Life Math Podcast

Life Math Podcast
Author: Iskren Vankov and Iliya Valchanov
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© 2023 Iskren Vankov and Iliya Valchanov, Life Math Podcast
Life Math. A podcast indescribably tangled, unnecessarily complex, so bad that it's good.
Hosts: Iskren Vankov and Iliya Valchanov.
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Hosts: Iskren Vankov and Iliya Valchanov.
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14 Episodes
The Lord of the Rings has flabbergasted many generations. Iskren and Maria met at Oxford and realized they were two kids which were overly excited about LOTR. And they still are. Iliya, on the other hand, is not convinced that LOTR is the best thing ever. In this episode, Iskren and Maria will do everything to prove that LOTR is worth the hype. Amazon Prime TV Series: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' is coming up on Sep 2. Make sure you (re)watch LOTR before that. Useful li...
Recording date: 8 Oct 2021. In this episode we discuss a number of interesting ideas around Flow, Process, Theory of Motivation and much more. It is a great starting point for anyone who is remotely interested in Philosophy. Useful links that came out of the conversation: The definitive book on flow - Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Elijah’s favorite podcast, which he referenced several times: John Vervaeke’s Awakening from the Meaning Crisis. Books to get started with ...
Here's a long awaited episode - a collection of bloopers.To give more context, while recording our other episodes, we obviously really wanted to talk about Formula 1. We came back to it a couple of times and most of them turned out to be classic bloopers.We are considering doing a full episode on F1 and this is a teaser for it, I guess.
Sponsored: The easiest way to Gift NFTs OnlineGet the Life Math Podcast Deep Dream Collection (only 2 left)***How much does an NFT cost?The most expensive NFT so far has been sold for $69.3 million.NFT... What? Why?We researched a bit and tried to understand.Then we minted (created) some NFTs.Then we sold some.In the end, we built a platform where you can gift NFTs (to yourself or to others).This is your 20min intro to NFTs.
Iskren and Iliya are replaced by voice overs (Giulia and Masha respectively).These are the voices in their heads that tell them what to do anyways. The show discusses the feedback that Life Math Podcast received in its first season and promises to address it:Better voices (thus the voiceover thing)New people (guests on the show)Shorter episodesThat is also what you should expect in the future!Have fun!
***Season Finale*** Both hosts are ex-Math competitors. In this episode, though, the numbers are the ones competing. Each host picks several numbers and makes a case for or against them. At the end, Iskren and Iliya democratically vote and determine the best number ever. And you really want to hear this. Why? Well, some numbers contribute more to humanity than others. You just have to know which ones and why. More importantly, imagine that your favorite number is an absolu...
Two guys who don't watch football discuss football. They say football is the greatest game ever. So our hosts decided to investigate this claim. Is there anything about the nature of football that makes it so popular? Is it about the physics of the game? Or is it about the lack of tech? How about the economics of football? How do people get interested in football? Is it the nature of it or the nurture by some relative? Or maybe there is some intrinsic structural appeal ...
A Matryoshka, known in English as a Russian nesting doll, can only fascinate a child or a babushka. If you haven't seen a matryoshka, it is looks like the same object, inside the same object but smaller, inside the same object and so on. Here's a link to one. Iskren and Iliya borrow the concept and try to apply it to other fields. As it can be foreseen, the whole conversation is in this style. It opens like a matryoshka and closes like one. Interestingly enough, only one of the hosts i...
Continuing their responsibility from last time, Iskren and Iliya complete the duology. Here, they focus on shared responsibility. This implies unclear group responsibilities, such as: familiessports' teamssometimes but rarely workany group of people (be it the whole planet Earth)In the spirit of 'two AIs agreeing', they do agree that shared responsibility is the death of everything nice. But what is most interesting is what they learn on this path to agreeing. And last but definitely not ...
There’s nothing more adulty than talking about responsibility. As two responsible adults, Iskren and Iliya “cannot imagine being irresponsible”. In the first part of this duology, they dissect the different types of responsibility from a personal perspective. Some of these are responsibility for: yourselfyour familyyour group of friendsyour workThey also explore what are the triggers of responsibility in one’s life. Is it having a pet? Having a sibling? Getting your first paycheck? Simi...
A podcast needs to be a conversation, right? One person says one thing, the other laughs and replies with a somewhat related response. Not necessarily. The overwhelming effects of technology on our lives have changed the way we communicate. Quite often we find ourselves in asynchronous communication - sending texts or even voice messages on Messenger, WhatsApp, etc. This is what #2 Back and Forth is all about. Iskren and Iliya communicate asynchronously to understand what this means ...
Originally called ‘The Startup Boilerplate’, this episode starts as a discussion on startupping. There is un unexpected twist, though. A limitation. Iskren and Iliya must abide by the following rule: when asked a question, they must reply with a story (anecdote). This is unexplainably constraining for our beloved hosts, as they are used to entering conversations with steady streams of theory and facts. Throughout they visibly struggle to comply with the rule, res...
Life Math is a podcast created by Iskren Vankov and Iliya Valchanov, lifelong friends turned co-founders of This is the pilot episode of Life Math. It is just under 6 minutes and will give you a sense of who we are and what to expect from us! *** Get on the email list and never miss an episode. Discuss this episode on Reddit. Connect with us directly on LinkedIn: Iskren Vankov and Iliya Valchanov. is our startup. One platform to unify your client bookings,...
[Special Episode] More than 1 year ago we started working together on our startup project This is a status update of sorts where we look back on the good and bad decisions that we have made in this period. 05-2020: Came up with the idea for 3veta. 06-2020: Started assembling the team. 07-2020: We set up a legal entity. 09-2020: Software development began. 01-2021: MVP (minimum viable product) was out together with a closed beta. 05-2021: 3veta entered open beta. 06-2021: Officia...
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