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TID Water & Power Podcast
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TID Water & Power Podcast

Author: Turlock Irrigation District

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There’s a lot more involved with delivering power than turning on a light switch. And the water that flows through the canals throughout the Turlock Irrigation District service area, where does that come from? Each month the TID Water & Power Podcast sits down with industry experts and TID employees to discuss fascinating facts and important issues that shape the operations of your community-owned utility. Let’s get social! Facebook: @TurlockID Instagram: @TurlockID Twitter: @TurlockID LinkedIn: Find out more about TID at

52 Episodes
On Episode 40 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Director of Water Resources and Regulatory Affairs, Michael Cooke, to discuss a big SGMA update.Following the third year of a historic drought, the state passed a series of bills that we refer to as SGMA and would become the framework for how groundwater would be managed throughout California. Since then, TID and its partners in the Turlock Subbasin have been developing (and revising) its plan to sustainably manage groundw...



On Episode 39 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Line Supervisor, Duarte Xavier, to discuss TID's lineworkers.When you think of TID, your first thought may be a bucket truck driving down the road or a lineman climbing a pole to restore power. But, even with that visual, you may not really understand what our lineman do. Day or night, rain or shine, soaring heat or freezing temperatures, TID lineworkers put in the work to maintain and improve our system and respond when o...
Careers at TID

Careers at TID


On Episode 38 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Director of Human Resources, Jorian Reed, to discuss careers at TID.TID has long been a pillar of the community and, as such, has been a desirable location for those looking to build a career. However, with retirements and a changing workforce, the District is ever-evolving to develop and recruit the next generation that will lead the District forward.On this episode we discuss the different types of career pat...
On Episode 37 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Director of Power Generation, Tim Payne, to discuss the Don Pedro Life Extension.Later this month, the Don Pedro Project will celebrate its 52nd Anniversary. From valuable hydropower, to flood control and recreation, the project has served the District and our community incredibly well. However, as typical with aging infrastructure, Don Pedro needs to undergo a major life extension project to continue its valuable se...
Value of Hydropower

Value of Hydropower


On Episode 36 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Assistant General Manager, Power Supply, Dan Severson, to discuss the value of hydropower.Since 1923, when TID entered the retail electric business, clean, reliable hydropower has been part of our generation portfolio. Even as electric demand continues to rise, and more regulatory constraints have been put on TID’s operations, hydropower remains a very valuable resource – and may be getting even more valuable.On this...
Land Surveying

Land Surveying


On Episode 35 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Surveying and Right-of-Way Manager, Tristan Higgins, to discuss land surveying.While you may be able to spot surveyors and their equipment at an intersection or construction project, a lot of folks might not understand what they do. At TID, the Surveying Department plays an especially important role in a variety of areas around the District.On this episode we discuss the areas the Surveying team covers, the exciting projec...
On Episode 34 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Supervising Engineering Technician, Wes Miller, to discuss groundwater recharge projects.The 2022-23 Water Year was the third wettest on record and, thanks for quick action and innovative solutions, TID was able to pilot several groundwater recharge projects using that flood water.However, with ever changing hydrological conditions and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (or SGMA), the District will need to continue...
On Episode 33 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we welcome back author and historian Dr. Alan Paterson to discuss the TID's history and how the District entered the retail electric business.For 100 years, TID has served safe, reliable, and affordable power to our community – which is still vital to our region’s wellbeing today. But getting to that point was no easy task. It took visionaries, legal battles, and monumental decisions – and votes – to bring what we know as TID to fruition.On t...
On Episode 32 of the TID Water & Power Podcast, TID Communications Specialist, and producer of the podcast, Brandon McMillan moves behind the mic to take a look behind the scenes of the podcast.As we round out the year, we thought it would be fun to take a look back at what is now more than two and half years of the TID Water & Podcast. Maybe you’re a new listener, or maybe you’ve been with us since Episode 1. Either way, we hope you enjoy learning a little more about how the TID Wate...
Budgeting Process

Budgeting Process


On Episode 31 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Chief Financial Officer and Assistant General Manager, Financial Services, Brian Stubbert, to discuss the budgeting process.As a not-for-profit, community-owned utility, the District is funded by our customers. And keeping rates affordable is a top priority. As such, there is a lot of planning and tough decisions that go into setting and approving the District’s budget each year.On this episode we discuss what costs go int...
Community-Owned Power

Community-Owned Power


On Episode 30 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by American Public Power Association President and CEO, Scott Corwin, to discuss the public power. Community-owned utilities across the nation, including TID, celebrated Public Power Week the first full week of October – a weeklong celebration of all things public power. Much like the region TID serves, the communities served by community-owned power rely on lower rates, more reliable service, and continued investment in th...
On Part 1 of Episode 29 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID Chief Operating Officer, Brad Koehn, and Water Distribution Department Manager, Mike Kavarian, to discuss the District's regulating reservoirs.Unlike Don Pedro, which has a storage capacity of more than 2 million acre-feet, TID’s regulating reservoirs are more like ponds – storing just a couple hundred acre-feet. However, despite their relative size, they are crucial to the District’s efforts to modernize and in...
On Part 2 of Episode 29 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by Senior Civil Engineer, Matt Hazen, Construction and Maintenance Department Manager, Chris Hardin, to discuss the in-house design and construction of our regulating reservoirs.Unlike Don Pedro, which has a storage capacity of more than 2 million acre-feet, TID’s regulating reservoirs are more like ponds – storing just a couple hundred acre-feet. However, despite their relative size, they are crucial to the District’s ...
On Episode 28 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID Communications Specialist, Lisa McMullen, to discuss the District's education programs. Students are preparing to head back to the classroom as a new school year begins. But for TID, education is a year-round endeavor. From community events, classroom activities, and multi-media programming like video tours or this podcast, the District is happy to share resources and help educate the community we serve on how...
On Episode 27 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID Combustion Turbine Department Manager, Mike Tehada, to discuss the District's combustion turbine generation fleet . California has set a goal of 100 percent carbon-free retail energy by 2045 and, as such, natural gas power plants have come under fire. But with extreme heatwaves, like we experienced across the state the last few summers, and will again this summer, the need for reliability and available generation ca...
On Episode 26 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID External Affairs Manager, Josh Weimer, to discuss the California Water Rights system and current proposed legislation trying to change it. Water Rights in California provide certainty for the availability of water for cities and towns throughout the state – especially for the fertile ag land within TID. That certainty allows for continued investment in infrastructure and the ability of TID to reliably store an...
On Episode 25 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID Regulatory Analysts, Herb Smart and Austin Avery, to discuss the regulatory process. We know how bills become laws, but what happens next? The law then goes through a regulatory process that determines HOW it will be implemented. Tasked with tracking this process and the potential positive and negative impacts of each regulation are TID’s Regulatory Analysts, who are working to ensure the District, and its customers,...
On Episode 24 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID Hydrologist, Olivia Cramer, to discuss the current water year and the District’s wet year operations operations . Just a year ago, the District – and much of California – was experiencing a three year drought that impacted water supply across the state and was especially threatening for local growers. Now, in the midst of one of the wettest years ever, the outlook is completely different. Don Pedro is full and with a...
On Episode 23 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID Water Operations Managers, Chris Rocha and Seth Aldrich to discuss TID’s irrigation operations. TID was the first irrigation district formed in California and, today, provides safe and reliable irrigation water to more than 4,700 growers. More impressively, TID does so through 250 miles of gravity-fed canals – many of which are the original canals, built more than 120 years ago.On this episode we discuss the 2023 Irr...
On Episode 22 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we sit down with TID Assistant General Manager of Electrical Engineering and Operations, Manjot Gill to discuss TID’s investments in its electric infrastructure .TID’s mission is to serve safe and RELIABLE water and power. And ensuring that our electrical infrastructure is properly maintained to preserve reliability is vital. But there is a balance planning for current reliability and future growth, especially with new, large customers, new s...