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Disruption Works Chit Chat

Author: Disruption Works

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Our latest series is dealing voicebots and how to get the most from the powerful tools and services that are around including best practice and how this is going to impact us over the next few years.You can also check out our previous series that includes quick chats about automation solutions for business around chatbots, voicebots, development, integration and process automation with the team at Disruption Works and a few special guests. Just some light hearted interviews, comments and tips that might help business with their digital journeys or automation thoughts. Find out more about Disruption Works at
55 Episodes
Tom and Steve discuss the challenges around scaling up to deal with product recalls and automating the inbound and outbound calls or multichannel responses?With time sensitive recalls that can be public health issues, we talk about how automating this can be scaled instantly from a passive service and triggered when needed. Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if ...
Check out today's episode that is all about multichannel automation and how it's changing the game for customer service.We'll be discussing the latest trends in voicebots, chatbots, SMS and email, and these channels are working in harmony for businesses creating seamless, self-service journeys for customers.Join us for a (we hope) informative chat as we explore how this technology is disrupting traditional customer service models and making life easier for everyone involved.So sit back, relax...
A really interesting podcast with Tom and Steve today, around testing your teams knowledge retention for both in house sales or product training or for financial compliance like changes in FCA regulations or similar.We talk about how voicebots can do this with not only fully compliant and live assessment, but also with intelligent prompting for in complete answers given to the bot.This is a very powerful collaborative approach to verbal testing that has been proven to not only give you a full...
Tom and I discuss how charities can take advantage of the superb technology of voicebots and chatbots that is being used as common place in more and more businesses, but charities can be behind the curve it using this technology.Ironically these are the organisations who need to save money more and more in this financial climate we are all in at the moment.When funding is down then you need to be smarter so having scalable and integrated bots doing the heavy lifting is the way to go. Our late...
In today's podcast we are putting together a potted history of what technology used to look like around in speech recognition used in voice applications and how that has changed.Tom and Steve discuss the history of where it was and why the industry boom of the late 90's failed. Then moving onto the incredible acceleration of the technology now making the world of voicebots and voice applications common place and proven.Then moving onto the challenge that businesses have, after being burnt wit...
Today with Steve and Tom, we discuss conversational voice design. The key requirement for a successful voicebot. No matter what the platform from Genesys to Avaya, wherever there is the facility to build voicebots, the conversational design is so important. We talk about why voicebots are not being used as effectively as they should be, even now, and how to get some starting point and expertise to get you off the ground.A voicebot should sound like a human agent, so how is that achieved? Our ...
Talking about all the acronyms and craft of conversation and where all this jargon fits in with the design and build of a voicebot. We discuss the voice artist role in a voicebot and how that adds the human touch.Find out more at Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us ...
As a growing vertical, this whole sector is struggling to scale and still be cost effective. Voicebots are part of a solution that now a reality. no longer is this technology seen as experimental, but it is in use across this sector and should be a move that allows early recovery and a whole new opportunity for smaller consumer debt.Find out more and see how this is taking the sector by storm.Visit our site to find out more about voicebots in debt collection. Our latest series of podcasts, co...
Today we are talking about voicebots and the fact that they are smart enough to detect voicemail, a crucial part of any outbound campaign, with increasing accuracy due to the AI incorporated in the logical understanding of this part of an overall dialogue.It is a tricky one when you consider the amount of different shapes and sizes that voicemail comes in with.Listen in as we talk about how the Ai voicebots are managing the human fallibility in a badly crafted voice message.if you want to fin...
This is the first in a new series of podcasts that talks in a slightly more technically manner about chatbot/ voicebot production, as well as development projects and everything in between.Introducing Dave Antwis our technical lead, who can offer a more technical standpoint as the series progresses.The first one is a soft start talking about the pros and cons of building your own chatbots, how you can keep ownership and improve skills internally whilst still having a good product and experien...
This is one of the most powerful use case for a neat and sophisticated voicebot. With debt collections on the rise, scaling and costing the collection of debt is a tricky service to actually make good margins against.The smaller debts are too costly to collect and the timeslots for success are really tight, but when it does not matter whether you are making 10 or 1000 calls an hour, the bot can scale and be cheaper than an agent and it is easier to train.So how does it work, well give it a li...
Today, we are talking about some real self service journeys that are being applied for clients and how these can transform the way that businesses work and how customers interact.We even mention the now legendary Lobster shack and how that has gone global with a smashing digital solution ... well in theory. Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subj...
Today, we discuss Virtual Power Agents, the relatively new chatbot UI from Microsoft. Making it easier to collaborate on chatbots that can be incredibly sophisticated, but also very accessible. Oh and we talk about Sean and Steve's lobster shack... or argue about it!Find out more about these and how they fit an organisation and how they talk to the rest of the Microsoft estate and enable full self service journeys.To find out more about chatbots click here Our latest series of podcasts,...
Today we talk about the impact to an organisation where voicebots have been deployed. It is transformatory and the impact to HR, costs, profits and overall customer experience are simply incredible.If you want to find out more about voicebots, then click here Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us to discuss then email...
Today, we talk about the many chatbot platforms that are available. From the large vendors like Google and Microsoft, to the smaller platforms that are simpler and cheaper to deploy. As we are platform agnostic, we give an object view on the different options.We talk about the pros and cons for each approach and what channels are available with each. Budgets and business cases have a role in the selection, so what is the best for you business?Find out more about chatbots here Our latest...
Today we talk about how a chatbot can help with the fundraising efforts in a charity. From lead generation and prequalification of the type fundraising or donations that a person is interested in and helping with the final conversion into a loyal and engaged donor or supporter. We deal with a human in the loop and how the chatbot can work alongside a member of the team and also how that warmed up lead is then ready to convert and help the charity. Our latest series of podcasts, concentra...
Today we talk about voicebots for utilities. Lets face it they were never great, but utilities are some of the hardest groups of business to get hold of to get anything done.We talk about some self service journeys and how that might look for your utility operation.Find out more about voicebots here. Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects th...
In today's episode we talk about using chatbots in education. As education becomes a more blended digital experience, we talk about helping to deal with how a chatbot can help with safeguarding and general queries to help teachers be aware but also give them space to spend more time teaching.Find out more about chatbots in education here Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebot...
Today, we talk about the power of linking the physical world to the digital world with bot technology. It is not complicated but using chatbots and voicebots to talk to a park bench or an animal in the zoo is really powerful. Why not talk to the animals?This technology is now easily accessible and allows for not only a conversation with said park bench, but also in any language you like!! Using this for an engaging trip to the zoo or heritage site to asking your town centre visitors wha...
Today we have a guest, David Gadd from Vertical Plus and we discuss a very disruptive approach to eCommerce. Take what you know about managing your ecommerce and throw it out of the window. David and his team have a wholly different approach for businesses looking to scale their ecommerce sales.Find out more about Vertical Plus here And more about Disruption Works here Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along...