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Katie The Traveling Lactation Consultant

Author: Katie

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Welcome to the podcast. I am your host, Katie Oshita, BSN, RN, IBCLC and infant feeding specialist. Quench your thirst for knowledge and travel with me across the nation to discover, learn, collaborate and better serve clients from all over the globe. Let’s ride and thrive together.
80 Episodes
Ep 80 Year 3 in Review

Ep 80 Year 3 in Review


Year 3 for podcasting is done! This year saw the end of constant traveling and instead a focus on international virtual travel. The recordings were with 10 IBCLC's, 4 Release providers, 4 Bodyworkers, 6 solo recordings, and 2 other providers. They spanned 6 countries- Ireland, Lithuania, Spain, Australia, Germany and Canada. Discussing and learning with providers across the globe helps to understand better lactation, tongue tie and the needs of families everywher...
Having a bodyworker with hands on during a release isn't popular, but it has profound results. Dr Michael Geis, an Osteopath trained in Osteopathic Manual Manipulation and Cranial Techniques and has chosen to specialize in oral ties after dealing with his own ties and those of his kids. During the residency in CT for the Holistic Lactation course, Katie Oshita was able to watch Dr Geis guide an adult release with Dr Kundel. In this episode Katie and Dr Geis discuss but how a...
In this episode Katie Oshita talks about how people aren’t healthy anymore- fertility rates are on the decline, pregnant patients are less healthy, children aren't healthy in their childhood anymore. Airway and movement dysfunction (snoo, swaddle, containers, then kids and adults sitting and not outside). There are toxins all around us- mold, Lyme, plastics, chemicals, VOC's. Our food is less nutritious due to less minerals in soil. So what can you do about it- g...
Ep 77 Nat the OT

Ep 77 Nat the OT


OT and Lactation can have a very complementary relationship however, sadly it's frequently a complicated relationship instead. In this episode Katie Oshita and Nat Udwin discuss how IBCLCs and OTs can not only support each other but support families for better results. OT is all about skills to "do your job" which can mean work skills for an adult, but for a baby their job is eat, sleep, poop, exist comfortably. In their OT practice, Nat sees a lot of fussy babies, with slee...
Ep 76 Shereen Lim

Ep 76 Shereen Lim


Tongue tie is not a US phenomenon. Tongue ties have been known about and treated for hundreds of years, but in the last decade the field has dramatically expanded. Part of that is more recognition, part is epigenetic changes causing more tongue ties, more vaulted palates, more narrow jaws than ever before.In this episdoe Katie Oshita and Dr Shereen Lim discuss tongue tie climates both in the US and in Australia where Dr Lim practices in Perth, in Western Australia. Dr Lim p...
In this episode Katie Oshita discusses some of the healing and holistic modalities that she is learning through the Holistic Lactation residency course she is taking. Comparing and contrasting allopathic/mainstream "normal" interventions such as antibiotics, swaddling, pacifiers, formula, bottles and prescription medications with natural/holistic options such as homeopathy and cell salts, EFT, home remedies and herbs Katie discusses how these choices effect our wellness. Sto...
In this episode, Katie Oshita and Gina Nigro discuss lactation support and tongue tie in both the US and Spain. In both locations, there are a lot of differences in the care available, and many similarities. Both parts of the world have many confusing options when trying to find a "breastfeeding expert". Listen as Katie and Gina discuss ways to support clients, encourage community and educate providers about the importance of expert lactation support.Podcast Guest: Gina Nigr...
More world traveling for lactation learning. In this episode, Katie Oshita and Bobbi Daly discuss lactation, oral ties, and living in a small country that produces 10% of the world's formula. In Ireland most families see a GP for infant care, not a Pediatrician and breastfeeding rates are incredibly low. The massive amount of formula made in a country with only 5 million people has made Ireland very much a bottle and formula country, causing lactation care to be rare a...
Continuing on the world tour of breastfeeding support and oral ties, Katie Oshita meets with Diana Marcinkevičienė to discuss lactation, access to care, and oral tethers in both the US (PNW is Katie's location) and Lithuania where Diana practices. Life is very different for parents and providers when comparing- from the long two-year maternity leave to the number of IBCLC's. Both Katie and Diana reflect on similarities in their practices as well, as lactation and need for support ...
Ep 68 Top 5

Ep 68 Top 5


In this episode, Katie Oshita reviews her Top 5- most popular episodes, locations- countries and cities with most listeners, things she has learned and things she hears from both clients and other practitioners. With 67 previous episodes and thousands of miles to meet and record with practitioners, Katie Oshita has a lot of information to share.Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 22 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. Katie is a telehealth lact...
Breastfeeding is universal, something that all humans, all mammals have done since the beginning of time. Lactation as a profession is new and has different norms throughout the world. Rosa Sorribas is an IBCLC in Barcelona, Spain who focuses not just on supporting new parents with lactation and infant feeding support. Rosa focuses on training new IBCLC's, encouraging more students to learn about lactation to support more and more families. In this episode Katie Oshi...
For both Katie Oshita and Rachelle Markham, being a neurodivergent business owner is part of life. Learning about sensory banks, tools, timers, apps and how to make life easier for themselves has been a learning process. Listen as they discuss some of what has, and what has not, helped them be more productive, and more regulated so that balance and success is part of their lives.Podcast Guest: Rachelle Markham, owns and operates Wellness Lactation, in San Diego, CA where she helps...
Katie Oshita and Allison Alexander discuss private practice in the US, support for new families, tongue tie timing and more. Allison Alexander sees families struggling with complex feeding issues, develops customized care plans and supports families throughout the feeding journey. Understanding the dyad is what makes lactation universally different than any other specialty who sees mom or baby individually. Listen here for more about private practice in the US.Podcast Guest:...
Breastfeeding struggles are not a uniquely US issue, nor is tongue tie. In this episode, Katie Oshita talks with Eva Fieback, an SLP/IBCLC in Berlin, Germany about the differences and similarities between support in the two countries. Eva discusses how as an SLP it is in her scope of practice in Germany to teach oral exercises, however IBCLC's are not allowed to in Germany. Government insurance also doesn't cover any visits with an IBCLC, yet SLP visits are covered. To...
Ep 63 Framework

Ep 63 Framework


In this episode Katie Oshita discusses the Holistic Lactation residency course she is taking, and our framework. Acknowledging and understanding our framework is an essential first step to education and practice. If we don't examine what we think of as normal, common, or basic for everyone, then we are ignoring what is part of our bias. Our framework is created through our experiences and education, and it forms the lens we see the world through. This episode challenge...
Ep 62 Dr Ashley Rich

Ep 62 Dr Ashley Rich


In this episode, Katie Oshita discusses manual therapy and tongue tie babies with Dr Ashley Rich. Understanding oral ties and the impact on the fascial system is important for all practitioners working with families struggling with feeding issues. Understanding how a different therapist sees things allows us to learn from each other, for the benefit of the families we all support. Dr Ashley has more understanding than most Pediatric chiropractors after taking the IBCLC Mast...
On the road again, well just for the day. Listen as Katie Oshita meets with Dr Jimmy Chan in Vancouver BC to discuss his journey into tongue tie, ICAP and all things lactation and oral tethers. When to release a tie is just as important as if to release the tie. Tongue ties aren't just a problem in the US, but worldwide ankyloglossia is a growing issue and field. Hear more with Katie Oshita and Dr Jimmy Chan.Podcast Guest: Dr. Jimmy Chan is a graduate of the Universit...
Ep 60 Tighten Your Tinkler

Ep 60 Tighten Your Tinkler


Pelvic floor issues post-pregnancy and birth are all too common. Whether it's related to more sedentary lifestyles, assisted births, or epigentics is not known, but it does not have to be accepted. Jenn Lormand EP and Christina Walsh PT all about stopping the acceptance that a little leaking is normal, and empowering women to take control of their own bodies. No weird devices, meds or surgery needed, they created a home PT program, proven to be effective by a 3 year study at...
In this episode Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC addresses some very common questions about breastfeeding and more. Everything from "should breastfeeding hurt" and "how long should a feed take" to general education about the Snoo, starting solids, pumping, safe sleep and more. If you have wondered about basic breastfeeding and how to answer some questions, or when to know that something isn't normal and refer (spoiler alert- common does not equal normal), this is a great episode for you.
In this episode Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC discusses the current status of birth in this country. In the United States there is a vast disparity in healthcare between races, leading to an alarmingly high maternal morbidity and mortality rate for black women. This will not change until it is talked about, until we all demand equal and safe healthcare for all. Katie also discusses SIDS, safe sleep, and parental leave and the direct correlation with breastfeeding rates in the...