A self-published author's diary

A self-published author's diary
Author: Elodie Nowodazkij
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The behind-the-scenes of self-publishing and writing with Elodie Nowodazkij, indie author of first kisses, second chances, things that scare the crap out of her and things that make her laugh out loud. Since 2014, Elodie has been riding the roller coaster of self-publishing, celebrating victories and weathering storms. Join her as she shares the candid ups and downs of her self-publishing career and strives to provide invaluable insights for both aspiring authors and curious readers with a touch of humor and a French accent.
92 Episodes
This is a mini-series about starting my subscription on Ream as an author: why Ream? How I started... get behind-the-scenes before I officially launch the page and don't hesitate to ask me questions.
Also mentioned in this podcast episode:
Subscription For Authors The Podcast:
Erin Wright Coaching and Classes:
My ream page:
At the beginning of today's episode, I mentioned that I added links to the episode description in case you can donate to help Ukraine. Here are the links:
Voices of children:
A few ways to help Ukrainians:
List of charities to support Ukraine by subject:
Ukraine Crisis Media Center (with links to help Ukraine):
I updated my plans for February and while I accomplished quite a lot in terms of writing, I didn't follow through with some of the goals I had set at the beginning... By updating my system and moving some elements around (including doing some tedious work that isn't the most exciting but so necessary), I'll work toward improving my royalties again this month.
Today, on the podcast, I talk about getting back on track with writing, schedules and even getting a writing session outside. I'm also looking into bringing my pen name stories to Kindle Vella before putting them in Kindle Unlimited and the Draft2Digital acquisition of Smashwords...
Mentioned in this episode:
Draft2Digital acquires Smashwords Press Release:
Draft2Digital Q&A about the acquisition:
Alessandra Torre & Bryan Cohen's “Free Webinar: The Book Marketing Multiplier: Going Beyond Blurbs to Optimize Your Fiction Sales Page and Sell More Books" (not sure if you can still access it:
The Creative Penn Podcast:
Kindle Vella:
As always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
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I'm on TikTok: @elodienowodazkij and the podcast too: @aselfpubbedauthorsdiary
While Valentine's Day was a nice reminder to cherish and enjoy all the little and big moments and also a reminder to infuse those moments into my romance novels, it's also been a challenging week writing-wise. So, it's a reminder for writers out there to keep swimming (or writing) while making sure to be gentle with yourselves.
Mentioned in this episode:
My Imaginary Friends: Episode 152:
As always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
I'm on TikTok: @elodienowodazkij and the podcast too: @aselfpubbedauthorsdiary
Today's episode almost got called, "How to write like Nora Roberts & Beverly Jenkins" but I thought this might be a bit deceiving... The main topics of this episode are: the reorganization of my office, finding new spots to write and using new tools (such as Alphasmart), leaning into my process as well as developing new systems. So... quite a lot of topics covered. :-)
Mentioned in this episode:
Beverly Jenkins: & Nora Roberts:
Nora Roberts' note on Facebook:
Interview with Nora Roberts in The Guardian:
Forbes' article - How Romance Novelist Beverly Jenkins Brings History To Life On The Page :
Let It Go When You Love It – My Imaginary Friends: Episode 152:
BookBub 5 Steps to Writing a Killer Elevator Pitch for Your Book:
(and more)
As always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today is monthly recap day: I share with you the four things I've done this month to increase my royalties (and whether they worked or not), possible news about a Fear Me, Fear Me Not Italian edition, a writing update and more...
As always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow me on TikTok: @elodienowodazkij
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
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Today, I'm talking about dipping my indie author toe into the TikTok world of booktok and authortok and writingtok and more (@elodienowodazkij).
I am also talking about getting very invested into the TV shows Billions after watching the first five seasons pretty quickly and how I've been analyzing the character arc (as I was listening to the audiobook Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker).
Mentioned in this episode:
My TikTok account:
The Self-Publishing Show: SPS-294: How to Sell More Books Using TikTok – with Lila Dubois and Jayne Rylon
Facebook TikTok Author groups: TikTok For Authors & Authors of TikTok
TikTok class for authors:
and more...
As always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Episode 46 is also known as season 2, episode 1 :-)
Today, I'm starting season 2 by talking about writing more than 10000 words a week, by doing sprints for a couple of hours per day (not every day), leaning into my process, writing two stories at the same time and more.
Mentioned in this episode:
20Books Vegas 2021 Day 2 – Becca Syme - Productivity Myths:
Elana Johnson's outline/character spreadsheet:
Writing and Releasing Rapidly (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 1) by Elana Johnson:
As always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Before diving right into my yearly review as an indie author: if you're struggling or know someone who is struggling (or maybe even just mention it or post it or share this resource with people in your life): Text HOME to 741741 to reach a volunteer Crisis Counselor.
Today, on the podcast, I talk about the highs and lows of my self-publishing career in 2021.
Some of my lows included:
Dealing with my own career expectations and the reality,
What it means to not be using a pen name,
Feeling like I'm letting down some of my collaborators in royalty-share agreements...
Some of my highs included:
Having the French version of #TheLeftoverBride reach the #9 on Apple Books Chart
Having the French version of #TheLeftoverBride sit next to The Hating Game by Sally Thorne on the charts...
Reading wonderful emails from readers around the globe
And more...
As always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today, I talk about five things I've learned about self-publishing in 2021 (such as the importance of my newsletter and how sending emails more often does help me, Netgalley and more...) and one thing I learned about writing.
Mentioned in this episode:
Tammy Labrecque:
Nick Stephenson (
L. Penelope:
Katy Upperman:
Ines Johnson:
Mona Shroff:
Megan Carter:
And as always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail: Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today, I talk about the release of #TheLeftoverBride French edition and breaking the top 100 in Apple Books (my book was hanging out right next to Sally Thorne's The Hating Game! :-)). I share five things I've learned about podcasting as an author in 2021 and five things I want to do next year (podcast-related). I also gush about Cape Cod in December and Isaiah Jones Bed & Breakfast...
Mentioned in this episode:
Isaiah Jones Bed & Breakfast -
My Imaginary Friends Podcast (and newsletter by L. Penelope):
And as always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today, I talk about the excitement that is uploading the files to publish the French version of #TheLeftoverBride, using Draft2Digital, KDP select & Google Play. I also explain why I decided to get my manuscript proofread one more time and I may start brainstorming about the next books in the Swan Cove series. Also mentioned on this episode: the books/free webinars I'm planning on taking (rapid release, dictation & writing your book and more amazon ads courses).
And as always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today, I talk about gearing up for the publication of #TheLeftoverBride French edition which includes updating backmatter, putting another book permafree, adding the French edition to several readers' websites in France, formatting the text and adapting my ad strategy.
I also mention how I've been building my writing craft over the years, similarly to building blocks and how some strategies and ways of writing come more easily to me now than they did before.
Links from this episode:
Novel Factory:
And as always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today, I talk about keeping track of indie author conferences as I completely missed the Romance Author Mastermind conference. it does require an invitation but I only saw talks about it after it happened (or while it was happening) so making sure I'm adding the link to it to my favorites. I also mention the 20booksto50k conference and Inkers Con.
During the week, I also updated my author newsletter landing pages to make them less convoluted and I'm currently experiencing the very fun writing high of starting to write a story I've been thinking about for several months now.
Links from this episode:
Romance Author Mastermind (
20booksto50k conference (
Inkers Con (
And as always:
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today, I share some good news: I had a PET scan on Wednesday and then we saw my oncologist. And no signs of malignancy. I'll see him again in three months but as I'm now two years out of transplant, no more scheduled scans 🙂
I also talk about using Netgalley as an indie author: what my goals are in terms of reviews and reaching more readers and why I decided to put #TheLeftoverBride on Netgalley.
As a self-published author, I use Victory Editing co-op (for one title and one month) and have already received hundreds of request for review.
Also mentioned in this episode: TikTok, Instagram as an author and not knowing why some videos take off as well as IN DIESEM EINEN SOMMER (A SUMMER LIKE NO OTHER in German) getting hundreds (now probably at least a thousand) free downloads without me doing anything (I'm not sure why either).
Ask me a question (per email: authorelodienowodazkij AT or by leaving me a voicemail:
Follow A Self-Published Author's Diary on Instagram:
Visit my website:
Today, on the podcast: another lesson learned in my self-publishing career or how I may have slightly panicked on Wednesday when it comes to the French translation (should be fine now but this was stressful) of my next novel and how I'm learning from my mistakes, getting back into a writing routine, putting #TheLeftoverBride on Netgalley, not doing NaNoWriMo... and more.
Also mentioned today:
Victory Netgalley Co-op: ($45 for a monthly slot):
Visit my website:
Follow me on Instagram: @aselfpublishedauthorsdiary
This is a REPLAY episode. This episode was published earlier this year.
Have you ever wondered about getting your books published as audiobooks? Or are you thinking about working as an audiobook narrator?
This short interview (which wasn't conducted live. I had sent questions to Megan so she could record the answers whenever possible) goes into her process as audiobook narrator and a bit of behind-the-scenes of the FEAR ME, FEAR ME NOT audiobook (which is available on Audible, Amazon and iTunes). She also gives her top 3 tips for audiobook narrators.
This episode is also available as a blog post:
If you'd like to support this podcast, rate and review and share it with your friends. :-) Or you can also support this podcast by becoming a supporter.
Find me online: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Bookbub and on my website.
Today, on the podcast: not writing for a few days, not having any urgent deadlines and a SEE ME, SEE ME NOT audiobook preview.
Next week will be a replay...
SEE ME, SEE ME NOT is narrated by Megan Carter.
Get the full audiobook now on Amazon: ; Audible: ; iTunes:
Today, I share with you what I've done each day to increase my royalties: one step at a time. Between updating #TheLeftoverBride epilogue, starting to format another bilingual book, putting one of my books as perma-free and running a free promo on another book who is currently in KDP select, I am making progress.
Another topic I'm talking about today is dealing with feeling inadequate or not "as successful" as an indie author because those are feelings many of us have at one time or another. And a reminder that success isn't a pie and that learning from other indie authors as well as remembering what our goals are is oh so important.
Also mentioned in this article:
And if you'd like to listen to the FEAR ME, FEAR ME NOT audiobook, it's only one credit on Audible and you can try Audible for free!
Visit my website:
Follow me on Instagram: @aselfpublishedauthorsdiary
Today, I am doing a "lessons learned" recap for my latest book release as indie author. #TheLeftoverBride has been out for a bit less than a month and while, of course, a lot of readers will read it and smile in the coming weeks, months, years, decades... there are a few things that I will do differently with my next release and things that, I think, have worked very well for me.
So, I'm detailing the top 3 mistakes I've made for that release (which turned into the top 5 or so) and then the top 3 things (which turned into the top 4 or 5) I've done very well when self-publishing #TheLeftoverBride.
I also talk about what I'm planning to do for the next release and about turning 2 (my stem cell transplant was on October 7th 2019 so I am two for my second birthday).
In this episode I mention: (to sign up to be a bone marrow donor - you could potentially save someone life!)
A thread by Tessa Dare on what to think about before choosing a pen name.
The website I created for
Thank you for listening!
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