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The Adventure Cure

Author: Rob Treppendahl

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The Adventure Cure: life changing stories and tools for more meaningful living, features interviews with people who have gone through paradigm shifts in their lives, as well as mental health experts, exploring questions like "what billboard would you put up for the world to see? " and "how do you define success?" The show takes listeners on an emotional journey as we learn about tools and experiences that can help us find more meaning and improve our mental health.
32 Episodes
I know I know I haven’t put out an episode in a while, please forgive me. Since my last episode I have moved to another state, South Carolina, started a new businesses, and continued to father my three little girls, which turns out to me quite a task. Needless to say, I’m coming out of my hiding hole to release this episode. It was too special not to share with yall. I think deep down many of us have a deep dread that we will learn we have terminal cancer and that our time on earth is a...
"How To Bring Child Soldiers Back into Society" with Johnson BohrMany of you have likely seen the movie Blood Diamond and are familiar with the concept of child soldiers that were recruited to fight in various wars in Africa. Have you ever wondered what happens to these kids when the war is over? How do they go back and interact with their community, their parents, their neighbors? There is a very powerful scene near the end of the movie, The lead character, Solomon and the role played by Leo...
How Skydiving Saved My Life

How Skydiving Saved My Life


Today's guest has a story that is about as raw as they get. Steve Labse is a skydiving enthusiast, a business owner and someone who has become extremely self aware through a series of challenges and experiences over the past decade or so. Steve has an amazing perspective about how we spend our days and what it also looks like to waste forty years of our lives pleasing other people. His story is one that many of you will be able to relate do as we will dive into people pleasing, living o...
Imagine yourself at age 18, a freshman in college, your whole life in front of you and suddenly you are struck with an illness out of nowhere and it soon takes both of your feet and parts of your hands with it. This was and is the reality for our guest today, Elizabeth Esthay. All of us find ourselves with various challenges dumped into our lives, but hers was particularly acute. How will I walk again? How can I live a normal life? Will I ever get married now? Will I be able to have kids? The...
During today’s episode, we sit down and get to hear some incredible tips and lessons from a best selling author, Allison Fallon. Ally is also a sought after public speaker, and nationally recognized writing coach. She has coached hundreds or perhaps even thousands of writers - from NYT Bestselling authors to total beginners to help them finally get their books written and on shelves. I found Ally thanks to a recommendation from my friend, Bob Goff. “Rob, it sounds like you are now ready to ta...
Social Enterprise: an enterprise that is created around solving a social problem, taking an idea and making sure it is solving a social problem, for the good. It all started with one sentence printed in a church bulletin “If you want to go to Mombasa Kenya, call Chris Boyd.” Today's episode is a conversation with an incredibly brave and inspiring friend of mine who was living the ideal comfortable American dream life, and decided to leave it all behind to listen to a voice that tol...
"And so I just kind of started thinking, this is how we would live our lives if Bryan was here, and how can I make that happen even though he's not here but still honor him and the way he wanted to raise our babies also. So I started planning this trip. I needed something to look forward to and plan and take my mind off the right now. I needed something further in the future." I need to give yall a trigger warning. This episode is very powerful but it is about a story that is incredibly ...
Welcome to part 2 of Chasing the American dream with Orbin. I must say, if you have yet to listen to the previous episode, #23, I highly recommend listening to it first, as these build on each other. Ok, moving on, so this continues Orbin’s story starting from freshly crossing the US border, and now we’ll listen along and see what his fate will be. Will he get deported? Will he find work? What challenges does an illegal immigrant face in their first few years. There are millions of folk...
Giddy up because this episode is one hell of a ride! Its seems like every day on the news we hear numbers like 5000 migrants crossed the southern U.S. Border today and x number of migrants did x or y and applied for asylum. For many of us, living our comfortable lives as American citizens, these are just statistics that baffle us, but in reality, each one of these numbers is attached to a life, a story, a dream, for a better life. Cue my friend Orbin Guerra. Orbin grew up dirt poor in a small...
Before we get rolling, I’d like to give another trigger warning for this episode. This one is quite visceral and, per the name, involves some violence and attempted harm between mother and child. Leslies story is about her struggle to survive and navigate a childhood with a psychotic dangerous paranoid schizophrenic mother who was convinced the communists were out to get them and thus they always had to sleep with one eye open and always live with constant paranoia. During our conversation, L...
“There is something about being content…we talked about us being neighbors, I have outgrown my house but I’m not moving. I appreciate having coffee on the front porch on Saturdays when its just my wife and I. That… does it for me.” Hello my faithful listeners, welcome to Episode #21! Thanks for sticking with me! I have so much good stuff in the pipeline! I am incredibly thankful that YOU are carving out a chunk of your time to spend with me today. Now, I need to warn you this episode is...
It seems as if the speed at which we live our lives presently, especially in the western world is one at which we cannot sustain. It appears that we are in a mental health crisis, especially in America. With depression, suicide, violent crime, and even gosh mass shootings on the rise, there has perhaps never been a more relevant time to discuss ways that we can reclaim the mental and perhaps spiritual state of mind with which we can soberly and peacefully live amongst each other. This is wher...
Todays show might just make you rethink the way you live your daily life. Today we will hear from my friend Josh Koerpel, who, if you listen to him, can teach you how to, as he calls it, live dangerously. Josh is a digital nomad, meaning he can work from and live anywhere while also making a good living and experiencing the adventure that travel allows. Today he will share with us what he has learned from nearly twenty years as a digital nomad, and practical tips to help you get there, or to ...
Tell me this, do you ever get caught in a cycle where you start telling yourself, “you know, I really deserve more credit than I am getting, I should be the one getting that promotion, I should be the one getting the credit? I know I certainly have plenty of times. There is a tension that I think we need to live in where we have aspirations and goals and dreams, but also at the same time, where we can find contentment where we are, and can somehow exit the endless hamster wheel of chasing an ...
“You can choose to sit at home and allow life to pass you by and feel sad and depressed that you’re not a part of it, or you can choose to get up and become a part of it.” - Traci“If I was to die tomorrow, I would die knowing I made a difference in this world, and so I would die with no regrets” - Traci“When you are sitting at home and you have your routine and your life, and something unexpected comes up, its so easy to give up, and when you are out on the river, and the only person you have...
"Depression is just a check engine light.""This is not the end of your story, this is literally the invitation to ultimately bring you back to yourself, to awaken... it's loving even though it's brutal."Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the adventure cure. For today, episode #16, we will continue the conversation with my dear friend Ruthie Lindsey, as she teaches us various tools that you can use to fully and better love yourself. For many of us, we can be our worst critics. I know I...
Welcome to Episode #15! This one is short, but it is pretty loaded. In this episode we will be talking with my dear friend Ruthie Lindsey. Ruthie and I grew up in the same small town of St. Francisville, and have been friends for quite a while. Ruthie, how to describe her, well, to take it right off of her instagram bio, she is, among other things, an author, a speaker, and a midwife of souls. Her passion is helping people feel endeared to their own life, body, and soul. Before we dive into t...
Welcome episode # 14! Today We are continuing on a theme we have touched on quite a bit this season which is mental health, and specifically today we will focus on depression. According to the scientists, at least 300 million people worldwide struggle with depression, and its only getting worse. And here is another interesting stat for you, scientists also have estimated that roughly 53% of the world is unhappy. These numbers are not good. Now, I am no depression expert, but today’s episode g...
This episode's guest is Mental Health Guide Miles Adcox. He is a speaker, thought leader, advocate, advisor, and entrepreneur in the emotional wellness space. Some of you may have heard of the famous Onsite treatment center near Nashville. Well, this is Miles’s brainchild. He is the Proprietor & Chairman of Onsite, which is an internationally known emotional wellness lifestyle brand that delivers life-changing personal growth workshops, digital mental health master classes, emotionally sm...
Welcome to episode #12 of the Adventure Cure Podcast. What would you do if someone told you that you had a terminal illness and likely would not survive more than a year or two? Today, we are diving headlong into a conversation with one of my friends who had just been given a death sentence. My dear friend Liz Dabney was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer just over a year ago. Liz is thirty seven, recently married, and in the prime of her life. This is a story with two main...