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RWpod - подкаст про Ruby та Web технології
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RWpod - подкаст про Ruby та Web технології

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RWpod - подкаст про Ruby та Web технології (для тих, кому подобається мислити в Ruby стилі)
493 Episodes
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby 3.3.1 Released ActiveRecord::Base#pluck adds support for hash values in Rails 7.2 Autotuner: How to Speed Up Your Rails App Ruby might be faster than you think The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI Meta's new ai chat sucks at coding Web Node v22.0.0 Pnpm 9.0 React 19 Beta React Native 0.74 The Intl.Segmenter object is now part of Baseline Everything about the AbortSignals (timeouts, combining signals, and how to use it with window.fetch) Hello Bun: How Sveld now deploys 2x faster on GitHub and Render
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby What happened to Rubinius? SQLite on Rails: The how and why of optimal performance Authenticate_by: Prevent timing-based enumeration of users Gemfast is a fast and secure rubygems server written in Go Introducing Janus a read/write proxy for ActiveRecord 7.1+ Ruby-on-strum-healthcheck - simple configurable application healthcheck Validates_email_format_of - validate e-mail addreses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696 Web CSS in React Server Components TresJS - bring three to the Vue ecosystem Quill 2.0 - powerful rich text editor HyperFormula - a headless spreadsheet, a parser and evaluator of Excel formulas Faces.js - a JavaScript library for generating vector-based cartoon faces Hono - is a small, simple, and ultrafast web framework for the Edges Wedges - an open-source collection of UI components for React
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Rails 8 adds Rubocop by default to new applications Introducing form_props: The power of Rails forms now available for React! Langchain.rb - building LLM-powered applications in Ruby CrystalRuby - embed Crystal code directly in Ruby Windows and WSL (video) Web ESLint v9.0.0 released Folding the DOM DevTools Tips & Tricks Counterscale - scalable web analytics you run yourself on Cloudflare Preview UI components and Storybook stories in your IDE instantly
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby RubyGems is not vulnerable to the xz/liblzma backdoor New leadership for Hanami How I improved our CI build time from 24mins to 8mins and reduced costs by 50% Introducing Ruzzy, a coverage-guided Ruby fuzzer Vernier Profiler — Web app for Ruby performance analysis Web Bun 1.1 A TC39 Proposal for Signals What Even Is a JSON Number? BFCache explained Cally - a small, feature-rich calendar components
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Solid Queue 0.3: Add support for recurring tasks (cron style jobs) Micro benchmarking value objects in Ruby: Data.define vs Struct vs OpenStruct 14 tools and gems every Ruby developer would love Rails-new - create a new rails app without ruby installed RubyFann - Ruby library for interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) Onigmo - a Ruby wrapper around the onigmo regular expression library Web Iterator helpers What You Need to Know about Modern CSS JavaScript Visualized: Promise Execution Atlassian's Pragmatic Drag and Drop Framework Node.js: The Documentary | An origin story (video)
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby 'Chilled Strings' commited in CRuby Rails 8 adds allow_browser to set minimum browser version Rails Guides get a facelift Introducing props_template: A Jbuilder alternative Good Database Migration Practices for Your Ruby on Rails App using Strong Migrations Web Runtime compatibility Optimizing Javascript for fun and for profit A formula for responsive font-size How we built a custom permissions DSL at Figma MistCSS - write React components using CSS only
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Thruster is now open source RuboCop 1.62 What Does the Frozen String Literal Comment Do in Ruby? The British Government's lightweight rails components Debugbar for rails ActiveHashcash protects Rails applications against bots and brute force attacks without annoying humans Ruby One-Liners Guide (book) Web WinterJS 1.0 Speedometer 3.0: The Best Way Yet to Measure Browser Performance Eloquent JavaScript Goes Fourth Coroutines and web components Rolldown - fast Rust-based bundler for JavaScript with Rollup-compatible API Pixijs 8.0.0 Storybook 8 Shiki Syntax highlighter
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Rails 8 adds Brakeman by default to new applications Hanami 2.1: Views that are a sight to see Astronoby gem v0.1.0 released The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby How does Sidekiq work? Linear Regression using dataframes in Ruby MiniGL - a minimal 2D Game Library, available as a Ruby gem, and built on top of the Gosu gem Ruby Vector Space Model (VSM) with tf*idf weights Web Apple backs off killing web apps, but the fight continues Introducing JSR - the JavaScript Registry JSR: What We Know So Far About Deno’s New JavaScript Package Registry HTMX vs React: A Complete Comparison Next.js vs. Remix - A Developer's Dilemma 17 Equations that Changed the World - Rewritten in JavaScript Waku - a minimal server-side react framework
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby JRuby Released Using Serial Ports with Ruby Need for Speed: Using RuboCop with Prism Playing Sounds in Rails with the Audio API Finding Postgres rows too large for BTree indexes PGlite - Postgres in WASM Web Redwood v7.0.0 is now available! React Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024 Using localStorage in Modern Applications: A Comprehensive Guide Apache ECharts 5.5.0 Features Perspective 2.8: fast streaming data visualization via webassembly
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Mruby 3.3.0 Rails 7.1 allows resetting singular associations Rails 8 introduces a built-in rate limiting API What it was like working for GitLab Extralite - a fast and innovative SQLite wrapper for Ruby Dotenv 3.0.0 Web It’s Official, Apple Kills Web Apps in the EU The New CSS Math: pow(), sqrt(), and exponential friends Immutable array updates with Array.prototype.with Tempo - a new library in a proud tradition of JavaScript date and time libraries Peggy 4.0 - parser generator for JavaScript Txiki.js — the tiny JavaScript runtime Frontend Fuzzy Search
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Turbo 8 released Mission Control — Jobs Emirb - an Experimental Build of IRB for the Browser The Plan for Rails 8 Running Open-Source AI Models Locally With Ruby Building reusable UI components in Rails with ViewComponent Ruby tap() vs yield_self() Deconstructing Action Cable Phlex - a component-oriented view framework Campfire Patterns (video) Web jQuery 4.0.0 BETA! Storybook 8 Beta Node.js Community Debate Intensifies Over Enabling Corepack by Default and Potentially Unbundling npm The TC-39 just introduced a new stage: stage 2.7 From many to one: Moving our JavaScript code into a monorepo LLRT (Low Latency Runtime) - an experimental, lightweight JavaScript runtime designed to address the growing demand for fast and efficient Serverless applications Tabulator - easy to use, simple to code, fully featured, interactive JavaScript tables and data grids DOS Wasm X
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Rails 7.1 adds support for MessagePack as a Message Serializer Announcing RBS support for AWS SDK for Ruby V3 Prism: Ruby 3.3's new error-tolerant parser A Packwerk Retrospective This sneaky 1-line change sped up subprocess#communicate 1000x+ Web Deno 1.40: Temporal API Announcing TypeScript 5.4 Beta Next.js app router migration: the good, bad, and ugly Why lowercase letters save data Labyrinthos.js - a JavaScript procedural generator for Mazes, Terrains, and Biomes React resizable panels - components for resizable panels
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Sinatra 4.0 How (and why) to run SQLite in production Machine Learning: An Introduction to CART Decision Trees in Ruby Numeric operations on value objects in Ruby Turbo Frame Search Filters Nokogiri-diff adds the ability to calculate the differences (added or removed nodes) between two XML/HTML documents Cecil - an experimental templating library designed specifically for generating source code Web The Bun Shell Announcing AdonisJS v6 Announcing Mutative 1.0 - A New Era in Efficient Immutable Updates React Email 2.0 12 Modern CSS One-Line Upgrades Lessons learned upgrading to React 18 in SonarQube How to start a React Project in 2024
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby 3.2.3 Released Ruby 3.3.0 Released Ruby 3.3 changes Rails 7.1.3 has been released! Migrating from Sidekiq to Solid Queue Unveiling the big leap in Ruby 3.3's IRB Here's what's coming in Rails 8 Web 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars Announcing Vue 3.4 Element Plus - a Vue 3 based component library for designers and developers Database Fundamentals Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 Penrose - beautiful math diagrams by writing plain text
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby 3.3's YJIT: Faster While Using Less Memory Introducing Solid Queue What's new in Ruby 3.3 Shale - a Ruby object mapper and serializer for JSON, YAML, TOML, CSV and XML Web Announcing SvelteKit 2 Date-fns v3 is out v0: Vercel's AI-Powered React Component Creator Three modern CSS properties your website must have Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript, the Modern Way Puck - the visual editor for React
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby 3.3.0-rc1 Released Ruby 3.3 Introduces Range#overlap? method Exploring 'it' default block param warning in Ruby 3.3 Announcing Trusted Publishing on Flipper 1.1.0 Turbo 8 morphing deep dive - how does it work? Everyday performance rules for Ruby on Rails developers Upgrading to MySQL 8.0 MiniLevenshtein - simple, fast, levenshtein distance and similarity ratio for Ruby Web Oxlint General Availability Bun v1.0.18 CSS Wrapped: 2023! The Await Event Horizon in JavaScript You don't need JavaScript for that Announcing Million 3.0
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby 3.4 Will Have 'it' Basecamp code runs 18% faster with YJIT Ruby on Jets 5.0 Release: Improvements Galore "Useless Ruby sugar": Endless (one-line) methods Pay - Payments engine for Ruby on Rails Better Mailer Previews — A lightweight Rails engine for improved email previews Dentaku is a math and logic formula parser and evaluator Web Astro 4.0 Redux 5.0, Redux Toolkit 2.0. Migrating to RTK 2.0 and Redux 5.0 Maglev - V8’s Fastest Optimizing JIT Getting Started with React Native Skia TSDiagram - Diagrams as Code with TypeScript StyleX - CSS-in-JS Styling System from Meta team Design2Code - web design to HTML/CSS/JS converter
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby The official Rails job board is live Turbo 8 in 8 minutes Rails 7.1 allows passing options to ActiveRecord explain The Rails Executor: increasingly everywhere Database View Backed Scopes In Rails Ruby HTML Sanitization with Loofah How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby Rage - fast web framework compatible with Rails Web Announcing Deno Cron Scaling Dagster’s DAG visualization to handle tens of thousands of assets A Few Ways CSS Is Easier To Write In 2023 Psychology of Speed: A Guide to Perceived Performance Deep dive into CheerpJ 3.0: A WebAssembly Java Virtual Machine for the browser Animotion - a Visual CSS Animation Builder - convert your JPEG and PNG Images to SVGs with AI Syntax.js - a lightweight, and easy-to-use, JavaScript library for code syntax highlighting
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby What's a Counter Cache? 3 ways to model an associated collection in Rails Shaping the Future of Ruby and Kafka Together with rdkafka-ruby "Useless Ruby sugar": Argument forwarding An introduction to test suite optimization in Ruby Split - a rack based A/B testing framework designed to work with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack based app Web MirageOS - a library operating system that constructs unikernels for secure, high-performance network applications across a variety of cloud computing and mobile platforms Using the OpenAI platform to analyse automated test failures Bruno - Opensource IDE for exploring and testing APIs H3 - a minimal h(ttp) framework built for high performance and portability ModelFusion - the TypeScript library for building multi-modal AI applications
Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby 3.3.0-preview3 Released YJIT Is the Most Memory-Efficient Ruby JIT Grape 2 released “Useless Ruby sugar”: Keyword argument and hash values omission Fuzzy Ruby Server - a Ruby language server for large codebases Railsg - Ruby on Rails Generator Command Builder Web Vite 5.0 is out! Moving back to React Designing Web Design Documentation @storybook-test: more streamlined and powerful testing React Datasheet Grid - an Airtable-like / Excel-like component to create beautiful spreadsheets Perfect-freehand - draw perfect pressure-sensitive freehand lines
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