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Occult 45

Author: Evan Dëë

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Welcome to Occult 45! With Evan Dëë. On this show we’ll be discussing all things occult, conspiracy, psychedelics and DMT, hidden history, different dimensions, ancient civilizations, cryptozoology and much more. Thanks for checking it out! I hope you take something from this and share with friends and family.
32 Episodes
Episode #27 rolling in to season 2! We are back from the hiatus and feeling good about the future of the show. We welcome Joey P. from the Library Of The Untold YouTube channel. You have to check his channel out! I'm happy we made this happen thanks again! We talk womb world, alien human hybrids, inner earth people and the powers of our minds. Plus tons more! This was a banger and a half! Enjoy Library Of The Untold on YouTube:
Episode #25- Welcome back to Occult 45! I am back from Peru and filled with great vibes! It was a life changing experience that I will cherish forever. Four Ayahuasca ceremonies and my second 5MeO ceremony under my belt. Still processing a lot of it, but wanted to begin to share the experience with everyone. The Shipibo people of the Amazon jungle are very special and must be protected at all cost. They showed me who I really am and blessed me with some very special ancient magic. Thank you A...
Episode # 24- Welcome back to Occult 45! On this FIRE edition of the show we welcome Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality. He is an incredible human being that has a treasure trove of knowledge. We talk aliens, UFOs, psychedelic experiences, and the connection between us and the "phenomenon". I love Brandon's take on a lot of this stuff. Be sure to check him out! You can expect another episode after my return from Peru. I'm very excited and can't wait to tell you all about it! Thanks for liste...
Episode #23- Welcome back! In this one I speak to Geraldine Orozco. She shares so much great knowledge with me and it was great to chat. Geraldine is a clinical hypnotherapist, meditation instructor, Qigong instructor, radio presenter, artist, international speaker, YouTuber and dimensional contactee. She is also a hybrid mother and founder of In 2013 she had a interdimensional contact experience that resulted in the activation of psychic abilities of the multidimensional bo...
Episode #22- Welcome back! Just a short chat about a topic i find extremely fascinating! Agartha/Shambhala is the holy city inside the Earth said to be inhabited by a very advanced race who possess very high tech. Check it out and do some research. I feel these are more than just stories. This world is not weirder than you think, it's weirder than you CAN think! Thanks for listening. Guests coming soon!Agartha video: 45:...
Episode #21- Welcome back! In this one we welcome Josh Monday. He brings us the flat earth facts from a biblical perspective. We cover the firmament, hollow earth, Operation Fish Bowl, NASA lies, Antarctica, UFOs, various bible truths and so much more. Josh is a musician and a bringer of TRUTH! We hit it hard here and I hope you take something from this.Contact me : evandeeoccult45@yahoo.comJosh on IG: Podcast:
Episode #20- In this one I talk about the drying up Euphrates River and the fallen angels that are said to be bound below it. Biblical end times? Return of the sky people? What is going on?! Are the giants alive and well? Thanks for listening.Contact me: evandeeoccult45@yahoo.comOn the web: Documentary: music played and recorded by me.
Episode #19- Welcome back! Sorry for the brief hiatus! However, the Occult 45 Podcast never stops. We are joined on this one by Juan, host of The Juan on Juan Podcast. After chatting on IG for months it was great to finally do a show together. We hit on psychedelic aliens, weird animals, ancient architecture, Elon the elf, dolphin assisted births and way more. Definitely a fun one!The Juan on Juan Podcast:
Episode #18- Welcome back to Occult 45! In this one I'm joined by psychedelic integration coach Amanda Rae. Working with Iboga and ibogaine to find healing, Amanda has a amazing story that is actually very similar to my own story. Integration can be tough, Amanda can help with that. Thanks for tuning in and we'll catch ya in the next one! Cosmic Soul Guide Instagram: http...
Episode #17- In this one we are joined by my friend, and yours, Andre Mytty. As the host of Ascension of the Chessmen Podcast, Andre Mytty brings a lot to the table. A fellow psychonaut and intellectual explorer, it was a great chat. Plant medicine, ancient aliens, Georgia Guidestones' demolition and a positive outlook on our situation. We hit it all! Ascension of the Chessmen Podcast- Mytty on IG:
Episode #16- The return of Bama Rob. Diving deeper into flat earth and strangeness in Antarctica. Who is beyond the ice wall? There's no way we're spinning!Contact me: evandeeoccult45@yahoo.comAll music played and recorded by me.
Episode #15- In this one we welcome my IBEW brother, Alabama Rob. We chat flat earth, Sasquatch, ghosts and much more. Thanks for coming on Occult 45 and sharing your story/thoughts Rob. Contact me: evandeeoccult45@yahoo.comMy YouTube: music played and recorded by me.
Gemma Jade | Part 2

Gemma Jade | Part 2


Episode #14- Part 2- This is the end of the episode & the rest of my reading Gemma did on me. Such a great conversation with an awesome person.Gemma Jade on YouTube: me:
Episode #14- Part 1- On this one we welcome Gemma Jade. She is a psychic, paranormal experiencer, ET researcher, radio host, oracle card reader and YouTuber. Gemma is a host on Spaced Out Radio and puts out some really great content on her channel as well. From aliens to faeries and Bigfoot to ghosts, she has a lot of knowledge to share. This was a great one. Check out part 2 for the rest of my reading Gemma did on me! We got cut off and I had to do 2 parts because I suck at tech ;) &nb...
Episode #13- Welcome back to Occult 45. In this one Moral Bob from the Hidden In Plain Sight Podcast joins me! He's a great dude with an open mind and a great show. We talk flat earth truth, globe madness, Antarctica, alien gene doctors, erasing the past, mud flood, Tesla, dinosaurs, waters above and chemtrail sky fuckery! We hit it all! Thanks for listening and thanks Bob. Hidden In Plain Sight: 45 on Alt Med...
Episode #12- In this one I sit down for a talk with Rob. He's the creator behind the YouTube channel known as Adeptus Psychonautica. Born in England, Rob now resides in Switzerland, bringing us awesome videos dealing with all things psychedelic. He captures the importance of these experiences and describes them very well. We had a great chat. We got into DMT beings, ayahuasca retreat information, integration and shared interesting trip reports. Enjoy the episode! Adeptus Psychonautica on...
Episode # 11- Thanks for returning to another episode of the Occult 45 podcast! This is my favorite episode so far guys. Such a awesome conversation. Stacy Brown Jr. is a Bigfoot researcher, film maker, actor, musician and paranormal investigator. Bigfoot Stacy is the creator of The Skunk Ape Lives documentary and has had a face to face encounter with one of these beings. He has also collected other evidence pointing to high strangeness. This conversation was next level! Enjoy this one and pl...
Episode #10- Welcome to another episode of the Occult 45 podcast! Thanks for listening! On this one I welcome Mark, host of the My Family Thinks I'm Crazy podcast. Not only does Mark host MFTIC, but he is the dude that books all the guests for Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. Mark is also the mind behind Alt Media United, a podcast collective and directory which this show, and many more like it can be found. He's helped me a lot with my show and given me some great tips. Mystic Mark has an enti...
Episode #9, Not 8- Coming at you live from the car this time. Just a short lunch break conversation taped in the car. First "from the car" episode with my boy Pat. It's great to work with like minded people and to see these topics being talked about more and more. We dive into the prison systems, space and NASA lies, big food, big pharma, big water even! Time to wake up everybody! Thanks for listening!Contact me: evandeeoccult45@yahoo.comMy YouTube:
Episode #8- Coming at you live and direct from sunny Florida, as always, we have a great show for you. We welcome Yogi Zorananda from western Canada to this swapcast. Yogi Z has been a yoga practitioner for over 12 years. Host of the Renegade Yogi Podcast Experience, spreading messages of truth and well being for all people, Zorananda brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. On this one we dive deep into Yogic practices, psychedelic experiences/integration, positive energetic influenc...