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Enduring Hope with Christina and Scott MacIntyre
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Enduring Hope with Christina and Scott MacIntyre

Author: Scott MacIntyre Ministries / A.C.T. Intl

Subscribed: 5Played: 96


Blind American Idol alum Scott MacIntyre and his wife Christina know that hope is found in the hardest of times. No matter what you’re facing, the right perspective can change your life. Say goodbye to fear and discouragement, and find faith in the promises of God!
93 Episodes
Ears to Hear

Ears to Hear


The moment we hear the good news and accept Jesus as Lord, our lives are transformed, and we begin to see God at work all around us.
Commissioned by God

Commissioned by God


News this good has to be shared! Let's tell the world of the treasure which has been revealed to us and sing glory to God in the highest.
God's Way

God's Way


It may not be what we expect, but it is the sure path. Instead of living for the world, live like Joseph did - for the one who gave his very life for you.
According to Your Word

According to Your Word


Mary, the mother of Jesus, accepted God's plan for her life, even though she didn't understand it fully. We can do the same as we marvel at God's miraculous gift of a savior.
It's Not Over

It's Not Over


Dead end? God has the final word, and it's not the end until he says it is.
Doing the Hard Thing

Doing the Hard Thing


It's not about our own strength but Christ's strength in us.
Eternal Joy

Eternal Joy


Fixing our gaze on the future God has in store for his children can dramatically shift our perspective about struggles we face today.
Where Trust Comes In

Where Trust Comes In


How could an all-powerful and loving God allow this to happen? We may not understand in our limited knowledge of time and space, but that doesn't change who God is.
Believe Again

Believe Again


Even the best theological answers leave us unable to fully comprehend an eternal God. But God has revealed himself in the person of Jesus Christ, and he calls us to believe.
Just as God has a purpose in the ending of suffering, he has a purpose in the time of suffering itself.
Church Hurt

Church Hurt


Don't be fooled. The church that Jesus Christ is building is grounded in love.
More Than a Kidney

More Than a Kidney


God gave it all for you. Let Jesus take your sin and give you his righteousness.
True Joy

True Joy


What happens when you find yourself facing the same obstacles you thought you'd already put to rest? Cast your gaze beyond this fallen world, and get to know God who is making all things new.
Can People Change?

Can People Change?


Change? I can’t do it! Or can you? Inviting the Holy Spirit into your life will remove the blinders of “can’t” and start the transformational process of “can."
The Living Word

The Living Word


The Bible is God's love letter to each of us — his answer to our need to be intimately known.
Fifty Second Chances

Fifty Second Chances


We all need second chances, and God uses even our failures to conform us into the image of Christ.
An Open Door

An Open Door


God has gifted you uniquely. Don't miss the opportunities he sends your way to use those gifts.
Freedom Back

Freedom Back


For freedom Christ has set us free. Lift your eyes to the cross and follow Jesus out of the cage that once enclosed you.
At the Feet of Jesus

At the Feet of Jesus


Serving others is one way we can bring glory to God. But what if, in our preoccupation, we miss the most important thing of all?
One of our favorite episodes... Faith opens our eyes to a greater spiritual reality. Seek first the kingdom of God, and He will illuminate your path.