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Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing ๐Ÿช
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Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing ๐Ÿช

Author: Heather and Corrie Miracle

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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hey - Heather and Corrie here with the Baking it Down Podcast with Sugar Cookie Marketing (a group on Facebook full of sugar cookiers turned business owners).ย 

๐Ÿช We're here to help you rise with your reach, flood with new followers, bake up new ideas, and make that all-important dough (while makin' that dough - see the pun there?)ย 

๐Ÿค‘. Whatโ€™s it about? Weโ€™re a Facebook Group turned Podcast, Membership, Book Club, and Baking 101 thatโ€™s dedicated to assisting bakers in effectively marketing online to generate more sales and better manage their businesses.ย 

๐Ÿง  With free Facebook Live classes, hundreds of resources, and thousands of like-minded bakers, thereโ€™s a lot to learn in "SCM" (aka Sugar Cookie Marketing). ๏ธ๐ŸŽง As an extension of our Facebook group, this podcast is here to let you learn by listening. ๐Ÿ“ˆ We'll cover group topics, marketing trends, and more (leaving this wide open in case Corrie wants to start singing).ย 

๐Ÿ’ธ We take the sweet art of selling online to the cottage bakery world with marketing methods that move products (and pastries).๐Ÿ‘‚ So open up those glorious ear canals because we have a podcast! Just when youโ€™ve thought youโ€™ve โ€œheardโ€ it all with those marketing "miracle" twins (that's our last name - not a proclamation), weโ€™ve got something just for you each week!ย 

๐Ÿฅฃ As a baker, you don't always have the luxury of two hands needed to scroll in Sugar Cookie Marketing Group or crack open a book in Sugar Cookie Bookies, but what you can do is listen (unless you're my kid asking โ€œwhatโ€™s for dinnerโ€ for the millionth time).ย 

๐Ÿ‘ Hands full of flour? No problem! ๐Ÿ‘ 18 dozen iced cookies due tomorrow? Letโ€™s do this. The Baking it Down Podcast by Sugar Cookie Marketing is a weekly podcast geared toward helping you grow your bakery business - dropping (almost) every Tuesday.ย 

๐Ÿ“… We choose a topic each week that's either something new and emerging in the world of social media or something that we saw in "The Group" that was a hot topic and we bake it down... I mean, "break" it down for you. ๐Ÿ—ฏ๏ธ What you can expect in the podcast is about an hour of chit-chat with the meat and potatoes right at the beginning of the episode.ย 

๐Ÿฅ” Thatโ€™s when we dive into the marketing topic of the week! ๐Ÿ“ž Oh yeah, folks can call / text / email in with their questions too - a fun way to hear from other bakers out there.ย 

Our promises to you:ย 
1๏ธโƒฃ We always make it clean = no cursing. We understand that you are busy and could be around little ones while also trying to get your weekly dose of business growth so we make sure that each episode would make our grandma proud and keep it clean so you can listen while also living your life.ย 
2๏ธโƒฃ We always make it fun. Thereโ€™s a lot of negativity in the world so we try and make the podcast an upbeat and fun learning experience for you. I mean, we try to make the Instagram updates and changes as happy as we can, but come on Instagram! Give it a rest! No more changes!ย 
3๏ธโƒฃ Other than that, we take a positive approach to marketing We are also *not* professional podcasters. I feel like we need to say this because, hey, sometimes we get giggles! We do our best to extend our marketing knowledge to you all free of charge each week at the cost of listening to our higher-than-normal pitched voices and the occasional giggle spree.ย 
4๏ธโƒฃ You can find the podcast on all the major platforms and you can typically expect a new episode each Tuesday afternoon (unless life happens). We invite everyone to listen.ย 

Either start from the beginning or work backward! The episodes donโ€™t build off themselves so you wonโ€™t be confused hearing one before the other. You just might miss new Lives we mention but you can always catch the replay in the Sugar Cookie Marketing Group on Facebook!

178ย Episodes
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ’ Wedding Expo Recap - Our eddie wedding vendor expo debrief.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 175 - Wedding Vendor Recap, Corrie signed us up for a Wedding Expo - and here's our tell-all - what we did right, what we did okay, and what we wouldn't do ever again. The event was complex, to say the least. Conceptually - it's genius. Execution - it's lacking. โœŒ๏ธ The event was two days consisting of two "faux wedding receptions" - one upstairs (๐Ÿชต earthy fo...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ“ง Know Newsletters - What to send to who and how often.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 174 - Know Newsletters, we talk everything you need to know about newsletters. These powerhouses in digital marketing are some of the most untouched real estate in the cottage world - and why? We're not sure - but if you capitalize on it now, you'll be cookin' (baking?) with fire come the busy season.Jumping straight into it - in the Onesday Wednesday newsletter, I inc...
Send us a Text Message.๐ŸŽข Prep 4 Q4 - How to prepare for our busy season.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 173 - Prep 4 Q4, we're preppin' for Q4 - the baker's "Super (mixing) Bowl." ๐Ÿˆ Right now, you should be feeling the tides of a lullish summer slowly begin to change as we creep into back-to-school territory.๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ Add in the cooler weather blowing in (hey, we can hope, right?) and that signals the official kick-off for baking mayhem that will last until the week after New Year's ...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿซ Choc-A Lot - How to increase price by increasing value.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 172 - Choc-A Lot, my sisters and my mom partook in our annual "Christmas in July" gift exchange. For a family who loves gift-giving with birthdays from November - February, the rest of the year feels like a gifting desert. Ergo - Christmas in July for the fourth year running was born.The rules are simple: you must buy everyone a gift that is $50 each, and you must gi...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ™Š Say It, Donโ€™t Spray It - How to ask for help in the groups.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 171 - Say It - Don't, Spray It, we wanted to cover a topic to help us help you help us. Because it's how you ask questions in Facebook groups that dictate the kind of answers you'll get.Depending on how you asked it, ๐Ÿคฉ you're either going to get really solid advice that moves your business forward, ๐Ÿšฎ or you'll end up with bottom-of-the-barrel, trash comments that...
Send us a Text Message.โœ‚๏ธ Class Supplies - A "bake-down" of what we bring and why.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 170 - Class Supplies, (another) Heather (of One Smart Cookies and Crafts - also a returning Vendy this year) asked us to cover what cookie class supplies we bring and why. (๐Ÿคซ Pssst - if you're a Cookie Class Kits or Cookie College member, you get this list with every class drop). Let's go through our general "class supplies" list we use for every class we teac...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ˜Œ Corrie-tisol - Managing stress this summer.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 169 - Corrie-tisol, Corrie said, "I want to talk about ways to manage stress." And for good reason - in 2022 she was admitted to the hospital because her kidneys were shutting down. The cause? Chronic, unmanaged stress.So while this is a business podcast, the business of managing stress will keep you in business. ๐Ÿ˜ซ Chronic stress is no good for the bottom line ๐Ÿ“‰ - it'll lead to ...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚ Alotta Parking Lots - Volume-based pricing versus high pricing.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 168 - Alotta Parking Lots, Corrie wanted to talk... well, parking lots.๐ŸŒด We took off from the podcast last week to visit VA Beach (love that beach if you're passing through the great state of Virginny). There's a three-mile strip that runs along the oceanfront where hotels, restaurants, and shops are lined up as far as you can see (or walk). In between this...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ’ผ Getting Corpy Orders - A campaign for corporate girly eras.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 167 - Getting Corpy Orders, Corrie wanted to switch from telling you to get into corporate orders and now tell you how to get corporate orders.Corporate orders are great - they have higher dollar amounts, bigger order totals, repetitive simple designs (hopefully), and could become a consistent recurring order. Corporate clients' "cut-to-the-chase" approach to ord...
Send us a Text Message. ๐Ÿ™ Ask and Ye Shall Receive - Because if you don't ask, the answer's no.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 166 - Ask and Ye Shall Receive, we covered the unfortunate necessity to ask for what you want in business. For those of us who d-r-e-a-d rejection, not asking for what we need to get our business up and runnin' like a well-oiled machine is a "coping" strategy to avoid the word defeating word "no."But per Corrie's experience in car sales - ABC, alw...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ”ช Taking a Stab at Collabs - The bake-down of a local collab.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 165 - Stab at Collabs, Corrie took one for the team and signed up for a local vendor collab on Monday so she can give us the bake-down this week. And I think you'll like what she has to share with the classroom.Okay, so what's a local collab? If you're familiar with our cookie collabs on Instagram - it's not that exactly. Our digitally-based SCM collabs get a bun...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ— Loss Leaders - How losing can help you win.In this week's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 164 - Loss Leaders, we covered, well, what a loss leader is and how to implement it as a marketing strategy in your baking business. ๐Ÿ’ฐ If you've been to Costco (formerly Price Club) anytime in the last 2 decades, you've seen (or smelled) their rotisserie chickens priced at $4.99 - a staggeringly affordable price that hasn't changed since 2000 (๐Ÿ’ธ save one price bump in 2008 ...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Website 101 - An audit of twin2's website.We've been working on getting Corrie a new website ๐Ÿ•ธ - and we got the barebones bits together - so we thought it'd be fun to audit an unfinished website on today's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 163. The big takeaway is this: there are many website hosts + templates + themes + plugins. ๐Ÿ’ป Find what works best for you and don't be afraid to change and shift as your business grows and pivots. โš ๏ธ Now - this podcast f...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿค‘ Tags vs Tips - The bottom line is the bottom line.This week we cover a topic that can get some bakers into trouble - hiding in the bushes of their exes. Kidding - that was our mom, but the concept still applies when it comes to stalkin' our clients.The issue arises when we feel we're owed more than just the money we made for an order. As someone who loves to peek over the fence of past lovers myself, it can be tempting to sneak a peek at a client's Facebook page or bu...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿค Mmmmmm - A meeting framework (that works).About two years ago, Corrie and I started meeting (well, ๐Ÿ˜ญ she was kicking and screaming) each Monday for what later became known as the ๐Ÿ“… Monday Morning Marketing Meeting with the Miracles. The MMMMM for short. ๐Ÿ˜• Meetings can feel pointless unless they, well, have a point. And that's where meeting frameworks come in clutch. A framework is a meeting structure - and there are so many you can choose from. The MMMMM is built...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿ’ธ Price vs Value Prop - Value is relative(ly easy to manipulate).I was watching a YouTube video featuring a TedTalk where a salesman asks a member of the audience for their pen. He then asks how much the person bought the pen for. "Five dollars," the guy tells him. The salesman then asks if anyone in the audience wants to buy his newly acquired pen for $5 bucks.โœ๏ธ The salesman then says he's going to take the pen and drive it to a ritzy part of town to an expensive jewe...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿฅฒ Excuse my Excuses - Don't cry unless you've tried (everything).This week's podcast is a deep dive into a post I made in the group earlier this week - the post regarding "woe is me" threads saying the cookie industry is done, pack it up kids, you don't gotta go home, but you can stay... in this kitchen.You see - that defeatist mentality ain't go no business being in a business-centric group. It will limit your sales and, over time, cause you to quit. Quite literally th...
Send us a Text Message.๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€ Comfy Mistakes - Getting comfortable with uncomfy mistakes.We had a (very) abbreviated podcast today - thanks to the door guys. ๐Ÿšช But in the few minutes we did get to chit-chat, we wanted to touch on "uncomfortable mistakes."๐Ÿ˜ฟ Being bad at something sucks. It's no fun making mistakes. In fact, it feels like bad business acumen to make mistakes, right? I mean - imagine a business built on mistakes. Who would want to hire them!?But successful businesses were built on ...
Send us a Text Message.โญ Deborah Deborah DeborahWhen you've not been seen, heard, or understood.Grab your popcorn - ๐Ÿฟ we covered a buttery topic on today's podcast when a Canadian restaurant went viral for all the wrong review reasons. ๐Ÿงˆ Blaming Deborah in a now globally reaching door sign, Heirloom Restaurant closed its doors this April citing issues with... well, unhappy clients. ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸณHow did they handle it? ๐Ÿ˜  Making unhappy clients even unhappier clients. ๐Ÿ˜ก Whether it was a staged publicity ...
Send us a Text Message.โ›” Class is Canceled - What to do when you need to cancel cookie class.When you venture into the wild world of cookie classes, the last thing you want to do is consider canceling said cookie class. BUT - it's just a fact of life that even the most seasoned instructors will have to face a cookie class cancelation.Heck - we've been doing this for years now and it still happens. No one's above it. So best that we all learn from it. And that's today's podcast, how to mitigat...
Commentsย (2)

Genna Cate Barnes

thank you so much for all of the amazing info you two are giving I really appreciate it!! has your Facebook group reached the capping limit? I have requested to join and would love to me part of the group! thanks so much ladies!

May 21st

Genna Cate Barnes

I couldn't quit understand the backdrop business name could I have you type out the link for me pretty please! thanks so much!

May 20th