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The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

Author: Nick and Amy with The Ultimate Intimacy App

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Nick and Amy are the creators and owners of the Ultimate Intimacy App and brand. They dive into all the tough topics regarding sexual and emotional intimacy, and discuss the things that most couples deal with regularly in marriage, that are seldom talked about on other podcasts. They are raw, unscripted, personal, and Nick will most likely say things he will regret ;) 

They have been married over 22 years and have 4 kids, 3 dogs, and share their own life experiences and trials that have helped them transform their own relationship. They are on a mission to help couples not just survive in marriage, but thrive in marriage.

Their podcast is focused on helping you find "Ultimate Intimacy" in your relationship both in and out of the bedroom. Also, for a great resource to help transform your relationship, check out the Ultimate Intimacy App at

285 Episodes
Part 2 of ask us anything. We continue our conversation and answering questions that you as an audience submitted to us. Some of the questions we received and answer in this episode are:What if my wife never wants to have a high sex drive? What are your thoughts on backdoor (anal) sex? My husband is cheating; should I divorce? Is TV in the bedroom healthy or not? Why do men keep trying so hard for their family when they know their marriage is over? Can you be friends ...
In this episode, we dive deep into the questions you submitted on social media, and no topic was off-limits. We encouraged you to ask anything, and you delivered with a wide range of insightful, thought-provoking, and sometimes challenging questions.From dealing with conflict resolution and communication barriers to managing finances and balancing personal and relationship goals, we tackle the real issues that many couples face. Each question opens up a discussion that not only provides answe...
Yes, we know this can go both ways and it's not always the wife, but in this episode, we tackle the 6 types of wives who don't enjoy being intimate with their husbands. We discuss the reasons why women make excuses to not be intimate with their husbands, and many of them are valid excuses.As we always talk about, we are trying to help marriages become more connected and find "Ultimate Intimacy." For that to happen, sometimes we need to recognize the mistakes or things we are doing that keep t...
In Episode 277, we explored the habits wives should stop doing to foster a more peaceful and intimate marriage. Now, it's time to turn the spotlight on husbands.There's no question that as men, we can develop some bad habits or make mistakes that create conflict in our relationships. Nick can personally attest to this. Often, we don't even recognize these habits or the impact they have on our marriages.In this episode, we will identify the common habits that husbands tend to fall into that pr...
Ever wondered how a simple query like "What do you need from me right now?" can revolutionize your marriage? In a heartfelt exchange, we unravel the complexities of marital intimacy and uncover the keys to a deeper connection. We discuss how open communication and teamwork are essential in understanding and fulfilling each other's needs.If you feel like your marriage isn't where you want it to be (which is many of us), then this episode is for you. In this episode we share the 8 questions you...
There are many habits that a wife can get into if they are not careful, that can cause disconnect and conflict in the marriage. Habits are things are being done or said constantly and could include, nagging, complaining and other things. Sometimes these habits are completely understandable and justified... but often times can turn into "habits" that occur regularly and become normal in the relationship.In this episode, Nick and Amy discuss the habits that wife's should stop doing to have a be...
This is an episode that both the high desire and low desire spouse (every couple) is going to want to listen to. As many of you know, Nick is a high desire spouse, and Amy is a low desire spouse, yet they have a great sex life. In this episode Nick puts Amy on the spot and she answers all the important questions about how she (as a lower desire spouse) makes sexual intimacy a priority, and she also shares the things high desire husbands need to know about their low desire wife.If you are look...
The big myth that a hefty paycheck equals husband of the year.We get a ton of men telling us on our social media, "My wife should be intimate with me because I provide for the family," not realizing that there is so much more to being a good husband than just providing for the family, although that is very important.Although bringing home the bacon is a great thing, there is much more, which we unpack in this great episode. So if you are a husband who is a good man and wants to connect more w...
Can you really mess up foreplay? Oh yes, you can! Are you focusing too much time on the wrong area? Are you communicating with your spouse about what they like or dislike? Are you experimenting enough? What about focusing on your spouse's needs more than your own?In this episode, we discuss the 10 mistakes you might be making during foreplay and how to have much better foreplay in your marriage, because better foreplay leads to better intimacy!If you haven't already, go check out th...
We must admit that we are not morning people and typically don't make love very often in the morning, but after this podcast episode and understanding all the benefits, we are going to re think our lovemaking, and when we do it.There are some serious benefits to making love in the morning. For many couples, sexual intimacy is the last thing on their "to do" list, so when the night time rolls around, couples are too tired mentally and physically to enjoy sex to the fullest, or they make excuse...
Your first thought is that this is a podcast on how to be more physically attractive to your spouse... right? Wrong! This podcast episode focuses on the various other ways to be attractive to your husband, such as self-confidence, and other ways like:Initiating romance and intimacyCommunication in and out of the bedroomTaking care of yourselfSurprising him, being spontaneous - doing fun things togetherHaving a positive mindset about intimacy - prioritizing it!Sense of humorYour husband is alr...
In this fun and candid episode, we dive into the things no one wants to talk about or admit—the funny, awkward, and sometimes uncomfortable moments that happen in the bedroom during intimate time.Let's face it: our bodies make noises, we might need to take a break due to discomfort, things can get messy, and sometimes we just have an "off" night where things don't go as planned. These experiences are all part of the reality of intimacy, but they can often leave us feeling embarrassed or self-...
People lock their cars to protect them from getting stolen. They lock their house to protect everything inside. We protect the things that are most important to us. So why don't many of us set boundaries to protect the most important thing in our life.. our marriage and family?Settings boundaries is like putting a fence around your marriage to keep things from coming in and hurting your marriage. Setting boundaries with the opposite sex together as a couple can be a great protection to your m...
If you really think about it, just about any argument, conflict, or issue in marriage can probably come back to this one thing... humility (or the lack of).When couples are humble, and get the pride out of their relationship, there is going to be much less conflict, and more harmony and intimacy in the relationship. When there are arguments, resentment and conflict, it is most likely due to pride, or the lack of humility due to one, or even both spouses. In this episode, we discuss how humili...
Have you ever pondered how your childhood shapes the way you love and trust your spouse, forms your relationships, and how it impacts your own marriage? The truth is we are shaped and influenced greatly by our childhood epxeriences, and how our parents (or caregivers) raised us. These experiences can form our "attachment style" which impacts how we handle and react to things in own relationships.We have talked about this in our own marriage as we were both raised quite differently, but unders...
Have you ever considered that true intimacy is about so much more than just the physical act? We've all had times when we get done having sex and we feel empty, and not much of a connection. However we have probably all experienced other times when the sexual connection was amazing and connecting like never before, and we crave sexual intimacy to be like that every time.If you remember the most amazing sexual intimacy experiences with your spouse, chances are they were extremely intimat...
We've all had times in marriage where we get into a rut and feel like our marriage and life has become boring. We do the same things day after day, run the kids to the same places. Even our sexual intimacy can get routine and boring. When this happens what do you do?In this episode, Nick and Amy discuss the 14 signs that your marriage has become boring (and routine), and how it can be having a negative impact on your intimacy and connection. We know all about this because we have been there i...
What does it mean to "seduce" your spouse (or romance your spouse)? Why should you seduce your spouse? In this fun episode we talk about the various fun ways to seduce your spouse, and the benefits of bringing the fun, passion and excitement back into your marriage.We also share the poll answers and experiences that we have had in our own marriage and how they still have an impact on our marriage many years later :)If you haven't already, go check out the Ultimate Intimacy App in the app stor...
Have you ever felt like your phone controls your life, or your spouses life, and takes priority over everything else? Your device is with you when you wake up, when go to bed, and go on date nights. We go into full blown panic mode if we forget it somewhere. These devices are the most addicting thing in our lives, and they are having profound negative impacts on our marriages and relationships.If you have listened to our other podcast episodes such as 234. with Nate Kemp, or 197. Why you need...
Have you ever felt like your marriage has gotten to a place where you never imagined it would be? Maybe you've made some bad financial decisions that have hurt your marriage, or your intimacy isn't want you want it to be, or you've done something that has caused you or your spouse to loose trust in the relationship.Do you wish you could just hit a "reset button" or “start over” button in marriage? You are not alone. The truth is, there was a time we felt this exact way before, and it is commo...
Comments (1)

Jake Wain

Being that me and my wife didn't kiss until the altar we are 100% kissing more now than when we were dating but I won't say it's a ton. After listening to this I think I will be adding to the quota lol

Jun 11th