DiscoverAbsorbed - a Bible Book Study Podcast
Absorbed - a Bible Book Study Podcast
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Absorbed - a Bible Book Study Podcast

Author: Brother Pete

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Through questions with definite answers, study Bible books in full, in one sitting. Or, I should say, I am creating podcast episodes which would allow that. I study with an intense focus when it comes to my job, but I never have taken the same approach with the Bible. Now is as good a time as ever to change things up. No distractions, no clock, just the Word of God. Each episode includes a reading of the book in full, straight through. This is preceded or followed by a diligent, accompanying set of questions--with definite answers--intended to aid in retention of the contents of the book. You have the time. Why not join me in studying Bible books in full? Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
22 Episodes
Earlier this year I excitedly told my dad that they had "finally done it!" By that I meant that a major bible translation finally put the divine name directly in the text instead of keeping it the antecedent to "LORD". My dad promptly ordered himself a copy of the Legacy Standard Bible (I have purchased four) and this interview of my dad gets to the heart of why he had no problem buying this new translation.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyr...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has you feeling like me. You're somewhere past confusion, but short on confidence. Are you feeling fearful? I recognize fear because I cry when I'm afraid. I haven't cried yet, but I have felt tears well up. But I have seen others begin to spread fear. Before you become a fear monger, especially at your church and with your Christian friends, I'd ask you to think it through. We know who to fear. And we know what not to fear. And we know why. Do not let cir...
Ep. 16 - Philemon

Ep. 16 - Philemon


How many slaves did Philemon have? Is this letter about slavery? If so, what does it have to say? If not, what is it about? Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of Philemon. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the questions, continue to the reading, and end with a few notes and memory aids. Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. ...
As I reviewed the episode on 1 John, it became clear to me that we need to chat about "determining antecedents"--and there is probably no better book of the Bible than 1 John to use. Who is 'we'? Who is 'he'? Who is 'you'? Aren't you dying to know, and know with confidence? I know I am. So join me as we explore the single step method to determine antecedents. (And along the way, we may gain in our understanding of "inspiration" and "the Trinity".)Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New ...
Ep. 15 - 1 John

Ep. 15 - 1 John


1 John is more sermon than letter. But what's in a name?Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of 1 John. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the reading, continue with the questions, and then conclude with another reading.(Note: I mistakenly mention after about 10 questions, "We're in the early part of chapter 1". I should've said, "We're in the early part of chapter 2." Apologies for any confusion.) Scripture quotations taken from t...
An even shorter Bible book--so no intro.Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of 2 John. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the reading, continue with the questions, and then conclude with another reading.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
A short Bible book--a shorter introduction.Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of 3 John. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the reading, continue to the questions and then conclude with another reading. (And all in under twenty minutes!)Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
I just learned about (and purchased) the newly published "Legacy Standard Bible" translation. Already there are many opinions and thoughts and reactions being offered, and as studying the Bible is the raison d'etre of this podcast, I wanted to share--in a word--my thoughts and hopes regarding this translation, if only for posterity's sake.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserv...
Ep. 12 - Jude

Ep. 12 - Jude


We say "Jude" but in the original Koine Greek, the man's name is identical to what we translate as "Judas". Isn't that a piece of compelling Bible trivia? (Not that it has anything to do with the contents of this short letter.) In any case, unlike those who opted to shorten Judas to Jude, Jude tends to lengthen his letter with multiple and sometimes multi-layered examples.Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of Jude. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready a...
Ep. 11 - Nahum

Ep. 11 - Nahum


When it came to Ninevah, the LORD voted, "Nay!" We shouldn't be surprised that a short Bible book would reveal a short truth. But is that all there is to this minor prophet's short book? Was there nothing else that the LORD removed from the face of the earth through this vision of Nahum the Elkoshite's, often nebulous-to-us-"pandemic-living"-"'China-is-right-there'-seeing"-moderns as we are ? Point of fact, yea there was something else removed--rather, yes--yes there was something else remove...
Ep. 10 - Habakkuk

Ep. 10 - Habakkuk


Some might answer Thessalonians; others, Ecclesiastes. But I say Habakkuk is the hardest Bible book name to say. No matter--we're concerned with absorption, not articulation. Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of Habakkuk. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the questions and then conclude with the reading.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by perm...
Christ is a mystery, a puzzling question worthy of comprehensive and concentrated consideration. And the culmination of such contemplation, carefully accompanied by concerted and conformed conduct, will create completeness. At least that's one alliterated attempt, characterized by condensation, to capture the content which Paul and Timothy seem to write in encouragement to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are at Colossae.Grab your Bible and follow along as we see what there is t...
No frills here. The Gospel According to Mark plainly presents Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in all his casting-out unclean spirits, healing all manner of infirmities, preaching the Gospel and Kingdom of God, ransoming-death on the cross, and resurrecting from death glory.Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of The Gospel According to Mark. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the questions and then conclude with the reading. Scripture quotations...
As denoted by the designation "Teaching 1" (versus Ep. XX), this is not a typical, full book "Bible book study" episode. I am working on the next one of those episodes, The Gospel of Mark to be specific, at the moment, but have time to spare on this podcast account. With that time, I submit a second type of episode for your edification and encouragement. This, then, is an ultra-focused, absorbing look at the infamous dialogue of Jesus and Nicodemus as recorded in The Gospel of John, chapter 3...
Ep. 07 - Numbers

Ep. 07 - Numbers


This book of the Bible might have the worst, might have the most misleading name of any book of the entire Bible. Don't believe me? Let's see for ourselves.Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of Numbers. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the questions and then conclude with the reading.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights r...
Ep. 06 - Micah

Ep. 06 - Micah


After pleading that the LORD "shepherd", Micah of Moresheth begins his closing by asking the LORD, "Who is a God like You?" Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of Micah. Open your Bible and have the pause button ready as we begin with the questions and then conclude with the reading. Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Heard of Martin Heidegger's "On Being and Time"? Love Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar"? Then I say it's time you check out the second letter of Peter, the apostle of Jesus Christ.This episode is back in the original format of a reading of the letter in its entirety followed by a multitude of questions which I intend that the listener pause to answer one at a time. Finally, I offer what works for me as a method to easily store the contents of this letter, this bible book, in my memory. ...
Ep. 04 - Judges

Ep. 04 - Judges


...more like, "Deliverers", right? This episode changes up the format just a touch. The questions begin the study and I don't read the verses alongside the questions, with the full reading coming afterwards. After the reading I offer a three or four minute method to easily recall the content, which, it turns out, contains a bit more variety than just a few short biographies of early Israelite deliverers that the name implies.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard...
Ep. 03 - Ruth

Ep. 03 - Ruth


In this episode, we'll read the book of Ruth and discover together that the book of Ruth is not only about Ruth. Expect an initial reading of the entire Bible book, then, especially with the shorter books, expect a question-riddled re-reading, and finally, I review the book with an eye on what might be called 'tips on how to usefully remember the contents of the book' concluding segment.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by The Loc...
We have copies of two letter's that Paul wrote to Timothy. This episode covers the first letter in its entirety. Expect an initial reading of the entire Bible book, then, especially with the shorter books, expect a question-riddled re-reading, and finally, I review the book with an eye on what might be called 'tips on how to usefully remember the contents of the book' concluding segment.Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by The Loc...