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The PJo Show

Author: Patricia Johnson

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Welcome to The PJo Show! In this Podcast we will explore our journeys for self-acceptance, We will Bravely practice Vulnerability to encourage others to Be Brave within themselves. We will talk about Serious things, without taking ourselves too seriously. I will share stories and tools. And it will be delivered with love, humor, and maybe some cussin'. It will be 100% Real.
18 Episodes
The Great Unbecoming

The Great Unbecoming


We’re wrapping up Season 1 in a BIG self-love, radical acceptance, sparkle shit show HUG! In this final episode of Season 1, our host Patricia Johnson (aka PJo) is sharing one thing that in many ways encompasses so much of what we’ve talked about here on The PJo Show, how to live as your true self without judgement! At some point in life, we have all been told what is best for us to be, or NOT be. Tune into this episode to work past what others have envisioned for your life, and live in a way that is in alignment with what is on your heart! 02:00 Prepping for the big move!03:40 How are we “unbecoming” as we’re on the journey of self-love and radical acceptance?07:00 Notes we can take from how children live fully and are true to themselves!10:15 How we start to become what others tell us is acceptable.14:00 What I do to unbecome being “too much” for others!15:50 Being judged for going to Culinary School.19:00 What does unbecoming mean?22:30 Embracing the gypsy artist I was meant to be!28:15 How can I honor where I am in my journey?31:00 What will you do to begin the unbecoming process today?Join our Community | The Sparkle Shit Show Sisterhood……………………………….Check out The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:



“Resiliency” - it’s a word we’ve all heard before. It’s about being adaptable, tough, and quick to recover from any difficulties we may face. But what happens to our power when we give all the power and all the credit to the word itself? Today on The PJo Show, we’re calling out to reclaim that power back for ourselves! We’re discussing what it really means to be resilient, and how we can work towards it, develop it, and use it as another skill in our toolbox of life. The path to building our resiliency muscles can be difficult and exhausting, but we never have to do it alone - so join PJo as we take the next step forward to becoming the badass we know we can be!1:10 The issue with resiliency.2:30 How do we use the word “resiliency” and what do we mean when we say it?3:30 How does putting power in the word take power away from us?5:10 Returning the power back to us.6:40 What is resiliency?8:50 How do we become resilient and how can we build it up?11:00 PJo’s personal story with resilience.12:55 What can we discover about ourselves through our resiliency?13:25 The difficulties of building resiliency.15:55 How can reaching out to our friends and community help and guide us?18:50 Can we be resilient by ourselves?21:50 How to maintain a rigid state of flexibility.23:05 How can we empower ourselves by watching how we use words?Join our Community | The Sparkle Shit Show Sisterhood……………………………….Check out The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity


Goodbye “good vibes only” and hello “all vibes welcome”! Toxic positivity may sound, well, positive, but how does denying ourselves from feeling any negative emotions affect us? When we force ourselves to only focus on the good, are we stopping ourselves from experiencing our full selves? It’s time to eliminate the “negative” and “positive” from emotions and just let emotions be emotions so that you can just be you! This episode of The PJo Show, we’re dropping truth bombs about stepping away from toxic positivity so that we can love ourselves by fearlessly being ourselves!1:25 How do we find freedom by stepping away from toxic positivity?4:10 How does stopping ourselves from feeling negative emotions hinder us?5:40 What is “toxic positivity”?7:35 PJo’s personal story with toxic positivity.12:20 How do we find toxic positivity in our lives?14:30 Giving ourselves permission to be sad.16:25 How do we release control and let ourselves feel?17:20 What if we get stuck in a negative feeling?20:45 How do we release our emotions?22:10 Allowing ourselves to be.26:40 What should we do when we feel sad and try to resist our emotions?29:40 Low vibe emotions vs. a high vibe person.31:40 Loving yourself enough to let yourself be.Join our Community | The Sparkle Shit Show Sisterhood……………………………….Check out The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
It's Ok to Need Help

It's Ok to Need Help


In the current world of perfectly curated feeds and unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves, all too often we default to asking ourselves, “Why is this happening to me?” or “Why can’t I do it all?”. Instead of being hard on ourselves, what we should be asking is, “What support do I need to take the next step forward?” This episode is full of real-life experiences our host Pjo is currently working through, and ways you can reinforce your ability to grow and move forward through the messy! None of us should feel like we have to navigate life alone.03:15 The process we’re working through with buying our house!06:00 What can we do when we’re still developing the skills to trust ourselves in navigating life?09:30 How I reached out to get help with my own anxiety.10:15 What are different ways we can get help during challenging times?13:40 How we can empower others, and be empowered by simply listening!18:30 How getting help may not remove the heavy load but can reinforce you and your ability to carry it.22:15 Beware of the danger of comparing yourself to a curated feed!24:00 Give yourself permission to have messy moments as you grow through life!25:00 How will you get help in taking the next step in your life?Join our Community | The Sparkle Shit Show Sisterhood……………………………….Check out The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Do Unto Yourself

Do Unto Yourself


Can you list everything you accomplished yesterday? How easy is it for you to remember everything that you did well, from the most simple task to the biggest ones? On the flip side, how easy is it to remember the things you didn’t accomplish yesterday? The areas you feel you fell short. If you were to be having a conversation with a neighbor, or someone you love, you would be encouraging and see all the things they are doing well! This episode is a needed reminder that you need to treat yourself with that same courtesy. Tune in for ways you can make it a habit to see the good you are doing, rather than focusing on things that don’t serve you!02:40 Do you treat YOURSELF with love and kindness like you treat your neighbor?07:00 How can we give ourselves the validation we desire?10:50 What can I do to acknowledge the progress I am making?18:15 Remembering that your badass self doesn’t just exist in the future.21:00 How can we find comfort, and trust our ability to navigate your current challenges.24:00 On the list of people you encourage and are loving towards...remember to include yourself!Join our Community | The Sparkle Shit Show Sisterhood……………………………….Check out The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:



The word “Ego” can often have a negative connotation to it. If you were to draw a character to represent Ego, would they have a puffed-up chest or would they be holding a map that pointed out areas in need of healing? Just like so many things in life, our perspective can completely change how we experience life! In this episode, our host Patricia Johnson(aka PJo) is sharing ways we can identify how our Ego shows up in your life, what it’s trying to tell you, and how you can heal. Not just as an individual, but healing generational wounds too!02:15 Demystifying your EGO!04:20 What is my Ego?06:15 What does my ego sound like? 08:00 How does your ego show up in your life? What are the things it says to you? 10:50 Where does our ego come from?13:40 What is the difference between who we are, and who we think we are?16:00 How can I know if I have a healthy and healed ego? 18:00 The benefit of my “give-a-shit” factor being low!20:15 Questions I ask myself to heal my ego.23:00 How do we inherit our ego?24:00 The generational benefits of healing ourselves!Join our Community | The Sparkle Shit Show Sisterhood……………………………….Check out The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Playing Small

Playing Small


What is holding you back from going all-in? What noise around you is keeping you small? What fears do you have around stepping into your full, and authentic self? Tune in as Patricia (aka PJo) opens up and powerfully and vulnerably shares her fears and what has been holding her back. From day one this podcast has had at it’s heart, the mission to help you fully lean in to embracing who you are and want to become. Two ways we hope to help you get there are in this episode; by diving into the work ourselves, and creating a sisterhood of support around you! Tune in for ways to recognize where you are playing small, and how you can stop settling for anything less than fully playing the lead role you were meant to in your life!02:30 My confession.03:50 How I pushed pause on my needs and growth.07:40 What am I doing to commit to playing BIG?10:30 How can we embrace the feelings we are experiencing and move forward?12:30 What if we started our day thinking about the impact we can make in the world?13:30 Are your actions in alignment with your inner desires?17:00 The fears I have around sharing my message and sharing my voice.21:30 How can we make the decision to not play small?23:15 The power of showing up as our authentic, sparkle-shit-show selves!27:00 What areas of your life are playing small right now?31:15 The sisterhood I created to connect and support each other as our true selves!Join our Community | The Sparkle Shit Show Sisterhood……………………………….Check out The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Trust Yourself

Trust Yourself


What is that nudge? That gut feeling? That ping or lightbulb moment? As an unofficial Part 2 of last week’s episode, we’re diving deeper into ways you can trust yourself by tuning into your intuition! As we tune into ourselves and our feminine energy there is power in following your intuition! It can be the simplest thing from bringing more adventure into your life by taking a different route home, to important things like keeping you safe or leading you to someone you are meant to meet! Let’s dive into how you can learn to recognize your intuition and put it into practice in your daily life!01:00 Welcome to a deeper dive into trusting in yourself!03:15 What is feminine energy? How does it tie into our intuition?05:50 How can we learn to hear and listen to our intuition?07:20 How listening to my intuition helped us evacuate smoothly and safely.12:00 What are some examples of times we may have heard our intuition?13:30 What are some exercises we can do to strengthen our intuition?16:00 What are the benefits in the grand scheme of things of listening to your intuition?17:00 What is a time your intuition has led you to something great?17:50 How listening to my intuition helped me meet my husband!……………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
You Are A Badass

You Are A Badass


You are a badass, even when it doesn’t always feel like it! Actually, you are a badass ESPECIALLY when you don’t feel like it! We all go through hard things and unfortunately, we don’t often take the time to acknowledge our strength and ability to get up and keep moving forward. In this episode, we are sharing ways we can acknowledge our strengths and find comfort as we learn to trust ourselves. Everything you have gone through, you’ve made it through, and that in itself speaks volumes to the badass you are! Tune in for ways to tap into your intuition, allow yourself to feel your feelings, and take time to build trust in yourself as you move into the unknown!00:45 “I couldn’t afford therapy, so I started a podcast!”02:50 Reclaiming our power as we move forward into the unknown.05:00 How can we look back and acknowledge the hard things we have gone through and accomplished.08:00 When we can’t trust in the unknown, what CAN we trust in?10:00 This is the number one tool in my toolbox to process my feelings.13:30 The importance of acknowledging times you’ve kept moving forward!15:30 How to remove “supposed to” and “should” out of your vocabulary.17:00 How can I stop overthinking and trust my intuition?19:00 What I am doing to trust myself through this new move and transition.22:15 What can I do to give myself grace when I am fearful?26:45 Strengthening the mental muscle to see yourself as a badass!29:45 What are the hard things you are going through right now? ……………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
The Bully Inside Us

The Bully Inside Us


Our biggest critic is often the one we see in the mirror. Why do we bully ourselves? How can we break negative patterns and give ourselves grace? In this episode, our host Patricia Johnson is talking about the ways we bully ourselves, how we can better understand where those feelings are coming from, and what the TRUE process of healing can look like for each of us. It’s about connecting with ourselves, specifically our inner child, and being able to forgive and let go of the limiting beliefs and baggage that have held us back. 00:40 How I faced my own inner critic preparing for this episode.04:30 What is the difference between working on a pattern, and the cause of a pattern?08:50 What is a bully? What has caused them to become a bully?12:00 How can I understand and speak to my inner child with compassion?14:50 What does my process of healing look like?17:00 This visualization is what healing and energy are like for me!19:15 Where should we start in the process of healing and diving deep?21:00 My own limiting beliefs I used to have that held me back.26:00 How therapy helped me let go of baggage from my childhood.29:00 How to give yourself and others grace knowing you are doing your best!33:00 What are ways you do, or have bullied yourself?35:40 How can we connect and validate our inner child?37:00 The power in giving yourself grace and unloading the baggage!39:00 What are times you’ve bullied yourself? Or times you’ve worked hard to do your best?……………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Close your eyes and picture your favorite vacation! Regardless of where the vacation is, we are all familiar with that vacation feeling, leaving you refreshed and energized. Our host Patricia Johnson (aka PJo) is sharing how we can intentionally take time for ourselves to create that vacation feeling in our everyday life! From examining ways our routine may be making us feel trapped and overwhelmed, to the importance of filling up our own cup, this episode is full of honest stories and ways we can stop waiting to give ourselves a break until we feel like we “deserve it”!01:30 Our recent family vacation!03:30 How can we have that vacation feeling on a random Tuesday?05:00 How I’m intentionally breaking free of the trapped feeling I’ve had during the pandemic.07:40 Are you feeling trapped or overwhelmed in your life?10:40 What are the things you love about vacations?13:20 How can you re-create that vacation feeling every day?16:30 The importance of giving ourselves permission to take time for ourselves!19:10 Are you really too busy to take 20 minutes for yourself?22:40 What is keeping you in this trapped feeling?24:30 How do we benefit from taking time for ourselves and pouring into our own cup?29:00 Do you know your value, and the value you bring to your family?32:10 Don’t wait to give yourself permission until you think you’ve earned it.33:00 Try this breathing exercise, visualize, and journal to find ways you can create your own vacation feeling every day!……………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Be Seen

Be Seen


When was the last time you felt like you could completely relate to a character in a movie or book who was perfect? Honestly, perfection, in the way most of us think of it, doesn’t exist. In this episode, our host Patricia Johnson (aka PJo) talks about the importance of letting go of the need to look like we have it all together. When we can connect with others through being authentic and vulnerable, we are giving ourselves and others the permission to be human. To be on this journey of growth that we are all experiencing in its messy amazingness! Tune in to hear PJo share her experiences of early motherhood, the masks she used to wear, and the freedom that has come from letting go of those masks - allowing herself to be truly seen!01:40 What are the “masks” we wear?04:10 What was the mask I used to wear and how did I learn to remove it and let it go?07:10 How we are perfect and simultaneously don’t need to hold on to perfection!10:00 How do the masks we wear affect our relationships?11:40 What can you do to reclaim your power?15:20 What I’ve learned from the power of sharing vulnerability.18:30 The power of connecting over our stories!21:20 How can we get past small talk and connect with others in a meaningful way?27:20 The book that changed my thinking!30:00 What I learned from my mother-in-law about the joy of going through life together.34:50 The power in sharing your story, all of it! (Even the sparkle shit show parts.)Check out this book mentioned in today’s episode:When Everything Changes, Change Everything by Neale Donald Walsch……………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
We’ve all heard others talk about bottling their feelings and it sadly is all too common for us to sweep our feelings under the rug. Often we do this because we’re modeling someone we looked up to as a child, and in today’s world, it doesn’t take long on social media to start to believe this unattainable ideal of being happy all the time. In this episode, our host Patricia (aka PJo) shares her own personal experiences of letting go of judgment on herself, allowing her to feel and work through her emotions. She’s here to debunk the idea that there are “bad” feelings and “good” feelings, helping us sit with our emotions, acknowledge them, and work through them - thanking those feelings for what they have to teach us. After all, feelings are for feeling. 01:30 Releasing judgment and allowing yourself to feel your feelings!03:40 Is there such thing as “good feelings” and “bad feelings”?07:00 The lesson I learned from allowing myself to feel angry.13:20 What did I do to give myself compassion and permission to feel when I was angry?17:00 What do you do when you feel low vibrational feelings?19:50 The importance of allowing yourself to feel and work through your feelings!23:20 How do you treat yourself when you are struggling?27:00 What is toxic positivity? What does that look like in our lives?30:10 What is a time you have allowed yourself to feel your feelings?…………………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Who Am I

Who Am I


Who am I? If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be? In this episode, our host Patricia Johnson (aka PJo) is talking about how we identify ourselves and if it is serving us. Who are you? When asked to describe yourself in an interview what would you say? If you were to journal your thoughts about yourself throughout the day, what would they say? Patricia talks about how we as women often identify ourselves based on our relationships with others. Yes, we are wives, mothers, teachers, daughters, friends, and even with all we are to others we are so much more! Tune in to this episode for some exercises to remember who you are, beyond the wonderful roles you lead in your life, and listen to your intuition over the critic in your mind.01:40 How have you evolved over time?03:00 How do we as women often identify ourselves based on others?05:50 What is the first thing you think of when someone asks you to describe yourself?09:40 How can you separate yourself from those typical human identifiers?13:00 What can I do to strengthen my intuition?17:15 Words you associate yourself with and the exercises to listen to your intuition instead of your ego.21:30 Finding meaning in a simple 3 letter word.24:00 Who are you and who do you want to be?25:30 What is your relationship like with yourself?27:00 How we can remember who we are and want to be in our daily lives!…………………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Hello, empowerment! This episode is about letting go of victim mentality, and growing through our challenges! It’s about making the shift from asking ourselves WHY something is happening to us, to WHAT can I learn from this? Asking what you can learn from the challenge or obstacle in front of you is the first step in growing through it, rather than allowing it to stop your progress altogether. Tune in to hear our host Trish (aka PJo) share one of the hardest deployments her family went through and the lessons they learned along the way.01:30 The perception shift that will 03:15 What gifts do other people bring into your life?04:30 How did I survive and eventually shift my perspective during a year-long deployment?08:30 How did I shift from thinking things are happening TO ME, to asking how things are happening for me?12:30 Seeing the growth that came from one of the most difficult times in my life.16:15 The different levels of lessons you learn from relationships and people that cross your path.18:00 Working through the different levels of not feeling like I am enough.22:30 What patterns are you seeing come up in your life over and over?25:00 What lessons are you learning from the people around you?27:10 The exercise you can do today to empower yourself and reaffirm your ability to grow through challenges.…………………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
The Loneliness

The Loneliness


Have you ever felt lonely? Of course, the answer to this question for all of us is yes. In this episode, our host PJo shares how she felt a deep sense of loneliness in her childhood, and how she often felt that she was the only one that felt the way she did. As she continues to share her story as she has grown up PJo also talks about shame and how she tried to stay “small” or fit in a box to be what she thought others wanted her to be. PJo sets the example for what we can all do to heal shame and loneliness...vulnerability. Tune in to hear stories of how we are all connected through this human experience, ways we can work through shame and loneliness, and live a life that lights us up!02:10 The loneliness I felt as a child and how it affected me.04:20 What did I used to think I had to do to be loved and accepted?07:40 What is it about you that you are self-labeling “wrong”?11:30 Debunking my previous thought process of what I needed to do to be loved!14:00 How can you give yourself permission to feel all the feelings?15:50 What did I used to do to shrink and make myself small because of shame?18:10 How mantras can break negative cycles. 21:50 How do I deal with serious and uncomfortable things?25:20 What can you do if you are feeling lonely?27:40 How do you heal shame?29:20 Are you lonely? What lights you up? Connect with us in the Facebook group to continue this conversation!…………………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
The PJo Show

The PJo Show


Welcome to The PJo Show! In this very special premiere episode of the podcast, our host PJo gives us a look into some of the challenges she has faced, and the work she has done to overcome them to be a self-proclaimed “Sparkle Shit Show”! During those challenging times of her life, PJo looked for someone to connect to. This podcast in many ways is paying it forward to others, those of us (all of us) facing our own challenges, to have a place to connect, learn, and grow. Thank you for tuning in to The PJo Show! This is just a snippet of what you can expect from here. Join us on the journey of self-discovery, self-love, and radical acceptance!01:35 What do I hope to create with The PJo Show?03:45 My story of being a “sparkle shit show”.05:35 What do Light Workers do?08:00 The power of connection through challenges.10:50 How we will do the hard work together, without being hard on ourselves.14:20 What does your judgment of others say about you?…………………………………….Join our community in The PJo Show Facebook group: along with PJo (Patricia Johnson) on Facebook:
Welcome to The PJo Show! In this Podcast we will explore our journeys for self-acceptance,  We will Bravely practice Vulnerability to encourage others to Be Brave within themselves.  We will talk about Serious things, without taking ourselves too seriously.  I will share stories and tools.  And it will be delivered with love, humor, and maybe some cussin'.  It will be 100% Real.