Discover慢慢復健之路 Slow Rehabilitation with Persistence
慢慢復健之路 Slow Rehabilitation with Persistence
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慢慢復健之路 Slow Rehabilitation with Persistence

Author: 慢慢老師 Miss Slow

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不怕慢只怕站 復健沒有捷徑
There is no shortcut to successful rehabilitation, but we will walk with you along the road.

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12 Episodes
Hi! I am Miss Slow. I am a registered physical therapist in New York and Taipei. I hope the content of evidence-based COVID-19 rehabilitation could help many people. If you have any questions, please contact me on the Facebook Fan Page: Slow Rehabilitation with Persistence. Thank you! *If you want to contact me: *If you want to sponsor the podcast, you can specially appoint the next topic: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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