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A show featuring news, views and tips from Osaka, Japan. Presented by Hiroyuki Shinohara and Ian Cheung. Produced by messaliberty, the company that brings you, helping you find interesting stuff online without the work of searching.
19 Episodes
In episode 17, we talk about the battle between iOS and Android in Japan. ; We cover things like market share, the new product announcements from Sharp and predictions for the future.
We cover the 3 biggest mobile phone network operators in Japan, Docomo, AU, and Softbank. Including background info, history, strategies and future prospects. In the second part we go in-depth with Softbank and its CEO Son-san
5 Interviews from Techcrunch Camp Japan
First news, was of Rakuten (the online shopping mall we covered in Episode 014) switching to using English in their meetings as well as their purchase of for US $250 million. Next we talked about our new video camera, the DSLR Canon EOS Kiss x4 (also known as the Rebel T2i or EOS 550D, depending on where you are). What do you think of the video and sound quality, compared to previous episodes? And also we have a new video editor (me), so if you notice any problems just leave a comment and I will personally look into it. The next part, is a new segment, which we named Ken’s 30 seconds, even though a little bit longer than that. Ken introduces the way he learns Chinese and how you can learn Japanese via brought to you by Cerego Japan. As a sidenote, Kim of (one of the best online Japanese <-> English dictionaries) works there. Of course, the iPad in Japan is a topic that we could hardly not mention, especially with the whole sim-lock nonsense from Apple and Softbank. Hiro’s reserved his iPad, and I’ve decided not to get one. On a related note, since he is getting the wifi only model, he gives his final verdict on the emobile vs WiMax. Finally we mentioned WordCamp Yokohama, Japan’s 4th big WordPress meet-up. Hiro promises interviews, which I will do my best to edit and get ready soon. Disappointingly the videos we sent to of WordCamp Kyoto never seemed to have appeared. We’ll probably be posting these to directly. Hope you enjoyed this episode, as ever we are delighted to get feedback whether good or bad. Leave us a comment or send us an email!
A brief introduction to Japan's #1 online shopping mall, Rakuten
Interview with Patrick McKenzie
We started the show with the Google vs China sagat, Hiro quizzed me on the reactions on Hong Kong citizens (I was in Hong Kong when the controversy started.) And he was surprised at the lack of surprise. Next up was some digital entertainment news, and the latest add-on for the PS3. The torune is a digital tv tuner but it also let's the PS3 record shows. With this add-on, added to the Blu-ray, Internet, YouTube abilities, the PS3 could be poised to become the defacto home entertainment center in Japan. And if that wasn't enough, DMM announced on-demand video streaming to the PS3. We forgot to mention that the ads that DMM are running feature Chiaki Kuriyama of Kill Bill and Battle Royale fame. One more piece of Sony related news was TransferJet, a new wireless memory card that sends data faster than USB2! (But of course useless for other brands of digital camera). And finally we talked about the Kindle DX International version vs the as yet unannounced iPad. We recorded this episode one day before the big announcement. I basically sum up the why I was waiting for the iPad and held off ordering the Kindle DX. And that was episode #13, a shorter sweeter episode than recent ones. Hope you enjoy it, and leave a comment! We're starved of comments :)
We shared our New Year resolutions for and messaliberty. hulor, blog posts and WordPress development all got a mention. 2009 was a busy year in the tech world in Japan and we reviewed it, Top 5 fashion. See if you agree with what we thought were the biggest or most important events of last year (with special mention of Ken's new big screen TV). Continuing with the Top 5 style, we did predictions for 2010 for the Japanese tech world, including the battle between Twitter Japan and Ameba Now. Predictions are always tricky to get right. Check back with us regularly to see if we get any of them right through the year. But we are also interested in hearing from you and so we are giving away this special and pretty amazing puzzle in our first competition. You can make any picture from its 300 pieces, and it works best with portraits. Check out the link for more info. To enter the competition, all you need to do is send us via email, or leave a comment below with one of your own predictions for 2010 for the Japanese IT/Web/Tech world. The best or most interesting prediction will win the puzzle. The competition is open to anyone and we will send it anywhere. Looking forward to your many interesting predictions!
This episode covers topics such as JP, crunchpad, kindle in Japan, Chris and WordBench
In this episode, we started with a brief report on WordCamp Kyoto 2009 and discussed our favourite parts.
From a different location (we just moved from one side of the office to the other) we started the show. Hiro shows everyone the new layout but I point out that not many viewers had seen the old layout.Our first topic was CSS Nite, which are presentation events held in different cities in Japan, for web designers and developers. We went to the last one held in Osaka and which was about HTML5. We were quite surprised that so many fellow web folk attended. Over 100 signed up and showed up. There were presentations talking about the new tags in HTML5 and showing the new tags being used for video and player controls.Our next set of news items were all to do with updates, from the Sony PS3 Slim to the ipod nano to snow leopard and WordPress. And of course, Firefox 3.5.3 which Hiro tried again after his bad experiences of 3.5.0 It's funny though, for Hiro it is a lot more stable than 3.0 but for me it is the opposite.We then talked about two of Japan's biggest SNS (Social Networking Service) operators, mixi and DeNA, and their plans at opening up their application platforms. They have really high market capital and are trying their hardest at generating revenue like Facebook. Related to this is the problems Japanese app makers have in providing information to non-Japanese users. Techcrunch's Serkan Toto wrote a piece covering the top 32 Japanese iPhone apps but ended it with a lament on the quality of the English description, details or instructions. We are keen to help, so if you know any Japanese iPhone or Android app developers that would like English assistance, you can put them in touch with us.And it wouldn't be if we didn't mention gadgets and I talked about the latest gadget I bought, the eye-fi wireless sd card. I've been wanting to get it for quite some time and now it's available online and in retail shops in Japan. It is a bit more expensive than if you bought it in the States.Finally we heard news of another WordCamp taking place near to us. WordCamp Kyoto is going to take place 16th and 17th October and of course we will attend. Matt however may not attend as it seems there is an time-slot for a video message from Matt. We'll bring you more details on the main blog when we get them.As usual if you enjoyed the show please tell your friends or digg us, delicious us or twitter about us ( ( don't forget you can subscribe to us via iTunes or RSS. See you next episode!
episode 8

episode 8


We started the show with the latest news about the iPhone in Japan. That being that Softbank are giving away the 8GB iPhone with a 2 year contract. Related to this was an article by Wired that used old quotes from Hayashi-san. Hiro says that it is a forged article but I am not so sure.I'm tempted about getting the iPhone so we summed up in our first Top 5 lists. Top5 reasons to get an iPhone and top 5 reasons not to get an iPhone. You can join in and vote in our poll below.As promised in a previous episode, Hiro showed you and me some tips on using Fastladder the online (and super-fast) rss news feed reader. He also promised to show us some Greasemonkey tips in a future show.The latest lot of Mac updates/upgrades were next. And I asked Hiro his opinion on whether Apple is waiting for Steve Jobs to come back before launching big big products.We had some site news. Starting with the completion of our localisation to the start of our twitter feeds. They are: and I also have personal twitter accounts not mentioned in the show but if you are interested here they are: last of the site news was the design of the new which fingers crossed should be completed in time for episode 4. But before Episode 4, we have a special episode at a special location. Our special episode will be recorded at DenDen Town, where there is a Street Festa. If you don't know DenDen Town or Nipponbashi is Osaka's Akihabara where electronics, anime, manga, games and maid cafes converge.And finally, we ended the show with thanking Asiajin's founder Akimoto-san for twittering about us.Thank-you for watching and see you in the Special Episode.
episode 4 of

episode 4 of


We began the show with a quick explanation of what happened with the special episode of covering the DenDen Town Street Festa and we promised to go back some time in the near future.Hiro mentioned that I finally succumbed to giving Apple and Softbank some of my hard earnt Yen by switching over to the iPhone. We talked about the recent OS3.0 announcement (we forgot all about the possible tethering feature) and some of our favourite apps. They were AppSniper, mBox Mail and Skype.Our next news was about the lovely cake cafe that opened up under us, and the web cam I got.Next, I introduced some of my favourite podcasts for web developers and designers. They were stackoverflow, css-tricks (video) and boagworld. On a related note, there was IE8 coming out of beta, and now is part of our 18 web browser test suite. I reveal which IE I use, but I forgot to mention that our test suite is powered by VirtualBox. Check it out, it is free equivalent of Parallels or VMWare and is by Sun of Solaris and Java fame. Available for Mac, Windows or Linux.Lastly we talked about two really great bits of WordPress news, the first is that we have implemented user specific admin languages with tam-mothertongue. Thank-you Miyoshi-san for helping us and many others. The second is that we are attending WordCamp meet-up taking place in Osaka, as I understand it, it isn't a full WordCamp but Matt should be there along with other WordPress enthusiasts and developers.As usual if you enjoyed the show please tell your friends, or digg or delicious us. We are also glad to receive emails or comments! See you in episode 5!
iPhone battery review

iPhone battery review


I bought a fairly cheap (~¥2000) iPhone battery on Yahoo Auctions. This is a quick review of the battery, showing the size, features and a simple test of the capacity.If you like it, you can find it by searching Yahoo Auctions for "iphone 1900mah". The seller was suen2003jp who is probably the cheapest seller.
episode 7

episode 7


As you might have guessed we started the show with the news of the release of iPhone OS 3.0 bringing Cut, Copy and Paste and MMS to the iPhone. Unfortunately Apple still hasn't sorted out the whole iPhone, iTunes, App Store mess on the phone. The playback controls of podcasts has improved though with the 2x playback and the improved scrubber and 30 sec rewind. (Also no tethering available in Japan)Hiro mentioned that he got a new mobile phone address with MMS letting him email other mobile phone users in Japan without being blocked by the strict spam filters. We talked about the iPhone 3GS which although nice wasn't enough of an improvement to consider upgrading. Hiro though did want to replace his Mac Book Pro with one of the new unibody's but because he is thinking about the 15" MBP it means that he would have to put up with the glossy screen.We talked about Google Wave which combines email and IM for communication and collaboration. Hiro likes it but I am not convinced. He's in the waiting list to try it out and when we do, we'll report back to you.Next up was Layar, an augmented browser available for the Android mobile phone platform. This supplies supplemental information to you as you view the world via your phone's camera. Things like which apartment is available for rent or restaurant ratings. It is rather similar to Tonchidot's seikai camera available in Japan for the iPhone. I suggested that the companies should work together with tourist boards.Site news was next, announcing the iPhone (and other smart phones) version of the site. We also implemented related posts and talked about the hosting the show, which is soon to become a podcast (fingers crossed). You'll be able to subscribe to the show to be watched on the PC, iPod or in an audio only version.We showed our new "high tech" gadget in trying to improve the audio of the show. It was a clapperboard or slate as used in the movie industry. (At the time we didn't know it but it didn't solve our problem, more about this next episode).We ended the show with Hiro's experience of Firefox 3.5 which was launched recently.As usual if you enjoyed the show please tell your friends or digg us, delicious us or twitter about us ( ( Thanks for watching!
episode 6 of

episode 6 of


The first piece of news is was the announcement of the redesign and relaunch of We talked about the new features, including bigger viewing size, ratings and others. Don’t forget to rate this episode or send us bug reports if you spot any. We also talked about plans to make a video podcast (a show you can subscribe to)Next we talked about the Kindle DX and the must-have feature of native pdf support. I also explained the dark side of the Kindle, with the built-in kill switches. Hiro told us about the ebook software for the Nintendo DS that has a big range of copyright expired books available. I forgot to mention that the publishing industry is trying to move away from the pdf format and to the epub format.Our next topic was the P2 theme for WordPress which let’s you turn your WordPress installation into a twitter-like clone. Hiro was very impressed by the screencast that Automattic did. We communicate using a combination of email, irc and basecamp but we are probably going to try P2 and see if it works as well for us as it does for Automattic.One thing that is not working (for me) is my iPhone app. I didn’t know why, the error messages weren’t helpful and it was only later I stumbled across this forum are going “pay-for” in all countries except the UK, US and Germany. Surprisingly it isn’t because of licensing agreements with record companies in those countries. I explain the real reason. Related but not mentioned in the show is the announcement that the PRS (UK Music Rights) have reduced their charges for streaming tracks from 0.22 pence per track to 0.085 pence per track.As Hiro said let’s move onto good news. We went to the Web Directions East presentation by John Allsop, as mentioned in the interview with Oli last time. It was a great presentation and Hiro was impressed at the progressive enhancement concept. Something I try to practice as much as logistically possible. I don’t know if we mentioned it before but this WDE was actually WDE Express. We are looking forward to the full on WDE later this year.We ended the show with Hiro’s personal announcement regarding his blog. (WordPress +1, Moveable Type -1)As usual if you enjoyed the show please tell your friends or digg us, delicious us or twitter about us ( ( Thanks for watching!
episode 5 of

episode 5 of
