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Breaking Chains

Author: Christine Jewell

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We are called to be multipliers in a world that is contracting!

The BREAKING CHAINS Podcast is designed to help you ditch the operating systems of this world that are keeping you enslaved in the grind, playing from behind and instead …

Launch you into the territory of true FREEDOM + FULFILMENT + IMPACT as you align every arena of life to timeless KINGDOM Principles.

SHIFT your perspective, upgrade your belief systems, and position yourself to prosper in all arenas; relationships, health, wealth & purpose.

Join High Performance Coach & Spiritual Mentor, Christine Jewell, for weekly episodes specifically designed for Impact Driven Leaders + Couples committed to RISING together as powerful co-creators, changing the way we LEAD so we can experience the FULLNESS of LIFE we are created for.
164 Episodes
Order my "Book, Drop the Armor" over $200 in Bonus Trainings, Journals and resources when you order directly from us!)**********In this episode of the Breaking Chains podcast, I dive into the power of decisiveness and the impact of our emotional home—the default state where we subconsciously return. After observing over 150 people at various stages of personal and professional development, I’ve noticed a few key elements that create the greatest shifts in their lives, marriages, careers, and overall well-being.We’ll explore the importance of making a firm decision to change, recognizing your familiar emotional patterns, and understanding where these patterns originated. By rewiring our internal stories, we can step into a new way of living and leading. This episode is all about taking radical ownership of your life, breaking free from old stories, and establishing a new baseline that supports growth, harmony, and fulfillment.Key Takeaways:Decisiveness is a Superpower: The moment you make a firm decision to change, everything starts to shift. It’s about drawing a line in the sand and committing to a new way of being, without entertaining old habits or excuses.Identify Your Emotional Home: We all have a default emotional state that we unconsciously return to. Whether it’s frustration, chaos, or calm, recognizing this set point is crucial to creating lasting change.Rewire Your Internal Stories: Understanding where your emotional patterns and mental operating systems come from allows you to rewrite your story and set a new baseline for your life. This is where real transformation begins.The Power of Presence: Change starts at home—literally. By being present, slowing down, and consciously choosing how you show up, you can shift the atmosphere in your relationships, your teams, and your entire life.Get Support and Structure: Real change often requires guidance. Surround yourself with mentors, coaches, and groups that elevate your thinking and push you to rise into the next level of life and leadership.Notable Quotes:"Everything changes the moment you decide it does.""We all have a familiar emotional home—an emotional set point we return to when we’re on autopilot.""Nothing sucks worse than having awareness and choosing to stay where you were. That’s the definition of suffering.""You can’t create a new future if you keep entertaining the stories of the past."If this episode resonated with you, and you’re ready to rewrite the story of your life, reach out to learn more about our coaching programs. Whether you’re just starting your journey or you’re an executive needing support at the top, we have the resources and structure to help you rise. Don’t settle for old patterns—take the next step toward the life and leadership God has for you.**********Order my "Book, Drop the Armor" www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives,...
Order my "Book, Drop the Armor" over $200 in Bonus Trainings, Journals and resources when you order directly from us!)**********In this episode of the Breaking Chains podcast, I sit down with Brian Covey, EVP of Strategy and Development at Revolution Mortgage, a nationally recognized speaker, and a powerhouse in coaching and leadership and we are talking about BREAKING IT DOWN before you have a “BREAK DOWN!”Brian shares his incredible journey from being an overweight, insecure teenager to becoming a highly successful leader and family man. We dive into the concept of finding your competitive edge—how to identify and leverage your unique strengths to unlock your full potential.We talked about some of the most common limiting beliefs we must break out of in order to step into the power that God has already equipped you with. This conversation is packed with practical advice on how to transform breakdowns into breakthroughs, how to compete at the highest level in every area of your life, and how to stay focused and intentional in your daily actions.Key Takeaways:Embrace Your Unique Story: God has equipped you with everything you need through your experiences, both good and bad. Your story is your strength, and it’s time to step into that power.Break IT Down to experience Your Break Through: Don’t fear the breakdowns. Instead, use them as opportunities to analyze, reflect, and grow. This is where true transformation happens.Competing vs. Participating: Don’t just go through the motions—commit fully to every goal, every task, and every relationship. Competing means showing up as your best self, every single day. YOU v YOU. Environment is Everything: Surround yourself with people who push you to grow and level up in all areas of life—spiritually, relationally, and professionally.Be Where Your Feet Are: Cultivate presence in your conversations and actions. The quality of your focus and attention can transform not just your outcomes, but also the lives of those around you.Notable Quotes:"God has uniquely equipped you and qualified you through whatever you’ve been through.""Breakdowns are opportunities to break down the playbook and make necessary changes.""When you compete, you give your best in that moment, rather than just participating and going through the motions.""Surround yourself with the right environment; it’s the shortcut to growth.""Be where your feet are—focus on being present and intentional in every moment."Connect with Brian:IG, FB, Tiktok, X: @thebriancoveyLinkedin:**********Order my "Book, Drop the Armor" www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they
Order my "Book, Drop the Armor" over $200 in Bonus Trainings, Journals and resources when you order directly from us!)**********In today’s episode of the Breaking Chains podcast, I’m diving into what it truly means to be a "Kingdom Power Couple." I’ve seen so many couples, including myself at one point, get caught up in the world’s superficial definitions of success and power. But today, I want to shift our focus to something deeper—how we can align our relationships with timeless Kingdom principles to create a bond that’s unified, purpose-driven, and reflective of God’s design.I’ll be sharing from my own experiences and spiritual insights, talking about 10 Key Characteristics that set Kingdom Power Couples apart from those who struggle to keep connection, authenticity and forward momentum together. Whether your relationship is thriving or you’re struggling to find harmony,these strategies can elevate your partnership to new heights. By focusing on unity, speaking life over each other, and establishing peace in your home, you can transform your marriage into a true partnership that thrives in every area of life.Key Takeaways:Unified Vision and Mission: As a Kingdom Power Couple, it’s essential to be united in vision, values, and mission. It’s not just about our individual goals, but about a shared, God-sized vision that encompasses both of our dreams and so much more.Speaking Life Over Each Other: The words we speak have incredible power. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of speaking life and victory over our partner and our collective challenges, instead of falling into the trap of negativity and criticism, grumbling and complaining!Being Fierce Protectors of Your Marriage: We must be ruthless about our boundaries, protecting our relationship from external threats and distractions.Establishing Peace as the NORM: We are always either  normalizing or chaos in our home. Creating a calm, grounded environment is the breeding ground for clarity, safe communication and win/win situations - aka: WINNING TOGETHER - rather than creating win/lose scenarios. Praying Together: Prayer activates the super natural!! It is a spiritual tool for uniting our efforts spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. When we pray together, we not only align our hearts and minds with God’s will for our lives but we make unshakable agreements and take over territories together. Commit and learn how to PRAY powerful prayers together! Notable Quotes:"We are not just about our dreams and our visions but asking, ‘God, what are your dreams for us?’""The words we speak over each other can create more of what’s already showing up or start to redirect the atmosphere.""Kingdom Power Couples are ruthless about their boundaries to protect the integrity of their marriage.""Focus more on what’s done privately than what’s done publicly. That’s where the real strength of your relationship is built."keywords: power couple, marriage, unified vision, speaking life, wise counsel, establishing peace, knowing roles, protecting territory, praying together, dependency on God**********FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at**********In this episode of the Breaking Chains podcast, I dive into the topic of discerning what truly matters and strategies to help with this skill. We talk about what discernment means, how it benefits us in times of chaos, and why it's essential for effective leadership. This episode includes five critical questions that act as guardrails, helping you to sharpen your discernment abilities. By understanding and learning these skills, you can navigate through life's complexities with clarity and confidence. I also touch on the significance of spiritual peace, aligning actions with God's word, and making faith-based decisions.Key Takeaways:Understanding Discernment: Discernment is the ability to grasp and judge well, distinguishing between right and almost right.Cultivating Discernment: Regular prayer, meditation, and reading the word of God are essential practices for developing discernment.Five Critical Questions: Key questions to ensure your decisions are aligned with spiritual peace and divine guidance.Leadership and Discernment: Effective leadership in tumultuous times requires heightened discernment to create positive, lasting impacts.Spiritual vs. Physical Decisions: The importance of choosing spiritual peace over immediate physical comfort to make faith-driven decisions.Notable Quotes:"Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It's knowing the difference between right and almost right.""In times such as this, it can feel very tumultuous and chaotic. Discernment helps us know what to do and when to do it.""What you give your attention to is what you entertain, and what you entertain, you invite into your life.""Discernment is both a gift and a skill set that requires practice and development over time.""The voice of the Holy Spirit is a gentle whisper; He’s not competing for your attention."**********FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online at with Christine!Instagram:
*Special Episode* I had the pleasure of getting interviewed by my husband, Mark Jewell. Together, we unpack intentionality, integrity, and purpose-driven leadership. We talk about how a distorted relationship with time and the constant addiction to cramming “more” actually robs us of experiencing a rich and fulfilling life. I emphasize the significance of aligning our thoughts, actions and emotions to our core values as  the door to a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life. I also address common identity crises and the struggles of modern leadership, offering a path to greater harmony both at home and work.Key Takeaways:Conscious Intentionality: Slowing down for greater awareness allows one to design a life in alignment with core values.Relationship with Time: A distorted relationship with time, propelled by constant rush, hinders mindful and intentional living.Balancing Life: True balance comes not from finite adjustments but from living in an integrated, value-aligned manner.Identity and Leadership: Effective leadership stems from a clear, unwavering sense of identity and purpose that surpasses the need for others' approval.Spiritual Integration: Intimacy with God or a higher spiritual source provides inexhaustible wisdom, peace, and guidance crucial for transformational leadership.Notable Quotes:"To be intentional is to consciously slow down so that you can speed up and walk in alignment, walk in integrity, create a life by design." – Christine Jewell"When we worship the things of the world, we become puppets of the world." – Christine Jewell"Are you a walking, talking contradiction of your values, or are you a walking, talking reflection of your values?" – Christine Jewell"I'm a very deep person. I like to go deep and wide with everything. Our relationship, our work, our faith, everything." – Christine Jewell"Who you serve, owns you. And if you're going to be a leader, whose influence are you bowing to?" – Christine JewellResources:Book: Drop the Armor: Release the Past, Ignite Your Faith, and Unlock an Extraordinary Life by Christine JewellListen to the Intentional Agribusiness Leader Podcast by Mark Jewell--FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online at with Christine!Instagram:...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at this episode of the Breaking Chains podcast, I sit down with Rachel Marshall to dive into the themes of family, legacy, and wealth creation. Rachel, co-founder of The Money Advantage and author of "Seven Generations Legacy," shares her insights on how to build a sustained family legacy that creates financial wealth. We talk about how planting seeds today that will grow into a resilient, multigenerational legacy.Throughout the episode, Rachel explains the importance of character, values, and intentional planning in legacy creation. This episode covers simple principles such as the decision to create wealth, establishing a family mission, vision, and values, and the importance of thinking long-term to impact multiple generations. Key Takeaways:Legacy Beyond Money: It’s essential to build a legacy that includes character, values, and financial acumen. Rachel’s approach integrates spiritual, intellectual, and social capital alongside financial wealth.Intentional Family Culture: Creating a unified family mission, vision, and values is crucial for fostering a cohesive family culture and establishing a multigenerational legacy.Seven Generations Perspective: Adopting a long-term vision, thinking about the impact on the next seven generations ensures sustainable legacy planning.Proactive Estate Planning: Beyond financial allocation, effective legacy planning includes thorough estate planning, which considers the guidance and values conveyed through wealth.Empowering the Next Generation: Educating and mentoring children about financial stewardship and values-based decision-making is key to preserving and growing family wealth.Notable Quotes:"You have right now exactly where you stand in this exact moment. Everything you need to create a legacy, to be the inflection point of a multigenerational legacy." - Rachel Marshall"Legacy is not just a noun. It's a verb. It’s an action word." - Rachel Marshall"Every single action that you do is a seed." - Rachel Marshall"Money is just a magnifier of your soul. It magnifies what's already there." - Rachel Marshall"You are a solution creator." - Rachel MarshallConnect with Rachel:Connect on LinkedInThe Money Advantage: The Money Advantage WebsiteSeven Generations Legacy Book: Seven Generations LegacyThe Money Advantage Podcast: The Money Advantage Podcast--FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at this episode I talk with Steve "Moby" Leitch, a former national team swimmer turned sweat equity sober ultra swimmer. Our conversation explores Steve's battle with addiction, his spiritual awakening, and his feats in the open waters. Steve "Moby" Leitch's life is a testament to resilience, faith, and the power of purpose-driven living.Steve shares moments from his life, from growing up as the son of a renowned evangelist in Scotland, navigating identity struggles, and falling into the depths of addiction, to the turning point and redemption. Steve talks about his grueling experiences of ultra marathon swims, such as the 28-mile journey from Molokai to Oahu, and how these endeavors serve a greater cause—raising funds for foster children and sober living communities.Key Takeaways:Spiritual Turning Points: Steve reveals moments of divine intervention and spiritual awakening that catalyzed his journey toward sobriety and purpose.Purpose-Driven Living: The episode talks about the importance of finding and pursuing one’s divine purpose as the cornerstone for true fulfillment.Overcoming Adversity: Steve’s journey from addiction to becoming a beacon of hope shows the power of resilience and faith.Philanthropy Through Passion: His swims are more than physical feats; they are missions to fund transformative initiatives for foster care counseling and sober living communities.The Power of Solitude: Emphasizing the need for solitude and introspection, Steve shares how quiet moments with God played crucial roles in his recovery and growth.Notable Quotes:"God created you for a purpose. Do not miss it." - Steve "Moby" Leitch"If you're with me, I can do anything." - Steve "Moby" Leitch"I never said I'd calm the seas. I said I'd calm you in the seas." - God, as relayed by Steve "Moby" Leitch"The real rock bottom, that very rock of rock bottom, becomes the foundation." - Christine Jewell"You are created on purpose for a purpose." - Christine JewellSee how Steve overcomes challenges of addiction, loss and crisis of faith to use his gifts to swim and serve others. GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online at...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at today’s episode, I’m joined by Cory Carlson, author of "Win at Home First" and "Rise and Go." Together, we dive into balancing work and home life, leveraging faith-based principles to foster holistic, integrated living.In this episode, Cory and I discuss the challenges executives face, including the myth that one has to choose between professional success and family wellness. Cory shares insights from his personal journey, talking about how past mistakes have shaped his understanding of leadership and life. He highlights actionable strategies and provides a sneak peek into the frameworks laid out in his books. As we explore themes of presence, intentionality, and the role of faith in personal development, you’ll find valuable takeaways to enhance your own life.Key Takeaways:Balancing Work and Family: Success does not have to come at the expense of family life. Strategies such as intentional scheduling and compartmentalization help achieve balance.Being Present: Whether at work or home, being fully engaged and present is essential. Avoid distractions and dedicate focused time to each aspect of your life.Role of Faith: Cory's personal mantra, "God has the night shift," shows the importance of faith and trusting that God oversees our endeavors, providing peace and balance.Leadership at Home: It's crucial to actively participate in family life through regular date nights and being open about work challenges and successes with your spouse and children.Recovery from Setbacks: Drawing from his book "Rise and Go," Cory shares how resilience in the face of setbacks is essential for leaders, reinforcing that getting back up quickly is key to ongoing success.Notable Quotes:"Wisdom is spelled W-I-S-D-U-M-B from the dumb mistakes we make." – Cory Carlson"I control the input. God controls the impact." – Cory Carlson"A great spouse will double your impact, or a bad spouse can cut your impact in half." – Cory Carlson"God is abundant by nature, and if you live in alignment with His ways, balance between work and home is possible." – Cory Carlson"Our mess becomes our message, and our pain becomes our platform." – Cory CarlsonFollow Cory on social media (@carlsoncory) and’s website: www.corymcarlson.comCory’s LinkedIn: at Home First Course: GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.a...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn today's episode of the Breaking Chains podcast, I sit down with John Gallagher, a seasoned leader in the realm of leadership and lean consulting where John shares his unique approach to transforming underperforming teams through his seven-step methodology. Our conversation  unpacks what it means to be an uncommon leader, encompassing: faith, discipline, and intentional actions in both personal and professional realms.We explore topics from the power of relationships and the significance of making decisive decisions to the critical role of consistent discipline. John recounts his personal health transformation journey, drawing parallels between physical health and leadership effectiveness. This episode provides a holistic perspective on leadership and personal growth, making it a must-listen for any aspiring leader.Key Takeaways:The Importance of Relationships: Building strong relationships is foundational for personal and professional success and opens doors to new opportunities.Faith and Leadership: Integrating faith into the marketplace and leadership roles can foster unparalleled impact and transformation.Discipline Facilitates Freedom: Consistent discipline in daily habits allows leaders to achieve and maintain excellence, providing a structured path to success.The Seven-Step Methodology: Making decisive decisions, conducting diagnostics, creating dashboards, designing strategies, instilling discipline, reflecting purposefully, and continual review and improvement.Intentionality in Leadership: Purposeful and intentional action to achieve uncommon results.Notable Quotes:"Doing common things in an extraordinary way is what makes an uncommon leader." - John Gallagher"Even small acts of discipline can lead to significant and lasting impacts." - John Gallagher"Excellence only happens on purpose." - John Gallagher"We should always strive to grow, to be around people who challenge us and push us to be better." - John Gallagher"The pain of change must be less than the pain of staying the same for real transformation to occur." - John GallagherGet In Touch with John: GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Order Your Copy at www.dropthearmorbook.comIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn this episode, I explore the critical theme of "getting your house in order," drawing inspiration from Mark 3:25—"If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." I articulate the importance of internal and relational harmony as prerequisites for external success. I emphasize that many leaders seeking prosperity in their careers often overlook the essential requirement of a well-ordered personal and home life.I delve into five critical areas that require attention to achieve this order. First, I stress the importance of internal peace and a right relationship with God. Then, I place significant weight on marital unity, advocating for oneness of vision, purpose, and spirit between spouses. I also reflect on the significance of investing in one's children, maintaining a hierarchy of priorities, and ensuring that external endeavors such as businesses are aligned with inner values and divine order. Through this discourse, I encourage listeners to create lasting, sustainable success through a foundation of order and integrity.Key Takeaways:Internal Order: Achieving peace and success begins with an ordered internal relationship with oneself and God.Marital Unity: Strong, aligned marriages are essential for personal and professional prosperity. Unification in marriage plays a crucial role in realizing one's full potential.Invest in Children: Active engagement and investing time in understanding and nurturing children can prevent future problems and create a harmonious family environment.Order of Priorities: Ensuring that personal health, familial relationships, and inner peace are prioritized before external success can lead to sustainable prosperity.External Reflection: The state of one's external achievements often mirrors the internal order and coherence in their personal lives.Notable Quotes:“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”“I do not believe that God will bless your business, your career, your endeavors, if internally, your house, your home is out of order.”“The oneness that happens when you're in a marriage, it's unification. That unification is multiplication power.”“Once you know, you can't unknow. We can't turn a blind eye anymore.”“As within, so without. What's going on at home is usually also what's going on at work.”FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn this week’s episode, I talk Shae Bynes, a sister in the Kingdom entrepreneurship movement. We discuss doing business God’s way, encountering His grace, and stepping out of the grinding hustle mentality. Shae shares her personal journey from secular business principles to a Kingdom-driven approach, underpinned by divine guidance and partnership with God.Our conversation explores what it truly means to be a Kingdom-driven entrepreneur and the practical steps to infuse divine enablement into daily business operations. We dive deep into the concept of "Grace over Grind," illuminating how God's grace can effortlessly propel businesses where sheer hard work fails. The episode unveils the tangible benefits of partnering with God in entrepreneurial endeavors, emphasizing the holistic prosperity encompassing financial, eternal, and operational aspects.Key Takeaways:Understand the core difference between being a Kingdom-driven entrepreneur and simply a Christian in business.Learn how to shift from a grind mindset to one that fully embraces divine enablement and rests in God's grace.Get practical advice on engaging in business meetings with God and seeking His guidance in every aspect of business.Discover the importance of building a business with Kingdom assets and the supernatural gifts available to Kingdom entrepreneurs.Gain insight into the transformative power of delighting in the Lord and letting Him guide the visions and desires of your heart.Notable Quotes:"You can't really be a Kingdom-driven entrepreneur and not do business primarily in your own strength. You've got to do it not for God, but with the presence of God." - Shae Bynes"His grace is empowering you to be and to do. His grace is sufficient, and that's the key. It's not about excessive hard work but allowing divine enablement." - Shae Bynes"Not every revelation you get is supposed to be executed immediately. Practice small steps of faith so you can build up the confidence to trust God's guidance in bigger decisions." - Shae Bynes"I wouldn't trade any part of this adventure with God. There's more joy, more peace, more goodness than in any of the grinding I used to do." - Shae Bynes"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart; it’s about placing your life in His hands and finding fulfillment in His plans." - Shae BynesTune in to the full episode for a deeper understanding of how to integrate Kingdom principles into your business and discover an abundance of spiritual and tangible rewards through operating in God's grace. Stay connected for more enriching conversations on the Breaking Chains podcast.Connect with Shae! sure to grab your copy of Shae's book "Grace Over Grind" >> GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business, ...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereAttention all controlling personalities! Today we are shedding the load of micromanagement and the false sense of security tied to the ILLUSION of control!Today’s discussion is not just about “letting go and letting God”, but about opening ourselves to PARTNER with God and in meaningful and impactful ways in every aspect of our lives. We dig into the powerful shift that happens when we upgrade our controlling tendencies and the ‘need’ to know every outcome for trusting in HIS higher vision and plan for us - our families - our businesses. There is so much freedom that comes with embracing uncertainty and the unknown!Join me as I share insights and strategies on how to transition from a fear-based operating system fueled by scarcity to a faith-driven life of peace and partnership. We discuss practical steps for letting go of the reins in various aspects of life, encouraging listeners to trust more deeply and live more fully. Learn to navigate life with greater confidence and openness to the opportunities that God places in our paths!Key Takeaways:Embrace Partnership: Collaborate with God and others, rather than trying to control every aspect of your life as a lone wolf! Partnership fosters a sense of ‘wholeness’, greater support and enriches our experiences.Shift Anxiety and fear into Excitement and anticipation! Both are beliefs. We are simply choosing how to channel our focus and the emotions we are connecting to.Travel Light. Become an Essentialist!: Release the burdens of other people’s opinions, emotions, and problems. Focus on what’s essential and let God handle the rest.Inspiration is the place for CREATION: Create space for spiritual connection by reducing noise and the addiction to ‘busy-ness’. To BE Inspired is to BE connected to the Spirit of God! In-Spira = In-Breath. When was the last time you were truly Inspired to do, create or build something?Step into the Unknown: Trust in God’s plan, even when it isn’t clear. Moving into uncharted territories can heighten your senses and bring new opportunities and blessings.Notable Quotes:“What we think we’re in control of is often the very thing that’s controlling us.”“Are we dreaming and imagining and building from a life-giving place or from a place of fear?”“You cannot climb mountains if you are weighed down with pains and burdens that are not yours to carry.”“What happens when we get exhausted? We get disoriented. We start seeing things that aren’t there.”FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online at with Christine!Instagram:
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn todays episode, I talk about the 3 Mistakes I see consistently that keep people from living a life of true abundance, internal peace and freedom. I am also going to share the transformative keys of unlocking a life of breakthrough. That means breaking out of mediocracy and into excellence. We are starting todays conversation unpacking the difference between "warriors of the world" versus "warriors of the heart", directly tackling the striving and underlying fuel that keeps us puppets to worldly achievements. It's time for a shift in our focus from external validators to internal tranquility and alignment with divine VISION + provision!Key Takeaways:The Importance of Your FOUNDATION: Do you have a solid foundation in place? Staying true to clearly defined values/principles that align with the greater vision, rather than the world's standards, is fundamental to creating a solid life foundation.The Power of Forgiveness to FREE us and open doors: Letting go of unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment open the floodgates of life's abundance. Slowing Down to TAP Into the Fullness of whats here NOW: By avoiding rushing and the over-scheduling trap of modern life, you can better align with divine timing and gain clarity on God's guidance.Dependence on God versus Self: Shifting from self-reliance to trusting in divine orchestration can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and a multi-fold increase in life's bounties.Channeling the Right Focus: Tending to what you currently have, and pouring into the present responsibilities will always open more doors than efforts focused in the wrong direction.Notable Quotes:"We all have an emotional home. We all have an emotional set point that when we're unaware, we're just kind of doing our thing. It's kind of like where we land.""A warrior of the heart is a man or woman that has shifted their allegiance, meaning what we serve, who we serve to the things of the heavenly.""When you forgive, we make room. That's really what it is.""Man plans his course, but the Lord establishes his steps.""You are created for freedom, mental freedom, emotional freedom, physical freedom, financial freedom."FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it HereIn this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UP-LEVEL IN EVERY ARENA of LIFE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online at with...
FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today Download it HereIn today’s episode of the Breaking Chains podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Karen McMahon. Karen McMahon is a High Conflict Divorce Strategist, Certified Divorce Coach and Founder of Journey Beyond Divorce. She began divorce coaching in 2010 after recognizing that the pain of her divorce led her on a transformational journey into a powerful and unexpected new life.  This conversation sheds light on the complexities of navigating high-conflict divorces while offering hope and actionable advice for those feeling overwhelmed by similar circumstances. Karen’s insights are a valuable resource for anyone looking to find clarity and confidence during such challenging times.Key Points Discussed:Karen's Personal Journey: Karen opens up about her own high-conflict divorce experience, detailing how it led her to a career dedicated to supporting others through similar challenges. Her story is a powerful testament to personal growth and transformation through adversity.The Impact of High-Conflict Divorce: We dig into the common patterns and effects of high-conflict divorces, including the loss of self and the importance of reclaiming one's identity and personal space.Strategies for Managing High-Conflict Relationships: Karen provides valuable strategies for dealing with high-conflict situations, whether in personal relationships or during a divorce. She emphasizes the importance of establishing boundaries and maintaining self-respect.Empowering Through Education: Karen discusses her approach to empowering her clients by helping them understand and implement effective communication strategies and boundary-setting techniques.Parallel Parenting: For those co-parenting with a high-conflict ex, Karen introduces the concept of parallel parenting as a viable strategy to minimize conflict and maintain focus on the well-being of the children involved.If you're feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainty of divorce and unsure where to begin, Karen will be hosting a masterclass on May 30 at 8pm EST. This masterclass is specially designed for individuals about to navigate the tumultuous waters of a high-conflict or complex divorce. Learn to navigate your complex, high-conflict divorce with confidence and support. By the end of this masterclass, you'll be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of what to expect and how to handle the challenges ahead. Register using the link here >> https://www.jbddivorcesupport.commasterclassChristineReclaim Your Mind: How To Evict Your SPOUSE From Your Mental Space! >>🌐 **Connect with Karen McMahon** 📧 Email: [] 🌐 Website: [] IG: TikTok: FB: Podcast:*******GET THE BOOK "Drop the Armor” is officially available to ORDER. In it I unpack my total breakdown and the transformational journey I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style
In today’s episode of Breaking Chains, I am joined by a powerhouse woman, breast cancer survivor and builder of people, Jamie Dahl. She welcomes us into her world and shares her personal story with extreme pain and loss, body image healing and how it became a cornerstone for hope and resilience. We talk about the transformational power of stillness through life's most challenging moments and how what we perceive as our weakest, messiest, most humiliating experiences are often our greatest masterpieces in the making.We talk about the role of faith, family and community throughout these battles. To anyone facing their own set of giants right now, this episode brings a penetrating message on the redemptive power of love, hope, trust, and purpose. Key Takeaways:Jamie's journey as a breast cancer survivor illustrates the strength found in vulnerability and stillness.Recognizing the presence of divine comfort and support is vital during life's challenging moments.True empathy and understanding are born from one's own experiences of suffering and recovery.Embracing one's identity beyond physicality and appearance is crucial for personal growth and happiness.Community involvement and structured support are essential in rehabilitation and recovery from addiction.Notable Quotes:"The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still." – Jamie Dahl sharing a moment of spiritual realization."If you don't know who you are, you'll focus on what you are." – Jamie Dahl on the importance of identity over appearance."God is always renewing, creating newness in you...Being open to that important." – Jamie Dahl on embracing change and healing.Resources:Website: and Teen Challenge of Western Wisconsin: GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it Here"Drop the Armor” is officially releasing June 3rd. In it I unpack my total breakdown and the transformational journey I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UPLEVEL YOUR LIFE + MARRIAGE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Mastermind was created for C-Suite executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to build thriving marriages while leading highly successful Kingdom Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online at with Christine!Instagram:
In this episode, I dive deeper into the topics of power, authority, and grace. I talk about the importance of understanding the true source of power and the concept of authority. I discuss how power can come from either a life-giving source or a counterfeit source, and I encourage you to seek power from God rather than chasing power for control or egoic purposes. I also highlight the significance of taking authority over your thoughts, words, and atmosphere, and remind you that power is given through grace, not earned.Key Takeaways:Power comes from either a life-giving source (God) or a counterfeit source, and it is important to discern the true source of power.Taking authority over your thoughts, words, and atmosphere is crucial in operating from a place of true power.Power is given through grace and does not need to be earned or controlled.Seeking power for control or egoic purposes is not aligned with the true source of power.Understanding the concept of authority and taking authority over your life and circumstances is essential for living in alignment with God's power.Sound Bites:"We're still over here operating like little infants, breastfeeding on ideas, nursing on ideas, begging for results instead of operating from a place of someone who knows the power source that they're connected to.""If what I'm seeking is control or power, because they're very like, they're twinsies, right? If I have power, I have control. If I have control, I have power.""It's not your job to change him, right? God's gonna change him. It's God's power that's gonna change his heart. It's God's power at work in your home that's gonna begin to shift the situation."Time Stamps:00:00 Introduction and Invitation to a Deeper Understanding14:04 The Absence of Control and the Power of Grace25:16 Living in Alignment with God's Power through Authority31:59 Empowerment, Equipping, and the Call to Greater WorksFREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it Here"Drop the Armor” is officially releasing June 3rd. In it I unpack my total breakdown and the transformational journey I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UPLEVEL YOUR LIFE + MARRIAGE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Mastermind was created for C-Suite executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to build thriving marriages while leading highly successful Kingdom Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online at with Christine!Instagram:
This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to break free from personal or generational burdens through faith and spiritual insight. In today's conversation, I sat down with Pastor Alex Kirk to dig into one of my favorite topics: spiritual power and authority!  Life's challenges almost always have a spiritual dimension that needs to be addressed in order for true freedom and healing to happen, yet most people completely ignore this realm altogether, or are still ill-equipped to go there. It’s time to get educated and step into the arena!  While we may see some temporary behavior change by addressing the surface of an issue, we must go deeper if we want a true change of heart, a whole new set of belief systems and a renewed driving force behind our actions. We unpacked the concept of strongholds—the behavioral patterns that develop as defenses against the lies we believe that keep us hostage to irrational thoughts and behaviors. These strongholds can become like towers, keeping us stuck, unable to move forward and access the freedom and flourishing we are created for. We emphasize the transformative power of words; how speaking lies actually gives them strength, while proclaiming truth can dismantle these strongholds.We talk about the importance of aligning our thoughts and actions with truth, steering clear of merely religious actions and the burdens of guilt and shame. We aim to demystify the hot and triggering topic of sin + its common misinterpretations by highlighting the role of conviction, a true change of heart, and personal responsibility. The conversation concludes with a call to approach life with openness, willingness, and a deep hunger for change. We discuss the importance of seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance throughout this transformative journey. This talk serves as a heartfelt invitation to everyone to start claiming the spiritual authority that can radically alter their life’s trajectory.Key Takeaways:Spiritual Authority: The significance of recognizing and understanding the spiritual authority that everyone possesses. This authority is crucial for breaking free from negative cycles and embracing the life God intends for us!Generational Curses: The conversation explores how generational patterns, pains, and curses continue to affect individuals today and how to address them at a spiritual levelPractical, “On the Ground” Faith: Alex and Christine discuss practical aspects of faith, such as the role of spirituality in overcoming addictions and other life challenges, highlighting the importance of integrating spiritual health with physical and mental well-being.Empowerment through Truth: A major focus is placed on the power of truth and its role in freeing individuals from the lies they believe about themselves and their situations.“A stronghold is the pattern of behavior that you repeat that you build up around the lie to defend yourself against the threat that the lie has told you is there."“Spiritual authority is about understanding and wielding the spiritual power we are all granted to overcome life's adversities." - Alex KirkKey Words:spiritual authority, surrender, challenges, issues, reintegration, wholeness, applause, burnout, approval, strongholds, patterns of behavior, lies, truth, power of words, renounce, announce, freedom, flourishing, renouncing lies, addressing lies, speaking truth, religious work, guilt, shame, sin, conviction, personal responsibility, spiritual authority, testing truth, Holy SpiritFREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it...
Episode Overview:Are you living ON PURPOSE or are you still waiting to discover what that deeper purpose is? Are the burdens and weight of your past still keeping you from stepping into a life of excellence, marked by faith, fulfillment and God’s favor?In today’s solo episode, I am sharing a behind the scenes peek of my upcoming book, "Drop the Armor." Truth is, If it was up to me I would have written a very different book. BUT when you go through something deeply transformational that completely revolutionizes your world - you can’t NOT talk about it! This is a very raw, real personal journey from one operating reality into a completely new space: My mind, my heart, my body, my marriage, my business has ALL been renewed!As we prepare for the book launch, I’m honored to give you a glimpse into what makes this book not just another read on the shelf, but a truly transformational experience that I know will pierce your heart and open your eyes.In this episode, I unpacked:The Motivation Behind the Book: Why I felt compelled to write "Drop the Armor," at this specific moment in time and WHY it’s important to tune into what God is asking of YOU right now.A Sneak Peek into 3 of my Fave Chapters!  Living on Purpose: What it means to live with intention, aligning our daily actions with our divine purpose.Trading Glass Castles + Unstable ground for SOLID foundationsThe Wilderness Season that Transforms Us: Releasing + Letting Go of resentment, jealousy, bitterness, fear of failure, control and false power.The FIRE of REFINEMENT - the breaking ground for EPIC stories to be told.Action Steps:Reflect on Your Purpose: How much of your daily activities align with your deeper purpose + calling? Are you connected to a mission that lights your soul on fire?Get this Book in your hands!  I am giving away the first chapter of "Drop the Armor" - download it hereJoin the Community if you want IN on more epic content, deeper dives into the book’s themes, and exclusive giveaways leading up to the launch.REMEMBER THIS"YOU are created on purpose for a unique purpose.""The extraordinary life that God has planned for YOU is beyond ordinary—it's extra-ordinary in every sense.""YOU are a MIRROR. Are you reflecting God’s love in our daily interactions, or you reflecting fear, jealousy, resentment or anxiousness?"FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it Here"Drop the Armor” is officially releasing June 3rd. In it I unpack my total breakdown and the transformational journey I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UPLEVEL YOUR LIFE + MARRIAGE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable Mastermind was created for C-Suite executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to build thriving marriages while leading highly successful Kingdom Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment. Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.For speaking and other requests, visit me online ata...
Today's episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to drive meaningful change in their lives and the lives of those around them! Often GREAT leadership is born out of great pain and an unwavering desire to make a difference in the world around you.Today, I am joined by Josh Schaver, COO of Logan Ag - husband, father of 5, and member of our Ag Leadership Summit. What I love about Josh is that he is a leader who not only invests in his own growth, but consistently and actively implements what he learns into his team and organization. With raw honesty, Josh shared the heart-wrenching story of losing his daughter Penelope, and how it shattered his world. Amidst the darkness and soul searching that followed, he found solace in faith and a newfound purpose, igniting a new fire within himself to make her life have a lasting legacy.We dove into the nitty-gritty of personal growth, with Josh sharing the daily action steps he uses to keep him pointed in the right direction and why the power of self-discipline is so key for leaders to harness. From conquering marathons to daily rituals, he shares how these simple but game changing practices have become pillars of strength, guiding him towards a life of daily intention - peace and results. What impressed me to bring him on was the incredible turnaround he has created in his culture by deciding to invest 1 million dollars back into his people - without knowing where that money was coming from! Today we talk about what happens when you raise the standard of how you treat people inside your organization. Josh embodies the essence of conscious leadership; his vulnerability, resilience, and unwavering commitment to personal evolution is truly inspiring. I know you will have many gems to take away from today's conversation!Key Takeaways:Personal development is key to becoming the best version of yourself as a leader.Investing in team development and culture has a significant impact on the success of a company.Creating an environment where team members feel valued and appreciated attracts high-quality talent.Having a clear vision, values, and standards is essential for creating a thriving work environment. Internal focus vs outward focus is crucial for success.Tragedy can be transformed into something good by taking action and helping others.Self-discipline is essential for long-term motivation.Finding balance means being fully present wherever you are.Following God's call requires taking Action - especially when it doesn’t make sense to those around you.Notable Quotes:"It wasn't about making more money, but about making a bigger impact." "Do the right thing, even when it makes your voice shake." If you're looking for more information on how you can support Penelope's Path, visit GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it Here"Drop the Armor” is officially releasing June 3rd. In it I unpack my total breakdown and the transformational journey I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!READY TO UPLEVEL YOUR LIFE + MARRIAGE? COACHING is the next step.Book a Call. The RoundTable...