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Public Interest Podcast

Author: Jordan Cooper

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Public Interest Podcast consists of interviews with those who seek to improve the state of the world. The podcast seeks to ennoble public service, create a platform for positive civil discourse, and to facilitate dialogue with difference. This show is the antidote for those who are tired of hearing about what’s going wrong with the world. We showcase people just like you who are working to leave the world better than they found it. And that’s good news.
137 Episodes
Tim Roemer, former Ambassador to India, former Congressman from Indiana, and a former member of the 9/11 Commission, speaks about the insidious influence of money in politics, about free trade, security, and respect through civic discourse.   Ambassador Tim Roemer discusses his vision of the American dream on Public Interest Podcast #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Mark Shriver, President of Save the Children Action Network, former Maryland state delegate, and biographical author, speaks the importance of early childhood education and development, of his work providing a voice to those without a seat at the political table, and of his ethos of daily gratitude for all that has been given to him. Mark Shriver shares a message of humility, spurning legacy to favor taking in God's gifts to all of us each day. - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, speaks on his efforts to curb climate change by investing in renewable energy and by reducing our dependence upon fossil fuels.   Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Ted Wheeler, Mayor of Portland, Oregon, speaks about his work caring for the vulnerable in their search for affordable housing, healthcare, and financial security has led to increased economic security for the citizens of Portland.  Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin [D-MD] speaks to his time advancing the public interest through elected office both within terms of actual policies that he has enacted and in terms of the anecdotal impact that he has had on citizens' lives. He demonstrates his thoughtful approach to governance as he elaborates upon his struggles with moral issues, ethics, and balances between security and liberty. Senator Ben Cardin reveals his strategy for ameliorating the North Korean nuclear threat through the use of a "Diplomatic Surge" #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
This is the one hundred and fifty-first episode of Public Interest Podcast with Peter Franchot, Democratic Comptroller of the State of Maryland, member of the Board of Public Works, former Delegate representing District 20 in Montgomery County, former Capitol Hill staffer, attorney, former Democratic nominee for Congress, former delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 2008, 2012, 2016, and U.S. Army veteran. Franchot, a self-styled fiscal watchdog and warrior for the public interest, speaks about elected office as a noble profession in which empathy, compromise, and independence are virtues that he hopes will reverberate across society, generating a future generation of public servants. Subscribe by Email PETER FRANCHOT is the Comptroller of the State of Maryland. Peter is also a member of the Board of Public Works. He's a former Democratic delegate representing District 20 in Montgomery County, Maryland, is a former Capitol Hill staffer, an attorney, and a veteran of the United States Army. He's a former delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 2003, 2012, and again in 2016, and is also a former Democratic nominee for the United States Congress. Franchot: I have been a warrior for public interest issues all my life. I think my mother taught me always to stand up the police and in school and I always felt much better when I was sticking up for some of the kids that were not good athletes, so that is the genesis of my altruism that I've carried forward in my public career. Now that I'm Comptroller I find that every day I am working in the public interest primarily by helping individuals who are in financial situations that are difficult and complicated but also in being available as a state elected official. Cooper: After college you enlisted in the United States Army, which is associated with more politically conservative individuals, yet you made a career out of serving as a liberal elected official. How did you end up in the Army with such liberal views? Franchot: Well I actually didn't finish college. I was at Amherst College and halfway through my sophomore year I dropped out to go to New Hampshire to work on the “Clean with Gene” campaign with Gene McCarthy who was running in the 1968 Democratic Primary on an anti-Vietnam War platform. Ironically, while organizing college campuses against the war for Gene McCarthy, I got a draft notice saying: “Dear Sir, You no longer are protected by your college involvement and you are to report for the draft law,” which was a shock to me. Cooper: You left college to join a political campaign because of the anti-Vietnam war platform of those campaigns. And by virtue of your civic activism you actually ended up getting embroiled in the war. Franchot: My parents actually said I was pretty clueless that I didn't realize I was giving up my student deferment but such as it is it actually in retrospect proved to be a tremendous experience. I was drafted for two years. I spent 21 months not 24 months because I was allowed to get out early to return to college. But the Army was a great experience for me not in the sense that I enjoyed it but I was put on a troop train in New York City and sent down to Fort Jackson, South Carolina with the other draftees, who were a different group of people than those with whom I was previously associated in my life. Cooper: Despite your experience in the Army, you’ve never seemed to use your experience and your status as a veteran to your political advantage as have others, most notably former Lt. Governor Anthony Brown in his 2014 bid for Governor. Why? Franchot: I didn't have the kind of long-term career that Lt. Governor Anthony Brown had; I was just a very ordinary cog in a very big machine. But I will say that the machine the military proved to be enormously beneficial to me as an individual and I would recommend the military as a terrific stabilizing force for young people who are looking for direction in life. Cooper: So running off that idea, Peter I'd like to ask your opinion on a matter that you don't have jurisdiction over as a comptroller but that you might have theoretically had jurisdiction over the course of your 20 years representing the People's Republic of Takoma Park in the Maryland House of Delegates. As you know, many nations in Western Europe and perhaps in other parts of the world have service requirements for their youth. Military conscription is something that's widespread around the world and that clearly led to your experiences in the U.S. Army. My question is do you think that there ought to be either mandatory requirements or guaranteed opportunities for all youth between certain ages to either join the military or perform some other form of civil public service? Franchot: I generally support that concept. I think it should be mandatory that every young person puts at least a year of their lives towards some constructive public purpose by serving in the military, teaching in a school, or being involved in some other fashion in supporting our infrastructure. And I would like to see veterans included in some leadership capacity. I don't suggest that everybody has to go through boot camp, but I do think it's an opportunity to install some structure, discipline, and to give a sense of purpose to some young people's lives, [which is] particularly important now [since] the economy is changing in front of our eyes [under the influence of] globalization and modernization using technology. [As a result] a lot of jobs are being eliminated, which is causing a tremendous amount of dislocation in the country and around the world. I think that a mandatory one or two year program for young people where they are involved in some kind of public interest activity would give them the chance to learn about the new economy rather than the old one. Cooper: And the one thing that kids lack when they leave high school or college is professional experience and perhaps one of the greatest obstacles to finding entry-level employment is a lack of professional experience. A mandatory service project will give them the opportunity to do the give back to a state that has given them so much. This service experience will complement a free public education by providing youth with an opportunity to gain real on-the-job experience that will make them more marketable in the new economy. Franchot: To finance this national effort [taxes could be levied on industries composing the new economy] or it could be some kind of national or state equivalent of war bonds where you ask people to participate. Cooper: But the key is that such a program would include every person between 18 and 25. That would provide youth with one to two years of skill-building while teaching them how to show up on time for a job and demonstrating what it takes to hold a job in the private sector. Franchot: I think it's more imperative now because this whole job situation is changing. Driverless cars [may replace] taxi cab drivers and it may be possible for robot [drones] to deliver food at a restaurant. I know it's a little bit far-fetched but we're in the process of replacing people in the workforce with machines. So we have to come up with new jobs and new ways of employing people, especially young people. And so I think you're onto something there with the mandatory service requirement but the jury's still out on how to pay for it, how it's structured, and what exactly a job of the future will look like. Cooper: So I’d like to transition back to the topic of you being Comptroller. We've just been discussing how to find jobs, gain job experience, and how to pay for it. But once someone has a job, they pay income taxes and the Comptroller collects those revenues. So I'd like to ask you to define the role of the Comptroller? Franchot: The Comptroller of the State of Maryland is a statewide elected position, which makes it somewhat unique since many other states do not have elected comptrollers; instead most states have appointed budget officers. [The role Comptroller of Maryland] was established in 1851 to oversee the finances of the state. The state was in bankruptcy because the bank and the Treasury made all sorts of unwise investments and so they created in the state constitution the position of comptroller. I'm the chief fiscal officer of the state according to the Constitution. As [Maryland’s] fiscal steward I 1) collect all taxes, 2) process 3.2 million tax returns each year, 3) am heavily involved in issuing tax refunds, and 4) am responsible for fighting tax fraud, which is an emerging problem. Those are the core responsibilities of the office. I'm additionally a member of the Board of Public Works (BPW) which is an extremely powerful entity in Maryland and is unique in the country as a three person panel that also includes the governor and the state treasurer. [The governor and I] happen to come from different parties. He's a Republican and I'm a Democrat. The Treasurer is elected by the legislature. This panel approves 9-10 billion dollars in state contracts every year. We meet every two weeks and it's an enormous kind of clearing house of taxpayer funding for different contracts. Cooper: You mentioned that you sit on the BPW and you alluded to the fact that you sit on the Board with the governor and the Treasurer, the Treasurer being Nancy Kopp, a Democrat, alongside you, a Democratic Comptroller, with both of you being joined by Republican Governor Larry Hogan. You previously mentioned that in the House of Delegates you represented a very liberal, progressive, somewhat socialist-leaning constituency in the Takoma Park and Silver Spring area of Montgomery County. Since Governor Hogan was elected in 2014 you and he have come, at least in the public eye, to have quite a personal friendship and furthermore you seem to have forged a successful working relationship tog
Professor Roman Yampolskiy, Founding Director of the University of Louisville's Cybersecurity Laboratory, explains how artificial intelligence (AI) will soon surpass humans as the dominant form of intelligence on Earth, in effect becoming the world's first inorganic species. His new take on "intelligent design" takes us beyond Charles Darwin's wildest dreams as evolution becomes a conscious choice by an entity that is quickly on its way towards gaining consciousness. According to Yampolskiy, our society is rapidly approaching a convergence of science fiction and science. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Preventing Genocide

Preventing Genocide


This is the one hundred and thirty-sixth episode of Public Interest Podcast with Dr. Zach Kaufman, Senior Fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and former U.S. Supreme Court Fellow, who speaks about genocide as the 'crime of crimes' and his research into war crimes tribunals and his work in the legal profession as a means of preventing these atrocities from recurring. Subscribe by Email
Elizabeth Bradley, President of Vassar College and Founder of the Yale Global Health Leadership Institute, speaks about the need for liberal arts institutions to promote diversity, inclusivity, and interdisciplinary learning among the student body. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
David Trone, owner and co-founder of Total Wine & More and two-time Democratic candidate for Maryland's 8th and 6th Congressional Districts, speaks about entrepreneurship, business, his history of philanthropic giving to the ACLU, and his progressive priorities for Maryland. Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Cliff Stearns, former Republican Congressman from Florida, Executive Director of APCO Worldwide's DC office, President of the Association of Former Members of Congress,  former primary liaison between the House of Representatives and the European Parliament, and the former owner of a small chain of restaurants and motels in Florida, speaks about his two and a half decades of experience in Congress in which he advocated for tax-payers as he sought to limit the size of the federal government.  Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Eric Cohen, Founder of Investors Against Genocide, explains the historical origins of the multiple genocides that have been raging in Sudan since 1989. He elaborates upon the ruling regimen's reliance on oil revenue to fund their genocidal campaigns, how PetroChina is the largest purchaser of that oil, and how many Americans have invested their savings in mutual funds with large brokerage houses that significantly invest in PetroChina through the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.  Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
John Colmers, former Maryland Secretary of Health, speaks about the unique all payer rate setting health insurance and hospital pricing system in Maryland within the context of its use to contain healthcare costs.  Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Humphrey Darke, VP of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), speaks about the importance of creating a competitive business environment though policies made at the highest levels of government.  Discussing the Ghanaian business climate #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Jeff Rosen, CEO of The Constitution Center in Philadelphia and a law professor at GWU, speaks about the modern day applicability of the U.S. Constitution to everyday life.  Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Pete Weichlein, CEO of the Association of Former Members of Congress, speaks about his work facilitating dialogue among legislators and between the public and their elected officials with the goal of fostering trust through respectful, issues-driven debate. Pete Weichlein, CEO of the Assn Frmr members of Congress, tells of his efforts to foster trust across the aisle by facilitating peer to peer relationships among legislators here and also abroad #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Dr. Zeev Kain, pediatric anesthesiologist and former Chief Medical Officer at UC Irvine, speaks on value driven healthcare and patient-centered care.  Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Roberta Winter, founder of and author of "How to Discern Quality Healthcare," speaks about overcoming the managed care backlash of the 1980s and 90s by tying payment reform to quality measurement programs. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Marrying Politics

Marrying Politics


This is the ninety-fifth episode of Public Interest Podcast with Jeff Waldstreicher, Maryland state delegate representing District 18 (Chevy Chase, Kensington), who speaks about his work advancing progressive issues pertaining to environmental protection and criminal justice. Subscribe by Email Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes:
Amy Ginsburg , Executive Director of Friends of White Flint, expounds upon the benefits accrued to a community through urban revitalization efforts, mixed use commercial-residential zoning, and the integration of mass transit to create walkable, bike-able, livable communities.  Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes: