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Unbelievable? offers a weekly podcast, blog, and video series hosted by Ruth Jackson and a team of thinkers and Christian apologists.
1077 Episodes
This week’s Unbelievable Podcast is a special #NoQuestionOffLimits episode that you won't want to miss. We’re revisiting one of our live Q&A events, hosted in collaboration with Spring Harvest. Joining us on the panel is the renowned public theologian and author of several books including Why Trust The Bible? Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing, Dr. Ben Thomas, an international speaker and consultant anaesthetist from OCCA the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and Dr. Ben Chang, an A&E doctor and author of Christ and Culture Wars. Our distinguished guests tackle a range of challenging questions submitted anonymously by a youth audience. Topics include AI, moral dilemmas, is the Bible sexist? What’s the evidence for the Resurrection, and does the Bible condone slavery? Engage with Us If you want to join one of our #noquestionofflimits Q&A events, sign up on our website at and you will also get free resources, updates, and information on upcoming events where you can interact with us and ask your questions! • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
From the Archives: How should Christians understand the Adam & Eve story in Genesis? Is it scientifically plausible that humanity can be traced back to a first human couple? What does it mean for the concept of ‘Original Sin’? These and more questions are discussed by Christian philosopher William Lane Craig, author of the new book ‘In Quest of the Historical Adam’, and computational biologist Joshua Swamidass, author of ‘The Genealogical Adam & Eve’. At the end of the show Ruth Jackson talks to Tim Moyler about the evangelistic resource ‘Living & Telling’. First Aired: 13 August 2021 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
Ever find yourself asking tough questions of God? Struggling to see His goodness and wondering, "Are you really there, God?" 🤔🙏 Our 'No Question Off Limits' panels are here to tackle these tough questions head-on. We've teamed up with Spring Harvest and invited questions, especially from young people. In the hot seat were author and public theologian Amy Orr-Ewing, along with two Christian emergency room doctors, Ben Thomas and Ben Chang. We had an amazing time, and there are even more questions to come! 🚀💬 And check out our earlier two shows • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
Explore the intricate and enlightening conversation between scholars Beryl Dov Lerner and Phil Sumpter as they delve into Jewish and Christian interpretations of scripture, covenants, and theological modesty. This engaging debate asks ‘Can we know God?’ and sheds light on the nature of God, the divine-human relationship, and the crucial role covenants play in both traditions. How do Jewish and Christian perspectives on ethical behaviour and the interpretation of biblical texts converge and diverge? What are the theological implications of the creation story, and how does the nature of God influence human behaviour? Join us to uncover the complexities of understanding God, the significance of the incarnation, and the profound relationship between theology and practice. How do these different perspectives shape our knowledge of God and our approach to ethical living? Philosopher Berel Dov Lerner got his PhD at Tel Aviv University and now teaches at Western Galilee College. Phil Sumpter got his PhD from the University of Gloucestershire and teaches in the Biblical Theological Academy of Wiedenest, Germany, and Cornerstone Bible College in the Netherlands. Your support makes a difference! • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world: SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: / • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
This recording of a live debate between Andrew Bunt and Charlie Bell speaks to sexuality, gender, and identity within the church. Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations Director at Living Out and author of "Finding Your Best Identity," is a same-sex attracted Christian who has chosen celibacy and believes in traditional male-female marriage. Charlie Bell, a gay Anglican vicar and psychiatrist, is the author of "Queer Holiness" and advocates for the acceptance of gay marriage in the church. In this episode of the Unbelievable? Podcast we're looking at Sexuality and gender identity in Christianity, the recent controversy in the Church of England over gay blessingsl, Biblical perspectives on marriage and LGBTQI+ issues and include an audience Q&A session to get you answers on this topic. Originally Aired: 17 Feb 2023 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world: recording of a live debate between Andrew Bunt and Charlie Bell speaks to sexuality, gender, and identity within the church. Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations Director at Living Out and author of "Finding Your Best Identity," is a same-sex attracted Christian who has chosen celibacy and believes in traditional male-female marriage. Charlie Bell, a gay Anglican vicar and psychiatrist, is the author of "Queer Holiness" and advocates for the acceptance of gay marriage in the church. In this episode of the Unbelievable? Podcast we're looking at Sexuality and gender identity in Christianity, the recent controversy in the Church of England over gay blessingsl, Biblical perspectives on marriage and LGBTQI+ issues and include an audience Q&A session to get you answers on this topic. Originally Aired: 17 Feb 2023 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
How do we live well with nations, ecosystems, economies, religions, and other institutions in disarray? Data reveals widespread anxiety among young people globally regarding the impact of climate change on their future. Unbelievable host Andy Kind seized the chance to talk with writer and activist Brian McLaren. Once banned reading for a young Andy Kind when he first embraced his faith, McLaren now joins him for a face-to-face conversation. Have we crossed tipping points towards an inexorable tide of doom? This deep anxiety creates an inner divide: a tension between a hopeful commitment to action for the common good and the fear that no actions can prevent an undesirable or dystopian future. McLaren's 'Life After Doom' offers a sober analysis of climate breakdown, societal collapse, wars, pandemics, and challenges readers to seek wisdom and courage in a world on the brink. Brian McLaren, author of 'Faith After Doubt' and 'Do I Stay Christian?', is a leading voice at the intersection of faith and contemporary culture. Join us for this compelling discussion on navigating a world in crisis. Your support makes a difference! • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world: SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: / website:  Twitter:  Instagram:  • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
Billy Hallowell sits down with Joshua Broome to explore his extraordinary life transformation. Joshua, once a top adult film star, shares his story of fame, wealth, and the emptiness that led him to seek a deeper purpose. In this gripping episode, Joshua discusses: His rise to fame in the adult film industry, the profound emptiness despite his success, how he found redemption in Jesus and his journey to becoming a pastor. This interview offers hope and insight for those struggling with porn addiction, those involved in its creation, and anyone concerned about its growing influence in society. Tune in for an inspiring narrative of transformation and redemption. Joshua's powerful testimony reminds us how we can confront past actions, embrace God's forgiveness, and find true fulfilment in the Christian faith. Originally Aired 23 May 2023 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
Did you hear the one about the three philosophers? Yes, on Unbelievable? 👀 🧠 🎙️In this episode, Oxford philosopher Stephen Law, the main proponent of the Evil God Challenge, argues that the evidential problem of evil challenges the belief in a good God. ⚡️ Jack Symes contends that there are asymmetries between the arguments for believing in a good God and an evil God. The debate examines the distribution of good and evil in the world as evidence and explores how theists defend belief in a good God through theodicies, revelation, and religious experience. Jack Symes is a public philosopher and researcher in philosophy at Durham University, whose academic research lies at the intersection of philosophy of mind and religion. Jack is best known as the producer of The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast, one of the UK’s most popular higher education podcasts. His books include Philosophers on God: Talking about Existence (2024) and Defeating the Evil-God Challenge: In Defence of God’s Goodness (2024). He was recently named one of BBC’s New Generation Thinkers for 2024. Stephen Law is a philosopher and author, currently Director of Philosophy and Cert HE at Oxford University Department of Continuing Education. Stephen has published many popular books, including The Philosophy Gym, The Complete Philosophy Files, and Believing Bullshit. #debate #evilgodchallenge #philosophy #philosophyofreligion #theism #atheism #evil #goodgod • Subscribe to Premier Unbelievable YouTube: Your support makes a difference! • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world: SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: / FOR STEPHEN ⬇️ Visit: For school talks/media: X / IG: / 📚Books Mentioned: The Philosophy Gym: (UK) (USA) The Complete Philosophy Files: (UK) (USA) FOR JACK ⬇️ Visit: Paspsychist Philosophy Podcast: X: / 📚Books Mentioned: Philosophers on God: Talking about Existence (UK) (USA) Defeating the Evil-God Challenge: In Defence of God’s Goodness (UK) (USA) ------- For school talks/media: Link to Jack's book @_JackSymes Link to Stephen's blog The Complete Philosophy Files, Orion 2011 The Philosophy Gym: 25 Short Adventures in Thinking, Headline 2004 The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of History’s Greatest Thinkers, Greenfinch 2013 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
This episode dives into the debate between the annihilationist view (also known as 'conditional immortality') and the traditional 'eternal conscious torment' perspective on hell that has been highlighted among scholars for years. Dr. Al Mohler, Former President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, strongly opposes the annihilationist view, a stance he elaborated on in his daily podcast, The Briefing. On the other side we have Chris Date, a co-founder of Rethinking Hell, who argues in favour of the annihilationist perspective, a belief he adopted after extensive biblical study. The debate delves into scriptural interpretations and examines whether academic scholarship is actually shifting away from the traditional view of eternal torment in favour of an end of all ends. Originally Aired 3 Jan 2015 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
Why do we tend to go for an experience that feels good and when something feels bad, we tend to avoid it? Why are conscious experiences and behaviour paired together in the most rational way? The Unbelievable podcast unpacks the mystery of psycho-physical harmony with Philip Goff, Professor Philosophy at Durham University (an atheist) as he debates Dustin Crummett, a Christian philosopher. Goff believes this topic in philosophy will revolutionize how we perceive the relationship between mind and body and how we make choices based on pain-pleasure. On the podcast this week, we welcome Christian philosopher Dustin Crummett and panpsychist professor Philip Goff from Durham University. Dustin Crummett presents a compelling argument for God as the key to unraveling today's show's enigma. On the other hand, Philip Goff, in his groundbreaking 'Why?' book, proposes an intriguing solution through radical panpsychism, introducing the concept of 'pan-agentialism'—a form of free will attributed to particles, i.e., everything is the agent of its own behavior, whether it is animate or inanimate. Whether you're a seasoned philosopher or a curious mind, this episode will challenge and inspire your views on the harmony between the mind and the physical world. #philosophy #debate #atheism #psychophysicalharmony #christianphylosophy #consciousness SOCIAL LINKS Twitter: Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: / • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
Ever struggled to share your faith with your friends, family or colleagues? You're not alone! Today we're joined by Rt Revd John Pritchard, Former Bishop of Oxford and Acclaimed Author of 'How to Explain Your Faith' to talk about effective ways (as well as not so effective ones!) to talk about your beliefs and Christian faith with atheists, or unbelieving friends. Also joining us this episode is church-going atheist Andrew Nightingale and Christian philosopher and storyteller Mark Roques. Together, they explore what draws Andrew to the church he attends and delve into the reasons he struggles with the beliefs of Christianity. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation on faith, belief, and the modern church. Originally aired 12 December 2014 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
If God is the creator and doesn't make mistakes, what about trans people? 👀 Are miracles real and can they ever be medically verified? 🔥 In today's episode we’re taking you to the second half of the recording of a live event we call NO QUESTION OFF LIMITS which we hosted with Spring Harvest last month. Audience members were invited to text in their questions that were then upvoted and answered by a panel of experts. Joining us on the show to answer your heart-felt questions is renowned public theologian Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, Podcaster and recognised Instagrammer Jesse Fellingham of the Way UK, and Medical Doctor and International Speaker Ben Thomas from OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. Tune in to see if your questions AND we want to hear from you - drop us your question in the comments, or DM us on social media on the links below and we'll be sure to include your question in our upcoming episodes.   #noquestionofflimits #suffering #trans #godandtrans #miracles #dinosaurs #Q&A #openforum • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us: SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: /
In this special podcast episode, prominent Emerging Church leader Brian McLaren and renowned evangelical leader Andrew Wilson engage in a thought-provoking debate on whether we need to rethink our approach to scripture. This insightful discussion delves into critical topics, including: Have we made an idol of the Bible?How did Jesus read scripture?The relevance of Old Testament lawPerspectives on homosexualityAddressing contradictions in the BibleThe use and misuse of scriptureUnderstanding the resurrectionMale and female equality in the context of scripture Tune in to explore these essential questions and more, as McLaren and Wilson offer their unique perspectives on faith, interpretation, and the role of the Bible in modern Christianity. Originally released on 28 Nov 2014 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
How do we speak the truth and balance love with causing offence? Join us on Unbelievable for a challenging episode dedicated to exploring how and whether Christians can engage in politics for the greater good. In this episode, we sit down with former addict and approval seeker, Shane Idleman, founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Lancaster and Leona Valley, CA and founder of Westside Christian Radio Network. He is the author of a number of books and articles, and a regular broadcaster on questions of faith and politics. In our conversation, we ask can we reorient politics for the good of others, reclaim moral knowledge, engage and build edifying political conversations ? We also take a selection of listener questions from around the globe submitted in advance, including 'would Jesus vote for Trump?!' #politics #churchandstate #lovefirst #truthandpolitics #faithandpolitics #trump #apologetics SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter:  / unbelievablefe   Facebook:  / premierunbelievable   Instagram:  / premierunbelievable   Tik Tok:  / premier.unbelievable   • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world:
Christian philosopher Prof Keith Ward and atheist philosopher of science Michael Ruse debate issues of the mind, consciousness and the existence of God. Join us as we explore whether advances in science are undermining or supporting belief in God. Featuring audio clips from the film The God Question, our guests today engage in a spicy discussion debating whether the human mind can be explained by material processes alone, religious experience and free will. Originally Aired: 13 December 2014 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us:
Where is God in my friend’s suicide? 😭 Is God anti-gay? 👀 Do Christians and Muslim's worship the same God?... 🔥 ☪️ ✝️ In today's episode we’re taking you to the recording of a live event we call NO QUESTION OFF LIMITS which we hosted with Spring Harvest last month. Audience members were invited to text in their questions that were then upvoted and answered by a panel of experts. Joining us on the show to answer your heart-felt questions is renowned public theologian Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, Podcaster and recognised Instagrammer Jesse Fellingham of the Way UK, and Medical Doctor and International Speaker Ben Thomas from OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. Tune in to see if your questions AND We want to hear from you - drop us your question in the comments, or DM us on social media on the links below and we'll be sure to include your question in our upcoming episodes.   #noquestionofflimits #suffering #sexuality #godandsexuality #whytrustthebible #suicide #Q&A #openforum • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us: SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: /
Lynn Wilder and Corey Miller are among 4 scholars who tell their story of leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the new book 'Leaving Mormonism'. They engage with Mormon believer James Holt as they discuss Jesus, Joseph Smith, polygamy, testimony, the Book of Mormon and more. For 'Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed Their Mind': Originally Aired: 24 November 2017 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For online learning: • Support us:
Trust in our elected officials seems at an all-time low. Moral failures, infighting, and scandals have become commonplace. Today, on Unbelievable? we ask, Can we rediscover the moral compass in politics? With crucial primaries taking place in the USA and an election in the UK on July 4 we are asking what should be the standard for behaviour of elected officials? And who decides? The discussion is hosted by BBC veteran broadcaster Roger Bolton. Can politics uplift and inspire? Is our political identity intertwined with our personal one? How can Christians reshape politics for the greater good? Michael Wear, the founder of the Center for Christianity and Public Life, emphasizes the importance of gentleness in American political dialogue. As a key figure in President Obama's faith outreach and a prolific writer, Wear advocates for integrating Christian values into public life for the benefit of all. Watch out for another perspective on this topic from Shane Idleman, coming soon on Unbelievable?. #politics #election #morality #moralpolitics #christiannationalism SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: / Other shows to check on for other perspectives on this topic: 📺 Is Christian Nationalism playing politics? | Michael Bird vs Stephen Wolfe hosted by Billy Hallowell 📺 Should faith and politics mix? | Peter Wehner, Jonathan Rauch with Vince Vitale
As we approach the one-year anniversary of apologist Tim Keller's death on May 19th, we sit down with his wife Kathy Keller, author and speaker in her own right, to discuss a number of listener's questions 👀 🤔 on topics of skepticism and reasons for God, suffering, unanswered prayer and to discuss in more depth Kathy's own personal conversion to faith 🔥🔥 her early personal correspondence with CS Lewis ✍️🦁 and what Biblical conclusions she's come to, or even changed position on, later in life. Can we trust the Bible? why do I believe in God? is the Bible sexist? is God anti-gay? and what was Kathy and Tim's favourite NYC restaurant? 🏙️ 😋 Join us for this personal, thorough and humorous dive into the life, faith and theology of special guest Kathy Keller. #kathykeller #timkeller #apologetic #reasonsforGod #interview #isthebiblesexist 🔥🔥 Support the podcast and receive your FREE e-book 'In Conversation with Tim Keller': 👍 Subscribe to the Unbelievable? Podcast: SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: / Facebook: / Instagram: / Tik Tok: / For KATHY: For Kathy's Book Jesus, Justice, and Gender Roles: For Kathy and Tim's book The Meaning of Marriage: For more books by Tim and Kathy: Related Content: 📺 Tim Keller: A pastor to skeptics 📺 Cancer and Christianity: The final Tim Keller Q+A BEN I NEED TO ADD THIS **NEXT WEEK not this week. 📺 For Kathy on Unapologetic: 📺 For Kathy on CS Lewis Podcast:
One of our favourite debates today from the Archives - Elliot George, a retired science teacher, argues that science is grounded in evidence, while religion is based on 'faith' and 'make-belief' and should thus be dismissed. Jonathan McLatchie, writer, speaker and scientist, joins the debate and critiques Elliot's theories as fundamentally flawed. He contends that Christian belief is supported by evidence, asserting that science itself bolsters the argument for God's existence. Their debate explores the definition of belief, the validity of design as an explanation in biology, and the reasons Jonathan prefers Christianity over other worldviews. Originally Aired 15 November 2014 | • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • Support us:
Comments (44)

Tommy Kiger

Great... Christians can even agree on hell, and atheists are constantly threatened with it. It never stops amazing me how believers claim to have to the truth about a god, life, the universe, afterlife, and so on - but they don't even agree within themselves. It reminds me of being a Christian in the 90s when there were Christian bookstores all around. There would only be a couple rows of Bibles (in multiple translations), and dozens of rows of other books trying to explain the Bibles.

Mar 17th

Jacques Raubenheimer

Listening to this in 2024, with the benefit of hindsight, is amazing. Note the section from ±50:00–62:00. Andrea mentions, near the end, how the religious right's alliance with Trump had not had much fruit, with Roe v Wade as an example. We all know how that turned out, and I would love to hear what she thinks about that. Having said that, I absolutely think Andy Flanagan and Andrea are on the money with their concerns about the price we pay for such alliances. John's response misses the point.

Mar 13th

James Woodwillow

great episode

Feb 4th


a hill of beans

Oct 23rd
Reply (3)

Jan de Brieder

what about the millions of people born with an unclear gender or mixed gender (xxy, hormonal disbalance and others)

Dec 5th

Tony Argent

Typical theists skipping over awkward questions about the embarrassing parts of the bible such as slavery being endorsed. Theists only ever cherry pick the nice parts. The Bible is a vulgar book of fables that endorses genocide, misogyny, homophobia, slavery, racism and child abuse

Sep 9th

Tony Robertson

do you have catholics on?

Jul 18th

Shannon Nordgren

Thank you! I would love to hear a discussion about covenant theology vs dispensationalism. This one touches on it, but doesn't focus on it.

Jul 23rd

Shannon Nordgren

This was really helpful, thank you! As a "reformed" Christian, I really wanted to understand arguments from the other side.

Jul 23rd

Greg Pearcey

this was ridiculous and best summed with "I don't know know what your are talking about....but it's not science"

Jun 4th

Freedom 3:16

I am sick of these stupid race debates. it doesn't matter what skin colour Jesus is. He is the Lord. the devil is using the race issues to defend us more and we keep letting it happen. Just stop it. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Mar 22nd

Christ His Love Ministries


Feb 28th

Joshua Comer

I loved this discussion, but it seems to have had an issue in the middle where the audio starts to replay an earlier segment.

Feb 11th

Michael Hall

I cannot accept that "cancer" wasn't in the design, that it was brought into us by Adam's sin. I find that atrocious to think god is punishing random people with disease because of of something that is written in the bible. I wonder if god is the reason for Covid.....just ridiculous. It's biology, and biology has been existing before us, before our brain thought if the idea of what biology was. It's just crazy to think god created biological cells that harm humans because man supposedly sin. Which isn't even provable.

Dec 10th

Michael Hall

I am an atheist, and it was hard listening to this because of what the christians was saying. For me there is no absolute moral right. Everything that you believe is "right" coming from the moral compass of a god, I can get to the same conclusion about what is right without god. I want to live a positive life, and how do I get to a positive life? I live and experience life in a way that demonstrates to me what I feel good about. Yes, the feelings of what feels good to me, can be mixed on the action that brings forward that feeling but with a good teaching, I can learn to understand those feelings better to rule out the bad actions that contribute to a positive feeling. Would taking a human life bring a positive feeling in me, it could, but the feeling of taking a life, how it affects others and if I would want it done to me OUTWEIGHS the positive feeling that I would get from taking a life by itself. I don't need a god to understand that racism is wrong. Just simply understanding that

Dec 9th

Kenneth Jimah

Wow, what an episode. Absolutely wonderful 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Dec 3rd

Rodney Stewart-Wilcox

excellent conversation

Nov 16th

Matthew Rice

I’d really love to see a conversation like this discussing the merging of humans and AI. What is the value of an immaterial soul if, say, we could replicate a person’s consciousness in a machine?

Jul 1st

Oscar “Prowhiz” Obians

I really enjoyed listening to this episode. Especially the humbly honest approach to the difficult questions. Totally relatable

Jun 27th

Martin Clarke

People in those days believed in resurrections and that mortal people could become Gods. One would have a difficult time selling the superiority of a new religion without it. These days not so much.

Apr 21st
Reply (1)