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Talking Papers Podcast

Talking Papers Podcast

Author: Itzik Ben-Shabat

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🎙️ Welcome to the Talking Papers Podcast: Where Research Meets Conversation 🌟

Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of cutting-edge research in computer vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence, graphics, and beyond? Join us on this podcast by researchers, for researchers, as we venture into the heart of groundbreaking academic papers.

At Talking Papers, we've reimagined the way research is shared. In each episode, we engage in insightful discussions with the main authors of academic papers, offering you a unique opportunity to dive deep into the minds behind the innovation.

📚 Structure That Resembles a Paper 📝
Just like a well-structured research paper, each episode takes you on a journey through the academic landscape. We provide a concise TL;DR (abstract) to set the stage, followed by a thorough exploration of related work, approach, results, conclusions, and a peek into future work.

🔍 Peer Review Unveiled: "What Did Reviewer 2 Say?" 📢
But that's not all! We bring you an exclusive bonus section where authors candidly share their experiences in the peer review process. Discover the insights, challenges, and triumphs behind the scenes of academic publishing.

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35 Episodes
🎙️ Welcome to the latest episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! In this exciting installment, I had the pleasure of hosting Dale Decatur, a talented 3rd year PhD student from the University of Chicago's 3DL lab, where he studies computer graphics, 3D computer vision, and deep learning. 📄 In this episode, we delved into Dale's groundbreaking paper titled "3D Paintbrush: Local Stylization of 3D Shapes with Cascaded Score Distillation," which was recently published in CVPR 2024. The paper introd...
🎙️ **Unveiling 3DInAction with Yizhak Ben-Shabat | Talking Papers Podcast** 🎙️📚 *Title:* 3DInAction: Understanding Human Actions in 3D Point Clouds 📅 *Published In:* CVPR 2024 👤 *Guest:* Yizhak (Itzik) Ben-ShabatWelcome back to another exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, where we bring you the latest breakthroughs in academic research directly from early career academics and PhD students! This week, we have the pleasure of hosting Itzik Ben-Shabat to discuss his ground...
Talking Papers Podcast Episode: "Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion" with Jason ZhangWelcome to the latest episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! This week's guest is Jason Zhang, a PhD student at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University who joined us to discuss his paper, "Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion". The paper was published in the highly-respected conference ICLR, 2024.Jason's research hones in on the pivotal task of estimating camer...
Instant3D - Jiahao Li

Instant3D - Jiahao Li


Welcome to another exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! In this episode, I had the pleasure of hosting Jiahao Li, a talented PhD student at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), who discussed his groundbreaking research paper titled "Instant3D: Fast Text-to-3D with Sparse-View Generation and Large Reconstruction Model". This paper, published in ICLR 2024, introduces a novel method that revolutionizes text-to-3D generation.Instant3D addresses the limitations of existing ...
In this exciting episode of #TalkingPapersPodcast, we have the pleasure of hosting Ana Dodik, a second-year PhD student at MIT. We delve into her research paper titled "Variational Barycentric Coordinates." Published in SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023, this paper significantly contributes to our understanding of the optimization of generalized barycentric coordinates. The paper introduces a robust variational technique that offers further control as opposed to existing models. Traditional practices are r...
Welcome to another exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of self-supervised learning with our special guest, Ravid Shwartz-Ziv. Together, we explore and dissect their research paper titled "Reverse Engineering Self-Supervised Learning," published in NeurIPS 2023.Self-supervised learning (SSL) has emerged as a game-changing technique in the field of machine learning. However, understanding the learned representations and their unde...
Welcome to another exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! In this installment, I had the pleasure of hosting the brilliant Zoë Marschner as we delved into the fascinating world of Constructive Solid Geometry on Neural Signed Distance Fields. This exceptional research paper, published in SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, explores the cutting-edge potential of neural networks in shaping geometric representations.In our conversation, Zoë enlightened us on the challenges surrounding the editing of sha...
🎙️Join us on this exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast as we sit down with the talented Sadegh Aliakbarian to explore his groundbreaking ICCV 2023 paper "HMD-NeMo: Online 3D Avatar Motion Generation From Sparse Observations" . Our guest, will take us on a journey through this pivotal research that addresses a crucial aspect of immersive mixed reality experiences.🌟 The quality of these experiences hinges on generating plausible and precise full-body avatar motion, a challenge given t...
CC3D - Jeong Joon Park

CC3D - Jeong Joon Park


Join us on this exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast as we sit down with the brilliant Jeong Joon Park to explore his groundbreaking paper, "CC3D: Layout-Conditioned Generation of Compositional 3D Scenes," just published at ICCV 2023.Discover CC3D, a game-changing conditional generative model redefining 3D scene synthesis. Unlike traditional 3D GANs, CC3D boldly crafts complex scenes with multiple objects, guided by 2D semantic layouts. With a novel 3D field representation, CC3D del...
NeRF-Det - Chenfeng Xu

NeRF-Det - Chenfeng Xu


Welcome to another exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! In this installment, I had the pleasure of hosting Chengfenfg Xu to discuss his paper "NeRF-Det: Learning Geometry-Aware Volumetric Representation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection" which was published at ICCV2023.In recent times, NeRF has gained widespread prominence, and the field of 3D detection has encountered well-recognized challenges. The principal contribution of this study lies in its ability to address the detection...
Welcome to another exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! In this installment, I had the pleasure of hosting Tomas Jakab to discuss his paper "MagicPony: Learning Articulated 3D Animals in the Wild" which was published at CVPR 2023.The motivation behind the MagicPony methodology stems from the challenge posed by the scarcity of labeled data, particularly when dealing with real-world scenarios involving freely moving articulated 3D animals. In response, the authors propose an innovati...
All links are available in this blog postWelcome to another exciting episode of the Talking Papers Podcast! In this installment, I had the pleasure of hosting Shir Iluz to discuss her groundbreaking paper titled "Word-As-Image for Semantic Typography" which won the SIGGRAPH 2023 Honorable Mention award.This scientific paper introduces an innovative approach for text morphing based on semantic context. Using bezier curves with control points, a rasterizer, and a vector diffusion model, the aut...
In this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, I hosted Yawar Siddiqui to chat about his CVPR 2023 paper "Panoptic Lifting for 3D Scene Understanding with Neural Fields".All links are available in the blog post.In this paper, they proposed a new method for "lifting" 2D panoptic segmentation into a 3D volume represented as neural fields using in-the-wild scene images. While the semantic segmentation part is simply represented as an MLP, the instance indices are very difficult to keep track of ...
MobileBrick - Kejie Li

MobileBrick - Kejie Li


In this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, I hosted Kejie Li to chat about his CVPR 2023 paper "MobileBrick: Building LEGO for 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Devices".All links are available in the blog post.In this paper, they proposed a new dataset and paradigm for evaluating 3D object reconstruction. It is very difficult to create a digital twin of 3D objects, even with expensive sensors. They introduce a new RGBD dataset, captured from a mobile device. The nice trick to obtaining the gro...
All links are available in the blog post.In this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, I hosted Jiahao Zhang to chat about our CVPR 2023 paper "Aligning Step-by-Step Instructional Diagrams to Video Demonstrations".furniture assembly diagram. To do that, we collected and annotated a brand new dataset: "IKEA Assembly in the Wild" where we aligned YouTube videos with IKEA's instruction manuals. Our approach to addressing this task proposes several supervised contrastive losses that contrast bet...
All links are available in the blog post: this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, I hosted Luca De Luigi. We had a great chat about his paper “Deep Learning on Implicit Neural Representations of Shapes”, AKA INR2Vec, published in ICLR 2023 .In this paper, they take implicit neural representations to the next level and use them as input signals for neural networks to solve multiple downstream tasks. The core idea was captured by one of the authors in a ve...
CLIPasso - Yael Vinker

CLIPasso - Yael Vinker


In this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, I hosted Yael Vinker. We had a great chat about her paper "CLIPasso: SEmantically-Aware Object Sketching”, SIGGRAPH 2022 best paper award winner. In this paper, they convert images into sketches with different levels of abstraction. They avoid the need for sketch datasets by using the well-known CLIP model to distil the semantic concepts from sketches and images. There is no network training here, just optimizing the control points of Bezier...
All links are available in the blog post. In this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, we hosted Amir Belder. We had a great chat about his paper "Random Walks for Adversarial Meshes”, published in SIGGRAPH 2022. In this paper, they take on the task of creating an adversarial attack for triangle meshes. This is a non-trivial task since meshes are irregular. To solve the irregularity they use random walks instead of the raw mesh. On top of that, they trained an imitating network that mimics ...
SPSR - Silvia Sellán

SPSR - Silvia Sellán


In this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, I hosted Silvia Sellán. We had a great chat about her paper "Stochastic Poisson Surface Reconstruction”, published in SIGGRAPH Asia 2022. In this paper, they take on the task of surface reconstruction with a probabilistic twist. They take the well-known Poisson Surface reconstruction algorithm and generalize it to give it a full statistical formalism. Essentially their method quantifies the uncertainty of surface reconstruction from a point ...
In this episode of the Talking Papers Podcast, I hosted Sameera Ranasinghe. We had a great chat about his paper "Beyond Periodicity: Towards a Unifying Framework for Activations in Coordinate-MLPs”, published in ECCV 2022 as an oral presentation. In this paper, they propose a new family of activation functions for coordinate MLPs and provide a theoretical analysis of their effectiveness. Their main proposition is that the stable rank is a good measure and design tool for such activation ...