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Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Author: Lona Currie and Eric McCoy

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Podcast Featuring, Eric McCoy & Lona Currie-Two Podcasters & Humanitarians that want Nothing More than a Safe, Healthy & Whole Humanity! This Show is about Creating a Deeper Connection Between All Humans through Understanding VS Judgement of that & those who are different than ourselves. What We Fear Persists & when we Seek to Understand the things, ideas, beliefs & people that we fear or resist- We Become Better Humans!

So, Come with us & Walk-A-Mile in some of today's most Controversial Shoes so that you too can Expand, Evolve & Connect!

37 Episodes
We are told that if a prophet’s prediction does not come to pass, that forever settles it. He is a false prophet and we are to never respect him as a true prophet. It does not matter how many of his predictions had previously come to pass, one strike and he’s out. The penalty for that was death. Join us as we dive into the controversial world of Pastor Steve Anderson, who might just hate you according to the video "Steve Anderson, a Pastor, Probably Hates You. False Prophet?" Subscribe to get all the juicy details and find out if he is truly a false prophet They are an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible-only, soul-winning Baptist church. They believe in the literal interpretation of the bible.
Comet Ping Pong was allegedly the base for secret rooms in which Clinton and her allies kidnapped and imprisoned children to be sexually abused, tortured or even sacrificed in the name of Satan. details about the pizzeria "prove" that Comet Ping Pong uses coded language and symbols to advertise its secret business to pedophiles. Here is the proof. Podesta’s repeated use of the word "pizza" in emails was actually a code word for pedophilia.
Trump's promises and rhetoric on immigration during his second presidential campaign have been harsher this time around. He has vowed to end birthright citizenship for the children of immigrants living in the country unlawfully, deputize the National Guard to carry out mass deportations and deny entry to legal immigrants based on their ideological beliefs. In one recent interview, Trump said this: suggested that some migrants were "poisoning the blood of our country."
One common theme among the ten richest pastors is "Speaking in Tongues."See more at
One common theme among the ten richest pastors is "Speaking in Tongues."See more at
What do you think about these religions or individuals claiming to be god?See more at
"Each human has a reactive mind that responds to life's traumas, clouding the analytic mind and keeping us from experiencing reality." L. Ron HubbardSee more at
"Each human has a reactive mind that responds to life's traumas, clouding the analytic mind and keeping us from experiencing reality." L. Ron HubbardSee more at
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