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Cornerstone Brighton Sermons

Author: Cornerstone EPC

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Messages from Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brighton, Michigan.
302 Episodes
This week Pastor Chris discusses Daniel 12 chapter 1, verses 1-3. Going in depth into what these verses mean, according to scripture and the cultural context at the time of the writings, again revealing the spiritual realm in correlation with our physical reality, and how this impacts our every day
This week Pastor Ernesto Alaniz from Flint City Church discusses one of the most difficult passages in the Bible, Daniel Chapter 11. Pastor Alaniz outlines the purpose of the passage and goes into detail concerning the astounding accuracy of historical events that take place after the time of the writing, and encourages us to lean on the promises that were made in this passage that still have yet to
Continuing our series in the book of Daniel, pastor Chris Winans discusses Daniel chapter 10, verses 1 to 21. Pastor Chris explains the context of these verses, and what they might mean, and how they clearly demonstrate that there are spiritual powers at work in our every day
Pastor Chris Winans tackles one of the most difficult passages in all of the Bible, what is known as the “The 70 Weeks in Daniel”. This passage in Daniel 9:20-27, is a response to Daniel’s prayer in the previous verses. Pastor Chris goes in-depth into this apocalyptic writing and applies this to our lives
Pastor Chris Winans continues our series in the Book of Daniel, this week chapter 9 verses 1 to 19. Pastor Winans discusses the posture of prayer in this passage, the context of the passage, the structure of this prayer and compares this to the Lords Prayer found in the New Testament given by Jesus Christ- and why these specific prayers are critical for us
Pastor Chris Winans discusses Daniel 8, and the imagery described in this passage. This passage describes over 400 years of history that is still to come, and ultimately prepares the people of Israel for difficult times coming ahead as a Father prepares his
Pastor Chris Winans continues our series in the Book of Daniel, this week chapter 7, verses 9 through 14. This passage continues the apocalyptic style of writing of this section of Daniel, and Pastor Chris explains the powerful meanings of each of the symbols and words in the context of the culture at the time, how they point to Jesus Christ, and how all of this impact our lives here and
Pastor Chris Winans begins a new sermon series for the second half of the Book of Daniel, called Behind the Curtain. This week he defines the genres of writing styles that exist in the Bible, and specifically describes and explains the apocalyptic writings of Daniel chapter 7, and those related to the New Testament, Jesus, and our lives
As we continue our series in the Book of Daniel, this week Pastor Chris Winans discusses scripture passages from the book of Jeremiah, how these verses relate to Daniel, and how these verses impact us even now today, in our every day
Pastor Brian Tweedie discusses one of the most famous passages in the bible: Daniel in the Lion's den. Found in the Book of Daniel chapter 6, Pastor Tweedie goes in depth into the context of this passage, the age of Daniel at this point in his life, and shows us how important this historical event is to our daily
Pastor Matt Grimm continues our series in the Book of Daniel. This week he discusses the famous passage about God's hand writing on the wall as a warning to the king, what that meant for the king at the time, and what it means for us
Pastor Chris Winans continues our series in the Book of Daniel. This week he discusses the events around Daniel 4, where King Nebuchadnezzar did not heed a warning sent to him by God. The king suffered profound consequences for refusing to listen, yet in the end God was merciful to Nebuchadnezzar as God is with us
Pastor Chris Winans discusses the famous passage from Daniel chapter 3. This is the famous passage where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are thrown into the furnace because they refused to bow down to the gods that the King demanded everyone worship.
Pastor Chris Winans continues our series in Daniel, demonstrating from scripture the profound difference between the wisdom of the world and the Wisdom of God.
This week Pastor Chris Winans discusses how Daniel navigated being faithful to God in the midst of being integrated into Babylon culture- which was in many ways counter Gods
Pastor Chris Winans begins a new sermon series this week titled "Faithfulness in Exile", focusing on the book of Daniel in the Old Testament. Pastor Chris goes in-depth with the cultural and historical context of the Book of Daniel before demonstrating the extraordinary faith of
Pastor Chris Winans concludes our sermon series on 1st Corinthians. Pastor Chris unpacks Paul's teaching that gives us direction, encouragement and wisdom in living as a follower of Jesus Christ in a world that rejects Jesus. Jesus is the source of eternal joy and hope, while the world and its splendor passes away.
Pastor Chris Winans continues our series in 1st Corinthians, this week discussing cultural identity in the times of Christ for Jews and for Greeks, and how this matters to us in our culture
Pastor Matt Grimm continues our series in 1st Corinthians, this week discussing God's view on marriage. Specifically, a) how God views circumstances for those who are not married, or no longer married due to death of a spouse, b) how God views divorce, and the grounds for Biblical divorce, and c) God's view about believers married to
Pastor Chris Winans continues teaching from 1st Corinthians, this week part 2 from the Apostle Paul's words about sexual immortally. Specifically this week pastor Chris discusses God's plan for sexual intimacy, how men and women express this differently, and how this can, and should, be pursued in the context of