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About Progress

Author: Cloud10

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All the self-help extremes out there seem to be designed for perfect robots . . . But, you’re a real woman living a real life! About Progress is a podcast and community that is alllllll about progress made practical. Here, Monica will help you embrace the truest model to lasting growth, and teach you how to *do something* to grow in ways that stick.

613 Episodes
Gabrielle Blair, mother of 6 blogging at Design Mom, co-founded Alt Summit 10 years ago and remains a champion for female entrepreneurship. Her motto could be described as dream big, then execute small. In fact, she admits in this episode that if she had known from the beginning where her dreams would have taken her she probably never would have attempted them. She opens up about the business “failures” turned important lessons, how she moved her family (of 8!) to France for years despite not even having passports to begin with, and speaks aloud her big personal dreams just like you’ve been encouraged to do this month. The size of your dreams doesn’t matter to anybody but you, and your ability to accomplish them isn’t up to anybody but you! See a pattern here? Tune in and be inspired to know how small steps take you big places. For new weekly episodes during the summer months, sign up as a Supporter to get access to our private, premium, ad-free podcast, More Personal. Episodes air each Friday! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers Lolavie, Get 15% off LolaVie with the code PROGRESS at #lolaviepod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In 2020 I put something on my Do Something List that I almost talked myself out of: have fun with fashion. I ended up loving the results so much that I’ve kept a version of it every year since. This year I came up with “explore my personal style.” And while I haven’t necessarily turned into a style expert, or even fashion blogger, I have enjoyed the way that exploring my personal style has helped me insert more of ME into my daily life. To be clear, your personal style should be a complete reflection of you, and should serve you in the season you are in. It does not need to be about fitting in, or reflect only the most popular trends. In today’s episode I’m sharing my conversation with Jenny Eversole of Style Space about why your personal style does matter and 5 steps to rediscovering it. Plus, you’ll hear about my own experience with their Stylist, Whitney Herrod Khader, and what I surprisingly learned from going through my closet with an expert. For new weekly episodes during the summer months, sign up as a Supporter to get access to our private, premium, ad-free podcast, More Personal. Episodes air each Friday! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers Lolavie, Get 15% off LolaVie with the code PROGRESS at #lolaviepod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever found yourself in the position of feeling complete overwhelm, maybe even anxiety or depression, knowing you desperately need to take care of yourself but are simultaneously unable to? Whether it’s the small things like eating, or showering, to the big things like enjoying a creative hobby, we sometimes forget to support ourselves in those ways when we need it the most. Mia Hemstad is a mother of two and a self-care coach, who has dealt personally and professionally with severe depression and PTSD. She shares one of the scariest moments she realized how lacking her self-care had become, and it may be all too relatable to some listeners. Tune in for a very real examination of why you’re prone to neglecting yourself and how to change that in ways that actually matter. For new weekly episodes during the summer months, sign up as a Supporter to get access to our private, premium, ad-free podcast, More Personal. Episodes air each Friday! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers Lolavie, Get 15% off LolaVie with the code PROGRESS at #lolaviepod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever felt like it was too late? Too late for your goals, traditions, or habits? Or, maybe you feel it’s too late to create better relationships?  Feeling like it’s “too late” can bring up a lot of emotions: anger, guilt, or sadness. You feel like you should have known better! (“I should have started this last week or years ago!”) How can you recover from these feelings when you can’t change the past? Instead of being stuck in these feelings, I want to teach you how to start where you are, even when you think it’s too late!  In this episode, I share my own experiences of feeling like it was “too late” for me to start certain things. (Don’t worry, I definitely understand this feeling!) I then outline three ways you may be disqualifying yourself from starting over and cover mindset shifts you can embrace to move from feeling “it’s too late” to starting what you want. (Hint: this means starting exactly where you are! You don’t have to go back to the beginning . . . )  So, whether it’s a new habit, a different career, or more education (or, in my case, this is starting now to work on family scrapbooks!), it’s time for you to qualify yourself and start where you are! If you’ve ever found yourself saying, “It’s too late,” then this episode is for you. Join me to let go of regrets to create more for your life! For new weekly episodes during the summer months, sign up as a Supporter to get access to our private, premium, ad-free podcast, More Personal. Episodes air each Friday! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers Lolavie, Get 15% off LolaVie with the code PROGRESS at #lolaviepod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I have been surprised by something as an adult…I stink at friendship. When it comes to making new friends, or even staying connected with old friends, it has just become harder and harder. I also find myself become more and more introverted as I get older. And I think many of you can relate. Making and keeping friends as an adult has always seemed to be a hot topic, so if we’re all feeling this pull then why is it still so tough? Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Marisa G. Franco joins me today to offer the science backed reasons behind loneliness and relationships in a way that will have you nodding along in agreement. Honestly, you may even audibly gasp at some of her explanations – in a good way! The hard things you have been experiencing when it comes to friendship are real, and they have names, and there are ways to really support yourself through them. For new weekly episodes during the summer months, sign up as a Supporter to get access to our private, premium, ad-free podcast, More Personal. Episodes air each Friday! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers Lolavie, Get 15% off LolaVie with the codePROGRESS at #lolaviepod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is your marriage ready for more? More intimacy, connection, and collaboration? Then, it’s time for some changes. It’s time to move towards more partnership. This is where both spouses have their needs and desires be equally heard. This is where BOTH spouses’ contributions can be better valued and supported.  Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife and Dr. Julie Hanks (two of our top-favorite guests!) are joining forces to share what a partnership model looks like, why it’s essential to having deeply successful marriages and families, and HOW couples can move past the obstacles getting in the way of being equally valued.   This won’t be a light-hearted episode for you to listen to. But it will be a life-changing one. It’s time for MORE in your marriage! If you’re ready for that, listen in to learn how. For new weekly episodes during the summer months, sign up as a Supporter to get access to our private, premium, ad-free podcast, More Personal. Episodes air each Friday! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers Lolavie, Get 15% off LolaVie with the codePROGRESS at #lolaviepod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you had an hour totally to yourself, what would you do? Author Catherine Price explains in today’s interview that when faced with that exact situation she found herself signing up for a guitar class. That choice spiraled into what she now knows as true fun.  When was the last time that you had fun? Maybe you’re wondering what fun even is. Catherine compiled her research into her book “The Power of Fun,” which she shares about in this episode along with some powerful personal anecdotes.  By taking care of ourselves in this way and giving ourselves the opportunity to let go and have fun, it makes us better at our responsibilities. If you are capable of having fun then you bring it to other people, and it’s a gift to give others that comfort, joy, and lightness. It’s time to take having fun more seriously and see how rewarding that can be. For new weekly episodes during the summer months, sign up as a Supporter to get access to our private, premium, ad-free podcast, More Personal. Episodes air each Friday! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS, and AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This monthly series features an episode sharing my recent highs and lows, how my habits are going, a Do Something List update, plus what I'm loving lately and my commitments for the upcoming month. I hope this glimpse into my life, my family, my work, and my own self development encourages you in your own journey. Around here the goal is never perfection, just to keep trying, even if in very simple ways. I think you'll see that with all of the big changes going on for me, taking the smallest of steps has helped to keep me afloat and feeling like myself. As always, I encourage you to get messy, too! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you feeling overwhelmed about the summer ahead? Do you want to balance responsibilities and recreation with purpose and sanity? In this episode, I'll share my personal plan to save the summer! I'll walk you through four lifesaving strategies that will make your summer memorable and manageable. We'll talk about creating a vision, setting up systems, and ensuring everyone in the family is on board and contributing. Plus, I'll share some personal stories and practical tips to help you feel balanced and connected. Join me for this insightful episode and learn how you can save your summer, too! Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS, and AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this bonus episode we're getting into one of the tougher topics: divorce. It's messy, it's emotional, but it can also be empowering. In this conversation with Dina Alexander, mom and founder and CEO of Educate and Empower Kids, she's getting real about her own journey and why she decided to focus on helping others navigate theirs. We talk about finding "imperfect grace" – that space between breakdowns and breakthroughs. We also dive deep into self-care, even when it feels impossible. Plus, she's sharing what surprised her most about divorce and offering up actionable tips for anyone going through it, or supporting someone who is. Past episodes with Dina. Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS, and AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
For many of the early years of our marriage and family we lived in tight quarters that required a lot of diligence around the stuff we brought into our home. When I reflect on that, I realize I learned valuable lessons on organizing, purging, and being intentional about what we surround ourselves with. Those methods continue to shape my perspective even as our family and living space grows. Seeking guidance on how to apply more minimalist principles to everyday life, I invited Diane Boden, author and podcaster of Minimalist Moms, to join the conversation. Diane shares her insightful journey to minimalism, emphasizing the importance of living with intention and finding freedom in simplicity. Together, we explore deep principles and practical tips that can help anyone create a more intentional and fulfilling lifestyle, even for those who may not fit the traditional minimalist mold. Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS, and AirDoctor, use code MONICA for up to $300 off air purifiers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is there something that has made you think other people can do that, but not me? This episode is part of a monthly series to convince you otherwise. These episodes feature real people who are answering the question “How do you…?” about their various passions and pursuits. Emily's Instagram Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Today's episode is particularly close to my heart, as we explore the challenging, yet rewarding, journey of adapting to significant life changes while striving to retain and rediscover our personal time and creativity. During those big shifts it becomes imperative to recalibrate and redefine what it means to make time for ourselves, whether that's pursuing hobbies, practicing self-care, or enjoying the company of friends. In this coaching call with Katie, she shares a challenging adjustment period following the addition of a child to her family, and how she is now ready to reprioritize her creative pursuits. If you're like Katie, feeling trapped in the cycle of struggle to find 'me time,' this conversation will shine a new light on your situation. Episode on rhythm scheduling. Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode, we're ditching the guilt and diving head first into what I'm personally doing to save money on groceries, without resorting to extreme couponing or long hauls to discount stores. Remember, there are no 'shoulds' here - just ideas to experiment with! I'll also chat about what's still a work in progress for me, including trying new stores and prepping freezer meals. Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode we dive deep into the world of grocery shopping, budgeting, and making sustainable financial habits with Rachel Coons. As many of you know, managing grocery costs has been a persistent challenge for me, and it's been a journey I've readily shared with all of you. Rachel not only shares eye-opening insights into why grocery prices have been soaring but also offers practical, real-world advice on how we can adapt and thrive despite these changes. From her innovative SHOP method to her game-changing tips on meal planning and reducing food waste, Rachel has once again proven why she's the go-to expert in grocery savings. I'm confident that her strategies and methodical approach will empower you to take control of your grocery spending, leading to more intentional and mindful shopping habits. Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes This episode is brought to you by Fearless Finance, get $50 off your first planning meeting when you use the code PROGRESS. to get up to 50% off your first month, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In today's bite-sized episode, we're debunking the myth of the "habit person" – you know, the one who flawlessly executes a perfect routine every single day. Spoiler alert: that's not real! The truth is, good habit builders are actually all about consistent self-support. So, ditch the perfectionist mindset and tune in to learn why you can absolutely become a habit person. Don't let fear hold you back – the Sticky Habit Intensive starts May 13th, and I'll show you exactly how to build routines that stick, no matter what life throws your way. Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This episode originally aired on my listener-supported, premium podcast, More Personal. If you want access to more deep dives, including part two of this episode, honest reviews, casual convos, book reports, and other bonus content, make sure to become a supporter. Rachel Hollis is a self-help guru whose empire brought her immense success, but also seemingly caused her downfall. I explore the reasons behind the strong reactions she evokes, her path to the top exceeding expectations, and the damage inflicted on herself and others during her descent. Additionally, I share some personal thoughts and encourage you to consider whether the blame lies solely with her, societal expectations of women, or the blurring of lines between personal identity and brand. Access exclusive supporter benefits Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This monthly series features an episode sharing my recent highs and lows, how my habits are going, a Do Something List update, plus what I'm loving lately and my commitments for the upcoming month. I hope this glimpse into my life, my family, my work, and my own self development encourages you in your own journey. Around here the goal is never perfection, just to keep trying, even if in very simple ways. I think you'll see that with all of the big changes going on for me, taking the smallest of steps has helped to keep me afloat and feeling like myself. As always, I encourage you to get messy, too! Video I reference, SBLA Wand Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
KC Davis is a licensed professional counselor, author, speaker, and the person behind the mental health platform Struggle Care. She offers a profoundly refreshing perspective on home management that's far from the all-or-nothing standard we’re so accustomed to. We dive deep into KC's story, exploring the journey from shame-driven perfectionism rooted in her past struggles with addiction, to discovering a compassionate and gentle approach to maintaining her home. KC shares how her diagnosis of ADHD at 35 played a significant role in understanding her relationship with cleaning and organization, eventually leading to innovative, shame-free strategies for home maintenance. We discuss the importance of functional living spaces, moving beyond societal pressures and the shame associated with not meeting unrealistic standards of home perfection. Join us as we discuss how to break free from the shame cycle in home maintenance, fostering a relationship with our living spaces that supports us as individuals, rather than succumbing to overwhelming expectations. Ep. 525 on being Cleanish, Ep. 586 on How to Make Time Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is there something that has made you think other people can do that, but not me? This episode is part of a monthly series to convince you otherwise. These episodes feature real people who are answering the question “How do you…?” about their various passions and pursuits. Andi's podcast and podcast starter pack Access exclusive supporter benefits Free DSL Training Waitlist for the next Sticky Habit Intensive Full Show Notes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (6)

Amy Pleickhardt

These podcasts are filled with so much goodness!!!! Monica is smart, organized, and well spoken. I get so much out of every single one of her podcasts. She is also super relatable and friendly which makes her podcast my #1 go to! Thank you for sharing your time and talents with all of us Monica! You are enriching all of our lives one podcast at a time! ❤

Sep 23rd

Amy Barrett

I have been listening to Monica for several years. I even met her once in the wild and she felt like a friend I already knew from listening to her podcasts. She is real and vulnerable with herself to help her listeners open up to become the best version of themselves. She was just as genuine in person. She has helped me to realize settling for mediocrity is not enough and in addition to her well researched and educated self she has awesome expert guests on the podcast to help give new ways of improving different aspects of her listener's lives. Being an About Progress listener has definitely helped me improve my life and reach for more. Thanks, Monica!

Dec 2nd


Thank you Monica for all of your dedication and hard work in creating such well rounded and insightful content on your podcast. I really enjoy every episode you put out 🙏

Oct 22nd

Cami Hurst Petersen

I was surprised in this podcast that questions I had or anger I have worked through in my own faith crisis weren't touched on, but I also love how individual we all are. So... thank you for sharing! this was beautifully done and so interesting to listen to. I even cried at once point, when it hit so close to home.

Dec 14th

Rachel Turnbow Harris

Monica, thank you for having the courage to be vulnerable and to share your experiences. I could feel your love for Christ as well as people that are trying their best to follow him. Thank you for your words.

Nov 7th

Katrina Nisly

I just discovered your podcast this week through the interview you did with Neena. I loved that episode and I can't wait to listen to the rest of your episodes! Thank you for creating this space.

Aug 24th