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Franciscan Dave

Author: David Seitz, OFS

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Rebuilding the Church, continuing the call to St. Francis of Assisi. How can we as individuals continue the mission of Francis and become Heralds of the Great King?
26 Episodes
In this episode we continue our reflection on the practice of the Examen. The third step is to review our day. This is where we get to "Know our sins and to rid ourselves of them."We begin by having a discussion on the uncomfortable topic of sin. Sin is mentioned over 750 times in the scriptures, and so, we must take sin seriously. Sin, we discover, is a breach of our relationship with God. We reflect on the story of the first sin in the garden. We learn th...
As we continue to explore the Examen Prayer, we delve into Thanksgiving. As you recall, the first part of the Examen is to call on the Holy Spirit to guide us. Step 2, we examine our day and give thanks to God for all He has done for us. We will Explore:1. The Scriptural Roots of Thanksgiving The Psalms of Thanksgiving Old Testament Examples of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving in the Liturgy and Prayers of the Church2. We wil...
In this episode we introduce the "Examen". Developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola, (1471-1556), the Examine is a part of the spiritual exercises. The practice of a daily Examine is part of the formation and life of those in the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. The Exame consists of 5 parts: 1. Ask God to send his Spirit 2. Give thanks for the day 3. Review the day 4. Ask for forgiveness 5. Pray for the next day In this episode,...
In this episode David shares insights into what he has learned by the masters of the spiritual life. What has he found in common? There are 7 commonalities that seem to resonate with those saints we hold up as heros and teachers of the faith. David summarizes these 7 common traits.1. Eucharistic Focus2. Frequent Confession3. Live a Life Centered on Prayer4. Sacrifice / Redemptive Suffering5. Humility6. Put on the Armor of Christ (Eph 6:10-19)7. Be FerventYou can download a s...
In Episode 1 of Season 2, Franciscan Dave talks about how we are called to share the good news of the Risen Lord. What happens after Easter? We Rejoice and we tell the good news. Faith comes by "hearing". It is not enough to simply live a good life, we must go forth and witness to the good news of the Gospel.1. What not to do.2. Always be ready to offer a reason for the hope in you.3. What is the main message of the Gospels? Why did Jesus come?4. What did Jesus c...
In this episode we are joined by Felician Sr. Mary Bernadette, CSSP and Br. Al Mascia, OFM. Sr. Bernadette is the program director for the Maryville Retreat Center, Holly, Michigan. Br. Al Mascia is a professional musician and singer songwriter.What is the value of taking time out from our busy and noisy life by spending time at a retreat center?How can music draw us closer to Jesus and deepen our relationship with him?What brought these two evangelists and ministries toget...
Perfect Joy

Perfect Joy


This episode was presented to the Immaculate Conception Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order in Mishawaka, IN on February 19, 2022.Have the events of the past two years robbed you of Joy and Peace?Can we have joy in our hearts with all that is going on in the world today?How has Satan contributed to stealing our peace and joy?Have you experience your joy being impacted by the divisions in our politics, Church and families?What did St. Francis of Assisi teach about Joy?What does Sacred S...
What is the 40 Hours Devotion?What spiritual and physical miracles have occurred during the 40 hours?Can the 40 hours devotion reclaim our turf for Jesus, the King of Kings?Listen as Karen Japzon, founder of John Leaps Evangelization, discusses the ministry and the resurgence of the practice of the 40 hours devotion in the United States. How can the 40 hours benefit your parish? How can the 40 hours devotion benefit your spiritual life? How can you go about organizing this p...
What does Jesus teach about caring for our neighbors in need? Does just believing in Jesus assure our salvation?What is the message of hope and warning in Chapter 25 in Matthew's Gospel?Are you a "Bird Bath Christian"?Christian charity converted Rome. Can our witness to Christ by being servants of the least among us re-convert our culture? Support the show
In this short episode we discuss how the incarnate Jesus is still present with us today.1. In the Holy word of Sacred Scripture2. In the Mystical Body of Christ, taught by St. Paul in Corinthians Chapters 6 and 123. In the Holy Sacrement of the Eucharist.May the Lord grant you His peace!David Seitz, OFSdavid@tauministries.comTau Ministries Website Support the show
Jesus: God's Plan B

Jesus: God's Plan B


In the Hymn of the Exultet changed at the Easter Vigil we here these words that can one to think."O truly necessary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the death of Christ. O happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a redeemer."Was sin necessary in order for Jesus to become incarnate and take on our human nature?Was Jesus becoming man and dying on the cross to redeem us from our sins God's fall back plan?Would Jesus have taken on human nature, even if we had no original sin, nothi...
Dr. Robert Fastiggi is a professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He is a prolific author and esteemed professor, teaching at Sacred Heart since 1999. Listen in as he discusses how parents can cultivate a life of faith in the family. 1. What does the Church teach regarding the duty of parents as primary educators of their children?2. What does Vatican II and Popes John Paul II and Pope Francis teach about the family?3. What are some suggestion...
Listen as Bill Schmitt shares his expertise from a career in journalism, both as a journalist and a teacher of journalism and multi-platform communication, and enlightens us on current trends in communication and how we need to communicate in such a way as to encourage the pursuit of truth. Jesus Christ is the truth, so seeking and communicating truth leads us closer to the Truth which is Jesus Christ.Can telling the truth be sinful?Is there a moral aspect to how we communicate and use ...
"Nones", or those who have no religious affiliation are a growing segment of the population, with research showing that up to 1/3 of the population fits into this demographic.Dr. Tamra Fromm has done extensive research into this demographic and has interesting insights to share.1. Who and what are the "Nones".2. How did this segment grow so large in the space of one generation?3. How can we engage in dialogue with a "None"?4. What does this growing segment of the population mean for the...
In this episode, Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, discusses the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate. The call to holiness in today's world. Click here for the documentThe call to holiness is more ancient than the Church.Can anyone strive to become holy as God is holy?Can you become holy all at once, or is it a lifetime journey?What are the 5 attributes of holiness, per Pope Francis?Find out more about Fr. Albert, his books and other teaching resources here: AlbertOFM...
In this episode, we discuss God's Providential care for us. We need to cultivate faith and trust that God really does want what is best for us. Taking a leap of faith.Trusting in God.How can we look at our lives through the lens of faith and recognize the hand of God?Scriptures that inspire us to trust in God.May the Lord grant you His peace.David Seitz, OFSdavid@tauministries.comTau Ministries WebsiteCome, Let Us Worship Book Support the show
Cathryn Torgerson is the Director of Curriculum Development for the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan. Listen as she shares her passion for God's Word and enlightens us on how one might approach a more in-depth study of the sacred text.Whether you are a beginner to the study of scripture or a seasoned pro, you will find something in this episode that you did not know...I certainly did. Cathryn's enthusiasm and knowledge gained through 12 years of teaching courses on Scripture a...
In this episode, Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., host of EWTN's Open Line Thursday, discusses the nature of Jesus Christ. What are some of the misconceptions about Jesus that may cause one to misunderstand the mission of Jesus?What is the nature of Jesus?What was the primary reason for Jesus becoming Incarnate?Is Jesus just a social and political reformer?Why did the Church develop creedal statements such as the Nicene Creed? You can learn more about this topic in Fr. Mullady's book...
Sr. Agnes Marie is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Mishawaka, Indiana. She has served the Church as an educator in grades K-12 and college, diocesan director of liturgy, and spiritual assistant to the Secular Franciscan Order.In this episode, Sr. Agnes Marie shares what it means to be a prophet. By our baptism, we are all called to be a priest, prophet, and king.1. What does it mean to be a prophet?2. Do I need special training or gifts to ...
Fr. Larry Rice, CSP, currently serves as the campus chaplain for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. His past assignments included serving at "The" Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, and The University of Texas, Austin.He has spent many years working in telecommunications evangelization for the Paulist Fathers and is fluent in print, podcasting, radio, and social media-based communication. You may be familiar with his frequent appearances on "The Busted Halo" show on Sir...