DiscoverThe Gospel Of Everything Podcast
The Gospel Of Everything Podcast

The Gospel Of Everything Podcast

Author: Jon Davis Jr.

Subscribed: 3Played: 27


The show about anything and everything considered in the light of the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life - where you can fill your mind with the Biblical ideas of the Kingdom of God and get inspired to live your life in such a way as to make the lives of everyone around you better.

God not only cares about "spiritual" things such as prayer, going to church, and missionaries; but God ALSO cares about every area of life and society!

Here you will learn about how the Worldview of the Bible applies to work, family, relationships, social order, money, business, law, government, and yes, EVERYTHING.

Welcome to the Gospel Of Everything Podcast!
24 Episodes
#024 - Are you a "Christian Nationalist?" Should you be? What IS a "Christian Nationalist?" Is American Democracy in danger of being overthrown by crazy and violent "Christian Nationalists?" In this episode I begin to try and unravel these scary words and to figure out what we as Christians ought to do about them. Please listen and then come and tell me your thoughts! Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast: In this episode I referenced these two episodes:
#023 - Are Christians being too mean and turning people off to the gospel? Are YOU? Should Christians strive to always be as nice as possible in order to save as many people as possible? What about truth?  How does that fit in? Was Jesus always nice? In this episode I wrestle with whether Christians should be “nice” and how that relates to whether or not we are seeking God for who He actually is or whether we are seeking a God of our own making. Have a listen and then come back and tell me what you think! Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast: (If you want to see the conversation between Matt Walsh and his critics that I refer to in the episode here it is: )
#022 - Are you one of those types who want to change the world? You are not satisfied with an “ordinary” life? Maybe you are an entrepreneur or a ministry pioneer?  Or someone who wishes to excel in your career? Or maybe you WERE those things, but now you are just disillusioned? Whether the passion still burns strong or you aren’t sure you can take another step, this episode is for you. I (Jon) am that “type” as well. I have noticed that at least some of us who fit into this category have a tendency to neglect or not see the importance of “regular” things in our life. We need help. As a young man or woman (or young at heart who is still going!) who wants to step out and change the world in some way for God you will need equipping to prepare yourself to last for the long haul in this battle. Sometimes, even more than others, we need to know that the Gospel applies to EVERYTHING - every area of our lives. And we need to remember that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#021 - Should Christians be bold or be careful? In a world where lies are carefully crafted to paint truth-tellers as hateful (much like the way the words of Saruman poisoned his hearers in The Lord Of The Rings) what strategy should Christians choose when deciding which words they use and how?  Should we remain silent or speak with boldness despite the risk of being misunderstood? In this episode I wrestle with the questions of wisdom that surround these topics - and how you can work on building your “wisdom grid” and gain a better understanding of how to respond.  Have a listen and then come back with your thoughts! Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
The Long Term Battle

The Long Term Battle


#020 - Do you feel discouraged or without hope when you watch the news? Does the world seem chaotic and disheartening? Are you tempted to throw your hands in the air and just focus on “eternal things” or “spiritual things?” What if there were a way to fill your soul with enough hope and vision to brighten your whole outlook based on what God plans to do in the long run? You need more than hope for today and tomorrow.  You need the burning vision of the Kingdom of God over the long haul aflame in your soul! In this episode we look at the glorious vision of God for His Kingdom on the Earth that has been established, is happening, and will happen. Let this episode inspire you and reignite a flame within as you soar with new-found faith knowing that no matter how challenging today may seem – perseverance over the long haul brings you closer to the full manifestation of God’s Kingdom! Then come back and tell me your thoughts. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#019 - Should Christians mix religion and politics? What should we do when the governing authorities in our land do not do what we think they should do? Do we only have hope to see the Kingship of Jesus in Eternity? What about now? What if Jesus is in charge of ALL governments and ALL authorities in Heaven and on earth right now? Come with me and contemplate how Jesus Christ is - at this very moment - the Ruler of all the Kings of the Earth! Let’s talk about the implications of this authority for us. Let’s talk about how we are to reign with Him, both now and in eternity! Please enjoy and be blessed while listening to this episode and then come back and tell me what you think. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#018 - When the Bible talks about things like “walking in the spirit and not the flesh,” does this mean that God doesn’t care about our physical reality? What does a Christian Worldview say about the material/natural world? Is our material reality a filthy thing that needs to be overcome? Is the material world basically evil and will eventually be destroyed? Or…  Is it possible that the material realities that God has presented to us are a part of His eternal plans and they matter deeply to Him? Is it possible that God very much wants us to conquer and win in the material/natural world, and not only in the “spiritual” realm? When the Bible talks about the world perishing, does this mean that our current material reality will be obliterated and replaced by something else? Or are we living in a world that will eventually be fully redeemed and last forever? Come along and contemplate these things and their implications in your day to day live in this episode of The Gospel Of Everything Podcast. Have a listen and then come back and tell me what you think. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#017 - When you look at your life, what kind of legacy have you left for future generations? Do you have children?  Nephews?  Nieces?  Students? Are you content that you have received good things in your life? Or maybe…  Are you distressed for the pain you have experienced in your life? In the end, what have you passed on to future generations? In this episode I dive into the idea that in order for love to be complete, we must also love future generations. The goal is not just to be content with surviving in our own times. The goal is to leave a powerful Kingdom Legacy for future generations. The goal is Multi-Generational Christianity. Have a listen and then come back and let me know what you think! Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#016 - When you see what is happening in the world do you feel that we must be living in the “end times?” Surely, Jesus will be returning soon, right? What effect does this have on the way you live your daily life? If you have kids, what does this cause you to think and feel about their future? What are the consequences in the world around us when we as Christians are focused on - even obsessed with - the end of the world? In this episode I dive into the very real world consequences of a Christianity that is very obsessed with the coming end, and I discuss how an “everything is going to get worse and worse and worse” style end times obsession tends to be self fulfilling. Can our end times obsession actually be causing (or allowing?) a world that looks like the very thing we are expecting to happen - a world sinking into horror? I hope this episode gives you serious pause to think about these things; and I hope it lifts your spirit to a greater hope - to something more glorious than you’ve ever imagined - the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on earth both forever, and now! Have a listen and then let me know what you think! Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#015 - Do you believe that there is hope for America? If you do, what are you basing your hope on? If you do not, why not? Should Christians find hope in the next conservative political movement? Should Christians find hope in events that are coming? Or should Christians have hope in “filthy” politics or avoid politics altogether? In this episode I explore a deep and abiding hope about EVERYTHING that is not based on changing political shakings or current events, nor does it neglect what God can do in the here and now. Listen and get filled with hope, and then get to work establishing His Kingdom on Earth both NOW and in ETERNITY! And…  Please send me your thoughts and your feedback. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#014 - Do you long for the good old days of America? Are you saddened by the loss of our glorious past? Do you feel like everything good is melting away before you to be replaced by a discouraging world? What if we are looking at things all wrong, and the future will be even brighter than the past? In this episode I explore the idea that the goal is not to return to the glorious past, but rather to move onwards to an even more glorious future. Please listen and let me know what you think! Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#013 - How would you answer the question "how do you know that God is real?" How would you answer that question for yourself? How would you answer that question for an unbeliever? Is it even possible to KNOW? What about evidence and reason? Can you prove that God exists with reason or science? In this episode I talk about 4 ways you can know that God is real. Please listen and enjoy and let me know what you think. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
How Change Happens

How Change Happens


#012 - Why, after decades of fighting for democracy and freedom in Afghanistan did the U.S. and allies pull out of the country leaving behind chaos and Taliban control? Why do governments engage in "wars" on poverty or drugs and yet poverty and drugs still seem to reign? Why are there so many programs but sometimes it seems like nothing works? Do you have a desire to change the world? Do you vote each election cycle hoping somebody will finally do something about all this? In this episode I approach the idea of how change ACTUALLY works in God's reality. If we want to change the world, we have to do it God's way. Please listen, be blessed, and tell me what you think. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#011 - Have you ever heard an unbeliever mock the Law of God from the Old Testament by pulling out some random crazy sounding law and asking you if you believe in THAT? Maybe you have even heard a BELIEVER do this! Have you ever felt a bit confused about why some laws from the Old Testament seem to apply today and others do not seem to? You know you shouldn't commit murder, but do you really need to stone a disobedient child or refuse to get tattoos? I cannot promise you that I can explain ALL of these kinds of things in a short amount of time. But in this episode I begin to dive into the idea that God's Old Testament Law is a description of love that is still useful today. Listen, be blessed, and let me know what you think! Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#010 - What do you believe it means to be a "mature" Christian? Are you spending your Christian life primarily talking about whether or not the pastor's sermon was any good on Sunday? Are you still living only off of milk from the leaders at your church? Or do you have something to say yourself? More importantly, do you have something to live? Do you have something to offer younger believers? In this episode I talk about some of what "maturity" actually is for a Christian, and hopefully stir in you a thirst to be more mature tomorrow than you are today. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#009 - Do you wonder what is the meaning and purpose for your life? Do you wonder what you are supposed to be doing? Do you wonder why you ARE? In this episode I talk about why we all exist and lay the necessary foundation for any individual to seek out their unique callings. And I talk about the grand picture of what in the world the world is for and what are God's dreams for mankind. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#008 - Should we call on the government to protect us from the cancellers of cancel culture? Is it time for new laws to regulate Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Amazon, etc. like utilities? CAN the government successfully do this? In this episode, which is part 2 of a 2 part series I talk about the dangers of looking to the government as a savior and making an idol out of human civil government. I explore the dangers of looking at "government" as if it had the very attributes of God. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#007 - Are Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Amazon going to CANCEL Christians? Will the voices of Christians and Conservatives and YOU be removed from the public square? How should we, as Christians, respond to this? Is it time for the government to take action? In this episode, which is part 1 of a 2 part series, I talk about the long term consequences of asking the government to "protect" us from cancel culture. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#006 - Is America a Christian Nation? Should America be a Christian Nation? Should ANY nation be a "Christian" nation? Is it okay for Christians to feel patriotic? Is this something that Christians should be focused on? Do American Christians (or any nation's Christians for that matter) have an idolatry problem with their patriotism? In this episode, which is part 2 in a 2 part series, I talk through how even something good can become an idol, and sometimes we need to repent to save that good thing. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast:
#005 - Is America a Christian Nation? Was America ever a Christian Nation? Should America be a Christian Nation? Should ANY Nation be a Christian Nation? What exactly does it mean to be a Christian Nation Anyways? In this episode, which is part 1 of a 2 part series, I talk through defining "Christian Nation" and explore whether or not this is something Christians should even be focused on. Share Your Thoughts With Me: Rate This Podcast: