Teen Horror Cast

14 Episodes
A delicious episode where we discuss 2022's The Menu, directed by Mark Mylod. Topics covered include:Inspirations from real life horror show haute cuisine restaurants with enfant terrible chefsEat the richHow Elon Musk is like TylerHow money corrupts creative professionsWhy this movie makes us think of Shakespeare and the operaMargot as ScheherazadeHeads up: there is one swear word in this... but Tyler deserves it.
Finally we have enough of the classic films under our belt to turn in a solid review of SCREAM! How does a 2020s teen feel about the 1990s high schoolers from Woodsboro? Find out this and more including:Why we loved Matthew Lillard’s performance!Dewey Dewey Dewey!The secret origin of the Teen Horror Podcast!We also get serious with a discussion of how we feel about horror movies after some real life horror experiences (a school shooting). We provide skip ahead time codes if you’d rather skip ...
Teen Horror Cast, where we watch and discuss horror movies from a teen’s perspective. This week we watched The Grudge, a classic of the J-Horror sub genre. 2004’s The Grudge is a remake of a Japanese film from 2002. Both films were directed by Takashi Shimizu. If you listened to our episode number 3 on another J-Horror film, The Ring, we will be handling this situation of an American remake of a Japanese original in a similar manner. We’ll be focusing the summary on the American film so that ...
This week we watched a movie that changed horror, and taking showers, forever: Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 masterpiece "PSYCHO." Our discussion touched on subjects including both fictional and real serial killers and murder. We will be spoiling this film, so if you haven't seen it, please watch it first and come back for the discussion. Regarding language: While we realize that, shockingly, teens are usually very familiar with the rich tapestry of english language swear words, unless otherwise n...
In this episode we talk about Umma, a 2022 film directed by first time full length film director Iris K. Shim, Umma stars veteran actor Sandra Oh as Amanda and Fivel Stewart as her daughter Chris with appearances from MeeWha Alana Lee as Amanda’s mother or Umma. Content warning: we discuss difficult subjects including child abuse.
Jennifer’s Body is a 2009 Horror film directed by Karyn Kusama and starring Megan Fox as the titular Jennifer Check, Amanda Seyfried as her best friend and the film’s protagonist Anita “Needy” Lesnicki, Johnny Simmons as Needy’s boyfriend Chip, Adam Brody as singer Nikolai, and Kyle Gallner as teen goth Colin Gray. This movie features subjects like gore, death, sex, assault, high school evil, real evil, and demonic possession. It’s a handful. Also, we strive to keep things clean and fairly f...
This week we tackle a classic theme in the horror genre: WEREWOLVES. However rather than start with what might be thought of as the typical classic werewolf movies we decided to watch Gingersnaps, a canadian release from 2000 which explores the werewolf narrative through the eyes of teen girls. A heads up that this film and our discussion of it touches on subjects like animal death, gore, discussion of sex, drugs, and suicide. Additionally we will be fully spoiling the movie and we feel your ...
To celebrate Teen Horror Cast's first Halloween, we watched... Halloween! A 1978 genre classic that set the tone for slasher films for decades to come and established a raft of horror tropes, John Carpenter's 1978 film Halloween launched Jamie Lee Curtis' career as the "Scream Queen."We talk about our favorite parts of the movie, what Michael Myers and Socrates have in common, finding your inner Laurie Strode, and much more!Content warning: gore, violence, substance use, and death!
Teen Horror Cast Episode 4: The Blair Witch Project This movie and our discussion of it feature a bit of body horror and gore. As always, if that feels like it might be too much for you, you should head for the escape hatch and skip this episode. Additionally we will be hard core spoiling this movie! This film in particular is one that you should watch before we discuss it. Released in 1999 and produced for around sixty thousand dollars, The Blair Witch project grossed over two hundred and f...
This episode will examine both the 1998 Japanese original and the 2002 American remake. We love them both. The original is a true horror masterwork and the 2002 version is that rarity among remakes: a great iteration on the original with some things it even improves on. We tend to think of these as two versions of the same film and because of the unique adherence of the remake to the shots, mood, and story of the original, we will be discussing both simultaneously. Where there are differences...
Content in this show includes descriptions of body horror and gore! In this episode we review John Carpenter's 1982 sci-fi horror classic "The Thing," including: Overall impressionsIs it right for teensWas it "turn the lights on scary?"Favorite scenesHow do we feel about it being all men?Which of the characters would you choose to be stuck with in Antarctica?What do we think happens at the end?What would we change?As a bonus, we've watched the original 1951 "The Thing from Another World" and...
In this episode we introduce ourselves and the podcast, as well as discuss one of our favorite horror movies/books, The Shining! Find us on Instagram and Twitter at @teenhorrorcast!Show Notes: The Shining: ‘The Shining’ - A film by Vivian Kubrick“Three American Mothers, on The Brink” By Jessica Bennett Photographs by Brenda Ann Kenneally
This episode we watch Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi masterpiece ALIEN. Cats, robots, AI, goo, chains, family dinners, final girls... this movie has it all!In this episode we watch Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi masterpiece ALIEN. This movie has it all:CatsRobotsAIGooChainsGoo covered chainsFamily dinnersFinal girls!Bonus: we talk about our favorite lines from Rian Johnson’s Brick AND we give some love to Scarecrow Video and their SOS campaign
The slasher that launched a thousand hockey masks! Be warned, spoilers ahead, so if you haven't had a chance to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and Friday the 13th on VHS (or however you want to watch this classic), better do so now!In this episode:Surprise Blue Velvet!Mr. JortsTrusting your instincts about creepy menTom Savini fan clubHow to have fun at murder summer camp
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