DiscoverThe Christian Worldview
The Christian Worldview

The Christian Worldview

Author: David Wheaton

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The Christian Worldview is a radio and online ministry that aims to sharpen the Biblical worldview of Christians and share the good news that all people can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. The ministry is an outreach of The Overcomer Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and is led by a seven-member board of directors and five-person staff.
660 Episodes
Send us a text GUEST: Jamie Bambrick, Editor-In-Chief, Clear Truth Media On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, President Trump, in a joint press conference at the White House with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made a stunning statement: “The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip…we’ll own it.” Not only did he say the U.S. will takeover Gaza but that the Palestinians there would be relocated, the U.S. would clean up the destruction from the Israel-Hamas war that has turned Gaza into rubble, ...
Send us a text GUESTS: Alex Newman, CEO, Liberty Sentinel Media Soeren Kern, Geopolitical Analyst and Managing Editor The Christian Worldview Journal Front and center at Donald Trump’s inauguration were eight “Tech Titans,” the CEOs of the largest and most influential technology companies in the world, including Apple, Google, Meta, TikTok, OpenAI, Uber, Tesla, and Amazon. Each is reported to have contributed $1M to Trump’s inaugural fund. Considering that several of them and/or their compa...
Send us a text Monday, January 20, 2025 was a big day in our country. It was the day that our nation made a political U-turn, from four years of financial, moral, and social decline foisted on us by Joe Biden and the Democratic Party to the start of the second term of Donald Trump and promises of American ascent and exceptionalism. January 20 also coincided this year with the federal holiday named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the pastor and revered civil rights activist. Virgil Walker, ...
Send us a text GUEST: JOSH BUICE, Pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church (GA) and President G3 Ministries Following the recent death of Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States who served from 1977-1981, the headlines have been singing in unison: Jimmy Carter, a lifelong Baptist, left a legacy of faithfulness, compassion and justice (Baptist News):‘A shining example’: Religious leaders praise the late former President Jimmy Carter (Religion News Services)Pope praises Jimmy Carter’s...
Send us a text GUEST: MATT MORRELL, Pastor, Fourth Baptist Church (Plymouth, MN) As we start the year, we don’t know what lies ahead, whether with world events, the economy, personal health, and many other things. Just consider the horrific wildfires causing destruction and death in Los Angeles and remember to pray for those impacted. The bottom line: Life is uncertain but storms are certain. Jesus concluded His most well-known sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, this way: “Therefore everyone wh...
Send us a text GUEST: STEVE MILLER, author, One Day Nearer Last week in part one on our two-part series on Biblical prophecy, Steve Miller joined us to discuss his 365-day devotional book One Day Nearer: Daily Devotions in Anticipation of Jesus’ Glorious Return. He pointed out that the motivation to understand Biblical prophecy goes beyond knowing the what and when about the future but that it should impel believers to a deeper love for God and His awesome plan and victory when His Son return...
Send us a text GUEST: CAL THOMAS, Syndicated Journalist and Author A post online summed up in part the current situation in America and abroad: “Major U.S. ports are closed due to striking longshoremen. Hundreds of Americans missing in a natural disaster. ICE says there are over 600k mid-high level criminals in our midst. War breaking out in the Middle East. And Kamala Harris wants a promotion.” It would seem with the troubled condition of America, adding to the list high prices and inflation...
Send us a textGUEST: STEVE MILLER, author, One Day NearerI recently watched a program on Fox News Channel that featured some of the sharpest conservative minds, including Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson, and Mark Levin. They were discussing the crumbling state of affairs in America and abroad with regard to overwhelming illegal immigration across our border, a takeover of the government school system by a Marxist worldview, crushing economic policies and inflation, political corruption, wi...
Send us a text This weekend’s program was produced in 2022 and was prepared to focus our attention on the Christ of Christmas. In the left column are resources and ideas for you to use personally with your own families. The Christian Worldview wishes all of you a memorable and meaningful Christmas. To God be all Glory! Christmas is upon us. While it’s easy to get distracted by all that competes for our attention—current events and politics, work and school, sports and recreation, ...
Send us a textGUESTS:ABRAHAM HAMILTON, General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst, American Family AssociationSOEREN KERN, Managing Editor, The Christian Worldview JournalTheoretical physicist Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “The earth is the insane asylum of the universe.” A more Biblical assertion would be: “The earth is the sin asylum of the universe.”For that is the common denominator between two seemingly unrelated issues that we will discuss this weekend on The Christian Worldview.T...
Send us a textBlood is a recurring theme in Scripture. In Genesis 4, God confronted Cain after he had murdered his brother Abel, saying: The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground (Gen. 4:10).The sacrificial system God established for the Jews to temporarily cover their sin involved countless animals being slaughtered and their blood applied to the altar and mercy seat.Ephesians 1:7 says, In Him we have redemption through His blood, the fogginess of our trespasses.Even ...
Send us a text** This is a rebroadcast of our 11/27/21 program.GUEST: DR. JERRY NEWCOMBE, producer, The Pilgrims documentaryA small group of biblical Christians known as the the Pilgrims are widely considered to be “the founders of America”.Numbering only about 400-500 souls, they had fled religious persecution in England to settle in Holland. But after ten years there, they decided on another move across the Atlantic Ocean to an unknown land that would become the United States.About 50 Pilgr...
Send us a text GUEST: SOEREN KERN, Geopolitical Analyst and incoming Managing Editor of The Christian Worldview Journal If you heard the program last week, you may have heard that we would be making an exciting announcement this week. Starting next month in December, in lieu of our annual print letter, we are a launching a new monthly print publication called The Christian Worldview Journal. The Journal provides a new way to pursue our mission “to sharpen the Biblical worldview of Christians ...
Send us a text GUEST: MEGAN BASHAM, author, Shepherds for Sale Jesus warned, “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-16). False teachers don’t wear red suits and carry pitchforks. That would be too obvious. Far more effective for undermining the church, diverting believers, and hiding the gospel from unbelievers is for false teachers to hold respected positions at churches and Chri...
Send us a text GUEST: Robert Knight, columnist, The Washington Times Last week in our program before the election we started by reading Psalm 103:19: “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens and His sovereignty rules over all.” We said that God’s supreme power and authority is what Christians need to be trusting in now and always, for He controls the past, present, and future, moving people to accomplish His purposes. On November 5, millions of voters in our nation were moved to el...
Send us a text GUEST: TRAVIS ALLEN, pastor, Grace Church “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens and His sovereignty rules over all” (Psalm 103:19). God’s supreme power and authority is what Christians need to be trusting in now and always, for He controls the past, present, and future, moving people to accomplish His purposes. On November 5, the people of our nation will be moved to elect a presidential leader and other representatives whose policies on the economy, energy, educ...
Send us a text GUEST: JOEL BEEKE, Heritage Reformed Congregation Last week on the program, guest Mike Gendron joined us to discuss the topic, Remembering the Reformation and the War Against It Today. Mike explained why the Reformation was necessary (because the Roman Catholic Church had so departed from the faith and doctrines of the first century church) and what the Reformation accomplished, including the Word of God recovered as supreme authority, Christ as head of His church, and all-imp...
Send us a text Guest: Mike Gendron, Founder and Director, Proclaiming the Gospel It says something very destructive about the trajectory of our nation that October 31 is overwhelmingly celebrated as Halloween, a “holy-day” that features the dark supernatural world of evil spirits, death, and paganism. A far more righteous and momentous event occurred on the same date in the year 1517 when a monk named Martin Luther nailed a document known as the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Ger...
Send us a text GUEST: GRANT CASTLEBERRY, pastor, Capital Community Church (Raleigh, NC) God created the universe and every living thing. There is no being greater than God and thus He is sovereign over all, which definitionally means “possessing supreme or ultimate power.” We see God’s sovereignty, His rule, His control all throughout Scripture—from the parting of the Red Sea to prophecy-fulfilling events of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection to nations rising and falling. We marvel and p...
Send us a text On Thursday, September 19, a statement was released from Trinity Bible Church in Dallas announcing that their pastor, “Steven J. Lawson has been removed indefinitely from all ministry activities at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas. Several days ago, the elders at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas were informed by Steve Lawson of an inappropriate relationship that he has had with a woman.” The shocks of this earthquake were immediately felt throughout the Evangelical Christian world....