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Author: Ales

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Rambling on about personal growth and lifelong learning and the (mis)match between aspiration and reality.
20 Episodes
Being overwhelmed

Being overwhelmed


We all feel that way at times and its okay. When it becomes a persistent state of being, we may need to change a thing or two, starting with our outlook. This episode contains the attempt of talking myself into doing just that.
Picking up activities after prolonged break is hard - and the longer the hiatus, the harder it is. I am a champion in dropping things and starting from scratch over and over again... This episode contains the process of talking myself into starting again.
 Recording of a live-streamed talk with Raphael Bennett, this time around the topic of honesty: How to express our true selves, while staying polite and socially acceptable?
Recording of a live-streamed talk with Raphael Bennett, this time about imposter syndrome and the inner critic in our head, who just would not shut up. 
 Recording of live-streamed talk between Raphael Bennett and Ales Balcar.Personal development and growth in the zone of "comfortable discomfort", (un)reasonable expectations and (in)significance of measuring progress.
 Coach and grief management expert Suraj Shah ( talks about his work with people who experienced loss in their life and his own experience with grief. 
Cedric Bertelli (, a specialist on "Emotional Resolution" explains how old traumas hinders our ability to be our best selves - and more importantly - what we can do about them. Warning for everyone: It is simple, but it is not easy. 
Many of us crave a lasting change in our lives - to get healthier, wealthier, sexier, more productive, focused... you name it. But we also crave french fries, binge watching Netflix and all sorts of other things that stand in the way of our prospective bad-assedness.Committing to limited, time-bound discomfort experiments can bring respectable results over time... And show you, that discomfort really is relative.
Simple principles you may know (with little tweaks you may not):1) Plan work and private events together in one calendar, using time blocking.2) Track how long things actually took, to offset planning fallacy. Try Pomodoro technique.3) Review and adjust without feeling guilty about the past.
Sophie Chiche, a mind behind (and much more) talks about the hidden part of the iceberg called "productivity": Meaningful choices, joy, nutella, saying "No" to things and freedom.
Leo Babauta, creator and writer-in-chief of provides his insights on what is the meaning of "self-improvement" in different stages of your journey and why everything is ultimately okay.
So - you want to find your purpose, meaning, mission, whatever you were put on this Earth to do...but you do not have time to even carve out time to think about what it might be, because your day is packed to the brim with tasks?Look closely what are the things you can let go - at least temporarily - to win some of those precious minutes back. You certainly do not have to do ALL of that. Consider it an experiment."Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)"Essentialism is a systematic discipline for discerning what is absolutely essential, then eliminating everything that is not, so we can make the highest possible contribution toward the things that really matter." (Greg McKeown)
 Every extraordinary creation requires time and energy. However it is way to easy to waste those on trivial stuff, if you are not looking closely. February is the month when I will examine where my time and energy go and reinforce my routines, tools and ways I work so they are better aligned with my mission. Sounds a bit abstract? Well, listen in to get more clarity!
Parting with possessions can be hard. If you ever wondered why it is sometimes difficult to let go of something that is - objectively speaking - worthless, it may bring you some comfort to learn that it is not your fault. It is your brain at work and its skewed perception of reality. Luckily, we have something called "behavioral science" to help us understand why.
How shall you start your own journey towards Minimalism? I offer my experience with several decluttering methods I have tried since 2013 to make it a little easier for you to pick the right approach.
What drawn me to the idea of "minimalism" back in 2013, what were the early challenges I was facing and - most importantly - what can you learn out of it to start your own journey successfully.
New year is usually considered a fresh beginning. We want to renew ourselves and start with a clean slate. However usually desire two contradictory things at the same time:1) We set goals to accomplish in the future (lose weight, get a raise, write a book)2)  We want to feel better "in the now" (be more relaxed, less stressed).Oftentimes we set ourselves up for failure. Why is that and what can we do with it?
Laszlo Vad, member of "YearCompass" team explains the idea behind their creation: A neatly structured, downloadable booklet to help you structure your reflection of the ending year and intentions for the year ahead.
Mid-December is the right time to start reflecting on how 2020 went for you and slowly form your vision of how would you like to show up in 2021. I am sharing why and how I am approaching it.



The very first, way overdue post, about nothing in particular.It is mostly for me, rather than for you (sorry about that, I know it is a bit selfish).Being the first I have ever recorded, it will always have a special place in my heart (at least till I forget it ever happened).Spoiler alert: It contains no major revelations that will transform your life, so you can stop right here if that is what you are after.It is nowhere near perfect.But it does not have to be. I have been waiting too long for things becoming perfect, but they never will.One of my favorite quotes says:"Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect."
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