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Developer Experience

Author: Algolia

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Developer Experience is a podcast brought to you by Algolia. We chat with guests who build products for developers about their developer experience strategy, what it means for them and why it’s important.
10 Episodes
This episode of Developer Experience is about Developer Education. It’s a wonderful time to become a developer: the demand has never been higher, and there’s a literal ocean of free and paid content to kick start a new career in tech. This firehose of educational content is a side-effect of such a high demand for developers, and it makes it difficult to spot actual quality content that’s worth investing in. - What makes really great educational tech content? - How do beginner and advanced de...
On today's episode, Sarah Dayan discusses open source sustainability with Nicholas Zakas, creator of ESLint. ESLint is a widely popular JavaScript linter with a giant ecosystem of third-party plugins. If you have a JavaScript project with a continuous integration, you are certainly using ESLint and you do not want it to fail. Nicholas is also a seasoned author who wrote several books about JavaScript since the early 2000s and more blog posts that you can probably afford to read. A recurring ...
On today's episode, our hosts Sarah and Bryan are chatting about Documentation with Adam Wathan from Tailwind CSS. To talk about this today, we invited (for the second time in the show) Adam Wathan, creator of Tailwind CSS. Tailwind is a CSS framework optimized for building custom designs really quickly without having to start totally from scratch. Documentation is a tremendous topic, especially in tech. We often joke that "people don't read the docs". But when documentation is judged ...
On this episode, our hosts Sarah and Bryan are chatting about accessibility with Kitty Giraudel. Kitty is a front-end developer and accessibility specialist who is currently leading the front-end team at Gorillas. Before this, they have led the front-end team to rebuild the web platform at N26, with a strong focus on accessibility. We are going to talk about accessibility and its implications when it comes to Developer Experience. - Can Developer Experience and User Experience cohabitate wi...
On today's episode, our hosts Sarah and Bryan are going to talk about the role of community in Developer Experience. We're all part of communities, whether we participate in them or not. Are they any major differences between developers centric communities and more traditional ones, centered around geography or interests? We're also seeing more and more developers communities popping up, usually launched by tech companies. What is the value proposition for those developers? How do you take c...
On today's episode, we're going to talk about fostering developer collaboration in a remote world. This is a special edition because Sarah Dayan is joined for the first time by her new co-host Bryan Robinson, Senior Developer Advocate at Algolia. Working remotely is not something new, especially in the tech industry, but since the beginning of the pandemic in 2019, there has been a wave of tech workers going remote. First it was by necessity, and then by choice. So how do you collabora...
How to nail down the right abstractions for optimal DX? Building abstractions is at the core of API design. They become the face of your software, and they dictate a significant part of its developer experience. How to design the right abstractions? What is the difference between an opinionated software and a failing abstraction? To answer these difficult questions, we're happy to welcome two remarkable guests: Tim Neutkens is the Lead Engineer of Next.js, one if not the most popular and ve...
In this episode, Sarah Dayan chats with not only one, but two guests: - Sadek Drobi, Founder and CEO at Prismic - Haroen Viaene, Javascript Library Developer at Algolia They chat about what it takes for a technical product to blend into other people's codebases. How do you ensure that developers want to put your code in their code? Why is it as important to offer idiomatic integrations as it is to build powerful APIs? Sarah, Sadek and Haroen answer these questions in this third episode of De...
In this episode, we chat with Ben Hong from Netlify about the challenges of providing amazing developer experience for a wide variety of technical stacks. How do you consistently provide incredible DX to everyone when what you build isn't tied to a single platform? How do you properly think of such systems? Ben gives us insights on how the DX team works at Netlify, and how a culture of curiosity and experimentation allows them to stay in touch with the JAMstack community. Ben Hong is a Staff ...
In this first episode, we dive deeper into what is developer experience with Adam Wathan from Tailwind Labs and Lee Robinson from Vercel. Why did developer experience become so important? Concretely, what does it mean and how do you achieve it? Sarah Dayan chats with our 2 guests to uncover what makes awesome DX, what are the best examples out there, and how they imagine the future. Adam Wathan is the creator of Tailwind CSS, one of the most popular and the fastest growing CSS framework, whic...