Talking Progress

Talking Progress
Author: Das Progressive Zentrum
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© Das Progressive Zentrum
Tune into Talking Progress, the podcast about ideas that matter. The Berlin-based think tank "Das Progressive Zentrum" (The Progressive Centre) is gathering the most pressing political debates and perspectives from Berlin to San Francisco, all in one place.
Whether you're a seasoned activist, a curious observer, or someone looking to deepen your understanding of progressive values and policies, Talking Progress is your guide to staying informed, inspired, and empowered.
So subscribe now and join us as we dive headfirst into everything progressive, ranging from the European public sphere to urban policy!
Whether you're a seasoned activist, a curious observer, or someone looking to deepen your understanding of progressive values and policies, Talking Progress is your guide to staying informed, inspired, and empowered.
So subscribe now and join us as we dive headfirst into everything progressive, ranging from the European public sphere to urban policy!
19 Episodes
A strong and thriving democracy requires lively and ongoing debate amongst well-informed citizens. Cross-border journalism can play an important role in fostering a lively exchange amongst Europeans across the borders of the EU member states. In this episode, we discuss how we embrace the diversity of European narratives and discourse while simultaneously creating an integrated European media sphere.
Human rights violations within the European Union and at its borders are not solely national matters, but concern all of us Europeans. How can transnational activism and civil society cooperation increase this solidarity? We also discuss how European institutions such as the parliament can support activism across the EU.
Shared values like the rule of law and respect for freedom, democracy, and equality have to be the foundation of a strong European Public Sphere. In this episode, Susanne Zels makes a case for the role civic education should play in strengthening European democracy and deepening the values shared by Europeans. Together with Jana Puglierin, we try to answer how the pandemic has affected European solidarity and the European’s connection with their value system.
The American Rescue Plan is pumping 1.9 trillion dollars into citizens’ pockets, the economy, and measures against the Covid-19 pandemic. What has this meant for cities and urban spaces? Two former mayors discuss how cities can use this funding to build back better.
Cities are a major cause of greenhouse gas pollution. However, they are also the places driving change: From modernizing buildings to making mobility sustainable, cities have plenty of tools at their disposal to become climate-neutral. But the ecological transformation is expensive. So where does the money come from?
In this episode, Andreas Horchler talks to two experts in the field: Fritzi Köhler-Geib is chief economist at KfW Group, an important development finance bank. Gereon Uerz is Head of Sustainability at GROPYUS, a building company specializing in sustainable timber construction. Additional experts are Philipp Rode, Executive Director of LSE Cities and associate professorial research fellow at the London School of Economics, and Oliver Weigel, Head of the Division for urban development at the German ministry of the interior.
In this episode, New Urban Progress fellows Neel Brown, Maria Willett and Steffen Haake share impressions from their trips through Germany and the United States, including how cities deal with modernizing their transportation system, drawing up inclusive housing and establishing public safety infrastructure.
In this episode, New Urban Progress fellows Richard Lawrence Jr. and Maria Willett present their NOVA Cities Index, a blueprint with the goal of help city leaders focus on how to make their city more innovative, green, and equitable. They are joined by Katie Rosenberg and Julie Richier to debate how useful these metrics actually are and also discuss how urban power can bring progress locally, regionally and transatlantically. The session is hosted by Cathryn Clüver-Ashbrook.
The New Urban Progress fellowship spent three years examining and debating how cities can strengthen the transatlantic relationship. The fellows, partners, a project patron, and members of the sounding board participated in an end-of-fellowship discussion on what the most pressing issues are for urban areas in Germany and the United States, how we can deliver policy to address these challenges and why cities are central to the transatlantic partnership.
German elections are approaching fast. What are the chances of right-wing populists and what do progressives need to do now? Listen to our new episode to find out!
As the Covid-19 pandemic swept across the world, it has put the nation-state at the centre of people’s daily lives. National lockdowns, vaccine rollout strategies, and the shutdown of international travel have introduced the national framework as a dominating force. Catherine de Vries and Cas Mudde discuss what this all means for right-wing populists and how progressives must respond.
What does the future hold for social democratic parties and the centre-left? Political scientists Tim Bale and André Krouwel discuss how overarching narratives and a sharpened ideological compass can help progressive big-tent parties regain much-needed trust. Tune in as these experts debate and recommend paths forward for centre-left parties across Europe.
How can regulatory frameworks best serve people while also upholding democratic principles? Tune in to an exclusive one-on-one conversation between the Executive Vice President of the European Commission for the Digital Age and Competition, Margrethe Vestager, and the Co-Chairman of the German Green Party, Robert Habeck.
The 2021 German Election brought a decisive vote for change: Merkel’s center-right party lost points, while the Social Democrats and the Greens made meaningful gains. But what are the implications? In this new episode of the "Talking Progress" podcast, Ricarda Lang, Jeremy Cliffe, and Tobias Dürr discuss how a new social-green-liberal coalition can be successful.
Listen to Anastasia Lemberg-Lvova and Gitte Zschoch in a conversation about the role of artists and culture in our society and how funders and policy makers can better support cultural workers.
How can Germany live up to its security policy responsibilities in the Zeitenwende? Tune in to hear German Chancellor Olaf Scholz' pledge to continue helping Ukraine and journalist Anne Applebaum and Head of the German Federal Chancellery Wolfgang Schmidt discuss the fundamental ways in which we now have to rethink foreign, security and economic policy.
The first episode of the industrial heartlands series focuses on the keynote speech held by Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook, an important voice on transatlantic relations and Member of the Sounding Board of our Transatlantic Dialogue, on "The Democratic Imperative to Deliver for the Heartlands".
The second episode showcases best practices and proposals for action from the participants of the conference in Brussels, among others John Austin, Director of the Michigan Economic Center; Jamie Driscoll, Mayor of North of Tyne in the UK; Thomas Wobben, Director for Legislative Works at the European Committee of the Regions; and Bill Peduto, former Mayor of Pittsburgh, USA, and Member of the project’s Sounding Board.
A week ago, Donald Trump moved into the White House for the second time, and the radical shift in US politics has already become abundantly clear.
What factors drove voters in the industrial heartlands to lean Republican?
In the fifth episode of the industrial heartlands series, Will Marshall, president and founder of the Progressive Policy Institute based in Washington D.C. analyzes the centre-left’s electoral struggles and highlights the damaging effects of declining trust in governments and democracy in the US and beyond.
What do people in the industrial heartlands of the US Midwest actually think about politics? And what are the actual needs and concerns of these communities?
Four weeks prior to the US presidential election, we visited the crucial electoral battlegrounds in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan together with the fellows of our Industrial Heartlands project. In this episode, the two working group leads Colleen Dougherty and Friedrich Opitz talk with Neel Brown, Managing Director of the Progressive Policy Institute, about the remarkable efforts to revitalize these once-thriving centers of industrial manufacturing but also point out the remaining challenges that became apparent both during the study tour and in the election results.
In light of the recent geo-economic shifts accelerated by the pandemic, global crises and conflicts, and the ongoing efforts to tackle the climate crisis, one group is facing particular challenges: The middle class in the former industrial heartlands across the US and Europe.
In the third episode of our series on the industrial heartlands, we hear from Brencia Berry, Political Director of the US Democratic National Committee, Franziska Brantner, Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Holger Mann, Social Democrat Member of the German Parliament and Tim Ryan, former Democratic US Congressman for Ohio how residents of the industrial heartlands in the US and Germany should be part of the conversation around national green transition policies and what can be done to lessen their economic concerns. This discussion was part of the Progressive Governance Summit in Berlin on 21 June, 2024.
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