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Got Questions? The Bible has Answers! We'll help you find them! The Offical Podcast of
232 Episodes
What is imprecatory prayer? What are the imprecatory psalms? Why does the Bible record people praying for absolutely terrible things to happen to their enemies?
Why did Jesus call the Canaanite woman a dog? What can we learn about Jesus' intent by how the Canaanite woman responded? What does it mean that Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel?
What is the best way to talk to children about gender and sexuality? How can I speak the truth in love about God's good design? A conversation with Elizabeth Urbanowicz of Foundation Worldview.
Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira for lying? Did Ananias and Sapphira really deserve to be put to death for lying about how much they gave from the sale of their property?
Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart? Was it unjust for God to harden the heart of Pharaoh and then punish Egypt for what Pharaoh did as a result of his hardened heart?
Is 2 Kings 2:23-24 really about God sending bears to maul children because they were making fun of Elisha for being bald? What is actually happening in the passage and why did it warrant such a severe judgment on the young men (not children)?
Why did Lot offer his daughters to be gang raped by the mob in Sodom? Why did Lot get drunk and then have sex with his daughters? How can Lot possibly be considered righteous when he did these things?
What are some of the biggest hang-ups that are preventing people from even considering a Christian worldview? What are some of the best ways to reach people for Christ in 2024, especially those who are struggling with objections to the Christian faith? A conversation with Brandon McGuire of the Daily Dose of Wisdom.
Did the witch of Endor really summon Samuel from the dead? What actually happened in 1 Samuel 28:7-20? Why would God allow Samuel to be summoned by a witch?
What does the Bible say about weakness? In what ways is weakness actually a good thing? How can we learn to view weakness as an opportunity to humbly rely on God instead of something to avoid?
Why is doing a podcast? Does the world really need another podcast? How will the GotQuestions podcast be unique and beneficial?
Why was Abraham willing to sacrifice Isaac? If God already knew what Abraham would do, why did God still ask Abraham to do it? Doesn't the Bible say that God hates the very idea of child sacrifice? Why did God command Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? What does the Bible say about child sacrifice? How did Abraham know that God will provide a lamb (Genesis 22:8)? This episode on YouTube Transcript
How can I recognize spiritual abuse? What are the signs of spiritual abuse? What are some common teachings and practices of spiritual abusers? How can I minister to someone who has been spiritually abused? A conversation with Naomi Wright of Be Emboldened Ministries. Naomi Wright Be Emboldened Ministries What is spiritual abuse? This episode on YouTube Transcript
How was God's command for the Israelites to completely destroy the Canaanites just? Why would God command the Israelites to kill everyone, women and children included? Did the Israelites obey God's commands regarding the conquest of Canaan? Why did God command the genocide of the Canaanites? What happened during the conquest of Canaan? Why did God command the Israelites to completely destroy the Midianites in Numbers 31:17? This episode on YouTube Transcript
How does crime demonstrate the truthfulness of what the Bible says about human nature? How does investigating death reveal the truth of what the Bible says about the meaning of life? A conversation with J. Warner Wallace. The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life J. Warner Wallace Cold Case Christianity This episode on YouTube Transcript
How can laughter help us through hard times? In a life filled with loss and lunacy, how can laughter remind us of God's love? How can I trust God when life is funny, until it's not? A conversation with Chonda Pierce. Life Is Funny Until It's Not: A Comic's Story of Love, Loss, and Lunacy Chonda Pierce Does God have a sense of humor? This episode on YouTube Transcript
Who killed Jesus? Did the Jews kill Jesus? Did the Romans kill Jesus? Was it the Father's will for Jesus to be killed? Was it our sins that killed Jesus? Ultimately, who was responsible for Christ's death? Who killed Jesus? Who was responsible for Christ's death? Why was Jesus crucified? This episode on YouTube Transcript
With what we now know about DNA, can we trust that the biblical creation account is true? Could all of humanity have really come from two people? Where did the various races and ethnicities come from? What were the Neanderthals? Dr. Robert Carter Creation Ministries International How does DNA point to the existence of a Creator? This episode on YouTube Transcript
Why are so many Christians terrified of doing evangelism? Why are some Christians so bad at sharing their faith? How can I be more bold in sharing the gospel? Ray Comfort Living Waters How can I evangelize my friends and family without pushing them away? How can a Christian overcome the fear of witnessing? This episode on YouTube Transcript
After over 22 years, over 760,000 personally submitted questions, and over 2.5 billion pageviews, truly knows the questions that people are asking. The 100 Most Asked Questions about God and the Bible: Scripture's Answers on Sin, Salvation, Sexuality, End Times, Heaven, and More At Amazon At At Baker Books This episode on YouTube Transcript