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The Impactfulness Lab Podcast

The Impactfulness Lab Podcast

Author: Miriam Gilbert

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Welcome to the Impactfulness Lab playground to create freedom, impact, and adventures for an impactful business and life.

Here we talk about growing your business and growing as a person with mindset hacks, business tips, and aligned action challenges.

Let's play!
18 Episodes
The biggest misconception that keeps people stuck is that they need more knowledge. Or strategies. Or Actions. All of those are important BUT they are only part of the puzzle and without the one missing piece, achieving your goals will be hard (or impossible) Tune in today to find out what that one piece is and how you can have it instantly once you know what it is.
Society praises it,  Tells us that every leader needs it,  We strive hard for it,  and yet, most of the time when we think we have it, it's an illusion.  No, I am not talking about things like power and influence (though they play side roles) but another, deeply ingrained human desire that can stop us from taking the one action that would actually get us closer to our desired outcomes.  Check out what it is in today's podcast episode so that you can grow your business beyond what you currently believe possible. 
There are thousands of resources about overcoming buyer objections but actually, all of that is wasted if you don't overcome this most important resistance first.  Because unless you do, you will project resistance vibes out into the universe and they will be reflected back into your reality.  So have a listen to today's episode to get to grips with what's holding you back in your business (and life)
The power of decisions

The power of decisions


And the three things you need to bring them into reality
It's easy to feel disheartened when you see coaches and gurus post about their clients' financial and other successes while you seem stuck never quite achieving your goals. But the answer most likely does not lie in yet another program - listen today to explore the source of your success.
When we are impatient, we operate from a mindset of scarcity which deeply impacts our ability to get the results we want - listen to find out how to recognize & turn impatience into a results magnet, not results repellant.
Who hasn't met their inner saboteur... The one that keeps tripping you up. Questions your plans, your decisions, your very ideas.  Are they workable? Are they realistic? Are they.... STOP!  Let's stop your inner saboteur right away. Because even though their intent is kind (trying to keep you safe!), we need to step beyond their limitations. That is where the Magician comes it - and yes, their impact on your business and life IS magical.
Procrastination be banned (or at least shown the door)... Let's admit it - we all fall into the procrastination trap every now and again. It's entirely normal and entirely human - but... We all know how procrastination can derail your best laid plans... (I should know  - card-carrying expert on procrastination here!) The key is not to get stuck - and in this episode I am sharing some fool proof ways to been procrastination when it comes knocking!
The LinkedIn gurus and other social media advisors tell you that you need to be everywhere. Be on all the social channels and, of course, major on posting on LinkedIn. But is it really true? Let's have a chat about the genuine corporate client buying mindset and what social media you really need to land dreamboat corporate clients.
Are you curious about the fastest ways to get corporate clients? Here are 4 ways to make connections fast to land dreamboat corporate clients.
I was today years old when I finally understood the real link between those topics - and how they can influence our thoughts, actions, and habits. Yet, when you catch yourself, you can direct your energy into a much more positive focus. Let's explore how the sometimes unintentional ways we give meaning to things in our life & how that can impact our business and life.
People say practice makes perfect but this really misses the point. Especially when it comes to landing more clients. Especially when it comes to landing more dreamboat corporate clients! Even *perfect* practice isn't the answer. Instead, step into your energy of knowing... explore what that means and how this realisation hit me like a ton of bricks!
I get asked this all the time: How long will it take to get a client?  The first one? The next one? The higher-paying one? And until now I struggled to give a constructive answer, as I thought it's a bit of an "how-long-is-a-piece-of-string" type question.  But then I had this realization that I share in this episode.
When you are stuck in wondering if you're doing the right thing. Wondering if you're following the best strategy. Wondering if someone could tell you what to do. Secretly hoping you can pass all those things you don't want to do (like selling) to someone else... then there is a good chance your inner child archetype is speaking. Let's explore the archetypes of the Child and it's counterpart the Sovereign to become the Queen (or King) of your business.
The Saboteur archetype

The Saboteur archetype


Choice - is it a good thing?  You'd think having choice would be good but this archetype is trying to keep you safe but stops you from achieving your goals in the process & how to spot it (and turn it into an asset)
We all know that feeling of sometimes not playing as big as we could. Holding back, not implementing the strategies we know we *should*, procrastinating over minor details, making excuses... If you have tried all the do-to lists, productivity hacks, and mindset work - but still get stuck too often for your liking, then let's explore how you can use the energy of archetypes as the blueprint for our behavior and experiment how we can use them as catalysts for growth.  In this episode let's explore what are archetypes, what role they play in put lives and how can we make them work for us!
Welcome to the Impactfulness Lab's premiere episode where I invite you to join me in this playground of experimentation with mindset hacks, business tips, income and personal growth suggestions, and energetically aligned action challenges.   I will be sharing my insights and learnings from 20+ years as a corporate decision-maker and CFO and 10+ years as a 6-figure corporate consultant working part-time around my young child.  We will cover  practical tips on how to land (more) dreamboat corporate clients,  behavioral neuroscience insights into how corporates really buy, and energy alignment experiments to create a quantum transformation in your business Let's play!