Powered On

Powered On
Author: Electrical Review
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© 2024 Electrical Review
Powered On, brought to you by Electrical Review, is a podcast designed to discuss the burning topics in the electrical industry. We’re here to educate, inform and hopefully share some laughs. Unlike other podcasts in the electrical industry, we want to give you a little bit of personality, alongside the usual informative gossip and debates that we'll be hosting. So sit back and get Powered On with Electrical Review.
18 Episodes
In this thought-provoking episode of the Powered On Podcast, we delve deep into the heart of the UK's current energy conundrum, focusing on the recent government declaration that gas power plants will continue to play a critical role in the nation's electricity generation for the foreseeable future. With the UK committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, the decision to build new gas power stations—as replacements for aging ones—has sparked a widespread debate on how to balance ...
Join us as we look back at the biggest stories of 2023 and discuss the big issues that impacted the electrical industry this year. From grid connection delays to breakthrough recyclable wind turbine blades, and wind power overtaking gas as the UK's primary electricity source, there's a lot to talk about in this episode. Also we'll discuss how the UK can stay competitive in the global race for green investment and the ambitious target of tripling global renewable energy capacity ...
Electrical Review's Powered On podcast is back, focusing on transport electrification. The episode dives into the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK, discussing the surge in numbers and the challenges in electrifying larger vehicles like trucks. Railway electrification is also a key topic. The slow progress and the need for more robust strategies to meet decarbonisation goals are highlighted, emphasising the Government's role in this transition. Maritime electrification gets attention ...
In the latest episode of the Powered On Podcast, we delve into the persistent skills crisis shadowing the electrical industry. Following a preliminary discussion in our previous episode, we were privileged to have Andrew Eldred, Director of Workforce and Public Affairs at the Electrical Contractors Association, share his expert insights on this pressing matter. The current skills gap in the electrical industry has broad implications, with a recent ECA survey highlighting labor shortage...
The latest episode of the Powered On Podcast tackles a potent issue that's been buzzing through the circuits of the UK's electrical industry: a palpable skills shortage. This episode delves into how this gap could jolt the UK’s aspirations towards a net zero future, a topic hotter than a live wire in today's climate discourse. The conversation sparks off with a glimpse into the gravity of the skills shortage, tossing some stark figures into the mix that highlight the need for a fresh w...
Following Rishi Sunak's announcement that some of the Government's key net zero policies were to be pushed back, many in the industry reacted in disbelief. The UK has long led the decarbonisation charge globally, with the country seen as a beacon of what can be done with the right policy in place. It came out of hosting COP26 optimistic that it would spur a global push for net zero. However, despite its reputation as being bullish on net zero, that was all on the line following Sunak's an...
Powered On is back! After a long hiatus to launch Powered On Live, the popular podcast from Electrical Review is back. Unfortunately our timing couldn't have been any worse! Just as we finished recording the episode, Rishi Sunak went ahead and announced changes to the UK's net zero commitments. While you can find out more about that over on the Electrical Review website, Jordan O'Brien, Editor of Electrical Review, and Kayleigh Hutchins, Editor of Data Centre Review, explore how the U...
In this very special episode of Powered On, we’re joined by Stephen Rouatt, the CEO of Signify UK and Ireland. As you can expect from such a collaboration, this episode is all about lighting and its impact on both the environment and consumers’ pockets. Signify has gone all-in on achieving a massive reduction in carbon emissions, whether it’s through ditching plastic packaging or by investing heavily in renewables all around the world. The company is keen to see other companies commit t...
Happy Earth Day! Today is a day that we should be celebrating the planet that we live on, and looking to ensure that it has a future for years to come. In fact, you’ll likely see celebrations from Governments around the world as they proclaim their commitment to saving our planet from the disasters that await us if we don’t act on climate change. The UK Government is likely to be amongst the most vocal. Boris Johnson made a big deal of his Government’s commitment to fighting climate change, ...
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has called for the establishment of a new Government regulator that will oversee the rollout of electric vehicle charging infrastructure throughout the UK. The group has even come up with a name for this new regulator, dubbed ‘Ofcharge’. Despite the on-the-nose name, is this regulator actually needed? Well, we will discuss this very subject on the latest episode of the Powered On podcast, assessing the current state of EV charging in the UK ...
In his hit song, Kermit the Frog asks ‘Do you know what's green?’ It’s a pertinent question to ask, especially with the world committing to net zero within a few decades. But in order to achieve those goals, we’re going to need to switch to green technologies, right? Well, as the lyrics go, it’s not easy being green. The European Union has positioned itself as a leader in going green, but it appears even it agrees with the Muppet’s bleak assessment. The political bloc has found itself b...
The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly known as Cop26, has finally wrapped up and while it was the largest and sixth longest to date, was it a success? That's what we will discuss on this week's episode of Powered On, chewing through the fat and analysing whether any of the new promises will actually result in moving the needle. The climate crisis is a train hurtling towards the end of the line, and governments around the world need to put the brakes on before the...
The UK is currently experiencing an energy crisis, but could renewables be the saving grace to prevent one in the future? We're joined by a brand new hosting team who will explore that very topic.
At the moment, the UK is rife with failure, mostly emanating from our government. I mean, whilst babies were dying in maternity wards, people were losing loved ones unable to say goodbye, and lifesaving cancer treatments were being pushed to the wayside resulting in yet more deaths, I can’t help but think this might have all been preventable had our Health Secretary had his eye on the ball. The next issue we have to contend with, in fact, an issue we’ve had to contend with for a long ...
In this episode, we discuss the ‘right’ routes into the industry, with insight on avoiding those dodgy online companies that – for a nominal fee – will claim to have you fully qualified and raring to go in a matter of weeks. Unfortunately, that just isn’t the case, and these companies are more than happy to take your money, in exchange for a “qualification” that isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. Here at Electrical Review, we aren’t big on scamming the young people we need t...
In this episode titled, ‘EV for EVeryone?’ contributing editor Jordan O’Brien (proud owner of an electric vehicle) attempts to knock editor Claire Fletcher (owner of decidedly non-electric vehicle) off the proverbial EV fence. Will he succeed? Give us a listen and find out. You never know, you might even learn something yourself. Despite the adoption of electric vehicles featuring as a key part of the UK government’s 10-Point-Plan to ‘build back greener from the pandemic’, there is still wi...
What has the UK Government done to achieve net zero by 2050? That's the question we're going to be asking in this episode of Powered On. There have been countless promises and the proclamation of a Green Revolution, but what action has been taken to actually achieve our net zero goal? We'll chew through the fat, exploring the promise of offshore wind powering every home by 2030, what Government incentives are out there for those wishing to be green, and the disaster that i...
Powered On, a brand-new podcast from Electrical Review, is finally here. In this episode, we’re discussing all things National Grid and the upcoming target of Net Zero. We’ll look at whether Ofgem is right about further independence for National Grid ESO, or if it’s fine just the way it is. Claire Fletcher, Editor of Electrical Review, and Jordan O’Brien, Contributing Editor, will also discuss what Net Zero means for the UK. Could we be seeing the end of the National Grid as we know it? A...
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