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Mooney on Irish Politics

Mooney on Irish Politics

Author: Derek Mooney

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A sometimes jaundiced, but always informed commentary on today's Irish politics from Derek Mooney, an experienced campaigner, former ministerial adviser and now a public affairs consultant.
74 Episodes
There are no election predictions in this podcast as many voters have yet to decide - instead I focus on what to watch out for as we enter the last week of campaigning. I look at how party leaders will try to manage expectations, especially around seat losses and failed gains... but above all I stress that this is NOT a mid term election - the next general election is 9 months away, at most, and could be called within 4 or 5 months.
In this episode I ask why does the nation's business have to go on hold for another 12 days while Fine Gael struggles with who/what it stand for? I also comment briefly on the circumstances of the resignation of Sir Jeffrey Donaldson as DUP leader. Read the column on which this podcast is largely based.
Leo Varadkar's resignation as Taoiseach and Fine Gael leader has thrown Irish politics into turmoil... things will not just continue as they were... and the other government coalition parties need to grasp this reality... fast. This podcast is based on this recent column
In this episode I critique An Tánaiste Micheál Martin's 2023 Árd Fheis speech as a speech, a performance, and as a piece of political communication and it scores a "must do better" on all three criteria. You can read the original column on which this podcast is based: here
A little later than planned... here is my Summer 2023 political reading list (plus a short supplemental list). The 8 books on my core list look at Irish, EU and global politics. The two lists (core and alternatives) contain several biographies as well as polemics on key issues. You can read the accompanying blogpost at:
This impromptu (i.e. unscripted) podcast is my response to the controversy prompted by today's Sunday Business Post interview by President Michael D Higgins. This is not intended as a "hot take" or an effort to stoke the flames. I genuinely believe both the President and the Tánaiste are in the wrong - and that the focus of both should be on implementing the Commission on the Defence Forces recommendations - the only debate we should be having today is on why we must wait until 2028 for full implementation?
In this episode I take the latest Irish Times/ Ipsos opinion poll as my starting point. I look at the numbers and then discuss the likelihood that the next Dáil will have 18 extra TDs... and wonder how many will be FF or FG-ers... based on the poll and the behaviour of Leo Varadkar as Taoiseach, I doubt that many will. There will be a written article (with URL links etc) to accompany this podcast
Welcome to my first podcast in several weeks, in this episode I consider the penchant of both main parties in government to pursue policies that make it difficult for their supporters to stick with them... This podcast is based on my recent column:
While it may be fleeting, the SocDems poll bounce is a reminder that Fianna Fáil’s persistently poor poll ratings since 2019 have not happened despite Micheal Martin, they are a direct consequence of decisions he made as leader. This episode is also available as a blog post:
In my first podcast of 2023 (apologies for the delay) I look back at the first few weeks of the Donohoe #Postergate saga and explore how Fine Gael has taken the old political dictum: when you are explaining, you are losing, and turned it on its head. Though they may feel it is working in the short-term… I believe that in the longer term, it will not.  This episode is also available as a blog post:
In this podcast episode I discuss the principal factors a party leader should consider when contemplating a mid-term reshuffle. I manage - almost - to refrain from engaging in speculation about who may be in or out next Saturday… or next week when the junior ministries are announced.  This episode is also available as a blog post:
Small wonder Fine Gael would rather have some pie-in-the-sky discussion on the triple lock than discuss the realities of their political neglect of defence. It’s a political three card trick from the party that brought us the triple lock, treble flip-flop. This episode is also available as a blog post:
In this episode I draw together a range of recent political moves and manoeuvres in an attempt to find a path back to viability for Fianna Fáil. It's a struggle... as the party's problems date back to 2018 and beyond. It is just possible... but it will requires new leadership from Fianna Fáil and a serious drive to reconnect with its lost working class base.  This week's podcast is not based on a blogpost, the blog will follow the podcast, however.
In this episode I take “compare and contrast” look at the recent party leader speeches of Scotland’s First Minister and SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon MSP and An Taoiseach and Fianna Fáil leader, Micheal Martin, T.D. - and conclude that Sturgeon comes out much better. This episode is also available as a blog post:
My observations and comments on the lead story in last week’s Belfast Telegraph which says that the three year long political partnership between the SDLP and Fianna Fáil has come to an end.
I am pleased present tis year's Summer Political reading list - my sixth one since 2017. This episode is also available as a written blog with links to all the books mentioned:
This episode is based on two recent blog posts. Both addressed ongoing issues in Fianna Fáil, while one looked at the plans to increase defence investment and the other looks at the history of Programme for Government reviews and concludes that they are a good thing: and
This episode is also available as a blog post:
If you haven't already checked out the Here's How podcast, then listen to this highly rated episode from a few years back and check out the series at or searchs for "Here's How" on your favourite Podcast host.
In this episode I revisit the three Fianna Fáil truths which I set out exactly two years ago (in June 2020). This episode is also available as a blog post:
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