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Heart-based living

Author: Real Time Heart-Based

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So what is Heart-Based Living? 
Heart-based living is a choice, to be notice and discover what may be limiting you from achieving what your heart truly desires.It is based upon the idea of focusing on things that matter and feeling the gains and positive byproducts from your deeper understanding and improvement. 
With so much happening around you, this is the time to find from within you the way to your personal happiness and success. These podcasts draw upon many common and habitual patterns, words and ways of being, that you may have been conditioned to accept as normal, and provide alternatives that break the cycles and have a therapeutic effect on your body, mind, heart and spirit. 
No matter the challenge, issue, situation, you will notice how the alternatives have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing, happiness and relationships and to what matters in your life. Contact us, with any questions or to continue the journey and ongoing practice towards this way of life. 

45 Episodes
Dealing with anger

Dealing with anger


Send us a Text Message.With terror warnings being felt around the world, we took this time to explore the ripple effect of unresolved anger, and the way groups with common sentiment on issues, come together with a shared voice.We are seeing how biases and misinformation are closing our hearts and minds to explore and broaden our understanding towards what can be helpful rather than harmful. It feels that the byproduct of our busy way of life, is lessening the time needed to address our e...
Send us a Text Message.With so much happening around us and at a fast pace, it is no wonder we are hardly have the time and awareness to find clarity in it all. The concern is that when we act from this space, we may be supporting things that are not benefiting us, in fact may be harmful. So how do we do it differently?How do we have the discernment in moments when it matters? To sense that something doesn’t seem or feel right for you? In this podcast, we explore some possibili...
Send us a Text Message.We are often very unaware of the amount of energy, time and attention we are giving to things. It is often due to us wanting to try harder to achieve an outcome or improve in some way. Often the very act of trying harder, can work against us, and what we want to gain is lost. It may be part of the reason for feeling like we have been unsuccessful. Nigel and Tricia share some heart based living perspectives that may be helpful if you are finding yourself in thi...
Send us a Text Message.Are we asking the appropriate question? Is it about losing weight, or is it about how to make choices that lead to us feeling better? After all, weight is not always indicative of the state of health. We noticed on our last visit to Japan, that on the whole, Japanese people were not overweight. When we asked about the level of diabetes and other lifestyle diseases, they were still quite significant. In this podcast, we chat about the shift from ‘trying’ to los...
Send us a Text Message.How often do the rules that have been set feel controlling and constraining. We live in times when accountability and certainty is at the forefront, which is leading many organisations, creating more and more policies and procedures, that are time consuming and costly to uphold. What’s more, it often feels quite cold and harsh. Is there another way to achieve quality outcomes, without such measures?Nigel and Tricia look at the impact of a more human app...
Send us a Text Message.This week we drew from an ABC program, Pain Factory (4 Corners) that shared some insights about back pain, surgical interventions, recovery and some of the conflicts of interests involved. We shared the dilemmas associated with conflicted interest advice vs self guided choice, and what to look for as we make choices such as surgery vs natural healing. We hope to highlight the importance of you becoming an active partner in your choices, by noticing...
Send us a Text Message.Today we drew upon a news article brought to light by a NSW politician this week, calling out to the social media platforms in relation to misinformation and its impact. We felt it opened up issues that many people are beginning to see, as concerning. During this podcast, we chat about the changing nature of the social platforms, that began many years back, initially with the intention of sharing about lives, benefiting our friends and family, now as a platfor...
Send us a Text Message.We often hear the term in relation to organisations who operate with a bias that is not disclosed, however leads to a personal gain or profit. In this podcast we discuss how conflicts of interest are actually found in all areas of life. For example how often do we see that people make suggestions, push for an outcome, or coerce for reasons that bring personal gain? It may not be financial, however there is a gain, perhaps in the form of want to win, prov...
Send us a Text Message.In this podcast we look at how the notion of 'being polite' has impacted our ability to bring our truth and discernment with the truth in what we see around us. In many instances we have come to see politeness as a sign of 'many things good' including respect, kindness, duty. However is that really true? And will politeness help us to determine what is really happening within us and in others? Will it help us to connect and sense what is beneficial...
Me too...

Me too...


Send us a Text Message.Once again, how the use of certain words can lead us astray and fuel perspectives that may not reflect what actually exists. IN this podcast, we look at how the word ’too’ is used, and what we can listen out for when we do. There are so many incidental ways we can improve, many of which are alternatives to what you may believe is the way. How do you feel about what we have shared? In these heart based living podcasts, we aim to share the small yet significant thing...
Send us a Text Message.In this podcast titled ‘Why Labels for Ourselves and Others are Limiting,' Tricia and Nigel look at the how the words, ‘I am...’ can contribute to a more fixed view. In the quest for honesty and what is real, telling yourself 'I am (funny, caring, compassionate, happy or any other label)' may inhibit noticing and expressing what is actually felt and happening for you. It may lead you to believe the 'I am' narrative, limiting the openness to see things d...
Send us a Text Message.This podcast is intended to provide an alternative approach to New Year’s Resolutions. How do you feel?
Send us a Text Message.Here we chat about how we come to do a lot of ‘telling’ in our communication. We have come to take on board what others are ‘telling us’ and from that, we seem to shape our lives and behaviours around that. How often do we listen and believe what others tell us without really exploring what that is for ourselves. Have we lost our ability to discover to better understand with open conversations? Are we using words and language to persuade? What is the intention?&nbs...
Send us a Text Message.Here we discuss the impact of updating our knowledge so that we can being new practices to our life that may be more helpful to our wellbeing and bring better self care. So often we stick to habits and ways that have actually become outdated, without realising. We hope there are a few clues as to what might help you discover new ways that work for you not against you. In these times, it is really up to us, to be more discerning with our choices, so we can...
Send us a Text Message.How often do we hear in ourselves and others, the expression, ‘I’ve let someone down.’Here we chat about how these words themselves, can have us feel and carry a massive weight with us! And is it really an accurate reflection of the situation? Often behind any of our actions and choices, there are other factors that play a role in the outcomes, yet we don’t always see that.If you are looking to see things differently, to break some of the harsh patterns you may be...
Send us a Text Message.Tricia and Nigel look at the impact that incentives are having on people. They share what they have noticed about the challenges associated with using this approach to boost aspects of performance. Some of the current incentive schemes have been ‘normalised’ as the way it is, and we hardly question or choose to do it differently. What is that? Let us know your thoughts.
Send us a Text Message.Tricia and Nigel chat about the changing nature of client service, and the impact it is having on the community. In the past, client service was personal. It gave people the opportunity to have conversations and share their experience and feelings. Nowadays, it has become more automated, to bring efficiencies to improve profit and outcomes. Is this approach, affecting an organisation / government / business’s ability to truly live their values in re...
Send us a Text Message.Tricia and Nigel share their views when on feeling like you don’t fit in or feeling isolated or excluded from groups or situations. They share how as humans it is natural that we want to feel connected with others and sometimes this may lead us to try hard to act or behave in ways that help us be accepted. We may even do things that don’t really align with us and deep down it does not bring us happiness or belonging. They say if you are recognising that you ar...
Send us a Text Message.Over the years as we continue to satisfy our basic human need to belong, it seems we are searching for ‘how to be’ so that we ‘fit’. When we don’t gain the acceptance or feel we are not liked by others, we often ‘try’ something else, as we seek the elusive ‘something’ that will lead to our happiness. In this podcast, Tricia and Nigel have a chat about finding a more authentic sense of belonging, and thread some alternative perspectives that may be helpful.
Send us a Text Message.It is evident that relationships today can be challenging for all sorts of reasons. Past hurts, and ways we have come to behave in relationships, can affect the quality of our engagement and often can create situations that can harm both parties involved. This situation is one that we often hear about, so what is a heart-based living approach for both parties in this situation.