DiscoverOptimal Work Daily - Career, Productivity & Entrepreneurship
Optimal Work Daily - Career, Productivity & Entrepreneurship

Optimal Work Daily - Career, Productivity & Entrepreneurship

Author: Optimal Living Daily | Dan W.

Subscribed: 3,813Played: 223,198


Optimal Work Daily, presented by the experienced narrator Dan, is a podcast that focuses on enhancing productivity, creativity, and work-life balance. Dan provides clear and engaging narration of thought-provoking articles from leading experts in the fields of work, career development, productivity, and entrepreneurship.

Optimal Work Daily is an ideal resource for professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to maximize their potential in the workplace. The podcast's diverse range of topics, from time management strategies to fostering creativity, provides valuable insights for enhancing performance and achieving career satisfaction, making it a must-listen as you strive to excel in your professional life.

Whether you're aiming to advance your career, boost productivity, or delve into entrepreneurship, Optimal Work Daily offers practical advice and inspiration. Each episode focuses on work, career, productivity, and entrepreneurship, providing you with the tools needed to thrive professionally. Dan's engaging narration and the podcast's insightful content make it an essential daily listen for those dedicated to career growth and success.

This podcast is designed for those passionate about work, career, productivity, and entrepreneurship. It’s your go-to source for practical advice on enhancing your work performance, advancing your career, and exploring entrepreneurship. Each episode offers actionable steps to foster productivity and professional growth, emphasizing the importance of work, career, productivity, and entrepreneurship in achieving your goals.

Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...

1396 Episodes
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1396: To become more organized and productive, Carl Pullein emphasizes the importance of adopting simple yet effective habits. From writing tasks down to setting up consistent routines and conducting weekly reviews, these practices help individuals manage their time better, avoid common pitfalls, and achieve more in their daily lives. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Our brains are not great at reminding us to do the things that need doing at the right time." "Always put things away in the same place and you will save yourself a lot of time." "One of the most effective ways to create amazing momentum in your life is to spend an hour each week reviewing what you have done and what you want to get done the following week." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1395: Tiffany Aliche, a renowned financial educator, outlines five critical investments every business owner should make to transform their ideas into profitable ventures. From hiring a business coach to maintaining a strong web presence, Aliche’s advice emphasizes the importance of strategic spending to foster growth and efficiency. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Every business owner needs a coach or mentor. The opportunity to tap into the knowledge, experience and connections of an expert is worth every penny." "When you leave taxes to a qualified professional, you can rest assured you’ve filed the right deductions, your taxes are paid on time and you won’t be surprised later with an unexpected tax bill." "Understand that you don’t have to work yourself into exhaustion to succeed in business." Episode references: WordPress: Squarespace: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1394: Michael Levitt's insights on impressing customers reveal four overlooked strategies: empowering your team to handle issues, enhancing packaging quality, adopting an innovative mindset, and engaging directly with customers. By implementing these approaches, businesses can build stronger relationships and ensure long-term success. Read along with the original article(s) here: & Quotes to ponder: "Nothing impresses customers more than when they have their problems resolved quickly and to their satisfaction." "Remember that a box is not just a box. It’ll have an impact on your customers in one way or another, so make sure that it’s in a positive way!" "Customers like to see that the companies they work with are committed to improvement." Episode references: Thinkers 360: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1393: Lisa H. shares insightful strategies to master the delicate art of salary negotiation, emphasizing the importance of knowing your skills, doing thorough research, and considering all aspects of a job offer. Her practical advice empowers job seekers to approach salary discussions with confidence and professionalism. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Discussing compensation can be uncomfortable for both the employee and employer. You, the employee, are trying to get the highest salary that you can for your skills, while your employer is working with a specific budget." "Remember, there are many more aspects to consider before accepting a position." "The best way to become a skilled interviewee is to practice, practice, and practice." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1392: Cal Newport explores how principles from advanced manufacturing techniques can revolutionize office work. By shifting from a push to a pull system, organizations can alleviate chronic overload, streamline workflows, and enhance productivity. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "If you work in an organization, you know what it’s like to have too much to do and not enough resources to do it." "many leaders continue to believe that their organizations thrive when overloaded, often both creating pressure and rewarding those who deliver under duress. It’s a popular but pathological approach to management." "When knowledge work processes are managed via push, it’s difficult to track tasks in process because so many of them reside in individual email in-boxes, project files, and to-do lists." Episode references: The Broad Institute: Breaking Logjams in Knowledge Work: Deep Work: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1391: Stephen Warley of Life Skills That Matter delves into five limiting mindsets that can leave individuals feeling stuck in their careers and personal lives. By identifying these mindsets, unawareness, inertia, permission, a missing piece, and unchallenged assumptions, Warley offers practical strategies to overcome them and embrace a more fulfilling path. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "You have no clue you are wasting precious energy fighting to stay on a career path that no longer fulfills you." "Staying the course on cruise control takes a lot less energy than forging a new path in life (at least in the short term)." "When assumptions aren’t tested they become excuses." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1390: Molly Fletcher, in her insightful piece, reveals the two essential elements for successful corporate team building: choice and trust. By empowering team members with decision-making opportunities and fostering an environment of trust, leaders can significantly enhance team performance and loyalty. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Choice implies a buy-in, and that’s what makes it a key element for successful teams." "A leader who wants to build a loyal, productive corporate team will push himself or herself past the control freak stage." "Trust is built when people feel connected, when team members feel like they are heard and understood." Episode references: Dr. Henry Cloud: Leadercast: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1389: Sara Stanizai explains how understanding your attachment style in the workplace can lead to greater job satisfaction and healthier relationships with coworkers. By identifying whether you have a secure, avoidant-dismissive, or anxious-preoccupied attachment style, you can better navigate work dynamics, improve your interactions, and find a fulfilling career path that aligns with your personal needs. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Just because you freak out sometimes does NOT mean you are insecure." "When you feel confident in the workplace, you don’t spend time worrying that you aren’t good enough." "This type of attachment often overlaps with Impostor Syndrome, which is characterized by not being able to internalize evidence of your success." Episode references: The Power of Now: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1388: Christine Comaford's article delves into transforming a broken company culture into an exceptional one. By understanding employees' needs, assessing current cultural dynamics, and implementing a G.A.M.E plan, leaders can foster an environment of growth, appreciation, measurement, and engagement. This holistic approach ensures a thriving, engaged workforce and a competitive edge. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "It’s not just their job, it’s their life." "Benefits programs create safety. Tribal rituals and celebrations create belonging. Recognition programs create feelings of mattering." "Are you helping your team to feel appreciated and valued? Do you use High 5s, Rock Star, Weekly Wins, Friday Toasts?" Episode references: Rules for Renegades: Center For Women and Business at Bentley University: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1387: Rebecca Crespo shares seven transformative tips to integrate minimalism into freelancing. By adopting strategies such as digital minimalism, prioritizing gratitude, and maintaining work-life balance, freelancers can enhance productivity, focus on meaningful work, and achieve a more fulfilling and sustainable career. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "It is important not to let yourself get overwhelmed by trying to build a social media presence on every possible outlet." "Gratitude can have significant effects on your emotional and physical health, and there are scientific findings that gratitude is associated with psychological health." "When it comes to freelance, it’s always either feast or famine." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1386: Sydney Jones reveals that creativity isn't a mystical talent reserved for the elite but a skill anyone can learn. By following insights from filmmaker Brian Koppelman, you can embrace failure, manage time effectively, and turn rejection into a tool for growth, ultimately enhancing your creative abilities. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Whatever your favorite movie is, at some point during the writing of it the screenwriter felt completely lost." "When you’re creating something from scratch, you need to silence your inner critic and just create with as much freedom and passion as possible." "If you’re afraid to fail, you’ll never be able to get to that amazing finished product." Episode references: I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1385: Steve Chou shares the importance of periodically re-evaluating goals to avoid burnout, emphasizing family time, and prioritizing tasks effectively. By structuring activities and saying no to distractions, he creates a balanced lifestyle that supports his personal and professional success. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Every time things get out of hand, we now make a conscious effort to remember what we need out of life." "So why are we busting our butts trying to eek out every last dollar from our business?" "Be laser focused towards designing the lifestyle that you want." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1384: Steve Chou of shares his insights on achieving work-life balance despite a full-time job, managing three businesses, and caring for two children. He outlines his weekly schedule and emphasizes prioritizing tasks and choosing jobs that align with personal goals, showing that deliberate decisions can craft a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "I actually look forward to these nights because it’s the best way for me to get to know the students in my class." "By going down to working 4 days a week, we now have 1 free day to spend together as a couple." "Once you start making more, you start craving more and more money. Every single raise that you get is quickly forgotten and you start seeking more responsibility and higher pay!" Episode references: Bumblebee Linens: Fast Company magazine: The Sellers Summit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1383: Stress is a common experience for anyone working in various fields, but Leo Babauta from Zen Habits explains that much of this stress stems from our attachment to ideals. By recognizing our unrealistic expectations and learning to embrace life's uncertainties, we can reduce stress and find peace in the present moment. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "This ideal is not helping me. Clinging to wanting things this way is actually harming me. I hereby open my heart to many more possibilities." "Learn to see your frustration or worry about something as a signpost, a flag that tells you what’s going on." "Loosening our attachments is about realizing that life doesn’t have to be one way, our way, that we can be open to life’s way." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1382: Kumiko from The Budget reveals the unique advantage self-employed individuals have in shaping their own retirement plans. By setting SMART goals, automating savings, and choosing the right retirement accounts, you can secure a financially stable future while enjoying the freedom of self-employment. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Retirement is in your hands - and while that might make it seem stressful, it’s actually an exciting opportunity to make the most of it." "By incorporating it into your budget and automating your savings, you are 'paying yourself first.' Your future is as much of a priority as your bills and current cost of living." "It’s never too late to start. Yes, late is better than never. Don’t let negative thoughts or shame prevent you from saving for your future." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1381: Dr. Susan Chanderbhan shares insightful strategies for those struggling to identify a fulfilling career. She emphasizes self-reflection, leveraging interests and strengths, consulting resources, and learning from past experiences to guide individuals towards a career path that aligns with their values and goals. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "It’s easy to limit yourself when you only consider interests that you think would apply to a career." "Even if you don’t know what you enjoy doing right now, trying some of these strategies can help you determine which jobs might interest you and align with your values." "Consider your interests, even ones that don’t seem connected to a specific job." Episode references: The Pathfinder: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1380: Alyssa Martin shares her journey of learning to promote herself authentically to achieve career success. She offers practical tips on finding role models, emphasizing the positive impact of self-promotion, and overcoming fears associated with it, providing a roadmap for anyone looking to advance their career while staying true to themselves. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price." "I waited and hoped that someone would notice how hardworking and deserving I was. But it never happened." "Self-promotion has a bad reputation for being egotistical. But it’s only egotistical if you’re solely focused on what it can do for you." Episode references: Tiny Buddha’s Inner Strength Journal: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1379: Marc Chernoff dispels common myths that discourage us from pursuing our dreams, highlighting the importance of taking action today, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and leveraging existing resources. He emphasizes that with dedication and a supportive community, achieving dreams is possible for anyone. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Someday is not a day at all. Today is the only day guaranteed to you." "Failures are simply stepping stones to success. No matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be." "If you truly dedicate yourself to an end result, almost anything is possible." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1378: Starting a business is risky, but Emma Worden offers a roadmap to success. From crafting and testing your idea to securing funds and building an online presence, her insights ensure you stay on track and avoid common pitfalls. With a solid strategy and the right team, you can turn your passion into a thriving venture. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Taking such risks also gives you an opportunity to finally make your brilliant business idea come true and do what you really love." "No matter how great your new product or service is, if people aren’t buying it, it’s useless." "Surrounding yourself with a team of people who will help you reach your goals and grow your business becomes necessary." Episode references: The Lean Startup: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 1377: Elizabeth Plumb's article for Money Mini Blog shares five effective strategies to boost your productivity while working from home. By creating a dedicated workspace, dressing for work, eliminating distractions, organizing your environment, and taking regular breaks, you can overcome common pitfalls of home office complacency and enhance your efficiency. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Believe it or not, having a dedicated workspace can really ramp up your productivity. The main reason for this is that your brain is conditioned to focus when you are 'at work'." "One of the biggest drags on your productivity can be not getting dressed for work daily. Wearing pajamas or clothing that is too 'comfy' signals your brain that you’re in the mood for sleeping not working." "Set boundaries with family and friends that discourage drop by visits during work hours. Let the phone go to voicemail and pick up messages periodically." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (2)

Sophie G.

This piece was awesome!

Aug 20th

Ed Ed

great episode. keep it coming please.

Dec 13th