DiscoverSpiritual Intelligence Podcast
Spiritual Intelligence Podcast

Spiritual Intelligence Podcast

Author: Daniel Martinez Stahl

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The Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ is a conversation where we explore our spiritual nature, deepen our understanding of the system behind life, and bring everything back into our human experience. The intention is to help us align with our innate spiritual wisdom more easily and allow us to live a better life.

We will explore, discover and integrate a deep understanding of what it means to be both spirit and human, while improving the relationship between the two and enhancing our experience of life.
31 Episodes
Welcome to the 30th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Aurora Shele introduce the upcoming Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit (5/5) and then explore the balance between our heart and mind, how our ego and intellect are here to support us and assist us. We deconstruct what hypnosis is and what it isn't, speak about beliefs along with their innocent limitations, and conclude with Aurora speaking about the importance of Self Love. Aurora and Marcella McMahon offered our listeners a special discount code "2121love" for their online course 21 Days to More Self Love for only US$21, which is normally $118.  For contact details and more information about this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 29th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Neferisha Johnson explore the Essence of Wellness Virtual Summit and her new book, The Essence of Wellness: A Love Journey; the spiritual nature of water and the work of Masaru Emoto and the The Hidden Messages in Water; Thought vs. Intuition and Inner Wisdom, and how to identify what is thought and what is inner wisdom. We finish by speaking about where our global environment is going and how we and our planet are evolving into true creation, without an agenda, and how we are moving into the divine balance of our masculine and feminine energy, individually and collectively. For contact details and more information about this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 28th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl leads a guided meditation that takes you to a healing sphere of liquid violet and white light, connecting you with mother earth, father sky and expanding your awareness along the way. For contact details and more information about this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 27th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl provides recommendations for how to get the most out of a Life Beyond Form Spiritual Journey. Have it be a Past Life, In-between Lives, or Life Between Lives spiritual regression. In all cases, we will invite your higher self and key members of your spiritual team to communicate with us in order to help explain the meaning and significance of the Life Beyond Form Spiritual Journey experience to your current life and the lessons, purpose and challenges that you are working through in this lifetime. For contact details and more information about this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 26th episode ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl explores the third lesson of his free online course, The Secrets of Life and Mind Revealed. This sixth lesson, Understanding Thought (Part 2), continues with the description of Thought and the role it plays with how we experience life. In this episode, we go over how the thoughts we focus on create more of the same, and how our emotions, which are a reflection of our thoughts, are a guiding system and will inform us if we are moving towards or away from our innate well-being.  The PDF of the full course is available and you can also access the original written course at: For contact details and more information about this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 25th episode ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl explores the third lesson of his free online course, The Secrets of Life and Mind Revealed. This fifth lesson, The Role of Thought and Free Will (Part 1), emphasizes the role our thought plays in our experience of life. We speak about the nature of Thought, about how translucent thought becomes opaque, and how all thoughts are the made of the same transient energy, made to feel real in the moment.  The PDF of the full course is available and you can also access the original written course at: For contact details and more information about this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 24th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Barbara Patterson explore how with a clear, more open, present mind we all do better. How knowing we are OK no matter what gives us the permission to be more creative and to explore beyond our comfort zone. Barbara finishes by speak about how her most profound improvement was to see the wholeness of who we are; complete as is, with no improvement necessary. She reminds us that our own curiosity and willingness to let go of preconceived ideas, of how things work, will serve us far grater than any 5-step plan. For more about the episode, contact details and information about Barbara Patterson: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 23rd episode ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl explores the third lesson of his free online course, The Secrets of Life and Mind Revealed. This forth lesson, Who We Are and Our Inner Wisdom, emphasizes the importance of the synergistic relationship between our soul and our body, and highlights that our innate well-being and peace of mind is an integral part of who we are, at the core of our being.   The PDF of the full course is available and you can also access the online course at: For contact details and more information about this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 22nd episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Danielle Hall explore a deeper understanding of sound healing and sound baths, and how they are a tool to help empower us and assist us in creating and shaping the life we want to live., We discuss the healing properties of sound, and how it's more about awakening and balancing our innate healing capacity. Danielle shares some of the science behind sound healing and examples of how it is used to help with different medical conditions.  For more about the episode, contact details and information about Danielle Hall and Sound Embrace: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 21st episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Scott Fitzgerald de Tamble speak about the importance of integrating past life experiences or any spiritual regression to your current life situations, and how it is great for healing, especially when Spirit is invited to connect the dots of significance. We explore ideas of inner power, as usual, and go into a conversation about emotions, thoughts, how time is said by Spirit not to be linear, which leads to a conversation about the law of attraction. Scott invites us to to let our heart be our compass and Daniel ends by speaking about why past life regression can be so powerful. For more information, contact details and information about Scott's PLR Master Course: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 20th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ Hosted by Daniel Martinez Stahl. Where he invites you to go within, with a guided mediation about self-discovery. Explore your connection with Gaia (Mother Earth) and the Universal Energy of Life; connect with your four energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual); feel and resonate with light and energy of your nine primary chakras; and finally have a brief conversation with a member of your spiritual team of guides and loved ones. For more information, contact details and additional resources related to this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 19th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Lori Carpenos explore how a single thought has the power to transform our experience of life at every moment.  We speak about resiliency, innate health, how we respond differently to those in our inner circle, and most importantly, we speak about love. For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 18th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Natasha Scott explore crystals and gemstones, their powers, and their innate characteristics, as well as appreciating and respecting their own consciousness. How water is in fact Source energy and that it can be infused with love to easily help shift the energy of the planet. How Natasha's energy naturally infuses everything she does with love and healing, including her jewelry. She shares that we are all part of everything, and that gratitude and love opens all the doors." For examples of the jewelry Natasha made for me, for more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 17th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Dr. Bill Pettit speak about how he is sure he would have died of a stress related illness years ago if he hadn't met Sydney Banks. Bill speaks of how mental health is not taught to "mental health" professionals and that the industry is beginning to recognize that things need to change for better results. Sighting a quote from Tom Insel, the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health from 2002–15, as well as a number of different studies that speak about the burn-out rate in psychiatry and the unbelievable results in cultures that can't afford or don't have mental health techniques commonly used in the USA and Europe.  For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 16th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Zay Pierre explore what it means to be a sovereign being, the importance of inner wholeness before beginning striving for oneness. Zay channels messages from Spirit, who specify that sovereignty is not something special or outside of us. Reminding us to accept others even when they are wrong and to allow them that grace. How it's all about the incremental steps and to have patience in the process. Closing with a call for stillness: to find a time, place and space to go within, connect with Self and just be. For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 15th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where where Daniel Martinez Stahl explores the third lesson of his free online course, The Secrets of Life and Mind Revealed. This third lesson begins to reveal the system or mechanism at work behind-the-scenes of life. We begin to explore the foundational building blocks that are at the core of how we form our experiences of life and in turn, which directly impacts the quality of our lives.   The PDF of the full course is available and you can also access the original written course at:   For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 14th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl explores and reads part of his free online course, The Secrets of Life and Mind Revealed, up to Lesson 02. The second lesson speaks about how to get the most out of this program and it highlights the fact that all learning and transformational change occurs from our own insights, from within.  The PDF of the full course is available and you can also access the online course at: For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 13th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl explores and reads part of his free online course, The Secrets of Life and Mind Revealed, up to Lesson 01. This first lesson is focused on using the perceptual belief that the Earth is the center of the universe as a perfect metaphor to describe the innocent outside-in misunderstanding about our own perceptual experience of life. The PDF of the full course is available and you can also access the online course at: For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the 12th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Ana Maria Vasquez explore what it is like to connect with and communicate with the natural realms. Daniel speaks of his encounter with spiders, how he's learning to hear the voices of gem stones and Ana Maria shares channelled messages from bumble bee, sandstone, and a willow tree. She shares how to reawaken to our emotional superpowers, and she offers the listeners of this podcast a free gift and a special offer. For details on Ana Maria's generous gifts, a transcript and more information about the SQ Community group: To go deeper: and
Welcome to the eleventh episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl expresses his gratitude for the community and speaks about the importance of bringing our human, or our body, along as we expand our consciousness. 10 Unconventional Life-hack Tidbits with Desk Stand Now available to order on Amazon: For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode: To go deeper: and