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Becoming Clairvoyant
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Becoming Clairvoyant

Author: Max

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Welcome! My name is Max Levy and here we explore the depths of consciousness, manifestation, wellness, spirituality and more. Join a special soul family on a mission to raise the vibration of this incredible planet as we transition into the 5D

29 Episodes
In this episode, we talk about how we are programmed to believe we need gain or achieve something externally to feel true fulfillment, abundance, peace and love.
In this episode, we discuss a hidden belief that is deeply ingrained in the collective.
Welcome to 2024

Welcome to 2024


In this episode, we do a bit of a catch up, and talk about the collective energy of the new year.
In this episode, we discuss the concept of how we existed before learning language, and therefore existed before thought. This means that we are NOT our thoughts. They are just accumulation of labels and attachment. What we actually are are presence, unconditional love, joy, gratitude and peace.
In this episode, we discuss how we can observe a thing or relationship in our lives that is causing resistance. By observing it, we can learn the lesson that it is trying to teach us, for resistance exists to teach and expose shadow aspects of ourselves that is holding us back from our highest light.
It's so amazing to be back. In this episode, we discuss the karmic warehouse, what it is, and how to gain access. We then discuss how to find you Karmic Keys that unlock doors and allow you to release dense energies creating a lighter, higher vibrational baseline.
Starseed Traps

Starseed Traps


In this episode, we discuss what a starseed is, and traps to look out for as a starseed. If you've found this podcast and resonate with it, you are a starseed, there is no other way about it. There are some misconceptions about taking on this "identity" and today we discuss those.
In this episode, we discuss a journaling exercise that can completely shift your vibration and frequency if practiced consistently. It involves the 9 pillars of abundance: health, emotions, mindset, wealth, relationships, passion, purpose, service and spirituality. Using these 9 pillars, you can create the greatest version of you and tune into the frequency.
The Power of Surrender

The Power of Surrender


In this episode, we discuss the power of surrender and how it can help create a life full of love, abundance, joy and gratitude.
In this episode, we do an intro into the 4 main elements; air, water, earth and fire. We talk about how they can be utilized to help us through our inner journeys and manifestations.
In this episode, we discuss the power of tuning into the energy and vibration of our older selves and how that can help us in our current present moment. Normally, the external 3d circumstances that are causing us resistance and stress are short term problems. By tuning into the energy of our older selves, we're able to see these short term external roadblocks for what they are, learning experiences and just part of the journey, because our older selves have already achieved what we're strivi...
In this episode, we start a new series where we discuss different journaling exercises to completely level up your life, vibration and manifestations. In this first entry, we talk about the old - new exercise. A short process to clear the old and bring in the new first thing in the morning to set yourself up for an amazing, soulful day.
In this episode, we discuss why resistance shows up when you are about to break through into a new vibrational state. We talk about how it's a powerful indicator that you're about to make a massive shift into more love, joy and abundance.
In this episode, we discuss a powerful tool to help raise your vibration, becoming aware of you egoic patterns and thought forms. We discuss three different thought patters; the critic, the rusher and the judge. We discuss how to identify them, and a tool that can be used to start to strip away their power.
In this episode, we discuss the hidden spiritual ego, what it is, how to catch it and how it's blocking your manifestations.
In this episode, we discuss how by making a slight paradigm shift, you can completely change the trajectory of your purpose, or purposes. This paradigm shift has to do with understanding that if you prioritize THE purpose, raising your vibration, that everything else will fall in to place because you can now approach your purpose from a place of abundance, gratitude and love instead of fear, comparison and judgement.
In this episode, we discuss a powerful tool to help raise your vibration, becoming conscious of what you consume. This entails becoming conscious on three of your bodies; the physical body, the mental body, and the energy body. When you are able to understand that your vibration and tendencies are just an accumulation of these three bodies, you can start to consciously navigate through them and weed out the things holding you back from peace, unconditional love, and joy.
In this episode, we discuss how you can use your energy body to level up your manifestations. We talk about the two different energy currents in our bodies, the current of liberation and current of manifestation, and how the current of manifestation is often glossed over when discussing the movement of energy.
In this episode, we discuss how the world is changing. Previously it had been one dominated by the intellect and duality, however, it is now transitioning into a time where awareness, unity and vibration are becoming the new currency .
In this episode, we talk about the cycle of high and low vibrations and why it's important to be aware of both.