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Ultimate Potential Coach

Ultimate Potential Coach

Author: Daniel Posney

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Hello, I'm Daniel Posney (of Sedona). My 20+ year spiritual journey has included mystics, shaman, teachers, heart awakenings, realizations and several pilgrimages (over 5000 miles)…leading to Sedona, Arizona, mecca for life-transformation and healing. Through retreats, sessions and workshops, I have assisted thousands to educate, heal and transform themselves physically, mentally and emotionally (it IS all connected). Through my unique, shamanic perspective, lives heal and transform, consciousness is raised and souls are activated and awakened. The services that I have offered have been through several top-rated retreat centers across the U.S. and including at my office in Sedona, AZ.

At the Ultimate Potential Coach you will discover support directly from frontline work derived from over 10 years of life-coaching, shamanic healing, personal growth and self-mastery. Ultimate Potential Coach provides practical tools to create and attract more of what you want in your life, significantly reduce physical and emotional pain, release stress and worry, discover new perspectives and experience more awareness, clarity and freedom in your life.
140 Episodes
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).REGISTER:ULTIMATEPOTENTIALCOACH.COM/SHIFTING-PERSPECTIVESAs we enter the year 2024, Valerie and I are contemplating what we are "decreeing" for ourselves and how we want our lives to feel. With her healing journey, Valerie has really been shifting her life and has created so many healthy habits and rituals. I'm inspired to thoroughly engage my life in a deeper way than I have been. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I really love my Self. I do great. I eat really well...mostly. I practice yoga, qigong, and meditate...mostly. I/we have been attracting more examples of Christ Consciousness (movies, videos, books, awareness, events). So, I ask myself "What if...". "What if...all THIS is gently leading me to something?""What if...I took the brakes off MORE?""What if...I let go of all thoughts that even whispered guilt and shame?""What if...I focused even more on fun and joy?""What if...I experimented with ultimate health?""What if...I invited even more tenderness and compassion?""What if...I told less of my old story and outdated personality?""What if...I stopped resisting Christ Consciousness?" Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).REGISTER:ULTIMATEPOTENTIALCOACH.COM/SHIFTING-PERSPECTIVESWhat REALLY keeps us from healing, evolving, our highest and greatest potential? We'll journey deep into our psyche to discover what is at the root of our greatest fear. Hint: our greatest fear is our greatest truth. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).REGISTER:ULTIMATEPOTENTIALCOACH.COM/SHIFTING-PERSPECTIVESWithin the disease, where it's located in the body, and how it makes you feel, is a link to the cause of the disease. Yes, there are physical consequences to eating poorly, not exercising, and living near a cellphone tower. But, what solid research keeps showing is that there are non-physical (energetic, emotional) considerations that cause a physiological response (in the body). I'll look at cancer, overweight, injury/accidents, and heart issues. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).REGISTER:ULTIMATEPOTENTIALCOACH.COM/SHIFTING-PERSPECTIVESShift Your Perspective. Shift Your Relationship. Shift Your Life. We believe "I have a lot of work to do" or "This will take some time". But, actually, reality does not work this way. The mind works this way. We choose in every moment (now) what consciousness we embody and therefore what life gets presented to us. Spiritual Awakenings happen all the time! They are deeper realizations of the truth of your life and who you are and who other people are. They go as deep as you are ready for. The tools or catalysts for this are: self-inquiry, embracing what is, and letting go. Enjoy!
How to Emotion

How to Emotion


Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).REGISTER: ULTIMATEPOTENTIALCOACH.COM/SHIFTING-PERSPECTIVESHow to Emotion. Or, "How to recognize emotions and feelings". In the transformational work that I do, sometimes, I come across someone who really has very little emotions or feelings. This "feeling" just doesn't compute and they struggle with connecting with others as well as themselves. For someone like me, who is a "sensitive", I've got no problem connecting there. So, my passion to coach them into a safe, feeling place is high. There is so much more life and living when there is feeling! Enjoy!



Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Migraines. Whew! I've had em'. How can something so gosh-awful, painful come up like that? How do people deal with having more than one in their life? And even multiple migraines monthly, or weekly? Medications may help, but what is the deeper root cause? Let's find out! Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).People-Pleaser. Boundaries. Trust. All related and in the same bubble. But, how did I stop being a people-pleaser, create healthy boundaries, and find trust? First, it really would have helped if someone would've said "Hey, you might be a people-pleaser AND it's been creating unhealthy relationships AND causing you to do things you don't really want to do. You can still be a nice and giving person." Second, I needed to realize that life didn't have to be that way...always hoping for acknowledgment and appreciation. There was a way that had more integrity (with myself). Third, I needed to find out what my needs were (beyond helping others with their needs). Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Therapists, Life Coaches, Shaman, and Counselors. They all have their own way of being of service to you. What are the differences? How do you know which is the right one for you? Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).What the healthiest, most loving way, you and your well-being were the most important thing? That nothing got in the way of that. What if something did get in the way of your happiness, you forgave yourself and just did something to improve it. What if you made no excuses for you being happy?What if YOU became THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD? Not self-important. Not indignant. Not self-righteous. But, worthy of the highest concern and greatest care. The same kind of love that you'd imagine you'd give yourself after this life, looking back at the incredible You, doing the best that you could. Hmm.Enjoy!Join Live Zoom/Podcast Meeting (every Monday at 10AM AZ) ID: 729 2189 9974Passcode: W0xkmdYouTube Channel:
Waking Up Dark Energy

Waking Up Dark Energy


Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).OOPS!Sometimes, when diving deep into yourself, some uncomfortable feelings can surface, even dark energies. This can manifest during your sleep time at night. It happened to me during my first months of self-discovery. But, in the end, it helped me in such a profound way. Enjoy!
How to Do The Work

How to Do The Work


Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Now that you are clear on what the issue is (self-worth, anxiety, worry, people-pleaser, abusive relationships, etc.), now what?HOW does one fix it or change it? We can't have a coach/therapist follow us around, guiding our every word and action. What are the steps to progress towards quieting the mind, being happy, and having healthy relationships? Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).What is it like being a supporter of someone healing from cancer? It can very rewarding to be a practitioner of a healing modality that actually benefits the person. To see a person "enlighten and understand", as well as, heal warms my heart. When the healing and support is closer to home, I take on a whole new, intimate role. There are my own judgements that come up, "Why is she not doing this?". My own mortality comes up. "What would be better? If I died first or she died first?". We've actually said this! The life focus can turn into "not dying", which is no way of living. How do I perform that role of Cancer Healing Supporter? It's not an easy one. Enjoy!
How to Resolve Apathy

How to Resolve Apathy


Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).It happens. Sometimes more intensely than others. "What's the use?" we say to ourselves. This can all be connected emotions of sadness and even depression. But, it's more "normal" than you think and can be a sign of good change. Enjoy!Turn your phone to "do not disturb" or silent mode. Do whatever you need to do to be completely engaged and present in this short meditation/talk. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Though, my wife, Valerie and I talked about doing another Status Update (including Kauai trip), I haven't asked her this morning...yet. If not, I'm sure we'll have some perspective to shift. Enjoy!Turn your phone to "do not disturb" or silent mode. Do whatever you need to do to be completely engaged and present in this short meditation/talk. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Today, the topic is Seeing and Following Signs. Not everything is a sign. But, a lot can be. All around us are indicators and even messages that we are attracting to us or in the same frequency of. What are the signs? Who is sending them to us? How do we know these are signs? How do we follow them and take appropriate action? What if the action we need to take is scary?Turn your phone to "do not disturb" or silent mode. Do whatever you need to do to be completely engaged and present in this short meditation/talk. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Today, the topic is Fear and Love are Mutually Exclusive.We believe we can be in a fear or hatred state with something and at the same time be in love with our partner. This is not possible. In fact, you cannot truly KNOW anything or anyone while in a state other than love.Turn your phone to "do not disturb" or silent mode. Do whatever you need to do to be completely engaged and present in this short meditation. Enjoy!
Meditation for Lahaina

Meditation for Lahaina


Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Today, I will guide you into a meditative state to support anyone affected by the recent devestation in and around Lahaina.Turn your phone to "do not disturb" or silent mode. Do whatever you need to do to be completely engaged and present in this short meditation. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Today, I will guide you into a meditative state to reveal the highest truth. When you are in a meditative or "theta brainwave" state, clarity and shifts in awareness are highly possible.Before we begin, I invite you to set an intention. Such as "What stands in the way of me experiencing greater love?" or "Who do I need to forgive?" or "Where is God?" or "Why did this happen?" or "What is my highest purpose?". Imagine that you have access to the highest reaches of consciousness and wisdom. You may find that when you spend a few moments trying to come up with the perfect question, a lot of questions are ones that you (your higher self) already know the answer to. If you don't have a question to be answered, Great! Now, you can let in whatever is ready to be known.Turn your phone to "do not disturb" or silent mode. Do whatever you need to do to be completely engaged and present in this short meditation. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Boundaries, Trust and Needs are connected. Tied into being a "people-pleaser" is being frustrated that we don't get what we need. We start to get resentful and maybe even have some self-hatred. We don't have to become a demanding jerk and our life can completely shift into more authentic happiness when we figure this out! Enjoy!
Why This Why That

Why This Why That


Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).Why This, Why That? Why did this bad thing happen to me? Why did God do this? What was the reason for this bad experience? This is your mind. Our mind keeps us within a slave state to its thoughts. Come up to the Observation Deck and let's look at this. Not from the level of mind, where pity and victim lives. Not in the Mezzanine where spiritual bypass is. But UP where reality is. Reality is a place untouched by the mind. UNDISTORTED by thought and perception. Release the mind's collar on your throat for a moment...Enjoy.
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