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Insight Syneos Health FSP 360
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Insight Syneos Health FSP 360

Author: Ben Haßfurth & Ivan Bezruk

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Insight Syneos Health FSP 360? I've never heard that before... Maybe right, but we want to change that. Syneos Health is a global CRO (Clinical Research Organisation) for the pharmaceutical and medical device industry and the only fully integrated service provider in the field of clinical trials and commercialisation of medicinal products. FSP 360 is short for "Functional Service Provider" and thus stands for fully integrated customer focus. In this podcast, we would like to talk about entry and development opportunities in clinical research. To do this, we invite guests from different areas at Syneos Health to share their experiences and talk from the inside. Subscribe to our podcast to keep up to date with the latest developments at FSP 360. 

13 Episodes
In this episode we speak about the Syneos Health Clinical Training Institute (CTI). CTI presents a comprehensive training program tailored for aspiring Clinical Research Associates at the entry level. The 12-week curriculum covers a blend of classroom sessions, self-paced modules, immersive face-to-face training sessions and simulations, hands-on source data verification, site interaction techniques, investigator site file management, as well as drug accountability exercises.The course is fac...
In a world that constantly challenges us, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. This podcast is designed to empower you with the tools, insights, and stories to embrace positivity in all aspects of your life, particularly in your career.Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone exploring new career paths, we've got you covered. Our goal is to help you cultivate the right mindset and equip you with strategies to conquer any obstacle that comes your way.We'll ex...
How does Syneos Health connect teams in FSP 360? What is the secret of true team engagement and commitment? And how can we use new or social media in this process? In this podcast episode, I talk to Umut, Ceren and Selen about the FSP 360 philosophy when it comes to creating a healthy team atmosphere. You will be surprised at the concepts and ideas that have taken hold in Türkiye allowing each team member to bring her or his Total Self to the table. After this great session, I learned that pa...
Attempting the unknown, making a decision, breaking new ground. What is the common characteristic? They are courageous, perhaps even daring! A single decision can change your life, and very often these decisions are linked to professional choices. At Syneos Health FSP 360, we want to support you in finding the right path for your career.In this episode, we talk to Flavia, who inspired us with her story. She made a decision that has had both a positive and lasting impact on her entire life.&nb...
Oft denkt man beim Einstieg in die klinische Forschung an Clinical Research Associate Positionen. Die Frustration ist dann häufig groß, denn für diese Position wird mittlerweile nicht selten eine Berufserfahrung von 2 Jahren vorausgesetzt. Der Weg in die klinische Forschung kann allerdings vielfältig sein. So kann ein kurzer Umweg über eine Clinical Trial Assisstant oder auch eine Submission Specialist Stelle oft den Weg zum Ziel "CRA" ebnen. In dieser Podcast Folge sprechen wir aber mi...
"CRA position available - 2 years' experience needed". As a new starter, have you ever wondered how you could overcome this hurdle? Syneos Health FSP 360 is providing a solution with the Clinical Trial Institute (CTI) program. Listen to Tom Winters, expert for the CTI program, explaining to you directly how talented professionals with basic knowledge in clinical research, as well as our clients and customers can benefit from the CTI program at Syneos Health. Syneos Health career p...
Have you wondered what 2022 could bring to you? Well, what about a great new start at Syneos Health FSP 360? Get to know some of the Line Managers in UK/Ireland in this episode and connect with them immediately to overcome any anxiety. Listen and relax while learning about opportunities, expectations and a superb team! Syneos Health career portal Fenton on Haßfurth on LinkedInww...
Manchmal muss man sich einfach mal wieder sammeln und den Gedanken freien Lauf lassen. Bedeutung gibt unserem Handeln einen Sinn. Deshalb reflektieren wir in dieser Folge, warum wir uns für diesen Podcast entschieden haben und uns alle 2 Wochen vor die Mikros setzen.Ben Haßfurth auf Simon Sinek - A Bit of Optimism
Welche Richtung schlägt das klinische monitoring ein? Worauf sollten sich CRAs in Zukunft vorbereiten? Und welche besonderen Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse kann man innerhalb von FSP 360 und bei einem großen Sponsor direkt sammeln? Diese und andere Fragen diskutieren Meike und Ben in dieser Episode mit Iris, einer Senior CRA aus unserem FSP 360 Team. Ben Haßfurth auf Bravard auf LinkedIn
Who is the first person I am going to talk to when I apply for a job at Syneos Health FSP 360? What are the expectations? How does the application process look like? Which ways of application are acceptable and state-of-the-art? Whom am I going to meet and how will the atmosphere be like during the interview?We assume that these questions are on the mind of many applicants. Therefore, we thrive to give more insight in the application process with our guest Alexandra Mylona, Talent Acquisition...
Was ist das höchste Gut eines Dienstleistungsunternehmens? Richtig, die Mitarbeiter! Deshalb ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben einer Line Managerin, die Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter und deren Bedürfnisse im Auge zu behalten. Das macht People Management aus und über diesen alternativen Weg der Mitarbeiterführung sprechen wir in dieser Folge mit Rahel Meister. Stacking email Organisation Health Karriereportal
Nach einem erfolgreichen Einstieg in die klinische Forschung, häufig als CRA, streben viele den nächsten Schritt in der Karriereentwicklung an. Diese nächste Stufe kann zum Beispiel eine Position als Study Manager/Clinical Trial Manager sein. Wie der Arbeitsalltag einer Study Managerin aussieht, welchen Herausforderungen man sich stellen muss und welche Anforderungen man erfüllen sollte, erklärt uns Gisela Bernhard-Böhme im Interview. Persönlichkeitstest/Farb-Typenlehrehttps...
Der Einstieg in die Klinische Forschung kann sehr unterschiedlich sein. Wie Laura es geschafft hat, erzählt sie uns im Interview. Außerdem stellen wir in dieser ersten Folge bereits unsere Werte bei Syneos Health und im Speziellen in der Abteilung FSP 360 vor. Ben Haßfurth auf Infos zum Unternehmen