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Author: Learn-To-Learn

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We are a team with over 40 years of experience in coaching, educating, and supporting others to become better learners. Our passion is to freely support our fellow humans in discovering and expressing their best qualities to the highest degree. We are not looking for donations, sales, or any other outside form of support. We are simply doing our best to get people to participate in recognizing all that is possible for them to learn and sharing with them in ways to bring that about. Our belief is that the best way to do that is to give people the tools, perspectives, and motivation to learn how to more effectively learn in each and every area of their life.
287 Episodes
In a world where our teachers, professors, and workplaces often fall short in connecting us to a deeper sense of purpose, how do we find meaning in our lives? In this micro-series episode, we explore the challenges and opportunities that arise when we take the initiative to generate purpose for ourselves. We discuss the power of becoming self-motivated, the benefits of finding meaning in even the most mundane tasks, and how strengthening this "purpose muscle" can transform not only our work b...
Active listening and empathy are powerful tools to carry with his head all times. These directly improve our capacity to learn and to engage with others. If we want success, these are required.
We've heard from numbers of people concerning how being depressed gets in the way of their learning. Depression can mean a lot of things. We explore here how to get beyond that state and to the learning and success that you want.
In this micro-series episode we discuss research on the importance of purpose and learning. We find this research to be very interesting and highlights the benefits of finding a purpose in learning that we’ve laid out in other podcast episodes.
We pick up our conversation again about how emotional coefficient or capacity can be enhanced, in this case, specifically through self-awareness. There are many games to be made in our learning and in our workplace through this approach.
We all know those extraordinary individuals who radiate passion and commitment, changing the world and inspiring others with their clarity and drive. What sets them apart is their deep connection to their purpose. You can have that too.
Gratitude is somewhat of a magic ticket to where we want to go. Here we explore the whys, the hows and the outcomes that gratitude brings in so many ways.
This micro-series episode addresses the critical role of purpose in education and personal growth. A powerful sense of purpose is often missing in traditional educational settings, where the focus is on rote learning and teaching to the test. This extinguishes students’ sense of purpose and therefore joy and appreciation of learning.
Now we go more in depth into the methods and processes through which using optimism creates success in all areas. The research shows us what the outcomes are and we explore more of how to get there.
In this micro-series episode, we discuss how developing integrity, trustworthiness, and the ability to engage well with others creates leaders that people naturally follow and respect. Drawing insights from Lao Tzu and Socrates, we discuss how the most effective leaders are those who lead by example and foster collective success.
Optimism Strategies

Optimism Strategies


There are very distinct and specific strategies that we can employ to help us develop this power. Optimists succeed much more readily and much more easily. Something that we all want.
In this micro-series episode, we dive into what makes up a great leader. Beyond charisma, extroversion, or dynamic speaking abilities, the most enduring and impactful leaders are those who have developed strong character and self-awareness. Join us as we explore the importance of leaders addressing their own shortcomings and blind spots.
Optimism is actually a power. Optimism is a power that we ourselves can develop and has been shown to make a huge difference in our lives. This starts a series that we are offering to bring you these benefits.
Without a sense of purpose, our lives fall flat and we lose a sense of what we’re doing and why. This episode delves into how a lack of purpose can extinguish our inner fire and hinder our success in life. Can we reconnect with a sense of purpose to reignite that fire?
How do we develop emotional intelligence so that we can get the full benefit of all that it provides? We explore concrete methods for increasing this capacity. Join in and get the games for yourself.
Human beings are inherently purpose-driven. Every action, everything we do, stems from a sense of purpose. In this episode we touch on how our actions are driven by purpose and why that’s important.
Emotional intelligence is proving to be essential for people that want to succeed at higher levels in school and in the workplace. Let's explore this together and see what we can do.
In this micro-series episode, we explore the essence of leadership: serving the group, the organization, and achieving the best outcomes for everyone involved. Leadership isn’t about putting yourself first or prioritizing your interests and we must recognize when we’re acting from a ‘me-first’ perspective.
We take another step into understanding how incredibly powerful are subjective imaging is. We go further into how to access and transform those internal images in ways that can make such a difference in your life.
One of the greatest limiters in our life and in our learning comes about when we decide that we have failed. How do we honestly go beyond that sense of failure and the disappointment we bring with it? How do we step into a much greater success of our own capacity to learn and succeed when things have not gone well?