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Simply Story Poetry

Author: Beverley Joy

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Beverley Joy, the author of Simply Story Poetry - A Top 5 Best Australia Poetry Podcasts. With over 200 poems published weekly since 2021, Beverley simplifies complex thoughts and shares insights about nature, love, relationships, life experiences and Christian faith. Her poems entertain, inspire, and encourage my readers and listeners to contemplate various aspects of life through the rhythm and rhyme of poetry. Visit Simply Story Poetry on Podcast platforms, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and You can buy verses and poems on products at
beverleyjoy Redbubble Shop.
160 Episodes
Together For Christmas

Together For Christmas


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. It's wonderful to enjoy Christmas day all together in one place. But even the best plans can be turned upside down, Christmas Day can present challenges in getting the family together or getting along with everyone who has been invited. We want the day to run smoothly on this special day of the year. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. That's family life - full of pleasant surprises and challenges.  Over the last few years, Christmas Day has proven messy for many families due to COVID. But we continue with our plans as best we can in the circumstances that we are in at the time. Cause that's what families do. Why not listen to my other poem about Family Christmas: Far Away For Christmas and my poems about gift-giving: A Hug is Priceless, The Best Gift to Give is You, and A Mirror Reflect What You Can Give. You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and at Thank you for listening to my poem. I wish you a wonderful holiday season. Beverley Joy.
Far Away For Christmas

Far Away For Christmas


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. Many families and friends are separated at this special time of the year. We just have to enjoy Christmas Day the best way we can when our family cannot get together for Christmas Day.  I chose this Featured Image partly because of what is written on her coffee mug - 'Make today awesome.' To me, this image expresses the message of this poem which is both her longing to be elsewhere and not alone, yet also her acceptance of the situation she currently finds herself in and that she will enjoy the day as best she can.  You can browse through my poetry verses available on print-on-demand gift ideas in my shop at You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and at Thank you for listening to my poem. Why not listen to my other poems about gift-giving titled: 
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This poem is about the events that followed the visit of the Wise Men, or Magi, to Joseph, Mary and the child King, Jesus. You can read the story in Matthew chapter 2 verses 13 to 23. The ruler of that region, King Herod, who was known to murder anyone he thought was a threat to his reign as king, was furious that the Magi did not report back to him with the whereabouts of Jesus. So, he orders all infants 2 years of age and younger to be killed in the vicinity of the city of Bethlehem. This story gives us a glimpse into the very early life of Jesus.   The lyrics of the song by Clay Aiken titled Mary, Did You Know, tell the story of the many loving and gracious miracles and wonders that Jesus would grow up to perform during his 3 years of ministry on this earth. I love a scene, in the Youtube video to this song, that I have linked in this poem on my website, showing a young Jesus watching his earthly father, Joseph work at his carpentry, the profession that Jesus would work in once He was old enough.  Listen to the Christmas Story Parts 1-7, which includes Christmas in the Garden of Eden, Part 1, Four Unusual Women, Part 2, 700BC Part 3, Mary Part 4, Mary and Elizabeth Part 5, Joseph Part 6, and The Saviour is Born Part 7, 14th Dec. Also Gifts Fit For a King, the three wise men, and Quick, Save The Saviour, the escape to Egypt. You can read my poems, listen to songs and videos that I link when they match the theme of the poem, see references to what I read and study to write the content of the poem at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and at  and follow me on Instagram. May you and your family have a blessed time this Christmas. Beverley Joy.
Gifts Fit For A King

Gifts Fit For A King


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. It is uncertain exactly when the Wise Men, or Magi, visited Jesus, but it certainly wasn't at the same time as when the shepherds visited him, at his birth in the animal stable, as is commonly represented in Christmas scenes and on Christmas Cards. Apparently, it was sometime between a few months and two years after his birth. The Magi followed a star that miraculously guided them to Jesus, the child King. They first presented themselves to King Herod of Judea, in Jerusalem to inform him of their purpose for visiting his kingdom, which was to visit and worship the King of the Jews.  Herod did not know about this 'king of the Jews' and he felt threatened by this news. King Herod called a meeting with the scholars of law and the Jewish religious leaders to inform him of what knowledge they had of this event. They informed the King that the event fulfilled a Jewish prophecy told over 800 years earlier. When the Magi arrived at the house where Joseph, Mary and Jesus the child now lived, they gave gifts commonly given to honour a king, to Jesus - Gold for family wealth and as a symbol of kingship on earth, Frankincense as a precious expensive perfume and a symbol of deity and Myrrh an oil used for anointing and balming, and a symbol of death.  Listen to the Christmas Story Parts 1-7, which includes Christmas in the Garden of Eden, Part 1, Four Unusual Women, Part 2, 700BC Part 3, Mary Part 4,  Mary and Elizabeth Part 5, Joseph Part 6, and The Saviour is Born Part 7. Also, Gifts Fit For a King, the three wise men, and Quick, Save The Saviour, the escape to Egypt. You can read the story behind each poem - what inspired me to write it, why I chose the feature image (which you cannot see well on a podcast image), references to what I read and studied to write the poem's content. I attach links to songs when I find a song that matches the poem's theme.  Read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter and at  and follow me on Instagram. Thank you for listening. Beverley Joy.
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. Listen to the Christmas Story Parts 1-7, which includes Christmas in the Garden of Eden, Part 1, Four Unusual Women, Part 2, 700BC Part 3, Mary Part 4, Mary and Elizabeth Part 5, Joseph Part 6, and The Saviour is Born Part 7. Also, Gifts Fit For a King, the three wise men, and Quick, Save The Saviour, the escape to Egypt.  Christmas in the Garden of Eden - The Christmas Story Part 1. This poem is Part 1 of 7 parts to the poetic script that follows the Christmas Story from the very beginning to end. I wrote this Christmas script for a Christmas Service that we held at the local church, that I was attending at the time, in 2019. In between each poem, being recited by various children and adults, we all sang Christmas Carols, including the congregation, relevant to that part of the story. I wrote Part 1, after having studied Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 and learning that the Christmas Story begins in the Garden of Eden. Although God punished Adam, Eve and Satan, in Genesis chapter 3, with His prophecy 'I will cause hostility between you (Satan) and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He (Jesus) will strike your head, and you (Satan) will strike His heel,' God gives them hope with the promise of His future Saviour of the world.  In my interpretation of the feature image, that I have chosen for this poem, I see God's hands holding the garden. The smoke and fire rising from the garden depict the destruction of paradise by Adam and Eve's disobedience to God. But there is a glimpse of a city on the opposite side of the fire, which depict God's promised new city and garden. The waterfall depicts the river of life that will run through the new garden. A lion depicts Jesus (Revelations 5:5) and the eagle with its wings spread wide soaring over the garden, reminds me of one of my favourite verses in the Bible. You can read my poem titled Eagle Wings based on Isaiah 40:31a "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles." You can read the story behind this poem - what inspired me to write it, why I chose the feature image (which you cannot see well on a podcast image), and references to what I read and studied to write the poem's content. I attach links to songs when I find a song that matches the poem's theme. You can read my poems at You can browse through my poetry verses available on print-on-demand gift ideas in my shop at  You can browse through my poetry verses available on print-on-demand gift ideas in my shop at You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and at May you enjoy Christmas with someone you love and receive love in return. Beverley Joy.
Back To the Garden

Back To the Garden


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. The Story of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, has come full circle. It began in the Garden of Eden and will end in God's new garden. This Feature Image is the same one I used in The Christmas Story in the Garden of Eden Part 1. My interpretation of this image is that I see God's hands holding the garden. The smoke and fire rising from the garden depict the destruction of paradise by Adam and Eve's disobedience to God in the Garden of Eden. But there is a glimpse of a city on the opposite side of the fire, which depict God's promised new city and garden. The waterfall depicts the river of life that will run through God's new garden. A lion depicts Jesus (Revelations 5:5) and the eagle with its wings spread wide soaring over the garden, reminds me of one of my favourite verses in the Bible. You can read my poem titled Eagle Wings based on Isaiah 40:31a "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles." As Christians, we wait eagerly for God's new heaven and the new earth…He will dwell among His people. He will wipe away every tear…no more death, mourning, crying or pain… Those things will be passed away. He will make all things new… Revelation 21.  You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and at and follow me on Instagram Thank you for listening to this poem. May God's blessing be with you. Beverley Joy
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. Well, after waiting many 1000 years and prophecied in Genesis 3 verse 15, finally the Saviour of the world is born, the King of all kings is born without any human royal celebration. Yet, far off in the fields, an army of angels appears to a small group of common shepherds, to announce this royal birth. God works in mysterious ways! 'God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the insignificant things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, so that no human may boast before God.' 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 NASB2020 Listen to the Christmas Story Parts 1-7, published on 15th December 2021, which includes Christmas in the Garden of Eden, Part 1, 2nd November, Four Unusual Women, Part 2, 9th November, 700BC Part 3, 16th November, Mary Part 4, 23rd November and Mary and Elizabeth Part 5, 30th November and Joseph Part 6, 7th December and The Saviour is Born Part 7, 14th Dec. Also Gifts Fit For a King, the three wise men, 11th Jan 2022 and Quick, Save The Saviour, the escape to Egypt 18th Jan. You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and at  and follow me on Instagram. Thank you for listening to my poetry. 
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. Mary has told Joseph that she is pregnant. What would Joseph do now? Was Mary telling him the truth? While Joseph was trying to decide how to handle this serious challenge that had arisen between himself and Mary, God sent His angel to explain the situation to Joseph in a dream. You can read his story in Matthew Chapter 1 verses 18 to 25.  This poem is Part 6 of 8 parts to the poetic script that follows the Christmas Story from the very beginning to end. I have been publishing one of the Christmas poems each week leading up to Christmas week. Listen to the Christmas Story Parts 1-7, published on 15th December 2021, which includes Christmas in the Garden of Eden, Part 1, 2nd November, Four Unusual Women, Part 2, 9th November, 700BC Part 3, 16th November, Mary Part 4, 23rd November and Mary and Elizabeth Part 5, 30th November and Joseph Part 6, 7th December and The Saviour is Born Part 7, 14th Dec. Also Gifts Fit For a King, the three wise men, 11th Jan 2022 and Quick, Save The Saviour, the escape to Egypt 18th Jan. You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and at  and follow me on Instagram. Thank you for listening. Beverley Joy.
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. What would Joseph think of her? What would her family and community say? This is the story of Mary's visit to stay with her cousin Elizabeth after telling Joseph she was pregnant. This poem looks at Mary's reaction to receiving this wonderful yet life-changing news from God's angel. How could Mary, engaged to be married to Joseph, explain why she was pregnant out of wedlock. That would be scandalous enough, but also Joseph was not the father. Her visit to Elizabeth would be an encouragement to Mar,y as God's Spirit had worked a miracle in Elizabeth's body as well, who was beyond childbearing years and yet was now three months pregnant with the last and most important prophet of God, John the Baptist. This poem is Part 5 of 8 parts to the poetic script that follows the Christmas Story from the very beginning to end.  Listen to my other poems on Women in the Bible - A Few Faithful Women - Easter Story Part 1, 15th April 2022, The Passion of Mary Magdalene -  Easter Story Part 2, 16th April 2022, Her Touch of Simply Faith 15th April, The women with the blood issue, 28th March, The Busyness Excuse, Mary and Martha, 22nd Feb, Mary and Elizabeth, 30th Nov 2021, Mary, 23rd Nov, Four Unusual Women 9th Nov 2021, Sweet Temptation, Eve Genesis 3, 15th Sept, She Gave From Her Heart The Woman and the Two Coins Luke 21:1-4, 17th August, Takes Two To Tango The Adulterous Woman of John 8:1-11 1st July, I Am Ruth, 3rd June and Feast or Famine, Ruth 27th May, and 'Thirst Quenching' The Woman at the Well, 27th April 2021. You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and at and follow me on Instagram. Thank you for listening to my poem. I appreciate it. Beverley Joy
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This poem, which I wrote in 2019, zooms in on the momentous, yet private moment in history when Mary was visited by God's angel and told of her imminent pregnancy of Jesus, the son of God. Her story is found in Luke Chapter 1 verses 26-38. Finally, the prophecy was to be fulfilled many thousands of years after God told the serpent in Genesis 3 verse 15, that through Eve's genealogy would be born a saviour who would conquer Satan. God's people had been waiting about 700 years for the prophecy of the birth of the Saviour named Immanuel, to be fulfilled. Why not listen to Parts 1-3 of this story poetry titled: Christmas in the Garden of Eden - The Christmas Story Part 1, 2nd November, Four Unusual Women - The Christmas Story Part 2, 9th November and 700BC - The Christmas Story Part 3, 16th November. When I found this Featured Image of a young woman looking down and touching her stomach, I imagined that the young Mary would have done this, following the visit from God's angel telling her she would soon be pregnant with the Saviour. She must have experienced a flood of emotions. Part 5 of this series looks at Mary's reaction to receiving this wonderful yet life-changing news from God's angel. This poem is Part 4 of 8 parts to the poetic script that follows the Christmas Story from the very beginning to end. I will be publishing one of the Christmas poems each week leading up to Christmas week.  Listen to my other poems on Women in the Bible - A Few Faithful Women - Easter Story Part 1, 15th April 2022, The Passion of Mary Magdalene -  Easter Story Part 2, 16th April 2022, Her Touch of Simply Faith 15th April, The women with the blood issue, 28th March, The Busyness Excuse, Mary and Martha, 22nd Feb, Mary and Elizabeth, 30th Nov 2021, Mary, 23rd Nov, Four Unusual Women 9th Nov 2021, Sweet Temptation, Eve Genesis 3, 15th Sept, She Gave From Her Heart The Woman and the Two Coins Luke 21:1-4, 17th August, Takes Two To Tango The Adulterous Woman of John 8:1-11 1st July, I Am Ruth, 3rd June and Feast or Famine, Ruth 27th May, and 'Thirst Quenching' The Woman at the Well, 27th April 2021. You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and at and follow me on Instagram. Thank you for encouraging and supporting me by listening to my poetry. Enjoy.
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This poem is based on the prophecy found in Isaiah chapter 9 verses 1-7 which is dated about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. This prophecy was made by the 8th century BC Israelite prophet, Isaiah. In this passage, Isaiah prophesied the future birth of the Saviour of the world. The name Isaiah means 'God Is Salvation.' The book of Isaiah bears his name. He was a prophet during the reign of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah between 759-697 BC. He also warned the kings of pending doom unless they ruled as faithful kings to God. Isaiah was married with two sons. The Book of Isaiah is quoted many times in the New Testament following the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, confirming the fulfilment of these events. I chose this Featured Image of binoculars looking toward the future (horizon). Can you see the cross that I inserted in the sunset? The writing on the binoculars reads 'turn to clear vision'. I thought, how appropriate! We turn toward Jesus, God's Son, and put our faith in what He has done for us, for Jesus is the light of the world, warming our hearts with hope.  Throughout the last 2000+ years of history, Christians have had a clear vision of hope for the future, thanks to the privilege of having God's Word the Bible to read and understand. Many people still do not have the privilege of having the Bible in their mother tongue language. Let us pray that with today's technology, that this goal can soon be achieved. This poem is Part 3 of 8 parts to the poetic script that follows the Christmas Story from the very beginning to end. I will be publishing one of the  Christmas poems each week leading up to Christmas week. Why not listen to the other parts of this poetry series: Christmas in the Garden of Eden - The Christmas Story Part 1, 2nd November, Four Unusual Women - The Christmas Story Part 2, 9th November and Mary - The Christmas Story Part 4, 23rd November. I wrote this Christmas script for a Christmas Service that we held at the local church, that I was attending at the time, in 2019. In between each poem, being recited by a small group of children and adults, we sang Christmas songs as a singing group, and the whole congregation sang Christmas Carols relevant to that part of the story. Thank you for listening. I hope you are enjoying the history of the Christmas story. You can see the Featured Images and read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the website
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This Christian poem is Part 2 of the Christmas Story, 2019. It is based on Matthew Chapter 1 verses 3-6 in which four women are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. These women had troubled or scandalous life stories. It seems unusual for God to have chosen them to be included in the ancestry of the future Saviour of the world. If you are not familiar with the stories of these women, please take the time to read their stories in the Bible: Tamar - Genesis 38, Rahab - Joshua 2, Ruth, Bathsheba - 2 Samuel 11-12:25.     The second last verse of this poem refers to 1 Corinthians 1:27-28 'but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, so that no man may boast before God.'   The poems in this series: The Christmas Story in the Garden of Eden - Part 1, 2nd November 2021, Four Unusual Women - The Christmas Story Part 2, 700BC - The Christmas Story Part 3, 16th Nov, Mary - The Christmas Story Part 4, 23rd Nov, Mary and Elizabeth Part 5,  This poem is Part 2 of 8 parts to the poetic script that follows the Christmas Story from the very beginning to end. I will be publishing one of the  Christmas poems each week leading up to Christmas week.  I wrote this Christmas script for a Christmas Service that we held at the local church, that I was attending at the time, in 2019.  I searched for an image that would represent all four women in the poem. I love the artist's choice of colours which gives the image a modern appeal, which I feel connects these ancient women with modern women, as both groups of women have experienced similar troubles or scandals in their lives. I love the sheer soft effect of the veil across her face. Her eyes are not weary or sad, brash or harsh, instead, they reflect composed victory, which is how each women's story ends. Image link at the end of the poem on my website.  Listen to my other poems on Women in the Bible - A Few Faithful Women - Easter Story Part 1, 15th April 2022, The Passion of Mary Magdalene -  Easter Story Part 2, 16th April 2022, Her Touch of Simply Faith 15th April, The women with the blood issue, 28th March, The Busyness Excuse, Mary and Martha, 22nd Feb, Mary and Elizabeth, 30th Nov 2021, Mary, 23rd Nov, Four Unusual Women 9th Nov 2021, Sweet Temptation, Eve Genesis 3, 15th Sept, She Gave From Her Heart The Woman and the Two Coins Luke 21:1-4, 17th August, Takes Two To Tango The Adulterous Woman of John 8:1-11 1st July, I Am Ruth, 3rd June and Feast or Famine, Ruth 27th May, and 'Thirst Quenching' The Woman at the Well, 27th April 2021.  Thank you for listening. Beverley Joy.
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This poem is Part 2 of the Easter Story. It is the story of Mary Magdalene at the tomb on that first Easter Sunday morning.  Listen to my other poems on Women in the Bible - A Few Faithful Women - Easter Story Part 1, 15th April 2022, The Passion of Mary Magdalene -  Easter Story Part 2, 16th April 2022, Her Touch of Simply Faith 15th April, The women with the blood issue, 28th March, The Busyness Excuse, Mary and Martha, 22nd Feb, Mary and Elizabeth, 30th Nov 2021, Mary, 23rd Nov, Four Unusual Women 9th Nov 2021, Sweet Temptation, Eve Genesis 3, 15th Sept, She Gave From Her Heart The Woman and the Two Coins Luke 21:1-4, 17th August, Takes Two To Tango The Adulterous Woman of John 8:1-11 1st July, I Am Ruth, 3rd June and Feast or Famine, Ruth 27th May, and 'Thirst Quenching' The Woman at the Well, 27th April 2021. You can read my poems at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at and follow me on Instagram. Thank you for encouraging me by listening to my poem. Beverley Joy.
Create, Share, Repeat

Create, Share, Repeat


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. Welcome to my new series titled Simply Create To Share, which will consist of weekly articles where I will be sharing the journey of my creativity, which is writing poetry. This year I am venturing into non-fiction writing in which I will be covering topics like what books, songs and creative people motivated and directed my progress from being too shy and uneducated to share my poetry with anyone, to share them with the world whilst enjoying the journey. I'm not famous or wealthy with money, but I am wealthy with a passion for writing poetry, and that passion drove me to learn how to overcome my shyness and self-doubt to share my creativity and encourage others to do the same.  Last week I kick-started the year by encouraging you to take the time NOW to start doing your creative 'something'. Whether it be for the first time ever, or whether you plan to continue your creative 'something' during this new year. Whether it be writing, painting, craftwork, photography, or like myself - poetry, whatever is on your heart to create, as Paul McCartney sings about in his song, DO IT NOW! Two weeks ago I started my creativity, for the new year, by scribbling out a rough plan for the next 6 months, which is to have two novels published, that is based on my life story and written by Kate Kelsen. I will be publishing the many poems that relate to both stories during the first half of this year, 2022. Next week I will share with you how I put together my 'rough plan'. I use this method every January and whenever I start a new project. This week I want to share with you a book that I read that changed my attitude toward my creativity. In September 2019, my daughter suggested I read Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love, which became a major motion movie (by the way it is one of my favourite movies). I didn’t like the title. It sounded mystical and new age, but I was attracted to the subtitle. My daughter insisted that I would like it. My main takeaway from the book was the author’s encouragement to start creating something and keep creating. Don't stop at one book, one poem, one painting. Continue to create for the pure love and joy of creating. Share your creation with the world, however small or large that might be, and then start another creation and repeat the process. The book inspired me to create the formula: Create - Share - Repeat: Create something new - write it, make it, form it Share your something - gift it, sell it, tell it Repeat - Improve it, keep doing it or start something new Elizabeth Gilbert encourages us to create because you love to create, share it because you love to share. If it develops into a paying profession, great if it doesn’t, great. Follow your creative curiosity. Let the gift you have been given bubble up and out from your heart. Dig deep and enjoy discovering new depths and areas to your gift. She advises us to appreciate the value of our own joy in the creative process.  I felt scared. I needed time to build up the courage to share my poetry with anyone let alone the world, which was my ultimate goal. I needed the courage to face rejection and criticism of my work.... To read the full article, go to Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and at
But Wait, God Promised

But Wait, God Promised


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This Christian poem is the fourth and final part of the poem about the Bible story of Adam and Eve. I wrote this whole poem in 2017. God had a plan of salvation, glory and peace born out of His love for His creation, which He revealed to them before they left the garden. I have listed the references, that I studied to write this poem, at the end of the poem on the website. You can read my poems and verses at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the website.
The Blame Game

The Blame Game


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This Christian poem, which I wrote in 2017, is part three of the story of Adam and Eve, Genesis 3 verses 8 to 13. While Adam and Eve hide from God, they wait anxiously, for they know that when God comes walking in the garden, they will have to explain to God what they have done. You can read my poems and daily verses at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and website.
Wrong Game Move

Wrong Game Move


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This Christian poem is based on Genesis 3 verse 7, being part two of the Bible story of Adam and Eve. Part one was my podcast titled 'Sweet Temptation' based on Genesis 3 verses 1-6. Following the decision that Adam and Eve made to disobey God by eating the forbidden fruit, they scramble to cope with their new knowledge of good and evil. They also wait to face the consequences of their decision when God next visit the garden to walk and talk with them. You can read my poems and verses at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and website.
Sweet Temptation

Sweet Temptation


Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This Christian poem, which I wrote in 2017, is based on Eve in Genesis 3:1-6. As I wrote this poem about Eve, it kept growing, so I divided it into four parts. This poem, part one, focuses on the process of temptation - How temptation transitions from what is seen through Eve's eyes, what is felt with her emotions, to finally what she thinks with her mind to make her decision. I found the study of this Bible passage a fascinating look into the process of temptation in general which hasn't changed even to this day, being physical (sight), emotional (feelings) and then (mind) our thoughts whether they be for or against going forward with the chosen action. You can read my poems and verses at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and website.
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. This comforting poem, which I wrote in 2014, was one of the first of my Christian poems based on Psalm 91 verses 1-4. I wrote it after hearing a sermon on Psalm 91, at the church I was attending regularly at the time. I also wrote another poem, soon after, titled God Protects From Attacks based on Psalm 91 verses 5-13, which I published on July 20, 2021. I love how the feature image I chose shows the chicks total hidden under the mother hens feathers. It took me some time to choose the backing tune for this poem, as I wanted it to reflect the movement of chickens, and eventually, I found this staccato plucking style tune. I hope you enjoy my poem and thank you for listening. You can read my poems and verses at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and the website.
Hi, I'm Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. It was a beautiful Queensland sunny spring day by the seaside, in 2019, when I wrote this poem for my brother who celebrated (or was it commiserated haha) his big six zero birthday. Family, friends and pets laughed, sang and barked their way through the party. Happy birthday to all of my readers who turn 60 this year, and congratulations on reaching this milestone in your life. You can read my poems and verses at Simply Story Poetry on Facebook, Twitter and website.