the doctor.'Good,' said the captain. 'Now they have nine men and we have five.'The pirates went back to the beach.Everything was quiet.Later that day Hunter died.The doctor left the house.'He's going to meet Ben Gunn,' I thought.It was very hot inside the house and I did not like waiting.So I took some food and a gun and went to look for Ben Gunn's boat.After about an hour I found it.It was very small and light.'I can take this boat and go out to the Hispaniola at night,' I thought.I sat down and waited.Night came, and it was very dark.
听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 106A: I heard you went to Vancouver last summer, Tim.蒂姆,我听说你去年夏天去了温哥华。B:Yes, I did. I visited Vancouver with my wife on July 22.是的。我和我的妻子在7月22日去了温哥华。A:How long did you stay there?你们在那里呆了多久?B: We stayed there for a week and had a great time.我们在那里呆了一个星期,玩得很开心。Conversation 107A:When is it convenient for you?你什么时候方便?B: I am free for the next few hours.接下来的几个小时我都有空。A:Can we get started now?那我们现在可以开始了吗?B:Yes, that would be great.可以,那太好了。Conversation 108A: Do you like traveling?你喜欢旅游吗?B:Yes, I do. I am particularly addicted to places with beaches.是的,我喜欢旅游。我特别喜欢有海滩的地方。A: I also love going to the beach and walking along the boardwalk.我也喜欢去海边,沿着木板道散步。B: We can go to the beach together next time.下次我们可以一起去海边。Conversation 109A: Do you have anything to drink?你有喝的吗?B:Yes, I do. What would you like to drink?是的,我们有喝的。你想喝点什么呢?A:Chilled water or lemonade.冷水或柠檬水。B:Lemonade is much better. Enjoy.柠檬水比较好。请享用。Conversation 110A:What's your present job?你现在做什么工作?B: I am a Social Media Marketing Strategist at ABC company.我是ABC公司的社交媒体营销策略师。A:Nice! that sounds interesting.太棒了!听起来很有趣。B:Yes, it's a very exciting job!是的,这份工作挺令人兴奋的。
听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 63621.Delayv.推迟,延期;延误,耽搁n.延期,推迟He was irritated by her delay.他对她的拖延感到恼火。We apologize for the delay.对于延迟,我们深表歉意。I was delayed by a traffic jam.我被交通堵塞耽搁了。622.Deliberateadj.故意的,蓄意的;从容的v.仔细考虑,认真商讨He told deliberate lies.他故意撒谎。Do you think it was deliberate?你认为这是故意的吗?623.Deliberatelyadv.故意地;从容不迫地,小心翼翼地I didn't do it deliberately.我不是故意这样做的。She deliberately exposed him to danger.她故意将他置于危险之中。She deliberately ignored me on the street.她在街上故意不理我。624.Delicateadj.柔和的,清淡的;虚弱的;微妙的,棘手的She put me in a delicate situation.她让我陷入了微妙的境地。The negotiations are at a very delicate stage.谈判正处于非常微妙的阶段。That's a delicate problem.这是一个微妙的问题。625.Delightn.高兴;乐事v.使高兴The gifts will delight the children.这些礼物会让孩子们高兴。I'd be delighted if you could join us for dinner.如果你能和我们一起吃晚饭,我会很高兴的。626.Deliverv.投递,运送;履行;交付,移交;接生We can deliver it this evening.我们今晚可以送达。Can you deliver it to my house?你能把它送到我家吗?He delivered a very long speech yesterday.他昨天发表了一个很长的演讲。627.Deliveryn.递送,投递;递送物;分娩,生产 adj.运送的One-Day delivery will cost an additional 9.99 dollars.一日送达将额外花费9.99美元。How long do I have to wait for delivery?我还要等多久才能送达?Do you charge for delivery?你们收取运费吗?628.Demandv.强烈要求;需要,需求n.需求,需求量I demand an explanation.我要求解释。Will you meet our demands?你能满足我们的要求吗?I demand to know what's happening.我要求知道发生了什么。629.Demonstratev.证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威The salesman demonstrated how to use it.推销员演示如何使用它。The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment.老师用实验证明了这个想法。630.Dentistn.牙科医生;牙医诊所I have a dentist appointment at 2:30 P.M.我在下午2:30预约牙医。I'd like to be a dentist in the future.我将来想当牙医。
词汇提示1.fanciful 空想2.integrity 完整性3.obliterate 消灭4.alter 祭坛5.cathedrals 大教堂原文Robert Runcie: 'After the Falklands War' (2)Man without God finds it difficult to achieve this revolution inside himself.But talk of peace and reconciliation is just fanciful and theoretical unless we are prepared to undergo such a revolution.Many of the reports I have heard about the troops engaged in this war refer to moments when soldiers have been brought face to face with what is fundamental in life and have found new sources of strength and compassion even in the midst of conflict.Ironically,it has sometimes been those spectators who remained at home, whether supporters or opponents of the conflict, who continue to be most violent in their attitudes and untouched in their deepest selves.Man without God is less than man.In meeting God, a man is shown his failures and his lack of integrity, but he is also given strength to turn more and more of his life and actions into love and compassion for other men like himself.It is necessary to the continuance of life on this planet that more and more people make this discovery.We have been the choice.Man possesses the power to obliterate himself, sacrificing the whole race on the altar of some God-substitute, or he can choose life in partnership with God the Father of all.I believe that there is evidence that more and more people are waking up to the realization that this crucial decision peers us in the face here and now.Cathedrals and churches are always places into which we bring human experiences - birth, marriage,death, our flickering communion with God, our fragile relationships with each other, so that they may be deepened and directed by the spirit of Christ.Today we bring our mixture of thanksgiving, sorrows and aspirations for a better ordering of this world.Pray God that he may purify, enlarge and redirect these in the ways of his kingdom of love and peace.Amen.翻译罗伯特·朗西:《马岛战争之后》(2)没有上帝的人很难实现自己内心的革命。但是,除非我们准备经历这样一场革命,否则谈论和平与和解只是幻想和理论。我听到的许多关于参加这场战争的部队的报道都提到了士兵们面对生活中最基本的东西,甚至在冲突中也找到了新的力量和同情心的源泉的时刻。具有讽刺意味的是,有时正是那些留在家里的旁观者,无论是冲突的支持者还是反对者,他们的态度仍然是最暴力的,而他们内心最深处的自我却没有受到影响。没有上帝的人不如人。在与上帝的会面中,一个人会看到他的失败和缺乏正直,但他也会得到力量,把越来越多的生活和行为转化为对像自己一样的其他人的爱和同情。为了这个星球上生命的继续,越来越多的人进行这一发现是必要的。我们一直是选择。人拥有毁灭自己的能力,可以把全人类牺牲在某个神的替代者的祭坛上,或者他可以选择与万有之父神为伴的生活。我相信,有证据表明,越来越多的人开始意识到,这个至关重要的决定现在就摆在我们面前。大教堂和教堂总是我们把人类的经历——出生、结婚、死亡、我们与上帝的短暂交流、我们彼此之间脆弱的关系——带进去的地方,这样它们就可以被基督的精神深化和引导。今天,我们带着感恩、悲伤和对世界更美好秩序的渴望来到这里。求神洁净、扩大、引导这些人进入祂爱与和平的国度。阿们。
Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 6: Dr Livesey's StoryAt half-past one in the afternoon two, small boats went from the ship to the island.We looked for Jim Hawkins on the Hispaniola, but he was not there.We waited on the ship.There were six pirates with us.Then Hunter and I took a boat and went to the island.I wanted to see the house on the island.The house was strong and it was in a good place.'We can stay here,' I thought. 'There's water, and we can bring food and guns from the ship.'Then I heard the pirates fighting in the trees.'They're killing someone,' I thought. 'Perhaps Jim Hawkins is dead.'Hunter and I went back to the Hispaniola.I told the captain about the house, and we started to put food into the small boat.The pirates on the ship did not hear us.Joyce and I carried the food from the beach to the house.Joyce stayed in the house with his gun and I went back to the ship.We put more food and our guns into the small boat and dropped all the other guns into the sea.Then Mr. Trelawney's men Redruth and Hunter, Mr. Trelawney, the captain and I left the ship.There were five of us in a small boat and we moved very slowly.Then we saw the pirates on the Hispaniola.They had the big gun on the ship.'They're going to shoot at us,' somebody said.We tried to go faster.Mr. Trelawney shot at the men on the ship.He hit one of them.Then the pirates on the island ran out of the trees.They began to run along the beach.'Quickly!' said the captain. 'They're going to catch us. Leave the boat.'We heard the big gun on the Hispaniola behind us; we jumped on to the beach and ran.Most of our food and our guns went down into the sea with the small boat.We heard the pirates running along the beach behind us, but we ran quickly through the trees to the house.We arrived at the house and turned to shoot at the pirates.We hit one of the pirates, and the other men ran away.Then one of the pirates turned and shot Redruth through the head.Captain Smollett said sadly: 'Now there are only five of us and we have food for ten days. What are we going to do?'Suddenly we heard somebody outside.'Dr Livesey,' said Jim Hawkins, 'it's me, Jim. I'm here.'So then there were six of us.