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Unexplainable takes listeners right up to the edge of what we know…and then keeps on going. The Unexplainable team — Noam Hassenfeld, Julia Longoria, Byrd Pinkerton, and Meradith Hoddinott — tackles scientific mysteries, unanswered questions, and everything we learn diving into the unknown. New episodes every Wednesday.
192 Episodes
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this is fascinating. i want to listen to it a few times to really absorb everything. excellent work.
Wow, the concept that our bodies twitch in sleep to maintain the nerve connections to our brains is cool, although I still want to believe my dogs are chasing squirrels in their dreams. 🐕
Really cool that placebos have therapeutic value in their own right. If it makes people feel better and doesn't actively harm, that's great!
The second time in 2 days I've heard so much excitement about phages. I'm intrigued to see if this intervention develops more staying power. We need alternatives to antibiotics now that we're seeing the downstream effects.
I love Unexplainable, but I don't love this shared podcast episode. Couldn't finish it. I expected a few alpha jokes given the content, but hearing this story from what sounds like a bunch of bros is making my eyes hurt from rolling so hard. Ugh
ugh Such a frustrating episode. I know it's unexplainable, but damn. Hopefully more funding will find this topic soon.
Is anyone else having trouble with the constant ding sounds? I was actually relieved when they went to commercial
would love to see one on the Bootes Void!
Oof yeah that's quite the conundrum: Do we clean up the plastic that's become a habitat for different species?
🤯 This is wild! ... and freaky
Terrible episode, completely biased. It's mostly the option of the reporters presented as "scientific discussion".
Great. A cold-adapted elephant in a warming world. How in the world did that NOT occur to you? Not to mention that elephants are highly intelligent and social creatures. How will they react to a significantly different, 'off' elephant? There is so much wrong here!
Soooo... how long are we going to hear snipits of Byrd's acid trip with a can of Dr. Pepper before a full episode comes out? 😂
Bread hiccupper here! Mine is mostly with super soft bread and angel food cake. To stop them, I take a giant breath in, hold it, then slooooooooowly exhale. Usually works after the first round.
Surprised they didn't mention this was a repeat episode (they typically do). Anywho, for a dramatized version of Henrietta's discovery, go check your local theater for Silent Sky. It's an excellent play about her life and work.
This episode is asking some wild questions 🤯🤯
As someone who wants to connect with my half siblings and to be found by my bio-family, I was disheartened to hear how strongly she felt about not wanting to meet any potential family members. I know my paternal family will never become a huge part of my life and I won't magically have someone to call "dad," but I'd still love to know who they are. I'm also fascinated by which traits are nurture vs. nature.
Wait. Your pupils can get smaller just by visualizing really bright light?! 🤯 Fascinating!
This reminds me more of Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind than Black Mirror 🤨