The Next Big Star

The Next Big Star
Author: All Aspects Radio Network
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The Next Big Star introduces acts in the entertainment world who are just starting their career or are about to explode on the scene. Talent is all around. Discovering who that talent is, and where to find them is our job.
16 Episodes
Producer/Writer/Burlesque Star Georgette Dante joins me in the studio to talk about her vast career that began at age three with the circus.
Little J Gambino talks with James about his career during and after COVID, being single again and learning to laugh at the downside of life.
Tom Hillery joins James Kelly in the studio to talk about his career as an Executive Producer and inventor. He has written and produced from both television and movies.
Singer-Songwriter Brian Gardner and Donny Trimmer join me to talk about their nearly five decade career in music.
Actor, Inventor, Salsa Dancer and Career Military Man Josh Edelman joins me to talk about his new game and his interest in the Latino culture. We discuss why he decided to take up Salsa Dancing and recently created Lotería Boricua! - a Puerto Rican Bingo Game.
James Kelly and Ninon de Vere De Rosa welcome Chris Ivan & Joe Lujan. Chris talks about his first album of dance music titled 'Biggest Battle' and Joe discusses his career in the movie industry and the various hats he's worn to be able to create. You'll want to tune in to hear about these two talented and remarkable men who aren't afraid of the hard work it takes to fulfill their passions.
James Kelly and Ninon de Vere De Rosa welcome Sharon Bryson to the show. Sharon shares her a tragedy and how it lead her to use music to serve the Lord by telling her story of surviving and faith. This wonderfully determined and giving lady will open your heart and mind.
Join James Kelly and Ninon de vere De Rosa as they welcome Sally Olsen and Ned Mills from the Carpenters Tribute Band along with Dennis D'Satchmo Keating. They are discussing the May 5, 2021 Carpenters Tribute Concert to help out-of-work performers. The line-up of entertainers is amazing and tickets are only $29.00. Listen to find out more.
Join James Kelly and co-host Ninon de vere De Rosa as they welcome two of 'The Funky Divas' to the show Elia Esparaza and Alia Woodson share their backgrounds and love of music. They even sing some of one of their songs. You'll want to tune in for this wonderful treat:-)
James Kelly and co-host Ninon de vere De Rosa welcome guest Dennis Keating. Dennis performs a tribute to Louis Armstrong and proudly goes by 'Dennes D'Satchmo Keating. He also shares his past experiences and where he hopes the Las Vegas entertainment scene will evolve in the future. He even sings a bit of 'What a Wonderful World', for your enjoyment.
James Kelly and co-host Ninon de Vere De Rosa welcome Las Vegas Grunge Band, 'Velvet Chains'. Lead Vocals and Rhythm Guitar player Jerry Quinlan along with Drummer Noelle Schertzer talk about the other band members including Laurent Cassiano on Lead Guitar and Backup Vocals and Nils Goldschmidt on Bass. They discuss Nils use of 'Craigs List' to put the band together, the Pandemic and how the group used this down time to create and plan for the future. Discover what this talented and determined group of artists has coming your way.
James Kelly and co-host Ninon de Vere De Rosa welcome Ally Rodriguez to the show. They discuss Ally's natural acting ability and how passionate she is about the craft. She also reveals her schizophrenia, how she deals with it and how it actually helps her act. You'll want to learn all about this brave, beautiful and bold young woman.
Bobby & Renee Peoples join Ninon de Vere De Rosa and James Kelly to talk about their careers as movie producers, directors, writers and actors. Join this incredible duo as they share their knowledge and insights on the movie industry.
Lou Gazzara joins Ninon de Vere De Rosa and James Kelly in the studio to talk about his career in the entertainment world. Lou started out as one of the youngest contestants on American Idol in season 2. From there he went on to join the silver screen with James Brolin and Annalynn McCord in the 2007 film Bad Girl Island. as Ninon says, "Sit back and Enjoy the Show."
Alison Ward and Carlynn join Ninon de Vere De Rosa and James Kelly in the studio to talk about their careers. Ali stars in her own Abba Tribute show and Carlynn is about to embark on a show of her own (a bit of a secret for now). We had a blast recording this episode.
Sally Olson and Ned Mills join me in the studio to talk about their tribute show to the Carpenters. Sally has truly gifted voice, reminiscent of Karen Carpenter. Together Ned Mills and Sally Olson become the Carpenters on stage. Their little dog Lola joins us in the studio for this recording. All the background vocals on this show are of Sally and Ned recreating the Carpenters unforgettable sound.
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