

Author: YayCanDo

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YayCanDo is a podcast about possibility, embracing our humanity and letting go of limiting beliefs in our lives.

We are on a mission to power new possibilities in life and work through better relationships with ourselves and others.
46 Episodes
In this episode of YayCanDo, Bernie and Paula discuss the outcome of their strategic planning session in December and plans for the future. Shownotes: 1) Paula says adieu 2) Bernie explains why she will be pressing pausing on YayCanDo  See you soon and thanks for listening!
Jeff Davis is the founder of "Operation Time Freedom", a program he developed following years of working 80 hours a week as an entrepreneur.  Driven by the dream and determination to find ways of spending more time with his newborn child, Jeff dedicated himself to learning the art and science of delegation, in order to create a sustainable business, and ultimately, a company he could sell.  He eventually reduced his working week to just 8 hours and eventually also sold the business. Listen to learn Jeff's key insights on the mindset needed to free up your time, scale your business and the possibility of transitioning from owner operator to simply live life as a business owner. Jeff also shares the power of a peer to peer group of CEOs to benefit from their joint expertise if you're looking to grow your business.  Show Notes: 1) Jeff Davis  2) 12 Mavens 3) Operation Time Freedom  4) Jeff Davis Interview on Built to Sell Radio Podcast 
Today is the final episode of season one of YayCanDo. Paula reflects with Bernie and shares her favourite memories and highlights, personally and professionally, and some of the ways that YayCanDo has helped her see new possibilities in her own life. YayCanDo returns on January 6th for season 2.  
#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and other underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond. Having been inspired by one of the global ambassadors for this powerful idea, Paula today meets with Shirley Dloomy, to hear the story of the insights, ideas and inspiration for #IamRemarkable programme.  Shirley shares her own experiences learning the differences between celebrating success and bragging, and the importance of creating a safe space for ourselves, our colleagues and our friends to be remarkable!  Show Notes: 1) Shirley Dloomy Mani - #IamRemarkable Country Lead, Israel 2) #IamRemarkable - LinkedIn Community Page 3) #IamRemarkable Website  4) Anna Vainer - #IamRemarkable Founder
Today, Bernie and Paula discuss their favourite aspects of their separate episodes of the podcast. Bernie explains why she was inspired by Paula's Web Summit chat, and Paula shares her thoughts on Bernie's two interviews, in particular her enjoyment of "Vitality Mark" and his belief in possibility.
With so many people exploring new possibilities in their careers, conferences like the Web Summit in Lisbon offer an opportunity to explore the worlds of technology, content creation and innovation. In Paula's show today, she reflects on some key learnings from this conference - which is billed as "the world’s premier tech conference”, in a conversation with Judy McKeever - a great friend who this year attended the Web Summit for the first time.  We discuss the insights and technology trends that surprised and interested us both - from the power of podcasting to the unexpected core messages about the power of technology to connect humanity.  If you're curious about emerging trends and the latest ways that brands, businesses and even some nations are heading, you'll enjoy this conversation between Paula Thomas and Judy McKeever, all about the Wonders of Web Summit. Show Notes: 1) Judy McKeever  2) Web Summit 
In this weeks solo episode of YayCanDo, Bernie's guest speaker is Dr. Mark Rowe.  Mark has been a practicing physician for over 20 years and is a pioneer of Lifestyle Medicine in Ireland, having founded the Waterford Health Park which has become the base for his medical practice as well as the "Lifestyle Medicine Be Well Clinic" and being among the first medical professionals globally to be certified as a Diplomate of the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine. Lifestyle Medicine is defined as an evidence-based ‘lifestyle first’ approach to prevention and treatment of chronic disease. Mark has always held a strong desire to change the culture of ‘a pill for every ill’. Instead he advocates lifestyle change as the best medicine for lasting wellbeing. He is the author of two books – ‘A Prescription for Happiness: The Ten Commitments to a Happier, Healthier Life’ and ‘The Men’s Health Book’. Mark is also a regular contributor for a number of publications including the Farmer’s Journal, where he shares his thoughts on positive health and wellbeing practices. As a Keynote speaker, Mark regularly delivers events and workshops for organisations around the world. His TEDx talk titled ‘The Doctor of the Future: Prescribing Lifestyle as Medicine’ took place in University College Dublin in 2017. Notable engagements to date have included UCD Smurfit Executive Development, the American House of Representatives and a number of Fortune 500 companies. Show notes 1. The beginnings - moving from "A Pill for every ill" to enhancing the patient experiences, social interaction and a holistic view of health and wellbeing 2. The importance of hope and possibility as well as new tools 3. From crisis to purpose 4. Cultivating the art of "practice" 5. Embracing the totality of you 6. Practices for living with vitality everyday 7. Every day choices - becoming active agents in our own wellbeing
In this book club episode of Yaycando Brian McIntyre joins Bernie to discuss Robert Louis Stevenson's book "Travel with a Donkey in the Cevennes". Well sort of. In reality we discuss Brian'a own adventure of travelling with a Donkey in the Cevenne in the footsteps of Stevenson, donkey joys and woes and becoming a celebre locale along the way!
Paula and Bernie today compare notes, insights and perspectives on the the key ideas that emerged in our recent podcast episodes.  Bernie learns more about Paula's perspectives on abundance, and Paula shares what resonated in Bernie's interview this month, all about what it takes to create dramatic change in our lives.  Listen to enjoy our usual reflections and insights.
In this weeks solo episode of YayCanDo, Bernie's guest speaker is Noirin Ni Laocha , who 14 months ago, turned her dream of moving to her favourite holiday location into a reality. Noirin tells us about the process she used to make the decision, the challenges she's encountered and the liberating process of learning to prioritise her own deepest values above work.  Show notes: Using design thinking to explore making a move to Kerry Involving the children in the decision making process  Prototyping and exploring  Boogie boards and post its  - the importance of writing it down Committing to the decision Surfing, roaming, crossing fields and teaching pigs tricks Escaping the weight of debt Making mindful decisions & valuing having options  Exploring with a curious mind and openness to the outcome Choosing to live a life according to my deepest values
This is a solo show with Paula Thomas. In today's episode, Paula shares her experiences and insights around the possibilities of abundance and wealth.  She shares the underlying principles and powerful practices that have already helped her experience a more abundant income, and her beliefs in new possibilities for an even-more financially abundant future.
In this book club episode of YayCanDo, Bernie and Paula discuss the book Miracle Mornings by Hal Elrod and the benefits Paula has been enjoying from deciding to gift herself some precious ME time and implementing her very own miracle morning routine and practicing it daily.  Show Notes: Context, author’s background and his career story before the book “The Miracle Morning” - where the concept came from and what it means/includes The SAVERS formula: Silence, Affirmations, Visualisation, Exercise, Reading & Scribing Decision time: am I willing to give purposeful time to myself before giving it to the world? Waking up feeling refreshed despite getting up earlier and getting less sleep  Some quotes from the book: To make profound changes in your life, you need either inspiration or desperation.” – Anthony Robbins. “Unfortunately, it took me a few years to realise that affirmations are one of the most powerful tools to change your life” – page 85 “In addition to reading your affirmations every morning, doing a simple visualization process every day will TURBO-CHARGE the programming of your subconscious mind for success. “It’s been said that our quality of life is created by the quality of our habits… There is no class offered in school called “Habit Mastery. There should be.” Page 143 “Life is short. You don’t have enough time to be unhappy and mediocre. It’s not just pointless, it’s painful.” – Seth Godin
In today's episode, Bernie and Paula reflect on what they learned from their solo guests, sharing insights around the importance of attitude and outlook.  Paula also shared her sense of achievement having completed her first (and only) ice bath as a way to take action and eliminate a limiting belief.  Bernie also shared how much she enjoyed the concept of radical acceptance from this month's book review - and why it can be so helpful as we all learn to live with our inevitable human imperfections. 
In today's solo episode of YayCanDo, Bernie thoroughly enjoyed speaking with Sinead Tiernan, an ordinary yet extraordinary woman, and co-founder of The Inspired Creators, who is a fantastic example of someone who lives life according to her deepest values and embodies the very essence of YayCanDo!  After living and working in London and Dublin for a number of years, Sinead made the decision to ditch the urban life to return to live in her native rural Mayo, eventually swapping the corporate job for consulting, all the while investing in her personal development to help her manage her mental health, as well as giving up alcohol. Packed with insights and practical tips, this is an inspiring journey of one woman's willingness to take action in order to live a life of creative possibility aligned to her values.  Show notes: 1. The road to Mayo 2. The reluctant personal developer 3. Deciding to take action in pursuit of happiness, feeling good and better mental health 4. Bright eyed and bushy tailed- the joy of living without alcohol 5. A simple morning routine  6. The Inspired creators: teaching children emotional well being 7. More flow less force
Today it’s a solo show with Paula Thomas. In today's episode, Paula is chatting with Coline Monsarrat, someone who truly embodies the values of YayCanDo.  Coline is a true everyday hero who is living her life full of positivity and possibility, despite some serious medical challenges along the way. She shares her story and her favourite book that helped her understand the importance of our perspective, a book is called “Mind Over Medicine" by Dr. Lissa Rankin. Coline’s story is an inspiring example of how choosing a positive mindset, full of possibility, will ensure you live your best life. Show Notes: 1) Coline Monsarrat 2) Mind Over Medicine by Dr Lissa Rankin 
In this book club episode, Paula and Bernie discuss some of the key ideas and differing views about the personal impact of the powerful bestseller Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. In the book Tara Brach discusses how universal and very human feelings such as sorrow, pain, fear, anxiety and desire, which may indicate that something is wrong or be an appropriate response to a challenging situation are often solidified into "something is wrong with me", unleashing our inner critic and a war against oneself. Tara advocates that through accepting our moment to moment experience even the uncomfortable or painful feelings without resisting and balancing this mindfulness with compassion, we can find radical acceptance, healing and freedom from unconscious habits of self-hatred and blame. Highly recommended by Bernie with super guided reflections and meditations and personal stories.  Show notes: 1. Growing up unworthy 2. Strategies to manage the pain of our inadequacy 3. Accepting our human  existence and all of life as it is 4. True freedom is being without anxiety about imperfection  5. Imperfection is not our personal problem - it is a natural way of being 6. Coming home to our body 7. Awakening to the source of longing  8. Unfolding into wholeness
In today's episode, we review our two totally different solo interviews this month, but which ended up with remarkably similar insights.  Paula & Bernie discuss each other's solo shows and the incredible insights their guests shared.  Keith Barry and Daragh Fleming each highlighted the importance of finding a daily practice that works for us as individuals - whether it's visualisation or meditation or indeed any other mindful or spiritual techniques.  We also compare notes on the power of cold water (baths or swimming) and peaceful downtime as other important elements of a balanced life. 
#29: Thoughts too big

#29: Thoughts too big


"Under the surface of your life is something beautiful. And just like the ocean the scariest part is that you don't know what's down there."Daragh Fleming In this weeks solo episode of YayCanDo Bernie talks to Daragh Fleming, an author, freelance writer, and mental health blogger from Cork, Ireland who is also communications lead for A Lust for Life, a youth focused Irish mental health charity about how he came to create possibilities in his life which led him to to become a writer.  Daragh is passionate about writing and normalising the discussions around mental health. He is founder of Thoughts Too Big, a blog that he has been writing for the past 6 years that focuses on overcoming daily mental health issues and for which he recently won Blogger of the Year in the Mental Health blog Awards 2022. He recently published his second poetry chapbook in July of 2022 entitled "Poems that Were Written on Trains but Weren't Written about Trains." His debut in non-fiction, Lonely Boy, comes out in November 2022.  1) From grief to feeling nothing to a panic attack 2) Being on the right path 3) Following my gut, no plan 3) Learning to help myself 4) Fortifying my mind 5) Mental health routines 6) The joy of making an impact 7) Trust your intuition
Today is one of Paula's solo shows. In this episode, Paula meets Keith Barry - best known as a magician, hypnotist, mentalist and entertainer, performing both on international TV and live - in sell-out shows around the world, including headline performances in Las Vegas. Keith is now increasingly known as a mind coach, working with world-class athletes, business people, influencers and actors to help them harness their subconscious potential. Keith recently published his new book called “Brain Hacks – Everyday Mind Magic for Creating the Life You Want”, so this show explores Keith Barry's insights and wonderfully engaging ideas on how to live our best lives! Show Notes: 1) 2) Brain Hacks: Everyday Mind Magic for Creating the Life You Want 3) Keith Barry on LinkedIn
Slight change of programme in this weeks short episode of Yaycando as instead of our usual book review we discuss how our listeners might get involved as guests on the Yaycando book club to talk about books they love which helped power possibilities in their lives.  If you are interested in participating please contact either Paula or myself or drop a voice message to the number that Paula has given during the show. We'd love to have you on the show.
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