DiscoverGeneration Church South Oceanside
Generation Church South Oceanside
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Generation Church South Oceanside

Author: Tim Parlier & Matt Carlson

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The official podcast of Generation Church of South O, where you can find Sunday sermon audio and other gospel centered teachings, trainings, and encouragements. Our Mission is to lead people into healthy relationships with Jesus and each other. #SouthOchurch

196 Episodes
There are countless societal problems in 2024 and they appropriately can create a lot of angst in us. But it's safe to say our issues as Americans pale in comparison to the issues of the first Christian readers of Mark's Gospel. This was a time when people (specifically Christians) were being burned alive and fed to wild animals. Under such horrific circumstances what would Mark write to start his gospel account? What would he take the opportunity to say to encourage these troubled brothers a...
Welcome to Generation Church! On your MARK, get set, go! We’re diving into the fast-paced, action-packed Gospel of Mark to encounter the real Jesus. Mark’s unique perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus reveals a Savior who’s powerful and present, far from the watered-down versions we often encounter. Don’t settle for less when you can have the real thing. Join us on this journey through Mark to see Jesus as He truly is.+ + + + +Hey, while you're here, please help Generation by cli...
When you think about the next 5-10 years of your life, how do you feel? Are you hopeful? Concerned? Depressed? Fearful? Excited? What shapes the way you think and feel about your future? The Gospel gives us a lense to both think and feel about our future... do you know what that is? Do you see your present and future through the lense of the Gospel? If not, you're missing an amazing blessing! Come this Sunday and bring a friend that needs a big dose of encouragement!+ + + + +Hey, while you're...
Welcome to Generation Church! Living our day to day, it’s easy to feel discouraged and insecure. Often, we forget the identity and purpose Christ bought for us in salvation. Join us this week as we examine the Exodus story, unpacking how Jesus is our true and better Passover Lamb. Let’s be encouraged together as we dive into the redemptive work of Jesus on our behalf and how that encourages and empowers us today!+ + + + +Hey, while you're here, please help Generation by clicking the 'Sub...
Welcome to Generation Church! As we close out this series on Prayer, lets bring it back to where we started..."Our Father." These are the first words Jesus taught His disciples when He taught them to pray and they are words loaded with Good News. Over and over in the Gospels Jesus applauds the "childlike" and teaches us to pray to our Father. So what does that mean for us in prayer? How do we "come to God in childlikeness?" What does that look like in everyday life? Lets dive into all of...
Welcome to Generation Church! We’re diving into the often misunderstood and sometimes frustrating world of prayer. While prayer is meant to be a simple conversation with God, it can also bring a lot of pressure and raise tough questions. Are we doing it wrong? Am I doing it enough? Is there something wrong with me? Why does it seem like God is silent? Join us as we "troubleshoot" some of these questions head-on and rediscover the freedom that comes from connecting with our heavenly Fathe...
Welcome to Generation Church! When you think of someone praying...what image comes to your mind? My other guess is that the most common answer will be "a person with their head down, eyes closed, hands clasped, and sitting in silence." The question then is, is that how Jesus would coach us to pray? Is there a specific posture? Should it be quiet, silent, loud, or something else? This week like every week we'll dive into the scriptures and find incredibly practical help in our Praying Liv...
Welcome to Generation Church! Join us for a message called "Tuned In." We're going to look at Jesus' teaching the Gospel of John chapter 10 and the role listening takes in our prayer lives. Many people think of prayer mostly as what I do, say, or even how I speak to God. Those aren't wrong but they are only part of our communication with God. Those also assume that we're the only ones doing the talking in prayer. Yet the bible reveals robust examples cover to cover of how God speaks to H...
Welcome to Generation Church! Join in as our friend Kevin Meisch from Southlands Church in Brea, CA unpacks the true love of Jesus in John 13!+ + + + +Hey, while you're here, please help Generation by clicking the 'Subscribe' button, then click on the BELL (on mobile devices, also click 'ALL'). Then you'll be the first to know when our latest messages and content goes live!As always, you can find more from us at https://www.gotogeneration.comAnd get the latest from Generation in your inbox wi...
Welcome to Generation Church! Last week Jesus taught us that a significant part of a praying life includes making space for acknowledging the Holiness of God. This is the "Hallowed be thy name" portion of the Lord's prayer. This week we're double clicking on that movement "Hallowed be thy name" of the Lord's prayer. Hallowed means to set apart as Holy, matchless, unique and awesome. It's possible the "prayer" we need most is to turn our eyes upon Him and simply stand in awe of God! May w...
Welcome to Generation Church! How do you pray? When do you pray? What is prayer? These are all questions we're excited to talk through in this new series on prayer! In week one, we explore what Jesus meant when He said to His disciples "This is how you should pray..." It's pretty sweet that we don't have to wonder, in fact Jesus came to remove the confusion and bring clarity to how we can pray, experience a deeper relationship with Him, and cultivate a Praying Life. Our hope is that you ...
Welcome to Generation Church! “It’s not so much what happens to us in life that shapes us, it’s what we tell ourselves about what happened to us that shapes us.” ― Tim KellerLiving in a broken world, it's tempting for us to believe we are what we do or what has happened to us. These lies can have a powerful grip on us, keeping us from stepping into the freedom that is ours in Christ. Thankfully, we don't need to stay in that place of bondage. The gospel is good news of Truth that se...
We live in a world of distraction. Attention spans are getting shorter. The multitude of time wasting activity is at an all time high, squeezing out and obscuring the truly beneficial and productive gospel living we've been called to. This is nothing new. In fact, this is the very thing Paul warns Titus about as he closes his letter and the very thing we need to hear today. Join us as we wrap up our series through Titus and be empowered by grace to eliminate the weapons of mass distraction in...
Welcome to Generation! Join in as we continue our series through the book of Titus!Sermon text: Titus 3:1-8+ + + + +Hey, while you're here, please help Generation by clicking the 'Subscribe' button, then click on the BELL (on mobile devices, also click 'ALL'). Then you'll be the first to know when our latest messages and content goes live!Partner with us by giving financially here: always, you can find more from us at
Welcome to Generation! Have you ever gone somewhere for a mission trip? Usually mission trips are filled with a lot of mixed experiences. There are moments when you're filled with excitement, joy, and purpose. There are also moments where you're filled with frustration, discomfort, and a longing to "just be in my own bed." But if you ask most people how their trip went, almost always they say something like..."it was life changing." Why is that? What is it about mission trips that have s...
Have you ever had someone ask you "what type of church do you go to?" It's hard to know what they're asking, or how to answer. Are they asking what size or what kind of music we play or what people look like? What is a type? Is that a question about denominational affiliation or ethnicity or theological position? In some ways it would have been really nice to be a part of the first century church. There were no denominations yet, no worship wars, no "types"... it was simply The Church that ex...
Since its inception, the Church has had to guard against false teachings that threaten to rob believers of the freedom found in the gospel. Paul urgently commands Titus to appoint qualified elders who can refute these errors and guide others to live lives shaped by the gospel. But what specific false teachings must Titus guard against, and what truths are under attack? This compelling message explores the necessity of confronting false teachings and embracing the truth that sets us free.+ + +...
Leadership matters. No matter what organization, business, team, or church... the way the leadership goes has an incredible impact on everyone else. So what does the bible say about what type of person should be a leader in a church? Why does that matter for you? This is what Paul writes to Titus in the 2nd part of our series. We hope you can join us as we look at what God prioritizes in leadership as well as how this can help us know where He is inviting us each to grow in our gospel impact ...
Welcome to Generation! This week we kick off our 7 week series studying the Epistle of Titus. This is a short but loaded letter from the Apostle Paul to Titus his "son in the faith." It's a really sweet glimpse into the world of the first century that isn't too dissimilar from our own. This series will be called Titus: Theology for Every Day. The reason for that title is we see a heavy emphasis on what it looks like to have Jesus shaping the way we live day in and day out. This first Sun...
Welcome to Generation! Join in as we worship Jesus and hear from God's word. We pray you experience God's love and grace in a powerful way today. Message Date: May 19, 2024+ + + + +Hey, while you're here, please help Generation by clicking the 'Subscribe' button, then click on the BELL (on mobile devices, also click 'ALL'). Then you'll be the first to know when our latest messages and content goes live!Partner with us by giving financially here: